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The Devils Baby (The Devils Soldiers mc Book 2) by Cilla Lee (19)

Chapter Nineteen




(knock knock) 


“Come in”


“Good morning Zoey how are you feeling today”




“I've got some news”


“Is it about Niya” she nods her head yes


“It is”


“Where is she?”


“she lives in a little town called Coral City”


“Where is it?”


“It's in Northern California, we reached out to the department there they traced your father’s name to a fish processing plant but he seems to have moved on, but your sister still lives in the town and your sister says she can't wait to meet you”


“Did she know about me”


“No sweetie she had no clue, a Ms. Jenkins from the department of Social Workers is meeting with your sister today and we'll make the arrangements from there”










“Do you have a photo of her”


“No, I'm sorry theirs not one in the file”


“When do we get to meet her”


“Well your husband provided me with the information that I required and I will have everything processed within the next couple of days, so hopefully everything should be done with in the week. Um I see you use to live with your father is there any way that I could contact him” I look at Razor and Colt


“No, he left town when I meet Colt and I haven’t seen him since”


“Oh, that's a shame I was hoping that you knew where he was”


“Why he was a piece of shit” Razor says and Maggie grabs his arm


“Why would you say that Razor” she asks him


“Oh, I don't know maybe because that fucker, use to beat Niya every chance he got” Ms. Jenkins looks at me


“Is that so” I nod my head yes


“He was an asshole” I tell her


“Oh, ok well maybe we shouldn't look for him than”


“Maybe” Razor says


“Ok well do you know if you have any other relatives that you know of”


“There's no point she's coming to live with us” Colt tells her sounding annoyed


“Mr. Wade”


“NO, she's coming to live with us and that's the end of it, get the paperwork done and make the arrangements, my wife doesn’t need any stress at the moment if you haven’t noticed she is heavily pregnant and we both want Zoey to live here with us so we can look after her” Ms. Jenkins smiles at us both 


“I'm glad Mr. Wade you'd be surprised at how many children are turned away from their own family, I'm glad Zoey has you both”


“She'll have more than just those two trust us Ms. Jenkins, Zoey will be in a place where she'll be safe and well looked after” Razor says


“Ok well I have all I need I'll contact you by Friday and let you know when you can meet Zoey” she stands up and we walk her to the door




I tossed all night thinking about Zoey did she look me and our mother, did she have a good childhood, was she there when our mother died so many things going around and around and I get up and head down the hall for a drink as I pass one of the doors I open it it's empty at the moment and I know Zoey is going to be happy here with us with her nephew, as I walk into the room and look out the window I think about the last time I saw my mother. I don't have any photos of her but her face is a memory that I can never forget plus it helps that I look like her


“Baby what are you doing?” I jump at Colt’s voice


“Colt you scared me”


“Than what are you doing in here”


“Can we make this Zoey’s room”


“Of course, baby we'll go shopping tomorrow for everything”


“Colt what if she doesn’t want to live with us”


“Baby she's ganna love you”




“No buts baby, Zoey's ganna love it” I lean into him and he wraps his arms around my belly holding me tight


“I love you Colt”


“love you to baby”




It takes a couple of days to get everything ready and by Friday my nerves are fried. I haven't slept much and my appetite has almost vanished, Colt was so worried he made an appointment with the doctor


“Niya how have you been”


“I'm not sleeping well and my appetite has vanished”


“You’re what eight months now so I expect that with your appetite, there’s not that much room in there at the moment has the baby been moving”


“Yeah he's still active”


“That's great let’s have a feel” I get up on the table and she has a feel around and listens to the baby’s heart beat


“So, everything looks great anything worrying you” I look at Colt


“My sister is coming to live with us”


“Oh, how wonderful how old is she”


“She's fifteen”


“Wow a teenager”


“Yeah I know”


“Are you worried about that for some reason”


“She's never met her before” Colt tells her


“Oh, ok well that would-be nerve raking is the thought of her coming that bad”


“No, it's not that I'm just worried she won't like me”


“Oh, Niya you’re a lovely young lady and I'm sure your sister will love you but you do need to take it easy your blood pressures a little high so I need you to relax ok and if you need me for anything here’s my number you should have it now that your eight months, do you have everything ready for the baby”


“Yeah I can't wait to meet him”


“Well baby needs a healthy mom ok so go home and rest”


“Thanks doc” Colt says and he helps me up


“I want to see you every week until babies born so make an appointment for next week ok”


“Thanks Doctor Hardy we'll see you next week”










“Morning Zoey are you ready for your flight”


“Yeah, I'm so nervous, I don't even know what she looks like”


“Oh, honey you’re going to be fine your sister can't wait to meet you and you'll meet her husband and she's just about to have a baby”


“That's what I'm worried about what if she thinks I'm too much”


“Zoey, she's your sister”


“What if her husband hates me?”


“Honey from what I've heard about your sister’s husband he was adamant that you come to live with them




“Really, now come on you have a family to get to”










“What's up man your quite today?” Stryker asks me and I look at him


“Zoey comes tomorrow and Niya's nervous as fuck”


“Dam that’s gone fast how are you feeling”


“Fuck man I don't know what to do with a teenager”


“Dude you don't do anything just make her feel welcome”


“I just.... I don’t fuckin' know Niya's blood pressures up with the stress which is stressing me out and what if they don’t get along, fuck man I can't stand to see Niya upset and I know nothing about teenagers or raisin one”


“Dude your stressin' over nothin', she’s ganna love both of you have some faith man”


“Fuck your right it’s not like we can trade her in” we both laugh




When I get home later that afternoon Niya's fast asleep in our room, she's been doing that a lot lately and I know she needs her rest so I go into the kitchen and start dinner


“Colt your home what time is it”


“It's just after six, baby”


“Oh god I've slept for three hours”


“Baby you need your rest you heard Dr Hardy the babies coming soon”


“I know it just tomorrow with Zoey”


“Baby it's going to be fine you'll see” I pull her to me and hug her needing to touch her




Fuck I was so nervous, the next day Niya had been up most of the night cleaning.  I had to force her to put the vacuum away at twelve she'd cleaned everything, washed all the windows cleaned every cupboard in the kitchen and bathrooms reorganized our closet rearranged all the furniture only to put it all back in the original positions she was on pins and needles “Baby come the fuck to bed”


“Colt I'm so nervous I need everything perfect for her”


“Baby she won't fuckin' care”




“No buts move it my son and wife need rest, now move your ass before I tan in” she huffs at me turnin' to have another look around but I drag her to our room and make her lay down and I pull her to me.




“Yeah baby”


“Thank you”


“For what?”


“For agreeing to take in Zoey”


“Baby she's your family, she belongs here with us” she rubs her belly and I place my hand over hers


“I'm so happy Colt, I have you, the club our baby Maggie and Razor and now my sister, I couldn't have wished for anything better than the club” I turn her over and kiss her




Waiting for Zoey at the terminal was harrowing, Niya was so jumpy her flight had landed five minutes ago and there was still now sign of her walking through the doors “Colt I can't see her”


“She'll be out in a minute baby they have to get all the bags off of the plane and get to the carousels she'll be out in a minute” 


The doors open and passengers start to walk through the doors I'm a good two feet taller than Niya and I see a girl I know is Zoey the second I see her and take a breath fuck she's Niya’s twin (dam)