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Two Weeks of Sin: A Billionaire & Virgin Romance by Rye Hart (79)

Chapter Four: Cole

I step out of the shower, feeling a little better after some sleep and releasing a healthy load of juice from my balls. It’s been too long since I’ve had a woman in my bed and the one downstairs has woken up the beast, so to speak.

I hear Luke’s voice drift up from the hall and quickly throw on a pair of old jeans and a t-shirt. For some reason, the thought of him being his usual charming self around Sydney is irritating the shit out of me. I feel the need to get down there fast before he does or says anything to pique her interest. I find myself realizing that I want her eyes on me and me alone.

What the fuck is happening to me right now? I’m a damn thirty-five-year-old man, not a high schooler with his first boner. I should call Aunt Nora right now and curse her a blue streak for sending Sydney here. I’m not running a damn Bed and Breakfast!

But no, I can’t do that; I won’t do that. Aunt Nora has been too good to us. So instead, I’ll suck it up and try my best to keep my dick in my pants for the next few weeks. I take a deep breath, give my cock a stern talking to and head down the steps. The minute I lay eyes on her, my stomach flips. Fuck. I’ve never been this attracted to a woman in all my life. I suddenly feel the need to get out of the house, and fast.

Sydney goes to the kitchen to get a glass of water and Luke lets himself out. There’s an awkward silence so I finally clear my throat and announce that I’m going out to check on the cattle. A look passes quickly across her face and I can’t quite read it. Was it disappointment? Relief?

“Ok, well I’ll probably jump in the shower and get cleaned up a bit. I drove through a lot of dust on the way here, and I feel like I’m covered in it,” she says.

“Yeah, that’s why you don’t see too many fancy sports cars out this way,” I say, sounding way more dickish than I meant to. Keep it up asshole and you won’t have to worry about getting her in your bed, she’ll take herself out of the running.

She’s just standing there staring at me so I feel the need to say something else. “Well, my home is yours for the next few weeks so make yourself comfortable,” I say, trying to sound a little more charitable. “And feel free to make a list of things you might want from the store.”

Before she can say anything else, I turn on my boot heel and practically run out the door. Good Lord, I need a drink.

“I have to admit big brother, I’ve never seen you look so flustered around a girl in my life,” Luke teases when I meet up with him in the barn.

I grunt and start to inventory the feed bags so I can put in an order. As much as I hate to admit it, Luke is right. Sydney has me tied up in knots like no other woman ever has and I’ve known her all of twelve hours.

“Why do you think Aunt Nora sent her here?” Luke was asking.

“To torture me,” I say, to Luke’s great amusement. He is loving watching me sweat this girl. “I don’t know, she just called and said she had a friend who had had a rough year and needed a break. She thought the fresh air and quiet might help and so she asked if she could send her out. I couldn’t exactly say no to her.”

Luke nods his head. “Yeah, the way she took care of us all those years, we kind of owe her a favor or two. Besides, Sydney won’t be hard to look at for the next few weeks.”

I feel my ears start to get hot and my eyes snap up to my brother’s face. He is smiling that dumb smile of his and I want nothing more than to smack it off of him. I quickly look down, but not before he’s caught me.

Luke whistles low and chuckles. “Wow Cole, this girl’s got you wound up pretty tight already doesn’t she?” he asks.

I say nothing and move over to the feed stations, filling them for the first wave of cattle we’ll call in. I see him grinning and shaking his head from the corner of my eye.

“No worries man, I’ll keep my hands to myself,” he says. “Besides, I’ve seen the way she looks at you. I don’t think I’d be any real competition anyway.”

My head swivels in his direction. “What do you mean, ‘the way she looks at me’?” I ask, a hopeful spark igniting in my belly.

Luke scratches his chin. “Well, it’s kinda like the way you look at her. Like she wants to eat you for dinner.”

I can’t help but be pleased with that remark, but I try to push the feelings down. Though I’ve been with my share of women, I’ve never been one to have a fling. With Sydney being here only a few weeks, that’s all it would be. I can’t afford to start something that has nowhere to go.