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Tracking Luxe (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 3) by V. Theia (14)

“I don’t want your money, but I’ll take a fuck…” – Grinder



Don’t let anyone tell you sexual tension doesn’t turn a man a little mad.

Grinder was pushing food into his face so he didn’t crawl across the table and lick Luxe top to bottom down on the sticky linoleum floor, swallowing hard to fight down the desire she rose in him. The minute his call with Rider was dealt with he’d strode across to the diner counter and ordered food from a cheerful Paige working the night-shift and avoided looking at Luxe while he thought of a subtle way to invite her back to his place that would seem casual as fuck and not a plea from a desperate man.

He’d fingered her into a crying orgasm, he’d think it would be easy for the follow-on step.

Nothing about Luxe Reyes was easy.

And altogether worth it.

She’d wanted to eat, so here they were with Grinder filling his mouth long enough to come up with a plan.

Grinder wasn’t under any illusions winning his woman would be trouble-free. Nothing so amazing as she was would come to him easy. But he could see a crack of jagged daylight in Luxe’s armor and he wasn’t going to waste it. She didn’t seem to hate him anymore, that was a plus.

If only he was arrogant enough to use sex against her, to use it to keep her coming back for more, maybe he could.

No, he had to get smart about it, use his big boy words until she truly forgave him, he couldn’t settle for less, no matter how much his lower half of his body told him to shut up.

They hadn’t had the most conventional of romances so far for fucks sake, the only men that started out committing a crime in the name of passion were locked up in jail.

Tonight, had cemented just what he wanted from Luxe.

Treat her as he would any other one-night hook up? That was a joke. The woman was becoming his whole damn system, electric need running through his blood.

Feeling more than protective over her tonight, the urge to lock her away again was strong, only this time it was for her own good, and his own damn sanity.

They still weren’t in the clear with Grigori, not until the underboss discovered he’d been robbed. He wanted Luxe protected, if only she’d allow it.

Every strategic move he'd planned out had gone according to the letter, so why did he feel like his skin was on fire? He'd watched her waltz around the party like she was host and entertainment rolled into one. All eyes had turned to Luxe and stayed there, as was part of their script, she knew how to work a room, how to charm and flirt and Grinder's heart was torn in two, he'd known what he had to do, find the fucking lock box, but his every instinct had him wanting to stride through the sea of criminals, grab up his woman and get her out of there. Talk about a war within himself. Only knowing those sketches were going to help get him his forgiveness made him move, made him do the job.

And then there had been the touching.

Luxe had handled it just fine, smiling sweetly all the while moving herself subtly out of the reach of grubby, pawing hands.

His imagination conjured up ways in which he’d kill every Russian and the like with a dick who’d dared to flirt or even smile longingly at her. He got real damn nasty in his efforts to keep his thief to himself.

Yeah, there was nothing else for it, he thought as silence sat on the table between them, he’d have to win the dirty rotten thief around.

Chew. Swallow. Plot.  

A wedge of money suddenly landed on the table in front of him. Luxe used two fingers to push it towards Grinder, who was busy shoveling an All-American Slam all day breakfast into his mouth, he paused and cocked his brow. She’d yet to touch her own egg white cheddar omelette with a side of grilled veggies. “I wish they sold Tres Leches or Biscochitos. You guys suck for New Mexican food here.” she’d grumbled after ordering the eggs and a milkshake. Other than that, they hadn’t spoken a word to each other. What did he say to a woman he’d just brought to her climax and wanted so much more from without sounding like a drooling idiot?  Please, baby, can I have some more?

“What’s this?”

“I took the money from the safe, this is your half.”

I like you, you, goddamn little magpie.

He laughed, fed more food into his mouth before wiping his lips with a napkin he pulled from the dispenser. “Couldn’t help yourself, huh?”

Luxe shrugged unrepentant. “It jumped into my hand, besides, it looks like a genuine burglary if I took the money as well as the sketches. Take it, it’s fair we share it.”

“Nah, love. You keep it. This wasn’t about what I could get out of it.”

She shrugged and shoved it back in her purse. Why did the thought of her greedy fingers turn him on? It made him so cock-hungry to fuck her. He pushed more food into his mouth before he ended up begging her to let him inside her with more than his fingers.

Just once.


A hundred fucking times, let him wear out this need for her in all the wet. And now she’d told him she’d never orgasmed with a cock inside her … Grinder had pretty much nothing else on his mind. She needed more than one climax and this time with him pounding her little body, the dirty rotten thief needed fucking repeatedly until her voice box was hoarse.

