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Fat Cat Liar by Ahren Sanders (26)

Chapter 26


“I’m not comfortable leaving you here with him.” Enrique’s angry bark travels out from somewhere close, stopping me dead in my tracks.

“You have no choice, and I hate to repeat myself, but you also don’t have a say in this matter. This is my decision,” Greer argues with him.

“I can’t understand why you’d let him back into your life after what he’s done. Is it because of the baby? Because, if that’s the reason, I’ve already told you, you don’t need him. We’ll all help you. There is no shame in being a single mother, and the baby will be much better off without Lawson Hall’s influence in its life.”

My hands ball into fists and rage boils inside. I start toward the sound of their voices at the end of the hallway.

“Stop! My relationship with Lawson is not open for discussion. You’ve made it perfectly clear how you feel repeatedly.”

“I’m not going to apologize for caring about you, Greer. Have you forgotten what he did? How he lied, deceived, and manipulated you into his bed for the sole purpose of advancing his career? How can you overlook these things?”

“I didn’t overlook them! I left him! I made the decision to walk away and leave my heart in tatters as I moved on. You of all people know that. But things change, Enrique. He’s changed.”

There’s an audible snarl following her statement.

“I can’t expect you to understand, but these last few days have been more than you’ll ever understand. We’ve talked, really talked. I made him tell me everything, regardless of the pain it inflicted on us both. The time alone, dredging it all up was excruciating, but he did it for me. It hasn’t been easy, but we’re working through. He’s resentful, humble, and apologetic. I will never condone his actions, never be able to explain the devastation he inflicted, but I had to make a choice. That choice was to follow my heart. He’s suffered more than you can imagine.”

Pain scores through my blood at hearing her. It isn’t her job or responsibility to defend my actions.

“Why can’t you trust me to handle this on my own?”

“Trust you? I trust you; it’s him I don’t trust. And to be quite honest, I think your emotions are unstable right now. Being pregnant can mess with your psyche. Ask Jenny if you want. You’re not mentally in a position to make decisions right now. Your hormones are out of sync and your body is dealing with a lot of foreign feelings. Letting him back into your life is a mistake, and if you were thinking clearly, you’d see that.”

I freeze right as Greer comes into view, and I watch as her hand swings out. The loud sound of a slap rips through the air. Enrique’s face whips to the side, and he staggers back on one foot. His look of shock is enough to tame a bit of my own rage.

Greer’s cheeks flame red, and she steps into his space, pointing at him with a visibly shaking hand. “You JERK! How dare you insinuate I’ve lost my ability to make rational decisions because of my pregnancy? You may think you understand everything about biology, but you have no clue what’s going on with my body and mind right now. I can assure you, my mind and body are perfectly in sync. So is my fucking heart! I love him, Enrique. There is nothing you can say or do to change that. Did he hurt me? Hell yes! For days, I couldn’t get out of bed because of the heartache and betrayal. But I was able to haul myself out of that pit of despair and find my footing. This baby was a huge surprise to me, and I understand it’s a huge shock to you as well. There’s no telling how Lawson’s going to take the news. However, that’s for him and me. You do not factor into this equation.”

My heart slams into my chest. It never occurred to me that she may have doubts about my reaction to her pregnancy. All those times I told her I was going to take care of her, it was always with the long-term plan to build a family.

“Fine, Greer. You want me to stay out of this and keep my mouth shut, I will. But I hope to God you know what you’re doing.”

Her face relaxes, the anger fading as she withdraws her finger from his face and places her hand on his chest. “You’re one of the best friends a girl could ask for. I understand it’s in your nature to protect me, but give me a chance to work this out on my own. If Lawson doesn’t want me and this baby, I hope you will still stand by my side.”

His hand covers hers, and he wraps his arm around her back, hauling her into a hug. “Always by your side,” he says into her hair.

It’s time to shut this down. I knock loudly, stepping into the room and drawing their attention to me.

“Baby, I brought down the girls’ luggage and put it by the front door. I think they are looking for you.”

Enrique sneers openly, his eyes flaring with disapproval. Greer steps away and comes to me.

“Thank you.” She leans up to kiss my cheek and glances over to Enrique. “You ready to go?”

