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The Luminous Rock Series Box Set by K E Osborn (55)




Six Months Later



The last six months have been really hard on us all. I’ve missed Kiera more than I can express in words. When she got sick after the treatment, it was the most difficult time of my life. I never thought I would recover. Life without her in it seems empty and cold. Not having her by my side every day is the hardest part. Not seeing her beautiful face lighting up my world is a pain I struggle with daily. And some days I find it hard to function, but I have to push on.

But today isn’t about regrets. It isn’t about how bad things went in the past. It’s about how I’m finally taking a breath and moving forward. I’m doing what I promised Kiera I would do. She made me promise I would marry Effa, and that’s exactly what I’m here to do.

The sun is shining brightly through the vast array of lush green trees lining the forestry of Linn Run State Park. We’re only just under seven miles out of Ligonier, but this place is beautiful. When Effa wanted somewhere picturesque, I knew that Linn Run, with its evergreen forest and natural trout stream, would be the best throwback to nature as possible. It would be the connection to the earth that she craves. And I was right. She loved it instantly when I brought her here, and we booked it immediately.

That was back at Christmas, and now six months later, I can’t believe the time has come. It’s swung around so fast that I’ve hardly had time to prepare for it. But I’m fucking excited to be standing here by the edge of the stream waiting for her to arrive. Adrenaline is pumping through my system, and as I look down at the guests that are gathered, I can’t contain my excitement as I turn to Tank beside me.

“Do you think she’ll be here soon?”

He grins at me, his hair styled back nicely for once, and he rockin’ the dressed up look in his black pants and white shirt, sans tie. The same as me.

“Calm your farm, bro, she’s not even late yet. And isn’t that a tradition or some shit?” Tank snorts as he turns to Jay beside him and elbows him in the ribs. “Talk to him will you, he looks like he’s going to burst.”

Jay chuckles and nods. “Yeah, Mercs, I swear if you smile any more your face might actually explode,” Jay teases.

I roll my eyes. “Shut the fuck up,” I groan as I take a deep breath straightening out my shirt again for the fiftieth time, as I look down to the end of the makeshift aisle. An arbor is at the end of the walkway, round in design and decorated in white and light pink drapes as they hang from its top. Flowers dangle from the sides in an elegant way, as a white silk carpet lines the floor beneath it. It’s boho and very Effa. The whole atmosphere screams Effa, and I love every touch she’s put into making this us.

Everyone’s here. Half the town of Ligonier, and it’s great that they’re so switched on about our privacy, because not one fucking paparazzi asshole has shown up. So far, it seems we’ve managed to keep this under wraps. Toward the back, Lilah and Johnny are seated next to each other, and I can’t help but smile as I notice Johnny wrap his arm around Lilah, and she leans into his side. Seems like things are going well for them. Johnny and I have our friendship relatively back on track and knowing he’s with Lilah, and she can move on with someone who can make her happy, makes it all worthwhile in the end.

Glancing around, I observe Gran making her way through the crowd. I look down and see she’s pushing a wheelchair. As my chest constricts, I notice Kiera, out of the hospital, wearing a purple dress and looking stunningly beautiful. Blinking my eyes a few times to stop them from watering, I race down the aisle to meet them as they move toward me sporting the brightest of smiles.

“You made it,” I call out bending over and leaning in planting a tender kiss on Kiera’s cheek.

She smiles, her hair slowly growing back, smoothing over her scalp in silky tendrils of chocolate. It’s only a very small amount of hair, but it’s pretty fucking special to see her without a beanie.

She giggles and the sound is awe inspiring. “Of course, you think I’m going to miss the wedding of the century because I’m a little weak? I don’t think so.”

I stand up and shake my head. She’s been in and out of the hospital for the last six months since she crashed. Kiera died three times, but they managed to bring her back each time. I convinced the doctors to fight harder for her, and we worked together to bring her back to the point where she started to fight for herself. She finally woke up, and now she’s becoming stronger and stronger every day. The transplant worked, and things are looking good. All she needs now is to gain her strength.

