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Tracking Luxe (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 3) by V. Theia (29)

“It might just be the pot talking, but I think I love my kidnapper…” - Luxe




“Aren’t you going to do anything, bro?”

Grinder switched his gaze to Preacher for a second before swerving it back towards Luxe, standing over by Otis’ door having a face off with a guy who, to Grinder’s knowledge was only existing and therefore it had pissed his thief off. He’d felt her presence the moment she’d arrived, some gut pulling and his heart had sped up like a goddamn drum psychic signal to alert his body his woman was nearby. The reaction was straight out of some fucking fancy ass romance book, he reckoned. But she was here to meet him after a night of stealing and his body was ready to show her how grateful he was.

Only some fool had deemed it okay to wolf whistle his woman and to say something offensive from what he could guess from the way Luxe’s feathers had ruffled instantly. He’d laughed knowing fine well what was about to happen. That poor shithead.

“Look at her,” he jutted his chin towards her, pride masking his face. His girl was amazing. “Does it look like she needs my help?”

“She’s a bit of a hothead, your girl, isn’t she?” Amused Preacher.

Grinder was too busy with his eyes all over Luxe to look anywhere else. “I know.” his grin said he liked her that way. It wasn’t just about lust anymore. He’d never wanted to tame that rage of hers, only now he wanted to be consumed in it. Consumed in her curves and her soft side, Grinder basked in the way she moved, using her whole body to convey her personality without a word spoken, how her brow puckered in anger and her mouth pursed. Fuck, that mouth, it was the first thing he’d noticed and wanted, it couldn’t be called a fetish, but it was close, the amount of time he’d sucked on those lips now, he had her taste in his system, he knew her sounds, and the way she used her mouth to torment him both in and out of bed. Not quite a fetish, but close enough.

If he thought for a second she was in danger he would have stepped in and got his woman out of there, as it stood, four burly men got out of her way fast. Grinder’s lips twitched, never peeling his stare from her. She was so damn righteous and prone to temper flares, it was hot as hell watching it happen and the way she took long breaths as if to calm herself, he was a lucky sonuvabitch to be in her damn world, that was for sure.

He wanted to lick her fire and feed from it.

He’d known her sort of personality before, only he’d never been as attracted to them as he was Luxe. She was a magnet and she pulled...pulled him in.

Beneath the table his cock ached, that sudden desire to protect and … own. He adjusted and stood as she grew closer, her eyes catching his, she smiled suddenly having found his gaze on her this whole time, whatever temper had flared fell away instantly from her face, she was his soft Luxe again.  

“If only we patched in chicks, imagine her anger around the church table,” laughed Preacher. “Snake would piss himself.”

“Making friends again I see.” He said, slipping out to let her into the booth, his hand found her back, needing to touch, to have the cornerstone to her because she was here, she was with him, the instinct was natural as it came and Grinder hummed in the lowest part of his throat as acknowledgement to the fact this was his woman and she was here because of him.

“He thought it was okay to talk about my boobs.” She scowled and reached to take a drink of the martini he’d ordered for her.

“To be fair, you do have hot ones, love.”

Preacher snorted and Grinder caught a soft elbow in his ribs, though he saw her lips smile into her glass. Relief at having her so close was short lived when the inevitable happened, his body hard, and ready wanted to take her right here.

“Excuse our boy, Luxe. He’s a bit of a pig. I’ve tried and failed to teach him manners.”

“I can believe it.” His girl agreed with Preacher. “But he buys me tres leches cake, so I sorta have to side with him.”

Grinder grinned and nuzzled her shoulder. "Ignore this one, love. He's got a hate campaign against me."

Her eyes twinkled and she leaned into his chest, laying her hand on his thigh. "Mmhmm." Luxe played with the zips on the denim jeans and Grinder forgot all about Preacher sitting on the other side of the table because he was too busy enjoying his woman's hand on him. "I'll protect you from your friend, kidnapper."

Preacher snorted. Again, Grinder didn't pay him a lick of notice, what with the way his face was buried in Luxe's shoulder, he was a man with a one-track mind and it was all about his thief. He couldn't even blame his sap on liquor, he intended to have Luxe on the back of his bike and he took her safety seriously so he'd been drinking soda. Not thirty minutes later once Ruby was done with her shift and Preacher was up out of the booth to grab at his woman, Grinder turned eyes on Luxe, who was curiously watching their greeting.

He leaned in and nuzzled her neck. “Ready to leave?”