"Your guys back at the party seemed pretty tight.” She mentioned bringing his focus off his hard on. “You're close to your club people?"

Voice cleared. Lust swept out of his throat. "Yeah. They're family."

"You don't have blood relatives?"

"Sure. There's Pop and uncles. And a few aunts and cousins. Pop never remarried after mom took off when I was a kid. We heard she passed ten years ago."

She gave him a look of sympathetic understanding. "Oh. Mine left just the same, she dropped me off one day when I was ten in Santa Rosa with Mimi, never explained why, we didn’t see her again until I was fifteen.”

"Really? Ah, sorry, love. That must have been rough, girls need their moms."

"It was okay. Me and Mimi did okay together. I see her every couple of years.”

“Is it drugs? The reason she took off.”

Luxe shook her head. “Nothing like that. It would have made more sense. I just think she’s one of those people who aren’t meant to be a parent, she forgot I was around most of the time. She moves around a lot, she’s not homeless, she just can’t stay in one place long, she always finds work, she seems healthy and happy, she never married. Mimi misses her daughter, I wish for her sake mom would be more present in the real world. The last we heard she was in Portland.”

“What about your dad?”

Luxe laughed rolling her gorgeous eyes. “She told me it was at least seven different guys throughout my life, so it’s anyone’s guess.”

His heart kicked in understanding for the details of their earlier lives they had in common. “Family is what you make of it. Doesn’t always have to be blood.”

Grinder kinda wanted to pull her onto his lap and take the sad look out of her eyes. Whatever strong show you put on, baby, I’ll have your back. His bad thief could act tough all she wanted, even Grinder felt the loss of a mother sometimes.

"Me and the boys got a competition going,” he told her, swerving the subject to something lighter. His mouth twitched. “To buy Rider's kid the worst looking onesie-thing we can find. Zara, that's his old lady, just laps it up, and ‘cause Rider would do anything to keep her happy he just stands back and glowers the hell out of us. At last count the kid will have over fifty novelty onesies. I bought this god-awful crocodile one from an eBay bidding war."

She chuckled, her eyes turning warm. "Aren't you the big softy."

He ducked his head and smiled. Score one for making her laugh.

Another minute of silence went by, Grinder watching her suck around the straw. “Every October, Mimi and I, and whatever boyfriend she has on her arm at the time, go to the largest balloon festival in Albuquerque. Family is what you make it.” Her voice quieter, their eyes holding as she repeated his sentiment.

A minute went by. “Are you ever going to tell me?” he asked.

Her brow went up. “Tell you?”

“On a scale of one to goddamn you look sexy, Grinder, how close are you to forgiving me?”

Luxe visibly inhaled.

That reaction right there, as her fingers crept to her throat, tits rising in the tight silk red dress he was trying in vain to keep his eyes off, told him all he wanted to know. “Do you react this way with anyone else?”


“Does Steele make you shiver?”

Her beautiful features downshifted into a scowl. “I’m beginning to think you have feelings for Jamie.”

“I just don’t want him to have you.”

“I’m unsure if that’s sexist … or sweet.”

“I’ll take door number two.”




A hum vibrated through her pursed lips. His deep timbered persuasive voice unquestionably direct. But then, Nathan had been nothing but direct since day one. Crazily she liked the quality in him. The immensity of his body was such a turn-on. He was an unbending wall of a man.

Keeping the smile to herself, Luxe bit the inside of her cheek, his liquid gaze, growing darker by the second, skimmed over her, she felt it in every nerve ending, her breasts throbbing at the peaks for the rough touch of his hands again.

And it was that look that brought her to a conclusion.

Sleep with her kidnapper or walk away for good and drop the mild obsession for him.

“Does it matter if I forgive you, Nathan? I mean, really? I’m no one, you admitted to doing a shitty thing, why do you want absolving?”

“Because I damn well do.” He growled and her blood turned to molasses sloshing through her veins. Being enemies with someone shouldn’t feel this … good.

Oh Dios. Yes. The man was hot blooded with his emotions burning in his eyes.

Anger and frustration showed on his face, and in the flex of his tightly clutching fists resting on the table, the veins protruding on the backs of his hands.

Luxe slid out of her side of the booth, inched the skirt back over her thighs, the thing was skin tight, she could barely breathe in it. She hadn’t only wanted to distract the Russian mafia with her body. Oh, no, she’d caught Nathan’s eyes as well, everywhere she’d went tonight she’d felt his gaze on her, undressing her, stroking her.