The band has been in Australia for a small promotional tour, over the last month, and being away from Kiera was hell. But Kiera’s much stronger now, and I needed to be with Effa to care for her, so I chose to make the trip even though I missed Kiera like crazy.

But being apart from her has been a hell I don’t wish to ever go through again. So for now, we’re going to be spending our time in Ligonier, and if the band decide to tour I will be staying behind for the time being and Tank will take over. Gradually as Kiera becomes stronger and more able to take care of herself, I will venture out with the band again. I have Effa’s full support, and that in itself is a blessing.

“You look beautiful, booger-butt.”

She snorts and smooths her hands over her dress. “Oh… this old thing? Nah! But you… you scrub up well for a man who used to run around wearing Gran’s red high heels naked.”

I chuckle and shake my head. “I love you. I’m incredibly happy you managed to get leave from the hospital to be here.”

She looks at Gran and smiles wide. “Here’s your wedding present, Kades. I’m cleared to go home. Gran is taking me back to Ligonier after the wedding. I’m a free woman!”

Pride swells inside of me, and I feel like I could fucking burst. I didn’t know if this day would ever come. Fuck! Six months ago, I was sure I was going to lose her. Now she’s coming home for good. She’s in remission, and I’m getting fucking hitched. Could this day get any better?

“She’s coming! She’s coming!” Andi calls out in a hurry, and I open my eyes wide looking down to Kiera and shrug.

“Guess that’s my cue.”

Kiera nods and squeezes my hand. “You’ve made me so happy, Kaden. This is all I’ve ever wanted. Now go and marry the best thing that ever happened to you.”

I chuckle and nod. “Yes, ma’am.” I lean down pressing my lips to her cheek as I look to Gran who winks at me, and then wheels Kiera into position in the front row, as I jog back to my place.

Turning back, I wait for Effa with a nervous heart.

Eventually, the car pulls up making my breath catch as I look over smiling so wide my cheeks damn-well hurt.

This is it.

The moment I’ll see her.

The moment she truly becomes mine.

The car door flings open, and Kristy slides out wearing a pale pink dress. I don’t take too much notice as she turns back to the car, and Alana slides out wearing a yellow dress. I chuckle liking the fact they’re wearing different colors. Tank pats my back as my breath catches in my throat, and my muscles tense while Raoul steps around the door and places his hand out.

Effa’s hand exits the door, and then she slides out. She stands up, and my breath is knocked from me completely as she stands there in front of me… a vision… an angel. Completely mine!

Her hair is down in soft waves, beautifully blonde, and on top of her head a wreath of intricate flowers which looks almost like a crown. It’s so Effa. I glance down at her dress. The neckline is low, and the dress is nearly see-through as the lace covers her breasts coming down in a v between her perky tits that I really want to smother myself in right now. I swallow hard, following the line of her body-hugging dress that caresses her hips then fans out in a mermaid tail at the bottom forming a sort of train.

It’s elegant, but not overdone. It’s definitely Effa’s style, and it screams Effervescent. I’m sure she had it designed especially for her, and it’s fucking perfect. My cock twitches in my pants as my eyes glance up and down her body. Her eyes catch mine, and we smile at each other. I feel like every part of me is going to explode if I don’t touch her soon.

Alana hands her a small bouquet of daisies with wisps of baby’s breath, and Kristy starts the walk toward me. I don’t even look at her, my eyes stay focused only on Effa. Donny steps up to Effa’s side and links his arm with hers.

Tank leans into me with a slight chuckle. “You should see your face right now, bro. Fucking priceless,” he beams.

I shake my head as I keep my eyes locked on my girl.

Alana walks down the aisle behind Kristy, and then Effa and Donny begin to make their way toward me. I’m anxious to touch her. She looks so fucking good I can’t stand it. I can’t focus on what song’s playing as she gets closer and closer to me.

I feel alive, so fucking alive as my breaths start to become shallow. She’s fucking radiant, and everyone here is staring at my bride, just like I am, in awe of how utterly perfect she looks today.

Donny walks her to me, I step to them, and he places her hand on mine. A spark so intense shoots through my hand as she touches me that I fucking shudder from the shock.

She ignites me.