“Where are we going, your place?”

Christ, he wanted her mouth.

“The club first,” another nuzzle, followed by a bite on the back of her neck. Fuck, he was hard up. When she moaned he knew it was time to go. “Give the prospect your keys, love. He’ll bring your car to the compound.” Grinder waited for the exchange and then for Luxe to head outside to his bike. The smile fell from Grinder’s face. He nodded at Preacher. “Watch the door.” He issued and let his eyes slide left to the table of guys. Preacher gave him a nod of understanding and took up root by the door to stop Luxe if she was to happen back inside before he did what he needed to.

All four men greeted him with drunken yells. Grinder was known by everyone. His lips thinned with a tight smile. “Hey there, fellas. Having a good night, I see.”  He wasn’t feeling jovial. He might have been fine letting Luxe deal with these shitheads but now Grinder had a few things to say on the matter. “That’s good, really good. But you see, you disrespected my woman and I wanna make sure that doesn’t happen again.”

“Huh… what?” Smiles dropped. Then the penny dropped. One said. “Ah, come on, man, we were only having a joke, you know? No big deal.”

No big deal. Grinder smiled closed lipped and rounded the table to stand behind the no big deal guy. With lightening move he dug his fingers into the guy’s shoulder, really fucking hard, giving him pain, tight enough that he couldn’t move away, to show he was serious. Leaning down he put his face in their eye line. “I said you disrespected my woman and you won’t be doing it again, right?”

“Sure, Sure, Grinder,” his drunk buddy said. Grinder waited for assurance from the one he gripped. When he got it, he let go and walked back around and smiled. “Good. You enjoy your night, fellas.”

“Thought you were letting her handle it herself?” Preacher chuckled.

Grinder shrugged. A man handled his shit when it was needed to get his point across. “Look at you, knight in fucking shining dickhead armor. Come on, Romeo, let’s get out of here.”




Taking a long drag on the joint, the pot smoke in his lungs, he offered it over to Luxe, she took it and puffed once, twice a third time before giving it back.

Fuck. Why did he find that hot?

Oh, yeah, every damn thing she did got his dick hard. His Luxe did it for him.

Having her in his club with his boys was another level of satisfaction he never knew he’d wanted. "It's good." she said, laying her head back on the couch. A few more smokes between them he felt the effects and saw it on her face as she relaxed into a smile, her eyes closing.



"Open for me." Toking long and slow, filling his mouth, he leaned over her and kissed her, instantly prying her lips open and emptied the weed smoke into her mouth, her eyes turned lush and drowsy, he felt her smile into his mouth, and when the smoke dissipated, their kiss turned a little wilder, wet, hot, messy, about the best damn perfect kiss he’d ever had.

Fuck yeah.

Her little tongue was hungry and he was the man to feed her.

Driving him crazy seemed to make her happy and more than anything Grinder wanted Luxe happy so he let it continue, he let her stir him up, to sass him with that dirty rotten thief tongue. When her lips smoothed around his throat and found sanctuary there he tipped his head back on an uneven groan. She was lapping his Adam’s apple like it was his goddamn misery and she was enjoying herself.

This makes her happy.

He couldn’t breathe.

He couldn’t fucking breathe.

This was happening, she was driving him nuts. Speaking of, his grew taut, his dick got real hard real damn fast. “Luxe … baby.” Dead center of his belly he turned to pure fire, he even had to look down to make sure flames weren’t shooting out of his cock, cause that woman had a lick on her to turn a clergy-man’s head.

“Get up here, baby. I need your gorgeous tits close enough to give them a hard suck.”

He knew the moment he was shoved inside her it would be a struggle not to ram ram ram and end it all too quickly, he’d get back in control by kissing her perfect tits, send her mindless, she liked her nipples played with and he had the best mouth for doing that. “Hurry up, Luxe, I don’t have all day to wait for your body to drape over me.”

"Quit being so fucking bossy.” She followed by asking so sweetly. “Will you fuck me while I'm high?" climbing onto his lap, her touch was frenzied and he loved it, burying his face in the front of her shirt. Loved her being wild and using his body for her own amusement and pleasure.

They shared a few more tokes of pot until he stubbed it out in an ashtray. Lazily kissing her, his chest wall inflated, lust knocked around his ribs. “You’re so hard all over. This chest is rock,” she purred, hands going in a lot of directions all at once. “I want this hardness on me, Nathan. In me. On and in me.” Fingers went up under his beanie hat to grab his hair, the pleasure went south, she pulled off the hat and really went to town on his hair and lap, pumping and yanking.