“Actually, I’d like to speak to Enrique alone for a second,” I interject.

“Lawson, please don’t make this harder than it already is,” she pleads quietly.

“You have nothing to worry about,” I assure her.

She looks between us apprehensively and sighs, leaving without another word. I give her ten seconds then peer out into the hall to make sure we are alone.

“I guess I can add eavesdropper to your ever-long list of endearing qualities.”

I glare at him, every fiber in my body fighting to knock the shit out of him. Greer’s worried face flashes through my head, and I inhale deeply to tamper down the urge.

He speaks first. “How much did you hear?”

“You need to stop giving Greer such a hard time. She’s gone through enough without being lectured and beat up by her friends.”

“So, you know?”

“If you’re referring to the baby, then yes. I’ve known for a while now.”

“Why am I not surprised you’re still lying to her?”

“I’m not lying. I’m giving her the respect to tell me in her own way. Not that it matters because I’m not going anywhere. The baby is an added blessing.”

“I’m sure it is. Gives you a perfect excuse to stick around, knowing she’d never cut you out with a child involved.”

“I love her,” I say plainly.

“What’s not to love? She’s rich, successful, gorgeous, kind, generous… The list is endless. I’m sure you love the way her brilliance pads your bank account, too.”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m not taking a dime of the money.”

His head jerks, and I get a small amount of pleasure at his surprise. The satisfaction is short-lived when he opens his mouth again.

“Doesn’t matter. You had us all fooled. I should have followed my gut instinct when I first met you. Something wasn’t right, but I trusted Greer. Poor judgment on my part.”

“Fuck me. You’re in love with her.” The words scald my throat as the memory of that night in her apartment flashes in my mind. I teased Greer about his flirting, assuming it was harmless, maybe I was wrong.

He flinches, his jaw visibly tensing as a storm builds in his dark eyes. “If I thought it would make you disappear, I’d say yes. I’d do anything to get you out of her life. But as usual you have no clue. Greer is family, and I believe in protecting and taking care of my family.”

I study him, watching for any sign he’s lying, but there is nothing. A rush of relief travels through me. “Nothing will make me disappear.”

“You’re still a fucking asshole, and you’ll never convince me you’re good enough for her.”

“There is one thing we agree on. I won’t ever be good enough for her, but I’m going to spend every day until my last dying breath proving to her how much I love her.”

“You keep saying you love her, but I have to wonder if you even know what love is.”

“We could argue the merits of my concept of love all day, but it’s a waste of time. You’ll have to take my word for it.”

“Your word means jack shit to me. You’re nothing but a conniving motherfucker.”

“Your insults are getting repetitive.”

“You think this is funny?”

“Hardly. I’m pointing out that if you’re going to continue to sling insults my way, get some new material. Because I’m not going anywhere and your creativity is boring.”

His expression hardens, eyes growing enraged, and I can tell he’s having a hard time reigning in his control. I tighten my stance and cross my arms, staring him down.

“You broke her spirit. The one thing I thought was impenetrable was destroyed. We didn’t know if she’d recover from your deception. I took a chance and went to Kevin, thinking he was in the dark on the situation. I thought if he knew what you’d done, he’d retract the contract from Morris and you’d be fucked. Whatever drastic measure he decided on would never be enough for what you’d done. But he refused; he knew everything and still refused. I tried to convince him we needed to get Greer far away from New York, at least until she could get her head on straight. Again, he rejected the idea, telling me she was going to work through this.”

“We are working through this,” I correct him.

“You think showering her with gifts and trips down memory lane are enough to atone for your intentions?”

“You know nothing about my intentions, nor do you know the depth of what Greer and I have together. The truth is out. I made a grave mistake that can never be excused. However, the moment I met her, everything changed. Each minute we spent together was real. The power and intensity of our relationship changed me, and it’s all because of her. When she left, I understood the meaning of living in Hell. You can despise me all you want, but it’s not going to make a difference. Dredging up the past is useless. You’re important to her, so that means something to me. Out of respect for Greer, we need to find a way to be civil.” I resist patting myself on the back for keeping my voice steady.

“How much do you want?” He stares at me blankly.