She makes it hard to breathe.

But fuck if I don’t love that she’s the one to take my breath away.

Donny leans in kissing her cheek and then walks off to stand with Livvy.

Effa smiles at me as she steps closer, the energy between us becoming so enhanced, I can feel it bouncing between us in waves. She takes both my hands in hers and looks me in the eyes. “You look so good,” she murmurs.

I shake my head. “You, my bride, look better than good. I have no fucking words.”

She giggles as the marriage officiant looks at us and smiles. “We’re gathered here today to witness the eternal joining of Vespa Marie Carrington and Kaden Edward Mercury, to be bonded together in a sacred union. The coming together of these two blessed souls is divine and extraordinary. And they call upon you all to bear witness.”

I grin at Effa knowing she’s chosen every word spoken today with careful precision, with her charm and character. It has her flair, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The officiant grabs a box from the table beside her and looks to Alana with a smile. “Vespa and Kaden are choosing to symbolize their love and commitment in a handfasting ceremony. Vespa and Kaden, please join your hands.”

We’re already holding hands, but we let go and take hold in the way we’re supposed to as if each hand is shaking the other, but holding at the wrist almost as if we’re in a knot with all our four hands.

“For the ceremony today, Vespa and Kaden have chosen a specific colored ribbon representing each quality they will bring into their marriage, depicting their important values based on the color symbology of the chakras. Vespa’s step-sister, Alana, will place the ribbons over Vespa and Kaden’s joined hands as I share the blessings.”

Alana steps up as the officiant opens the box and Alana smiles wide as I look to Effa enjoying how unique our wedding is. Alana begins to place the ribbons over our joined hands.

“Red… for strength and courage, good health, prosperity, and longevity,” Alana says.

“We give thanks for the sacredness of this moment,” the officiant says.

“Orange… for open hearts, sensitivity, and understanding.”

“Above you are the heavens and below you is the earth.”

“Green… for compassion, affection and caring.”

“Like the heavens, may your love be unending and be a source of wonder and delight.”

“Yellow… for enthusiasm, spontaneity, and equality.”

“Like the earth, may your love be a firm foundation from which to grow and nurture your marriage.”

“Light Blue… for sincerity, easy self-expression, and honest communication.”

“May your marriage be blessed with love, peace, and happiness.”

“Purple… for clear vision and wisdom, for peace and harmony in all ways.”

“In Celtic tradition, these ribbons were often kept in place for days after the ceremony. As you would expect being tied together literally… twenty-four-seven can present quite the task. However, it was used to encourage the new couple to work together as a team. Today Vespa and Kaden will be spared this tradition,” the officiant says as Alana gently lifts the ribbons off our joined hands. “While honoring the intention that they will continue to work together as a team and join together, lifting each other through every barrier life brings them, these ribbons will be placed in this sacred box as a reminder of the vows they will make today.”

Effa looks so in tune with everything that’s surrounding her. She looks so fucking beautiful I want to take her here and now, but I have to wait. Just a little longer. Tonight I will have her all to myself and fuck am I going to enjoy it.

The officiant looks to me with a slight nod, and I take a deep breath as I look at Effa and prepare to say my vows. Tightening my grip on her wrists, I smile. “I promise to encourage your passion because that’s what makes you unique and wonderful. I promise to nurture your dreams because through them your soul shines brightly. I promise to help shoulder our challenges, for there is nothing we can’t face if we stand together. I promise to be your partner in all things, not possessing you but working with you as a part of the whole. I promise to encourage your ideals, your gifts, and talents because even though you’re a little eccentric, it’s what I love the most about you.” Everyone chuckles as she grins tilting her head in agreement. “I want to acknowledge that because of you, the light within my sister continues to shine brightly, and I’m eternally grateful. And lastly, I promise you perfect love and perfect trust, for one lifetime with you could never be enough. This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things.”

