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The Omega's Fake Mate (Oceanport Omegas Book 4) by Ann-Katrin Byrde (29)


When we checked into the hotel that night, Nick looked torn between passing out in exhaustion and staying up all night worrying about his brother.

I was tired too. I'd driven to the airport and back, and then to Massachusetts, berating myself all the way. I shouldn't have listened to Rhys when he told me everything was all right—even if Rhys was a grown man capable of making his own decisions. I should have known better. Instead I had failed Nick and him both.

The hotel room was nice—with tasteful beige wallpaper and comfy looking armchairs—but I had no eyes for that as I let myself fall onto the bed with a sigh. Nick joined me only a moment later, huffing.

“I can't believe they're not letting me spend the night with Rhys,” he said.

I turned on my side to face him. “Your brother needs his rest,” I said, stroking some hair back from Nick's forehead.

“I know that, but I wouldn't have disturbed him. We're twins, you know? We shared a space much smaller than a hotel room for nine months!”

I nodded, eyes straying to Nick's belly when he mentioned pregnancy. Nick's brother wasn't the only one who needed rest. My pregnant mate did too. “You can see Rhys first thing in the morning. He's safe, he's stable, and nothing's going to happen to him in the hospital.”

“I know that.” Nick turned on his side as well. “It's just...”

“It's upsetting, I know. You love him, and he got hurt.”

“I feel responsible,” Nick admitted.

His words tugged at my heart. None of this was his fault. God knows he'd done all he could, even going so far as to fake a relationship just so he could talk to his brother. I couldn't stand to see him beat himself up over this. “If what happened is anyone's fault, it's mine,” I said, hoping to take this weight off him.

“How is it your fault?” Nick asked, eyeing me intently.

I licked my lips. “You remember that time we visited them in Crystal Bay? The morning we left, I was up earlier than you.”

“I remember. Did I miss anything?” Nick's eyes narrowed. He'd never liked when people hid things from him.

“Kind of, yes. I woke up to the sound of your brother and his husband arguing, so I stepped out of the bedroom to see what was going on. When I got to the living room, Rhys was in there by himself, crying.”

“What happened?” Nick's tone was sharp. “Did that bastard—”

“Rhys wasn't hurt,” I cut in, just to get that out of the way. “There were shards of a broken plate on the floor next to him, though.”

“His husband threw a plate at him?” Nick sat up. “And you didn't tell me?” Nick's voice turned into a high pitch.

I straightened as well, throwing my hands up. “Rhys says he wasn't aiming for him.” Even to my ears, that excuse sounded lame now.

“And you believed him?” Nick sounded like he couldn't believe me.

“I...” I fumbled. Nick looked livid. Of course he was. I would be too, if our roles were reversed. I'd witnessed Jeremiah threaten Rhys and not told anyone—and now Rhys had been hospitalized. Even if Rhys said his husband wasn't the one who beat him up, it might as well have been.

“I trusted you,” Nick said tearing at his own hair. “I can't believe you hid this from me!”

Well, at least he wasn't blaming himself anymore?

“I'm sorry.” At this point, what more could I say? “He made me promise. He said it would all upset you too much.”

“Of course I would have been upset!” Nick was nearly shouting now. I couldn't blame him. He must feel like the events of the day could have been prevented, if only I had told him. Without any intention to, I'd betrayed him.

Nick jumped off the bed. “I thought you were different! That you weren't like those other alphas, but you thought you could decide what I should or shouldn't know.”

Technically, it was Rhys who hadn't wanted Nick to know, but I thought it best not to mention that now. If things hadn't changed drastically since our childhood days, there was no way to reason with Nick when he was this upset. Still, I had to try, because I wasn't like those other alphas. Nick had to know that. I reached out to him, but he flinched away.

“God, I'm so stupid,” he said, a little more quietly. “I used to think I was different too, but look at me now, pregnant, jobless and fighting with my alpha like the omegas you see on reality TV. I was ready to give up everything.”


“I think you should go now.”

I swallowed. Nick looked dead serious as he said that. My mate was sending me away, and what could I do but show him that I still respected his wishes? But if I took the car... “How are you going to get home?”

And where was home to him right now?

“I'll figure something out,” he said shortly. “Trust me, I'm a grown man. Even if some people might not feel that way.”

Point taken.

“I'll call you in the morning,” I said, running a hand through my hair. And then, I walked out the door, a nail driving deeper into my heart with every step that I took.

I was ready to give up everything.

What did that even mean?