“How much will it take for you to end this ridiculous charade and leave Greer alone, let her live her life without you messing with her head?”

Any control I have snaps. I lunge, gripping his sweater and ramming him hard into the wall. His neck cracks at the impact, giving me a brief advantage. “You’re not as smart as I thought. I’m done with your bullshit. You obviously aren’t listening when I say I love her. I’m not going anywhere. I’m man enough to know that losing you as a friend would destroy her, so I’ll keep your little offer between us. But that’s the only favor you’re getting. As of this second, you no longer get to voice your opinion and upset her.”

My eyes are clouded with red rage, and my whole body quakes with craze. I’m so lost in my head, I barely feel his sucker punch to my side until my kidney bursts with pain. I loosen my grip, wincing, and he shoves me away.

“I don’t take orders from you. Soon enough, she’s going to see the man behind the mask and you’ll be exposed for the fraud you are. As soon as your womanizing lifestyle takes a hit—”

My hand jets to his throat, squeezing to shut him up. “You’re not getting it, so I’ll tell you again. Baby or no baby, Greer is my world. You’ve made your point. You want me gone, but that’s not going to happen.”

“Don’t hurt her again.”

I whip around to find Bessie watching me. Her face is deathly pale, and her glassy eyes lock with mine. I immediately release Enrique and step away, putting distance between us.

“Never,” I reply.

“She’s strong, one of the strongest women I know. You hurt her again, I’m not sure what it will do to her.”

“I can assure you she will never shed another tear because of me.”

She holds my stare, scanning my face, and finally nods. Her gaze slides to Enrique and turns heated. “He’s right. It would crush Greer if she knew you tried to bribe Lawson. Don’t you think she’s been through enough and deserves some happiness?”

“Bessie—” he starts.

“Don’t. I know you well enough to realize your temper is in overdrive and you’re not thinking straight. But I’ll let you in on what’s happening across the house right now. Jenny and Jonas are trying to calm Greer down and keep her from stressing out. The stress isn’t good for her or the baby. Our car is almost here, and I assured her things were fine. So, right now, you’re going to gather your composure, calm your attitude, and follow me to the foyer.” Her eyes dart between us and she clarifies, “Both of you.”

I give him one last glare, feeling the hostility still thick in the air. But Greer is my priority. “Let’s go.”

He mumbles under his breath and shuffles behind me. Bessie leads the way and rambles about Christmas all the way to where Jenny, Jonas, and Greer are waiting. When Greer spots us, she breaks away and comes straight to me.

I wrap my arm around her shoulders and kiss the top of her head. “It’s all good, babe,” I murmur into her hair.

She looks unconvinced, searching my face then moving her gaze to Enrique. All eyes are on us. Even though we spent the day working together, the mood is awkward.

“I enjoyed today. Hope I was able to provide some insight.” I try to break the tension.

Each of them looks at each other, and it’s Jenny who speaks first. “You did, Lawson.”

“Yeah, I have to admit, you may be a dumbass, but you’re a smart dumbass,” Jonas adds.

Greer’s body goes still and then she bursts into giggles. “That doesn’t even make sense!” she howls.

“It sounded better in my head.” He shrugs, fighting a grin.

Bessie and Jenny join Greer in laughter, and she starts to relax. Her body folds into my side, and she lays her head against my chest. The atmosphere changes, and even Enrique cracks a grin.

Stan appears at the top of the stairs and Greer’s head pops up. “Is it time?”

He gives her a nod and jogs down, going out the front door. Greer peeks up, flashes a smile, and scoots away too quickly, following Stan.

Bessie winks at me, and a suspicious feeling nags in my gut as the women scatter out the front excitedly.

“Did I miss something?”

“Just another reason Greer’s too fucking good for you,” Enrique rumbles, following them.

“How do you feel about surprises?” Jonas asks.

“Not a big fan of them,” I reply.

“Well, you better put on a game face.” He motions for the door, and I walk out in time to see Kevin Palmer exiting the stretched limo in the drive.

I had hoped to have some time alone with Greer before he arrived, but it makes sense he’d take the car from the city since his helicopter pilot is off. She told me he knew about me staying in the house, but I have to wonder if he’s going to send me back to the woods now that he’s home. The thought lingers for a split second when he steps to the side and turns back to the car.