Effa smiles wide and grips her hands tighter on my wrists as her eyes mist up, but she does well to hold her tears in. She sniffs clearing her throat. “I promise to enrich your days with love and laughter because that’s nothing less than you deserve. I promise to complement your dreams because, through them, your talent is endless. I promise to help carry your burdens, for the weight of them is mine to shoulder, too. I promise to be your partner, your confidant, your rock and your solitude, always. I promise to love and cherish your family. Because their light shines so bright inside you. I promise to love you so fiercely, with so much passion that you will always know how deep my love runs for you, even if we are miles apart. Lastly, I promise you perfect love and perfect trust, for one lifetime with you could never be enough. This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things.”

My body quivers with the surge of love flowing through me. She always knows exactly what to say, and I couldn’t love her anymore right now if I tried.

“Tyler, the rings,” the officiant asks, and for a second I furrow my brows wondering who the hell she’s talking about before Tank steps forward placing his hand in his pocket and pulls out the rings. I grin finally knowing his real name. He shakes his head as if to tell me to shut the hell up, and I chuckle as he hands the officiant the rings. Effa and I let our hands go, and Effa takes my ring from her as she looks me in the eyes with the brightest of smiles as we exchange our rings.

I take her hand and slide her ring on her finger making her mine officially, the feeling of placing that ring on her finger and showing the world that she truly belongs to me completely, undeniably, is like nothing in the world. As a tear falls down her cheek, I can’t help but grab her waist and pull her, holding her body to mine as I look deep into her eyes waiting so fucking impatiently for the next part as the guests all chuckle watching on.

“I’m nearly there, Kaden, hold on… you’ve kissed a thousand times, maybe more. But today the feeling is new. No longer simply partners and best friends, you have become husband and wife, and you can now seal the agreement with a…”

I don’t wait for the word as my hand races up into Effa’s hair, lacing with her loose tendrils as my other hand clenches on her waist. She gasps as I yank her forward and press my lips to hers, needing her, wanting her. Our lips join, for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Mercury, and it’s like it is the first time all over again.

Fireworks explode. The earth shifts on its fucking axis. I’m sure somewhere in the world we’ve set a volcano into an eruption with the force of the electricity pulsing through us right now. It’s magical, it’s energizing, it’s fucking unicorns and rainbows. Just like it will be every time with her. The crowd erupts into a fit of applause.

The officiant exhales and says, “… kiss.” She finishes her sentence as she lets out a small chuckle while I kiss Effa like there’s no tomorrow. “May I present Mr. and Mrs. Mercury,” the officiant calls out, and I finally break free as Effa giggles when I separate from her and look her in her eyes.

Effa looks perfectly happy, and I can’t imagine a time I’ve felt happier.

She is my light.

My life.

My home.

I know we’re going to make it, we’re going to be one of the lucky ones. We’re going to grow old together. We won’t always have it easy, no one ever does. But I love her, with all that I have, and there’s nothing that’s going to get in our way.

Nothing at all!




Bliss. Utter, complete, undeniable bliss.

That’s the state I’m in right now.

I’m married, I have a home in Ligonier. My bandmates and half the crew also have homes in the town we’ve chosen will be our respite place from the crazy chaos of our lives, and the town that has taken us in with open arms and loving hearts. They love having us, and so far the tabloids still have no idea that we’ve taken up residence here. The town is our safe haven. It’s like being back home in Nimbin, a quiet country town in Australia, with peaceful country folk and it’s utter bliss.

Since moving down here, the Luminous Foundation has been formed, and everyone has their part to play. I was overwhelmed when they all decided to lend their support including the crew, band members, and security team. We have support groups, support homes, and we have speakers who talk to students in schools about the dangers of date rape and leaving drinks unattended or accepting drinks from strangers. The Foundation is building from strength to strength, and I could not be more proud of my team, and I’m sure we have more work to do.

But today, today’s been the highlight of my life. I’m married. I got to spend the day with family and friends at an amazing place, and now the town square is lit up, the street lined with tables and festive decorations. Ligonier has put on a most amazing display of town love and affection for Kaden. As I sit at the bridal table looking up at the globes hanging above us glittering in the light, flowers hanging from them delicately in a boho chic kind of way, it makes me excited that everyone pitched in and made this day so special for us. It’s a real town celebration, and I’m glad I’m able to share it with everyone here. I couldn’t be more humbled if I tried.