That was why she was still feeling the languid effects of her orgasm.

God, she wanted more.

He watched her move slowly to his side, didn’t move a muscle when she climbed onto the seat next to him, kept on going and moved onto his lap, a knee resting either side, the motion shoved her dress up most of her exposed thighs.

Crotch met crotch and they both groaned. Nathan’s more tortured.

Luxe grinned slyly, licking her lips to tempt his gaze.

“Doesn’t that feel nice?”

“No,” another grunt. “Yes. Are you using me again?” his voice cracked like a whip.

“Oh, . Do you mind?”

His Adam’s apple worked. “Not at all, love. I don’t mind you rubbing a wet patch on my pants.”

He watched her with a heat level in his eyes that made her belly clench. There was no doubting what his look was all about. The man was hungry and he’d seen her on the menu.  She had to control her lungs before she could meet his stare head on, schooling her face of any expression he could use to his advantage.

But the want was there. God help her.

Senses homed in on the bite of his fingers on her hips. Large tanned hands moved up to hold her waist. A big, warm palm landed on the back of her neck. She wanted to move it down to the place that throbbed.

So much want for a man who had tied her up, gagged and questioned her like she was a damn enemy of the state. Maybe if they would have gotten naked and fucked a year ago she wouldn’t be this agitated over him wondering what if.

Mmm. She really did enjoy teasing him though, he took it so well and that was so rare, the heady rush she got knowing he was allowing it, not like some jerks who would call her vile names for not climbing onto his big-boy dick, why couldn’t men just enjoy a little flirtation and leave it at that? Grinder seemed happy enough to let her drive and she took advantage with great rolling swirls of her hungry hips, scraping the thin fabric of her panties to his crotch.

Blood, erratic and uncontrolled plunged through her veins, heating every inch of her skin.

I want him so badly.

Luxe moved her nose to tap his. “When you begged me to use you. Dios. I’ve never heard anything sexier. I think the dirty MC boy wants his dick to pay for his crimes.” Tiny brushed kisses dropped to his lips. Luxe was smiling at the grunts coming from Nathan.

“I was tied up for a long fucking time. I think at one point my shorts cut off circulation to my vagina.”

“Fuck. Let me lick it better, baby,” he tried kissing her and she pulled back. “Fuck. Fuck. I’ve never begged a day in my life. I’ll beg right now.” She rotated a little faster, a little more out of control hearing his voice scratch against her cheek, the softness of his beard, the bite of his fingers, she moved and rubbed herself on him just because she could. “You’re worth every inch of pride, love.”

“And don’t forget the tape over my mouth. For hours, Nathan. Do you know what it’s like for a New Mexican woman not to be able to speak?” she chuckled and bit his earlobe.

He grabbed the back of her neck, hauled her those last few inches and brought their mouths together, crushing the hottest kiss onto her lips she’d ever tasted before, he sucked her tongue until Luxe forgot everything she was saying.

The touching she’d expected, she was still buzzed from earlier, but the taste of him flooded her mouth, so good, so good.

His tongue aggressively pursued hers, then took her over completely. She had to hold onto those broad shoulders or her jelly legs would have done something despicable and wrapped around his waist. The desperation of his kiss was like nothing she’d experienced before. She could taste how humble he was being, a man like Grinder didn’t subservient himself to anyone, yet he was gentle, passively allowing her to roam over his body, to rein the passion that blistered as she teased with no intention of following through. Oh, but the want was a scream inside.

Their kisses were bottomless. Starved reaching mouths of pure want.

It was terrible of her, but she popped her pelvis forward just to hear that ragged rumble from his throat again, dragging over his thickness. She’d been thinking of that noise for days and days, how she’d tortured him and he’d let her. Her sex clenched with need.

Fuck him. Fuck him. Use him, it’s what he wanted, to have his big boy feelings taken care of.  

He reminded her of an animal, frozen for an endless moment before he sprang into action. A switch flipped and instead of taking the humping, he took over, gripping her hips, he used her to jack off on himself. “Oh fuck,” he cursed. “Fuck.” into her mouth. “Baby. Goddamn.” His wild groans bounced against her lips, making her shiver, making her hot all over.

The tracker was undeniably sexy. The sexiest man she’d ever been with.

He grabbed two handfuls of her ass like he had the right to. She supposed after giving her an orgasm he kinda did. His kiss was dominant yet not forceful, strong but gentle. She felt cared for in his great hands.

