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The Wrong Goodbye (Mable Falls Book 2) by Amy Sparling (21)

Chapter 22


I think the whole office loses their minds when I call in sick on Friday. Well, I don’t exactly say I’m sick, but I tell Janie that I won’t be in, and I haven’t taken a day off in forever, so she reacts as if I’d told her I had the plague. She freaks out and offers to bring me medicine or take me to the doctor. I tell her not to worry, that I’m just out of town unexpectantly.  

I had clients and meetings and work to do, but I couldn’t bother to pull myself away from Alexa. Not after the night we’d had together. When I wake up this morning, she is still in bed with me. Of course, it is her apartment so I don’t know where she would have gone. But the fear was real. I’d fallen asleep cuddling her in my arms, and still had the worry that when I woke up she’d be gone just like the last time.

But she’s here. We drifted apart during the night, and now she’s on her side instead of her back, her soft hair cascading down her shoulders and falling over the pillow. She sleeps peacefully as the first rays of morning light filter through her purple curtains.  The color reminds me of her robe, which is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. I hope she wears it every night for the rest of our life. Right now the sheets are covering most of her body, but I can still see a hint of purple silk over her shoulders.

I glance around her room and take in the little bits of her personality that’s in the décor. She has black and white photos on her walls. Bluebonnets, which are the Texas state flower, beautiful sloping plains and a river. Her bedsheets are an array of dark colors with a mandala print. She doesn’t have a TV in her bedroom, but she does have a shelf packed high with books. I can picture myself waking up here every weekend. My apartment is all stiff furniture and boring décor. Alexa’s place feels like home.

I breathe in deeply and thank my lucky stars that I’m here. My risky trip was worth it and now my new life with the woman of my dreams is just beginning. I close my eyes and drift back asleep.

When I wake up, she’s gone.

My heart hammers in my chest as I bolt up in her bed, looking around for any sight of her. Then I hear a soft humming from the other room. The smell of bacon hits me at the same moment I recognize the sound of it sizzling in a pan. I get up and pull on my jeans that I find folded neatly on the nightstand beside me. I hope she didn’t bring my clothes in here as a sign that I need to leave.

I step into the living room which is small enough to also see into the kitchen. Alexa’s back is to me, and she’s now wearing black leggings that hug her ass perfectly, and a gray tank top. She turns around after getting a carton of eggs from the fridge.

“Good morning,” she says. “Nice hair.”

I run my hand over my head, feeling the wild strands that have gotten untamed overnight. “Yet you are still the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” I say as I attempt to wrangle my hair into submission.

She grins and goes back to cooking. “How do you like your eggs?”

“Any way is fine,” I say walking up to her.

“Scrambled with seasoning and cheddar it is.” She smirks and tosses some orange seasoning into a bowl.

I slide my hands around her waist and pull her back up against my chest while she cooks. “Need some help?”

“No,” she says, shaking her head. “I appreciate it, but my kitchen is kind of my thing. You go sit down. Coffee is over there.” With her spatula, she points to the coffee pot on the counter. I make a cup and then sit across from her at the tiny bar. Alexa is absolutely stunning. Even this early in the morning, and she’s still a goddess. Her long hair shines in the sunlight filtering in from the windows. Her curvy body looks absolutely amazing in those tight clothes. I watch her while she cooks and see the passion she puts into the work she does. Her hands move over the food like an artist creating a painting. Everything she puts into her cooking is done with love and skill.

“When does the bakery open?” I ask.

“Two hours ago,” she says. “I asked Livi and Keesha to run it for me today.” She puts another piece of bacon on the frying pan. “Is that okay?”

“It’s perfect,” I say. “I actually called in sick to work.”

She grins. “We probably shouldn’t make this a habit.”

I shrug. “I say we quit our jobs and spend the rest of our lives snuggled up in bed.”

She laughs and takes a sip of her coffee. Her mug is hot pink and says bakers do it better. “That’s not very practical.”

“I know, but let me daydream,” I say.

I offer to help her cook breakfast again, but she declines. She says all I need to do is bring my appetite. When she’s finished, I pile my plate high with pancakes, eggs, and bacon, and she puts some music on that plays through speakers in every corner of the room.

“This is the most amazing pancake I’ve ever had,” I say over a bite of fluffy deliciousness.

“Baker’s secret,” she says with a wink. “My mom taught me the trick to fluffy pancakes and I’ve never seen anyone else know how to do it.”

I take another bite. “I’m pretty sure they make the pancakes this way in heaven.”

Her smile softens a little. She glances up as if she’s remembering something, but she doesn’t tell me what it is. Soon the moment passes, and we’re back to talking about any and everything. She’s the easiest person to talk to. I’m never bored, and I’m always happy when we’re sharing thoughts with each other.

I love hearing her stories about the bakery and listening to tales of her life. She’s like a fascinating puzzle and each new piece I find gives me something more to like about her.

After breakfast, I insist on washing the dishes and she takes my place at the bar and watches me work. When the dishes are done, I look up at her. “I want to kiss you so bad.”

“So what are you waiting for?” she says sarcastically.

I flick some dish soap suds at her. “I haven’t brushed my teeth, so I’m feeling pretty gross.”

“There’s extra toothbrushes in the bathroom,” she says. “I already picked one out for you. It’s blue.”

“You think of everything,” I say.

She shrugs one shoulder. “What can I say? I’m perfect.”

I dry my hands on a dishtowel. “Yes, yes you are.”

In the bathroom, there’s a new toothbrush and travel sized toothpaste laid out for me. Alexa is the sweetest thing ever. I brush my teeth and fix my hair in the mirror. I don’t know what the day holds, and I should probably go home and change clothes soon, but I’m excited to spend more time with her.

“You know what I need?” I ask as I walk back into the kitchen. Alexa is standing at the counter pouring another cup of coffee. She looks up at me expectantly. “Your number,” I say. “I don’t want to lose contact with you again.”

Her eyes sparkle, and she reaches for her phone off the counter. “What’s your number? I’ll call you.”

“You should text me instead,” I say. “I’m pretty sure my phone is dead and left somewhere on your couch.”

I give her my number and she holds out her phone, takes a picture of us, and then sends it to me. “Do you want to charge your phone?” she asks.

I shake my head. “The only person I want to talk to is here.”

“So,” she says softly. She cups her coffee mug in both hands and brings it up to her lips. “How are we going to make this work? You know… living forty five minutes away and all.”

I shrug. “It’s not that far. I’ll come see you every day after work. You know, unless you get bored of me.”

“That’s too much driving,” she says, curling her nose. “You’ll get sick of it.”

“I promise I won’t.”

She takes a sip of coffee and moves to sit on a barstool. “Yes you will. We’ll trade off days. Sometimes you come here and sometimes I’ll go there. Is that okay?”

“Of course. You’ve got me totally hooked, girl.” I tip her chin up and kiss her softly. “I’ll do whatever you want.”