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Tracking Luxe (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 3) by V. Theia (8)

“And he died of cocktease.” - Grinder’s epitaph.



Holy fuck.

Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. There was no way Luxe wasn’t trying to kill him.

One death by erection coming up.

His face was one of horror and desire both. His head was going to explode. Dizzy, his cock full of blood drained with speed from his skull.

He felt like he was being punked but with a lot more grinding pussy involved.

The heat of her through her jeans, his jeans and Christ…the hotness radiating from between her thighs burned the top of his straining cock. The rushing of testosterone whipped through him until his bones shuddered.

Lips made for torture brushed his neck and his dick planned an assault to break free of his clothes.

Luxe’s next words near had the tip of his cock detonating. “I think I’d like feeling you move inside me. Using you so good.” Hips rocked on top of him, Grinder reminded himself to pull air into his lungs as his fingers tightened on the top of her thighs.

He was in hell. He was in heaven. He was about to die.

So fucking turned on he could hardly hear as she mewled more sex in his ear, bit the lobe and went to town back and forth. Goddamn jeans in the way, he wanted her naked on top of him rubbing her pleasure, taking everything out on him.

Having to really remind himself she was drunk, he didn’t take advantage of the inebriated, even those he wanted to fuck until New Year’s.

“You kidnapped me.” She accused in a voice void of sweetness.

Frogs in his throat. “Detained.”

“I should hate you.”

He cursed. “Make me pay, love.”

“I shouldn’t think you’re fucking handsome, ?”

“You do?”

“Dios, .” She went into rapid Spanish he thought was so fucking hot he just wanted his dirty hands all over her giving her what she wanted, his cock inside her plowing her into madness and screams. “Feels so good, oh god, you feel amazing, so thick and perfect.”

Somewhere in the logical recess of his brain, that place full of fucking cobwebs, that he didn’t use, he knew she was tipsy, he’d watched her throwing back drinks like soda, just happy she was sitting with him, but she’d regret this tomorrow, he couldn’t drag enough energy to care when he was so goddamn hard and throbbing for her to keep going, to keep on rubbing her sweet covered pussy on his crotch like he was a bucking bronco and she was going for her eight seconds record.

“You’re so big and hard. I can feel you everywhere. I didn’t know you’d feel this good.” Her praise was ego boosting, and he loved it, loved hearing her talk about his body like she wanted to own it. His fingers clutched tight enough to leave bruises and that very same ego swelled right along with the big, hungry dick she was dry humping.

He swore around his pleasure, the curses swallowed up by the bar traffic. Just as well they were in public, in private he would have had her stripped naked already and licking her into sobbing his name. How the fuck were people going about their evening when he was a sweating, tortured mess just feet away from them?

“Luxe. Oh, fuck. Let me take you home,” Hands roamed his body, lifted the hem of his shirt and teased his abs. Grinder choked on his own eagerness. “Baby. Fuck.”

“Hard all over, aren’t you? Jesus, so many bumps.” Her voice was syrup. Thick fucking lust filled syrup dripping all over him. “I just want to lay you down and fuck you all night long, I bet you’d make it feel really good, wouldn’t you?”

He choked on his own spit. “I’d work damn hard to make it good.”

She made him pant like he was a thoroughbred in a race. It turned him on more that she didn’t seem to care how he reacted, or they were in a crowded bar as she rode his lap. “Press your hips harder, love, go at me like you’re trying to get at my cock through the denim, I’ll sit here and take it.”

She groaned into his ear, fingers clasped his hair tighter. “I am. Dios, I am. You make my pussy ache. I want to fuck.”

Oh shit. She might as well have called checkmate on his ass. “I’m beginning to think you’re a sexy little show-off.” He bit her shoulder. Her eyes fired for a second, everything between them stalled. Her forehead met his and she moved...slowly. So, goddamn slowly. Pumping. Pumping.

Grinder had no problem showing his appreciation for a beautiful woman, even a dirty rotten thief who didn’t deserve to know how badly affected he was just by her sweet scent., but she had him turned inside out, he couldn’t fucking think. The groan coming out of him was raw. He dipped his head down to draw his nose along the length of her cheek. “You smell good. Do you smell this good all over, Luxe?”