She felt wanted. Desired. It was a head rush that was for sure.

His expression, dark and starved, burned into the back of her eyelids.

Unfisting his shirt collar, she lay a hand on his thumping chest, she pushed him back to gather her screaming hormones in order. Remembering at the last moment, before she unzipped his pants, they were in a diner closeted away in a corner, but still, very fucking public. “Take me home.”

His breath eased out over her lips, how gorgeous and intense his eyes were. “I thought we could----”

Your home.” Luxe confirmed. Feeling a little dizzy. “Take me to your home, gorgeous man, right now, before I change my mind. I’m ready to accept your apology and use this hard body for everything I want, that’s what you said, isn’t it?” nails raked down the side of his neck.

“You’re hurting here, aren’t you?” he fingers tunneled between them and she grasped him tightly.

“God. Yes.” He was up out of the booth dragging her behind him before she could say another word, he threw money at the waitress and carried on outside where he took her mouth so blistering she ceased to breathe. “I’m going to fuck so many sorries into you, Luxe. So, fucking many.”

His growled declaration was flint to steel, igniting a steady vibration in the lower portion of her body. She could only answer by whispering into his mouth.

Outside it was impossible not to share more ravenous tongue fueled kisses.

His hands were everywhere.

“I’m going to pump orgasms into you, love.” He declared, his growl so strong it sent hot shivers between her legs. Was she crazy? Maybe. But she couldn’t stop this now, she wanted him too badly.

Luxe chuckled, holding onto the back of his thick hair. “Don’t be disappointed if that doesn’t work out, chico. I told you my body responds better to different stimuli.”

Just like a man he took it as a challenge. Determination in his eyes.

“You think I’d give you such a shitty fuck you wouldn’t get off from it?” Those violently, suggestive words rendered her mute, giving Grinder plenty of room to draw his fingertips up the back of her dress and to touch her center from the back.

Turned on, she moved against his questing fingers.

Her eyes flickered closed when he slipped his hand inside her thong and fully cupped her sex. Warm and tender, he stilled his hand there, holding her.

Now she had no intention of moving him, moving herself maybe, as her hips canted forward urging him to stroke her. “I should be insulted for your lack of faith in just how hard I can get you off, Luxe.”

Oh, god, she was so dizzy. “What----what was the question again?” she filled her mouth with the tang of his cologne, licking along his neck, aching for something he was promising.

Reality became something of the past five minutes ago, replaced with a dirty fantasy she’d conjured up in her bed late at night.

Luxe didn’t take an ounce of notice of Nathan’s apartment, they crashed through the door, two people desperate to fuck each other. The journey over had been spent holding onto his waist and wishing they were there already.

He had her pinned between a wall and a hard cock.

Breathing like an out of control bull against her mouth.

I did that to him.

She was equally breathless and needy, hands pushing off his jacket, un-tucking his shirt from his pants she rolled hands under to touch heated skin, his hard-flat belly was something to purr over.

“Do you think I’ve got a fucking nerve touching you like this after everything I’ve done?” thick thighs held her there, his hands busy unzipping her dress from behind, he added. “I do. I can only take so much fucking teasing. Open your legs, make room for me.”

Dizziness assault like it had a right to her brain space. She thought she moaned because her throat vibrated, and what do you know, her legs widened all on their own.

“That’s right. Now I’ve thought about going down on you for a fucking year, that’s 365 days my mouth hasn’t tasted your pussy, so that’s what’s about to happen, Luxe. You can hold on if you need to.”

He was so clinical.

So fucking hot.

Her body went through a series of shivers and gasps.

The meaty hands peeled her dress down and dumped it on the floor. She hadn’t worn a bra, she was left in a red thong and her boots, he looked at it like it was cake he was about to chew. His palm stroking into her wetness.  “You can ask me what I’m gonna do to you after I’ve had my mouth filled.”

Luxe gaped. His dirty talking amped her hormones to a deadly level.

“I----” no words came when he pressed his thumb through the fabric and touched her clit, sensations pumped her hips

“I’m gonna bury myself inside you, all the way to the back where there’s no more room.”

Dropping to his knees, he used one wide shoulder to keep Luxe’s thighs pried open while he dragged her thong off as though he hated the lace, his lips traveled over her inner legs, his beard tickled.

“Please.” She pleaded, wanting it more than anything.

The first touch of his mouth between her legs she screamed.

He didn’t stop until she was soaked and shaking her second orgasm.




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