Kaden glances at me and smiles. “You look happy,” he murmurs, and I grin leaning my head on his shoulder and sigh.

“Undeniably, unbelievably happy, Kaden. This is the best day of my life.”

He moves his hand onto my leg and squeezes. “I’m so happy Kiera made it to our wedding.”

I look up at him and smile brightly. “It made the day all that much more special to have her here with us to celebrate our day just like she wanted.”

I glance over to Kiera sitting under a tree, Raoul next to her. The closeness between them is comforting, and I grin as I watch Raoul lean in and gently kiss her lips. Chewing on my bottom lip, I turn to look at Kaden and see him watching the scene play out too, and surprisingly he doesn’t look annoyed, and more importantly, he doesn’t react. If anything, he looks relieved. Kind of like maybe he’s glad that Kiera is finally happy. It relaxes me as I cuddle into Kaden’s side. I decide not to say anything as he then turns to look at Gran who’s busy dancing up a storm with Dad. I shake my head and chuckle. They have so much energy. It’s getting really late and I know I’m completely shattered. I have no idea how Gran is still going so well. She amazes me.

“So, what’s next for the band?” Kaden asks, and I shrug.

“I have no idea, we need to talk to Luke. He’s still trying to figure out where he stands with all of us moving here. He’s spending all of his time in the States, so he’s trying to figure if he can move here too, and do occasional visits to Australia. But he has kids, and it’s hard for him. So I get it.”

Kaden nods. “I know how much you girls don’t want to lose him.”

I shake my head. “No. We really don’t. We’ll do anything to keep him with us. Whatever he needs.”

“Well, for tonight we don’t think about that. Tonight we think about us, and our future. And about how in half an hour I don’t care what people say, I’m taking you home and getting you out of that fucking gorgeous dress. I love it on you, but fuck if it wouldn’t look better in a pile on my floor.”

I smirk as a shudder runs down my spine, my clit instantly throbbing with the thoughts of what tonight’s wedding night will bring. “Well, Mr. Mercury, why wait? Let me go and say my goodbyes to the girls, and you can take me home.”

He grins salaciously and nods. “Yes, ma’am.” He leans in kissing me quickly as I stand up and walk over to Kristy, Andi, and Casey who are busy drinking with the rest of the crew.

“Hey guys, I’m going to head off soon. It’s been a big day and—”

“Oh, yeah, heading for some wedding night bliss more like it,” Tank calls out loudly making everyone turn around. I chuckle as Kristy shakes her head and stands up grabbing my arm and linking hers through mine.

“Shut up! She’s a married woman now, Tank. It’s all legal like, and she’s allowed to be completely slutty with her man,” Kristy berates.

“Yeah, exactly my thoughts.”

Everyone laughs as I glance to Kristy in her pink dress and smile. “Thank you for today. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

She snorts, rolling her eyes. “What are best friends for?”

I glance around and furrow my brows. “Have you seen Alana, I want to thank her, too.”

She shrugs and looks to Kammie’s. “I think I saw her go in there. Maybe to use the ladies. Let’s go. I gotta pee anyway,” Kristy chirps unashamedly.

I giggle as we move across the street heading for the diner that’s doubled as our bathroom and a quiet nook for tonight’s festivities. We walk in, and there are a few stragglers, but we can’t see Alana. So we head for the bathroom, our arms linked together tightly.

Turning the corner, we head down the darkened hall and catch a glimpse of a couple at the end—she’s against the wall, and he’s pushing into her—and they’re kissing passionately.

I look to Kristy and giggle, but she has her brow raised. So, I look back and immediately spot the yellow dress. Letting out a gasp as we step closer, it’s then I realize the girl is Alana.

But who’s the guy?

My gasp must interrupt them because they break apart, and he turns to face us. My mouth drops open, but quickly turns into a beaming smile when I realize who it is getting hot and heavy.

Alana and Luke?

Luke and Alana!

Luke’s eyes open wide like he’s in complete shock at being caught. Alana chews on her bottom lip but then smiles.

“This is the best wedding present… ever!”






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