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The Devils Baby (The Devils Soldiers mc Book 2) by Cilla Lee (10)

Chapter Ten




God the release was amazing but now I want nothing more than to push him onto his back and fuck his brains out.


“What are you thinking about baby?” Colt asks me 


“Nothing” I lie


“Baby talk to me”


“I... I want you to fuck me Colt” he lifts his head and looks at me


“You do” I nod my head yes (god yes, I do) 


“Are you sure” I nod again but he has this pained look on his face oh god he doesn’t want me and I turn and try to get up


“Let me go Colt” the mood ruined




“Just go to your room I'm tired”


“Niya look at me” I turn back and look at him feeling tears in my eyes


“I just want you to be sure that's all, I want us to work baby and I don't want to ruin anything”


“Do you love me Colt” I ask him


“You fuckin' know I do”


“Then why don't you wanna fuck me”


“Fuck baby you have no fuckin' idea how much I wanna fuck you, but I'm just worried that....”


“That what Colt?”


“That you'll regret it and you'll leave” he pulls me to him and hugs me tightly “I love you so much baby and I'm doing everything to be the man that deserves you” I lose it and burst into tears


“Hay” he pulls me to his chest


“I'm sorry I left”


“Baby don't you dare be sorry I fucked up but I'm going to prove that I'm worth coming back for” I cry more letting all of the stress of him cheating, me running and being scared I cry it all out and let it go, and he holds me the entire time



I wake the next morning to an empty bed and I feel the side where Colt slept and it's cold, I stretch and feel the baby moving


“Morning little man” I rub my belly, after having a quick shower, I put my clothes that I had on yesterday and make my way into the kitchen to look for my purse


“Mornin’ baby”


“AARRGH” I scream and jump my heart in my mouth


“Fuck baby did I scare you” Colt says a little worried


“Just a little” I tell him still holding my chest


“Just a little” he asks me smiling and I wave my hand like it was nothing “Ok you hungry”


“Always” he sets a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me


“Um smells amazing”


“Eat! feed my son and then where going over to my Grandma's”


“Colt I need to change I wore these cloths all day yesterday so I need to go home... Oh shit where's my phone” I jump up and look for my purse


“What's wrong?”


“I need to call Maggie she must be out of her mind with worry”


“Don't worry about that baby I called her last night”


“You did when?”


“When you feel asleep”


“Oh, was she ok”


“With what?”


“With me sleeping over”


“Baby you’re an adult you can sleep where ever you want and yes she was fine with you staying here”


“Oh, good I don't want her to worry, I feel like shit enough that I worried her when I left”


“Come here” he pulls me into his chest and the beat of his heart calms me


“Now sit and eat”




“Baby come on the fuck your taking forever” he yells through my bedroom door


“Colt just give me a minute everything takes me twice as long these days so just go back down stairs and wait” I yell at him from my bed, I've been sitting here for ages in my bra and panties trying to decide what to wear everything is getting tighter and I'm feeling more pissed off every time I try something on, I pull out this and that and before I know it Colt’s banging on the door again


“Niya for fucks sake how long does it take to put on something” I storm over to the door and swing it open


“Colt I'm going to kill you go back down stairs and wait” I slam the door in his face and walk over and lie on my bed with my arms over my head, the door opens and I look up and Colt’s standing there


“Babe what the fuck are you doin'”


“Get out Colt”


“Baby it looks like the closet threw up in here” I look around and there are cloths everywhere on the floor all over my bed and even on my desk


“Colt go away”


“Baby what's wrong”


“What's wrong? are you blind Colt, look at me I'm huge and nothing fits me anymore. I can't go to your Grandma's I'm sorry go without me” he comes over and sits beside me on the bed


“You want me to make you feel better” I look up at him and he's smiling


“No Colt I don't want you to make me feel better” even though my brain and body are screaming yes


“Ok let me help than” he starts picking things up and showing me combinations of clothes together I keep shaking my head at his bad color choices and I start to laugh


