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The Devils Baby (The Devils Soldiers mc Book 2) by Cilla Lee (16)

Chapter Sixteen




I open my eyes and my heart is racing, today I marry Colt and become Mrs. Wade, I smile rubbing my belly. I'd slept at Maggie and Razor's not wanting to jinx myself


(knock knock)


“Morning honey”


“Morning Maggie” I say stretching


“How you feeling”




“Excited is that it?”


“Happy a little scared that something is going to go wrong”


“Honey nothing in the world is going to happen today... nothing” I smile at her


“Come on up you get and have some breakfast”



The morning goes by so fast and before I knew Lena was here to do my hair and make-up. It took over two hours to get everything perfect, Lena making me look amazing. Than it was time to put my dress on, my hands shook as Maggie helped me


“Are you ok honey” Maggie asks


“Mag's I'm so excited I never in a million years would have thought I would be happy as I am and getting married to the man of my dreams” she smiles at me


“You are a blessing Niya and so is this little man here you deserve everything, you’re a strong young woman who's had a shit life and this is Karma giving something back” I smile at her


“Thank you, Maggie,” I say and hug her tight


“Right now, let’s get this dress on and you married”


As I come walking out of my room Chelsea and Lena were sitting at the kitchen table. I didn't want anyone to see my dress so only Maggie was in the room helping me


“Oh, Niya you look amazing” both women say and I do a little spin in my dress, I'd chosen a simple one shoulder empire waist Maternity dress with pearl beading along the top of my belly in a cream color and my hair is simple chignon hairstyle with a simple thin lace hair ribbon pearl earrings and simple cream sandals and light natural looking make up


“Chelsea, you look amazing” the burgundy halter chiffon full length dress suited her I'd chosen a red and cream rose bouquet with diamondizes in the middle of each rose


“Ok I'll see you at the wedding” Lena says kissing me on the cheek and she leaves


“Picture” Maggie says and I go and stand next to Chelsea


“Oh, girls you look so amazing together” Maggie's says and she starts crying


“Maggie you'll ruin your make-up” I pull her in for a hug handing her a tissue


“Ok let’s get this show on the road” Razor says coming down the stairs and we all stop and stare


“Yeah yeah, I know I look hot” we all laugh


“Oh, Razor you look so handsome” I give him a kiss and a hug


“Look at all you ladies... beautiful... just beautiful” I blush a bit


“Thank you Razor” we all say but Maggie walks over to him and pulls him to her and kisses him hard, Chelsea and I look at each other smiling


“Ok let’s go I know we have one excited young man waiting for you young lady so let’s go” we step outside and there's a limo sitting waiting for us and I turn to look at Razor


“It's just down the road why the limo”


“That's up to Colt darlin' come on let’s go” he helps us all into the car and we drive the minute to the house there are bikes lining the driveway and cars all behind them parked on the lawn


“OMG, look at all the bikes” Chelsea says


“You wait until they leave later” Razor says and she turns to him




“It's tradition to send the lucky couple off with a roar of an engine darlin', nothin' like it is there Mag's” she smiles at him


“I remember our wedding night” he leans over and kisses her neck and I blush again


“You ready darlin'” he asks me and I nod, Razor leans down and kisses my cheek, the music starts and the screen that's blocking my path is pulled back after Chelsea walked through and I see everyone there standing. Colt stands at the end of the isle in a black button down with his Cut on and my heart rate picks up, the baby starts moving around and I feel hot. I imagine myself on my knees sucking his cock and my steps falter, Razor grabs me tighter


“You ok darlin'” I nod my head not taking my eyes off of Colt










“You ready brother” Stryker asks me and I nod (more than ready) 


“As I'll ever be”


“We need a drink” he pulls out two shots of bourbon and hands me one and I shot it back


“Fuck that burns”


“Good for the soul” with both say in unison remembering Tiny always saying it when we were younger and we both laugh


“Are the girls ready”


“Yeah I text Razor he said the girls are all dressed they should be here soon”




“Have you seen the driveway” I walk to the door and look out the roar of bikes pulling up for the past hour has been endless the brothers placing their bikes on both sides of the driveway so after the wedding and we leave for the night we get the traditional biker send off with the roar of a Harley engine nothin' like it


“Come on let’s go say hi to everyone” we make our way outside and all the brothers are in their jeans boots but they all have dress shirts on with their Cuts


“Fuck look at them all” Stryker says and I remember this is why I worked my ass off to become a member, all the brothers here today for me and my woman


“There all here for you brother, you and Niya” Stryker says slappin' me on the back, we make our way through the crowd saying hi to everyone and thankin' the brothers for bein' here  


“Oh, Tobias look at you” my mom says hugging me


“Hay mom, hay Grandma you both look beautiful today” I tell them both


“Oh, honey I'm so happy for you and Niya” she says tearing up


“Thanks mom is dad here” I look around but don't see him


“No baby he's not but Uncle Max made it” I turn to see my uncle Max walking towards me


“Tobias” he pulls me in for a hug


“How you been kid?” I laugh


“Good Uncle Max you”


“Couldn't be happier”


“You married yet” I ask him his look sayin’ it all


“Fuck no” I laugh and introduce him to all the guys, my Uncle a self-confessed bachelor for life. Maggie comes walkin' in clappin' her hands getting' everyone's attention


