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Two Weeks of Sin: A Billionaire & Virgin Romance by Rye Hart (129)


I took forever getting myself ready for my dinner with Hunter and Angie had called halfway through my makeup. “If it’s not a date then why are you bothering with makeup? You could have gone straight over from work couldn’t you? Saved the gas?”

“I could have, but excuse me for wanting a shower after work.” My sister was taking her suggestions of saving money to extremes and she was about to drive me crazy.

“If you’re lucky, you’ll need another one when he’s through with you.” She giggled through the phone and I heard her fork scrape her plate. She’d been chewing in my ear for the past twenty minutes.

“You’re impossible. I told you this is about business. I think he’s going to suggest some kind of dual business idea or something. Maybe catering for an event he’s holding. I’m not sure how the hell that would work with bikers and cupcakes, but he said business. Whatever it is, I’m hoping it’s going to perform a miracle, after that rack went crashing to the floor today taking out my pies I cried like a baby.” It wasn’t like me to cry, but I’d been so stressed to my limits. I’d already put off hiring someone and that couldn’t go on too much longer. I couldn’t run the place all by myself.

“I know you’ve had the worst luck lately sis, but something tells me things are going to take a new course soon. Just keep your spirits high babe. And, don’t take this the wrong way. I want the best for you, but I do think you’ve put off a relationship long enough. When you find the right one, it’s like, I don’t know, an epiphany I suppose, but even then everything isn’t going to just magically fall into place.”

“I learned that today. It seems that everything was crashing to the floor. Did you know that cupcakes bounce? It’s true. One bounced its way clear to the sink and another hopped its way out the door and to the front counter.”

She whistled. “Dang, that’s impressive. I had no idea. I’m just saying to take a chance now and then, you won’t find the right one if you don’t try someone.”

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.” I slid into my shoes and took a last turn in the mirror, then I went to get the paper with his address out of my handbag. He had nice legible handwriting for a man and I wished my own was as neat. “Do you know where Meadow Lark Lane is?”

“Sure, that’s near the club. I believe those houses are just off the golf course. Why?”

There was no way Mr. Badass Biker lived anywhere near a golf course. “This is the address he gave me.”

“Nice. He’s rich too. That’s good to know.”

“Easy, Gold-digger, he has a kid, remember?” I’d told Angie about Tani and at the time she thought it was the most adorable thing, but reminded me of the reality. She said I should take the chance with him but told me that I’d never be the only girl in his life. I thought the discussion was ridiculous and refused to discuss it further.

“Yeah, I remember. I’m just saying that maybe you should reconsider dating this one. He seems perfect.”

She had that right, but then again I had no idea what kind of proposition he had for me so I decided to head on over and find out before I jumped to any further conclusions. If there was anything I’d learned about him, it was to not to underestimate him.

I got off the phone with my sister and headed out to my car and took a moment to add the address to my GPS. Sure enough he lived out by the country club. I headed off, letting it guide me to a sight for sore eyes.

I arrived at a nice, two story home with a gorgeous red bud tree blooming in front. The place was homey with a live oak off to the side and in it a small treehouse with a ladder. It was painted pale yellow and had bright pink curtains flapping out the window, looking tattered from the weather.

He met me at the door and invited me. His home was surprisingly normal inside. I don’t know why I’d expected it to be painted red with black leather furniture and posters of half-naked women sprawled across motorcycles, but I was relieved. This was a wonderful home he and his little girl had and from the looks of things, he didn’t let her go without.

“You have a lovely home.” I placed my handbag on the sofa and then followed him to the kitchen.

“Thank you. Have a seat.” He pulled out a chair at a small breakfast table and I admired Tani’s artistry that was displayed proudly on the fridge as he returned to the stove. “You look beautiful. I hope you’ll eat Italian.”

“If I say yes are you going to tell me that you’re Italian?” I met his eyes and he chuckled shaking his finger at me.

“I’d add it to my arsenal if I were Italian. But nope, not even a little. I do like it though when your brain is in the gutter.” He flashed me a wink and my cheeks burned. He looked sexy in his apron which protected his jeans and casual gray tee shirt. I was glad I hadn’t dressed up and felt more at ease as I noticed his shoes were a pair of men’s slippers which only made him more endearing.

“So, what’s this proposition you want to hit me with? Is it really business related or was this a ploy to get me alone in your house?”

He mixed up whatever he was cooking into one pan and then turned the heat down. “I really have an offer for you. Before I tell you what it is, I’d like to see if you’d even be interested. So I thought I’d give you a brief pitch and if it’s not something you’re into then I’ll forget I ever mentioned it and we’ll go on, friends as usual.”

I kicked out the chair in front of me. “Sit with me and let’s hear this pitch.”

He looked at the floor and took a deep breath before speaking. “I’m in a bind and need someone to do something for me that could save my daughter and me and from a terrible situation.” The look on his face was so pained that I reached out and placed my hand upon his.

“What kind of terrible situation?” In that moment so many things ran through my mind. Could this be about his daughter’s health? Was she in need of a transplant or something? My mind raced, and I had no idea what was going to come out of his mouth next or how I could help him.

“Her mother took me to court and gained custody of Tani.” His voice broke saying the words and he cleared his throat and stood up to get some plates down from the cabinet. “She’s never lived with her mother and it’s a bad situation.”

“I’m so sorry.” I was at a loss for more to say and I sank back into my chair not sure I wanted to get in the middle of a family situation. I could at least put in a good word for him to a judge if that was what he was wanting. He’d helped me so much and I was sure from looking around that he loved his little girl and could more than provide for her.

“Yeah, me too. I didn’t mean to bring the mood down. Let’s eat and I’ll tell you the rest over dessert.” He forced a smile and then carried the dish to the table. “I made Fettuccine Alfredo with bruschetta. It’s Tani’s favorite so I figured if I could charm one beautiful young lady with it, then maybe—”

“So, you admit you’re trying to charm me?” I gave him a side-eyed glance and smiled.

“I will if you admit that it’s working.” He grinned and served me pasta then offered me a plate of bruschetta. I took a slice and took a bite putting my mouth to work before I said something I’d regret.

I swallowed it down and then he reached in the fridge for a bottle of wine and poured me a glass. “That’s good stuff. I’m impressed by your cooking skills.”

“I took a cooking class with my Mother one year for her Mother’s Day present. That was when Tani was just a baby, but I figured I better learn how to cook and my Mom had always wanted to do it so I killed two birds with one stone.”

Cooking classes with his Mother? This guy never ceased to amaze me. And as we enjoyed our food, slipping comfortably into more conversation, I kind of wished it were a date after all.

When my stomach was full and I’d had my second glass of wine, he suggested we go for a ride on his bike. I imagined myself behind him, holding on to his tight body. It didn’t take much convincing.

“One more for the road.” I poured myself another half glass of wine and downed it as he went for his boots.