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The Keystone Alphas: A Harem Omegaverse Romance by Ashe Moon (4)

Chapter Five

Viggo patted me on the back as I coughed and hacked after sucking the piece of steak down the wrong pipe. How very smooth of me.

"You alright?" Red asked, handing me a refilled glass of water.

"Slowly," Dane said. "Don't choke on that too." He laughed at my expression as I swallowed down the water.

"Elise dated Red before me," Dane explained. "Actually, I think she was the reason we bonded as tightly as we did, back in middle school. She was Red's middle school girlfriend."

I shouldn't have been surprised to learn these guys were already dating in middle school. They were probably just as cool and cute back then.

"We went out for a month," Red said. "She broke up with me at Chuck-E-Cheese."

"That's oddly adorable," I said.

"You know, the only thing I really remember about that day is that I won the jackpot on one of the machines and got like a thousand tickets. We stayed friends, though."

"And then I asked her out in high school," said Dane. "And the rest is history."

"They broke up at graduation," Viggo said, flatly. "And then got back together. And then broke up again." He twirled his finger around in the air.

"It's over now, though," Dane said. "Been over for a while."

"That's what you said last time," said Viggo. "It's okay, dude. We support your eventual and inevitable decision to get back together with her."

"The clock ticks," said Red, glancing at an invisible watch on his wrist.

"Whatever," said Dane. "I'm telling you guys, it's done. She's seeing someone new." He cleared his throat. "So, you now know all about our sad love lives, what about you, Brendan?"

"Me? Uhh, I dated this alpha in freshman year of high school. That lasted about a week. That's about it."

"That's it?" said Dane, his eyes wide.

I shook my head. "I'd been super focused on my studies and getting into Keystone, and then being here I've just got no time for it, so... Yeah. It just never really happened. It's okay."

That was only part of the story, but I wasn't ready to tell my new friends about how scary I found the thought of being in a relationship. Putting your heart into the hands of another person and entrusting them not to crush it into pieces? And having them do the same with you? It was absolutely fucking terrifying, and I'd chickened out of several would-be relationships because of it.

"You aren't missing out on much," said Viggo.

"Time isn't a luxury as a Keystone student," Red agreed. "Especially when you need to work."

"Not missing out?" repeated Dane, incredulously. "Sharing that special bond with another person is life changing. It's beautiful. You learn about yourself through learning more than you'd ever want to know about someone else. And the things you share together are just unlike anything else. Love is the reason for life, man. I can't imagine not experiencing it."

I was surprised by the emotion and passion that was emerged in his voice. So, Dane was a romantic.

It wasn't like I didn't want to experience all the things that a relationship could bring, but the fear was too great. It was probably one of my biggest flaws. Definitely the one I was most regretful about. I just couldn't imagine putting myself in that vulnerable position.

"You don't need a long-term relationship to experience love," Red said. "Or one at all. You can love platonically, too."

"Of course," said Dane. "But it's just not quite the same, not for me."

"What? Are you saying you don't really love me, Dane?" Viggo asked, mocking an expression of hurt. "After all we've been through?"

Dane picked up a little piece of broccoli from his plate and flung it at Viggo's head, and Viggo actually managed to snatch it out of the air with his mouth. He ate it and then blew a kiss at Dane.

"Anyway," Dane said, turning to me. "Not trying to make you feel bad about your experiences, but I hope you can have that someday."

I smiled in appreciation. "Have you had a relationship?" I asked Red. He hadn't really given a straight answer yet, and I was curious about his response to Dane.

"A couple," he replied. "The last one was freshman year. I'm not really a hurry. I'm ready for when the right one comes. But also, I dunno about a long-term relationship. It's too much commitment for me right now."

"That's what I'm talking about," I said. "There's so much going on with school, and you have your football."

"My folks expect me to take over the family business after graduating, too," he said.

"That's a pretty big weight to carry," I said. "What do they do?"

"They run a gym," he said.

Viggo laughed. "The way you say it, it sounds like they've got a mom and pop place on the corner."

Red scratched his neck self-consciously. "Do you know Vert Fitness?"

My mouth dropped open. I wasn't a gym-goer, but you didn’t have to be to know of Vert Fitness. They were everywhere. "Your family owns Vert Fitness?"

"My grandpa started the company, and both my dads are on the board. I'm going to be coming on after graduation."

"Wow," I said. "That's really soon."

Viggo stood and collected our empty plates. "Three more months," he said. "Hard to believe our time at Keystone is ending already."

"And mine has just started," I said, my voice little more wistful than I'd expected. "And I just met you guys."

Dane went over to the fridge and brought out four bottles of beer. "Who knows, maybe you'll take over the Death March Study Squad and keep room 303 going after we're gone." He popped open the bottles and handed them out to each of us. "Cheers. To finishing—and starting—strong."