“Really Colt I'm not wearing that”


“What it's cute like you” he holds up a romper I'd bought last year it's nice for someone who's a size ten but not for the size I am


“Colt I wouldn't even be able to get that over my belly let alone thighs” and I slap my leg


“Baby your fuckin' gorgeous and you’re not even that big”


“Colt I can't even drive my car anymore”


“Yeah because you fuckin' short baby not fat” well he does have me there


“But still”


“Ok what about this” he picks up a cute full length white maxi dress with butterflies embroidered all on the bottom I'd picked it up last year at the markets Maggie and I had gone to


“I don't have a bra for that”


“Babe you don't need a fuckin' bra your tits are perfect”


“There not there huge”


“I know” he wiggles his eyebrows at me smiling and I roll my eyes at him


“Fine give me the dress”


He goes back down stairs, I put the dress on and it actually looks cute it’s even feels a little freeing not wearing a bra, as I'm standing in the mirror I do a little turn and freeze when I see my tattoo right across my shoulder blades, you can see the whole tattoo in this dress and I smile knowing Colt's going to love it, I turn back and rub my belly looking at myself in the mirror. I still where my locket I've only ever taken it off once and Colt made me put it straight back on, I stare at myself and for the first time in months I feel happy with everything. Colt and I are working things out works great, Maggie and Razor are happy and my baby is healthy what else could I want


“Fuck about time” Colt says as I walk in


“Shut up Colt I'm ready aren't I”


“Yeah after a fuckin' hour”


“Are we going or not” I say walking towards the door, when I look back Colt's just staring at me




“Nothing” he says smiling and I know it's because you can see the Property of Colt tattoo on my back, we get to Colt's Grandma's house and there are cars in the driveway


“Who else is here?” I ask him


“Just you know… family”


“Ok” he takes my hand when we get to the door Cassey comes out and gives me a big hug


“Come in come in”


When I walk in the door I hear a loud SURPRISE and I scream and everyone jumps out Maggie, Grace, Sheryl, Colt’s Aunts and cousins Diamond, Jewel, Chelsea, Lena and a couple of others including some of the guy's Razor of course Dover Tank Stryker Tiny Cuff Socket Cookie Chance and the rest


“OMG you guys” everyone gives me a hug and kiss the afternoon is spent talking with everyone food music gifts and games


“You having fun sweetheart” Grace asks me


“I am thankyou”


“You know Cassey and Maggie weren't ganna let you have a baby without a baby shower”


“it's just......I'm so grateful for you all you know” she pulls me into a hug


“How is my grandson treating you” I smile


“He's....and I look over at Colt he's amazing Grace you and Cassey done a good job with him”


“Oh, it was all my beautiful daughter honey trust me” she looks over at her own daughters and smiles




The day goes by so fast and before I know it it's time to go home, everyone had spoiled me rotten and now I knew I didn't have to buy the baby one thing. Cassey and Maggie organizing everyone’s gifts so no one got the same thing from clothes to bottles to nappies of all ages, blanket bedding car seats high chair walker rocker play toys you name it they'd bought it and by nine pm I was ready for bed.


“You tired baby” Colt asks me


“Yeah” I lean on his shoulder


“Come on let’s go”


“Colt we can’t just leave”


“Baby you need to rest everyone knows that” he pulls me up and we spend the next twenty minutes saying goodbye to everyone.




“Colt you missed the driveway” I tell him but he keeps driving


“No, I didn't”


“Hello we just drove past it”


“You’re coming home with me” he tells me




“Niya you’re coming home to our house and that's final” he turns into his driveway and parks 


“Come on baby your tired let’s get to bed” I stop and look at him “To sleep” he says pulling me toward the house. When I get to the room I'm so tired I slip out of my dress and climb into bed and Colt climbed in behind me and pulled me to him holding my belly




“Yeah baby”


“Thank you for today”


“That was all mom and Maggie baby”


“Still thank you” he leans in kissing me on my neck


“I love you Niya” I smile 


“I love you Colt”