It was a one-two punch of arousal causing him to quit breathing and take his mouth to hers, panting against her lips. “Let me take care of that for you. I can, Luxe. I will. Until you don’t ache anymore, until you’re so wet with satisfaction you’ll forgive me.”

“I won’t ever forgive you, Nathan.” Her words slurred into one running amalgamation. “You took my freedom away from me, you don’t know but it’s something I value more than anything.” Breathy pants, she licked his bottom lip, nipping it hard with her teeth. She continued to rock and send him insane to fuck her, to just lay her down on the bench and get into her any way he could, fuck them being in a bar full of people, she had a need he wanted to take care of like her very own butler.

His heart constricted tighter than a boa.

He’d fucking screwed up, hadn’t he? One hasty decision and he wasn’t getting it back.

Knowing it already, what he’d done was unforgivable.

Fuck. It hurt.

“Then let me take care of you any way. I’ll slide my hand into your little panties and push inside your so-tight pussy, spread you open and finger-fuck you as thick and deep as you need, take all your hate out on me,” he offered. “When was the last time you were properly fucked, love?” she dragged in a breath, her eyes wild and just a little unfocused, hazy with lust. “Never is the answer,” He growled from his throat. “Because you haven’t been fucked by me, yet.”

Just desperate enough to accept anything to take away the taste of her in his mouth once and for all. To want a woman this bad for a year was enough of a tease in itself, to have her straddled on his lap pumping her sweet pussy on his crotch was agony.

She had to let him. She just had to.

Maybe he’d die and take care of the problem. He’d heard of sad bastards dying of coronary due to sex. He was thirty-four, and healthy as a horse, he worked out four times a week, more if he could and he didn’t do hard drugs, only a bit of weed to relax. He was anything but relaxed, his veins were strained to the maximum propelling the blood down to his dick. Was he in the right age band for a heart attack?

His death certificate would have her name for cause of death.

On and on, she rubbed herself, and made sexy little sounds up against his lips, kissing yet not kissing, he molded both hands on her ass, helped her out.

"You little fucking tease," the groan, on a garbled laugh by her ear, was dragged out of him, harder than he'd ever been in his long life, he was in danger of having his cock snap in half if he didn't free himself from the confines of the tight denim. Her mouth quirked at the edges with satisfaction and he had a need to lick her right there. "Do you enjoy being a little cock tease, love? To know I’d drop all my pride to do this, if there was a slither of hope I could fix what I did. Do you know how badly I’d have to want you to do that, Luxe, do you?"

She had the gall to laugh in his face, brushing sweet liquored air across his cheeks as her fingers danced along his chest and down, down, down until…fuckkkk... he reared up pushing his hips into her hand. Her face was analyzing his question. “Badly?”

Oh, yeah, she did, she was loving torturing him. “Yes. Do it then, free me up, I’ll do you right here, make you feel good won’t I? One come, two, three, I’ll make you forget how to speak English."

Why couldn’t she be as addicted as he was?

Fingers drifted out of his hair, traveled down between them and caught at his crotch so sudden Grinder went numb all over. He wanted to beg her for more, he had no fucking problem with that.

Her hand stopped right there, molding the shape of him and Grinder fell into the abyss, he didn’t even have his mouth on her and he was so far gone she could have done anything to him and he would have thanked her for it. “Finish what you started.” He pinned her with a starved stare.

And right then with her mouth right there in grabbing distance he watched her face pale, the color draining out of her.

“Nathan… I don’t…”

She heaved. Cheeks bulging out. And did it again. Her eyes glazed.

Oh, fuck. Oh, hell no. Shot out of a canon he was up out of the seat in one motion, Luxe in his arms. “Are you going to be sick, love? Hold on to me, don’t puke yet.” He marched through the crowd, not caring who he knocked into. Luxe was retching now into his shoulder, he could picture wearing her lemon scented vomit any second now if he didn’t get her into the bathroom.

Shoulder to door he barrelled in. Announcing loudly. “A dick coming through.” Three sets of startled female eyes over by the row of sinks turned his way, ready to protest no doubt until they saw he carried someone very sick, one of the woman, a helpful pint-size redhead said, “that stall is free.”