“Everybody sit” she says and I watch everyone head for their seats. The music starts and my hearts racin' so fuckin' fast I think I might pass out, Chelsea comes walking through the curtain that they put up so I couldn't see Niya, I watch as the curtains pulled back and there she is (beautiful) my dick instantly hardens when I see her. I watch her the whole time, it takes everything in me not to run to the end of the isle pick her up and carry her to the Priest, every step feels like an eternity until she's standing beside me, I cup the side of her head needin' to touch her, I whisper in her ear 


“God, I wanna bend you over and fuck you right here” she smiles


“Hello to you to” I smile back and we both turn to the Father Timmons


“In the presence of your family and friends you have both chosen to join your lives as one, Colt do you have the rings”




“Place the ring on Niya's hand and recite your vows”


“I Colt take you Niya before all these people assembled here today, I take you to be my wife, my friend, my lover my companion in life and my poster of bail, everyone laughs. I will care for and protect, nurture and support you and tell you when you’re being a pain in my ass and I will adore everything about you. I promise to love you tirelessly through perfect times and the merely fabulous times. In the presence of these ass... our beloved family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your partner and lover in sickness and in health in good times and bad, in joy as well as in sorrow I give you my heart, my trust, my love and my soul I love you baby”


“Niya place the ring on Colt's hand and recite your vows”


“I Niya Stevens take you Colt to be my husband my friend my lover and my pain in the ass husband, my companion in life and my instigator in trouble, I will love you unconditionally, support you in your goals, honor and respect you without too much sass except on Fridays, I promise to love you faithfully through perfect times and the merely fabulous times regardless of how often you piss me off. I hereby promise to resist the urge to beat your ass when you are difficult to get out of bed in the presence of our family and friends I offer you my solemn vow to be your wife in sickness and in health despite your whining in good times and in bad and in joy as well as in sorrow, I give you my heart my trust, my love and my soul I love you Tobias Oliver Wade”


“With these rings and these vows Niya and Colt have joined their lives as one, I now pronounce you HUSBAND AND WIFE you may now kiss the bride” I pull Niya to me and kiss her softly to start off, then a little harder my dick straining to fuck her, and everyone cheers and we pull apart.


The photos are taken while everyone makes their way into the tent music starts and the party gets going everyone enjoying themselves. Before the food comes out Stryker stands up and clinks his glass to get everyone attention and the music stops and everyone sits


“I wanna raise my glass to the happy couple today and everyone raise their glasses “TO THE HAPPY COUPLE”


“So, I've know this asshole since we were ten years old I can honestly say I didn't like him at first but her grew on me and he's been my partner in crime my brother and my friend, Niya darlin' Colt will do everything possible to make you happy and if he doesn’t we'll all kick his ass and everybody laughs, but seriously I love you both and wish you nothing but happiness” he kisses Niya on the cheek and hugs her and hugs me with a big slap to the back


“Thanks Brother” I whisper and I see him rub a tear off his cheek “Pussy” I say and he gives me the finger


“I stand here today a lucky man I have the most beautiful women by my side and a family who have loved me for me, my blood relatives and I raise my glasses to my Grandma, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins and to my adoptive family. I raise my glass to everyone else, I remember on my fifteenth birthday my mom told me to make a wish for my birthday and she asked me what it was but my Grandma being the smart women that she is said if I told it wouldn't come true but that wish did come true. I wished to be a Devils Soldier and I stand here today a proud member with all of you brothers standing by me on one of the most important days of my life with the women who is carrying my child and who is now my life partner, I'm a blessed man to have you all so I make this toast to you all for being there for me so I raise my glass to the Devils Soldiers and my family”

“TO THE DEVILS SOLDIERS” I watch Niya stand with her perfect round belly and I reach out and rub it










“I know I haven't known you all that long but I've fallen in love with you all, I don't have any blood family left in this world but I have wonderful people who have taken me in and call me a daughter. I raise my glass to Maggie and Razor, I also have amazing Uncles, Aunts and friends and I raise my glass to them all and I have brothers I raise my glass to Cuff, Socket and Stryker and to my husband’s wonderful family who I can now call my own. I thank you for raising such an amazing man who is my soul mate and I raise my glass to Colt’s family, I hope to make you all proud and I am grateful every day since you freed me from my horrible life I lived before I came to you, so to my new family I love you all TO THE DEVILS SOLDIERS” I raise my glass again and Colt stands and kisses me. We dance, we eat, we drink and we party, I've danced with every member tonight Colt not happy when Cuff kept wanting to dance, Maggie and the girls all having fun it was a sight to see all of my new family and friends enjoying themselves, when Colt comes up behind me


“Time to go baby”


We'd booked a weekend away because I couldn't fly being pregnant and Razor almost having a heart attack because he'd heard a story about a woman giving birth on a plane and the baby dyeing so the weekend away was going to be fine until the baby was born. We make our way into the house and get our bags while everyone makes their way to the front of the house and for our send off.


As we get into Colt's truck the sounds of the bikes starting up echoes through the silent night one by one they start and the roar of the engines gets louder and louder, we slowly move down the drive and the roar is so deafening everyone revving as we pass. I laugh as the guys smile and all of the girl’s wave goodbye I laugh as we pass them Colt grabbing my hand smiling. My new family may scare the shit out of everyone they come in contact with, but to me there all my hero's my saviors and I love them all.