She was buzzed and high and Grinder had no scruples about taking dirty advantage of his girl. Not when he has his own sexual high going on, making steam practically pour out of his body, fuck, all he wanted to do was lie on top of her and pump until they both sweat.

“I know I drive you crazy.” She breathed into his lips with her sex-soaked voice showing no signs of caring that she drove him nuts, not by the little smile on her mouth or the way she licked at him and shoved hands up under his shirt. He held her nuclear powered hips and hoped he didn’t die. “But it feels so good. So, so good. What did you call me? A cock-tease. I like being your cock-tease.” Hips popped down, her fingers wound in his hair, he grunted.

“Baby, you could climb on me twenty-four fucking hours a day, wherever I am and I wouldn’t hate it. Understand? Far as you’re concerned you can call my face your throne. Sit the fuck down, my queen.”

She full out laughed and crushed the noise onto his lips kissing for all she was worth.

“Wait...wait,” she insisted on a giggle before he could get his suck around her tongue. She pushed at his chest and he conceded by leaning back. “Show me the guns, chico.”

“My guns?” he knew his woman was a violent thing but she wanted to see his weapons… now?

She laughed, a sound he loved. “The guns, the sexy ones.” She prodded his arms and Grinder smirked. Ah.

Reaching behind him he yanked his shirt over his head ditching it on the floor and he let his Luxe go to town running her hands all over him, no matter how hard and painful he was, he grit his teeth and watched her face. “Damn, they’re really big, Nathan, I can’t even span around one. I love your arms.”

The way she said his name was pure adrenalin.

“Tease me, love.” Voice like sandpaper, he was so turned on, so loose in his skin he had so much hunger for her there was no end to it, if anything what he felt for her now in comparison to a year ago was staggeringly incomparable. “Like you did that night in the bar. Rub that sweet pussy all over me, drive me crazy.”

They kissed each other like it would keep them alive for a century.

And she did as he asked by driving him out of his mind grinding on his lap until he was in danger of dying of arousal.

Shit, he loved it. His groan of pleasure was nearly drowned out by the sexiest

mewling noise his ears had ever experienced. And what do you know, Luxe upped her teasing by slipping a hand between them and squeezed him hard.

“How can I miss you this much before I’ve even left?” he had a feeling she wasn’t really talking to him, rather her thoughts were vocalized. “It’s like I can’t breathe unless I’m right here,” her hips circled, fingers locked around the back of his neck. “I can’t concentrate unless you’re inside my body. Oh, god. Satisfy me like you do, ? Make it good, Nathan. Make it good. I need what only you give me.”

A cock-orgasm. His thief wanted to quake around the blast of his dick.

Fireworks jammed up the noise in his head. Oh fuck, her touch was his kryptonite, he considered himself a controlled man, a man who didn’t lose his shit over much, but here he was squeezed on the too small couch in his club room that smelled of old gym socks and the woman of his dreams rubbing the sweetest pussy on his crotch and fingers drawing him down into an erotic hell.

Grinder was close to doing some of his own whimpering. He’d long since accepted that when he was around her, or thinking of her he had an unforgiving hard on, it was just the way it was.

He loved her playful. He would die loving her brand of tease, she was so fucking good at it, sweat beaded his forehead, her smile lit him up. The hunger saturated between them, her body demanding what he could give her. He let it scorch through his chest and made him desperate.

There was no denying the moment he saw Luxe that first night, she’d ignited an unknown emotion in him. Emotion he’d denied for so long until it was all he could hear in his head. He wanted this woman probably more than he’d ever wanted anything.

"Baby, you can't touch me there. I have no control right now. Only touch me when you want me inside you giving you my best fuck."

Her shirt was gone in a matter of seconds. Gorgeous tits in his face. "I want you inside me right now." Blasted with satisfaction at the way she tore open his jeans reaching inside to grab his cock. Grinder had to bite his cheek to stop from coming like an adolescent. When you had perfection wrapping fingers around you it was as close to torture as he’d come before.

"Oh, thank god."

She laughed. "Thank Luxe."

He laughed dealing with the condom, licking at a gorgeous brown nipple, sucking it deep and hard and with a raise of his hips he was pushing inside her in one hard thrust, groaning against her breast.  "Thank my girl." His vision blurred at the overpowering pleasure.

The first climax to quake out of Luxe was just the start.