“Thanks, darling.” He told her, pushing the farthest one open, it was no bigger than a coffin, but he managed to get them both in, his shoulders brushing both sides of the wall at once.  Luxe slid down out of his arms and got into the praying position, Grinder had a second to grab all her hair back in a fist before she unloaded the contents of her belly into the porcelain bowl.

“I’m dying,” she whimpered, dry heaving a handful of minutes later.

“I won’t let you.” Grinder caressed her nape with his free hand. “There you go, love, you get it all out, you’ll feel better.”

“I was poisoned. You saw, right? I was.”

Grinder grinned, kept on rubbing her neck, down her spine, when he guessed she was finished emptying her stomach he put his hands under armpits and lifted her easily to her feet. “I think those sour drinks got you. Let’s get you home.” Swaying unsteadily on her feet, she leaned heavily into his ribs. The gathering of women had grown and all eyes pointed at him, looking adoringly, as if helping a woman while she puked was the greatest thing they’d ever seen.

“Do you need to rinse your mouth, love?” Luxe only groaned and buried her head in his chest, his palm held her waist. That was a no then. Time to get the drunk home.

Only he didn’t know where that was. It was the kind of question friends would already know, as she’d stated they were not friends. Air filled his lungs, keeping an arm around her he directed her outside where the cooler air seemed to stagger her further. He should have cut off her drinking, only he’d wanted to spend time with her. He got them back to the street where he’d parked his bike. Shit, putting her on the back was a bad idea in her state. He found her keys in her backpack, hit the alarm button and headlights up ahead flashed on her car. Getting her into the passenger seat was a chore, she was all grabby hands.

“You smell good, Nathan Frazier the kidnapper.” Smiling he buckled her in. “You’re tying me again? Bastardo.”

“Only a seatbelt to get you home safely.“

Taking a minute to hit off a text to one of the prospects. Slider would come and collect his bike, dropping it off at his place. “I need an address to take you home, Luxe.”


The engine idled, he twisted her a look. “I’m staying at Jamie’s place.”

Jamie fucking Steele.

Well, wasn’t that decision made. Grinder was not delivering her to the Kingsmen president, no way no how.

Fuck that. And fuck Jamie fucking Steele.

“We’re not friends,” she mumbled snuggling down into the seat, he turned on the heat for her. “Not sleeping with you, kidnapper.”

“I know, love,” he replied, his chest feeling tight with regret.

And just when his cock was under control she flopped her hand across and gripped his thigh. Raging hard on.

She fell right to sleep and Grinder was left to drive her to his condo with his teeth grit together the entire journey.



Movement upstairs forewarned Grinder to his overnight guest the following morning. His two-bed complex condo near main street wasn’t much to write home about but it was his.

A few minutes later there she was framed in the door, anxiously glaring at him. “Good morning.”

Her drowsy lilt made him think of sheets messed up from vigorous fucking, her legs dangling over the end of his bed while stopped her talking by giving it to her so good she forgot to breathe from the power of his thrusts deep inside her that took him right to the very back of what he knew would be the best damn pussy to ever clasp around him.

Fuck. Drink your coffee, dickhead, stop thinking of her pussy and how he wanted to destroy it.

He couldn’t.

He wanted it. It wasn’t convenient to be thinking it right then while she hovered in his doorway looking better than most chicks did when they had been primping for six days. He didn’t expect her to look so beautiful his belly muscles hurt.

Drinking his coffee to keep his trap shut, it burned down his throat and didn’t he just deserve the pain. Perving fucker.

Wincing, he was up off the bar stool to pour her one, offering it silently as she blinked confused.

“Looks like you could do with this. I made it strong.”

. Por favor. Gracias.” She sipped long. Turned chocolate eyes on him. “I stayed here last night?”

“Yeah. Didn’t know where you were staying.” Lie. He just had no fucking intention of taking her to Steele. “Do you want to grab a seat? I have eggs and toast on the go.”

Fuck him. The irony was strong.

It wasn’t that long ago he took the piss out of Preacher for romancing his old lady with the promise of eggs and here he was whisking those puppies like he was Martha fucking Stewart. Note to self, he thought, don’t tell Preach.

 “This is weird.” She noted finally.

Hovering like she couldn’t decide whether to flee or stay. Grinder moved around his L-shaped kitchen and piled eggs on a white plate.  

“Did we have sex?”

His whole body swerved, tempted to tease her, but she looked so fucking disgusted with the idea his gut dropped to his feet, face blanking out. “I don’t fuck unconscious women. You fell asleep in your car, I carried you in, took off your boots and poured you into my bed.” He didn’t tell her how cuddly she’d been before he’d detangled her arms from around his neck. Or how tempted he’d been to climb into his bed and hold her all night.

“Where did you sleep?”

He hadn’t slept much at all, he kept thinking she might puke in her sleep and choke to death so he’d checked on her often. Grinder placed her plate on the breakfast nook, patted the stool, and pointed his chin through to the living room. “On the couch.”

It took her about a week to cross the kitchen and sit down. Wearing last night’s clothes, with her wave of dark hair caught back in a long tail she looked edible.

“You remember last night?”

Coffee paused midway to her mouth, her eyes flared and Grinder grinned. Yeah, she remembered. Was she going to deny rocking out on him like a stripper?

“I’ll review your lap on Yelp later. Three out of ten. A bit bony, your dick could have been less prominent.”

He snorted amused.

“That’s not what you said last night, Luxe. In fact, you said-----”

“If you’re trying to embarrass me it won’t work. I don’t feel shame, I’m basically a cat who licks itself when there’s company over. I give no fucks, Nathan. I enjoyed teasing and working you up on purpose.”

Grinder’s eyes closed for a second, feeling like he could crack the mug he was holding in two with his tight grip. And when his eyes pinged open the cheeky thing was sitting scooping up eggs and ripping the toast into bits before tossing it into her mouth.  

She wanted to provoke him with her gorgeous sass and it was working.

More than anything Grinder was astounded … pleased she was even talking to him, she could have said just about anything and he’d take it. It wasn’t as though he was versed in detaining a woman in a locked motel room for two days as to how you then go about getting into her panties.

He wanted her. Feisty, violent, frosty and wet.

Whatever personality trait she was wearing, he wanted it.

“I wouldn’t shame you for something we both wanted to happen, love. Tell me to sit my ass down so you can writhe on top of me again and I will. I meant what I said.” He had to gulp his coffee or his worked-up body was going to keel over and the way she was glaring at him with the fork poised at her mouth she was likely to stab him.

Fuck. Why was he so attracted to that? He’d watched her take that bar chick down a peg last night and his dick nearly hit the underside of the table with arousal. To see her standing her own was a turn on.

“You can use me.”

Gracias. But no.”

A thief and a liar. Grinder twitched a smile and refilled her empty cup, making sure to lean over her so he could say by her ear. “Your eyes are practically begging me but that maddening pretty little mouth won’t ask me for it.”

“Keep dreaming, kidnapper.” The woman he saw put another chick in her place last night was back in charge, her face closed off, eyes flat. And still he wanted to eat her alive.  

He didn’t like the note of frost in her voice and he had ways to overcome that in time.

“It’ll happen.”

“I think the altitude has messed with your brain too long, kidnapper.”



He sighed hard enough to blew down an entire forest, before he shifted his head looking at her directly, she licked the corner of her lip and he felt it right there, right there. “Are you being difficult on purpose to drive me insane?”

,” she grinned. “And it’s working.”

They still had business to talk about, having been too busy being used like a bull last night, he still wanted to know the what’s and why’s about last night, so he let it drop for now. “Tell me about the Russian you were hiding from in my mouth.”

Grinder released a pent-up breath, before putting space between them, thankful he was wearing gray sweatpants instead of jeans, his dick was thick and heavy, and he didn’t see it changing anytime soon, not with Luxe in his apartment eating his food and looking the way she did. He wanted to get on his knees in front of her, peels off her jeans and show her how sorry he was for everything by using his tongue to make her babygirl-whimper.

Focus, dickhead.

He leaned on the opposite side of the breakfast bar. There was nothing good about being mixed up with the Russians and all his instincts were flaring to the forefront to get her out of trouble if she was------

“Oh, them,” her white teeth nibbled on a piece of toast, giving him her full attention, he couldn’t wait to hear this. “They have something I want. And since you’re desperate to make amends, I need you to help me steal it back.”




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