A booted foot hits the ground, and my heart thuds in my chest. I recognize that boot. Before I can make sense of what’s happening, my dad unfolds from the car, trailed by Clay.

Their eyes lock with mine, and Clay’s mouth splits into a wide, cocky, shit-eating grin.

“Surprise!” Greer squeals, running back to me and grabbing my hand.

“What the hell?” are the only words that come out.

“I invited your family for Christmas.” She beams.

“What? W-w-why?” I’ve never stuttered in my life until now.

She mistakes my shock for disappointment, and her face falls somberly. “You told me this was your mom’s favorite time of year, and I couldn’t stand the thought of your family being separated for the holiday. We have plenty of room, and with everything that’s happened, I figured…” her voice grows small and trails off.

Quiet settles around us as everyone waits for my reaction, but my eyes refuse to leave hers. I didn’t think I could love this woman any more, but I was wrong.

Greer Palmer just stole the last piece of my soul. Eternity takes on a whole new meaning as the future flashes in my mind.

Our future.

Holidays and summers in the Hamptons…

Weekends in Connecticut…

Sundays in Central Park, showing our children her favorite spots…

Families joining together…

Kevin and my dad becoming grandparents… Clay becoming an uncle… Greer being a mom…

Me being a dad... a dad…

It all comes slamming into me with so much force, my heart threatens to erupt from the emotions brewing inside.

I don’t care about the audience around us or the fact that Kevin’s heated stare is searing into my skin. My hand twists in hers, lacing our fingers together at the same time I bend and lift her against me.

“I fucking love you,” I choke out over the knot in my throat and crash my mouth to hers.

She lets out a surprised cry, gripping my shoulder and going completely stiff. My mouth moves urgently, greedily against hers, coaxing her to part her lips. Her breath hitches, giving me enough room to slide my tongue inside and find hers easily. There is no control to my actions, no power to stop.

The world around us fades away, and I pour all my feelings into this kiss. She makes a low sound, bringing me back to my senses, and I realize I’m crushing her. Slowly, I loosen my hold and end the kiss, still keeping her close.

Her eyes flutter open and sparkle with amusement. “I don’t have to see his expression to know my dad is probably plotting your murder right now.”

I spy him leering at me and chuckle. “You’re right. But I don’t care.”

“Now that you’ve thoroughly embarrassed us both, can you put me down and formally introduce me to your father?”

“I’m not embarrassed.” I start walking.

“Put me down!” She wrestles to get free, and Jenny and Bessie laugh as we pass them.

Once we are in front of Dad and Clay, I comply. Placing her on her feet, I turn her while keeping our hands joined across her chest. “Greer, you know Clay. This is my dad, Jarod Hall.”

She tries again to get free, but when I don’t let her go, she huffs in aggravation. I’m too busy enjoying her irritation that I groan when she elbows me low in the stomach and stomps on my foot with such strength I bow in pain.

“Nice to meet you.” She walks into Dad’s arms and kisses him on the cheek then moves to Clay, who embraces her longer than needed, winking at me.

“Thank you for coming.” She moves to her dad, who scoops her into a bear hug then tucks her under his arm.

“Thank you for inviting us,” Dad responds with full pleasure at my discomfort.

“I see you still look like a homeless hobo,” Clay tells me.

“I like that a lot more than lumberjack,” Jonas calls, loading bags in the trunk.

The next few minutes are a whirlwind of introductions, good-byes, Christmas greetings, and hugs as Greer’s friends prepare to leave. My senses go on alert when Enrique ushers Greer to the other side of the car and out of earshot.

I’m ready to jump at any sign of discomfort, but instead, she throws herself into a hug, saying something only he can hear. His eyes slice to mine, and the hostility from earlier is only slightly softened. However, he’s sending a message; he may detest me, but he wants what’s best for Greer. He loves her in his own way, and she does the same.

I can deal with that.

When they finally drive away, Greer links her arms through Dad and Clay’s, insisting on showing them their rooms.

I take a step to follow when a firm hand lands on my shoulder, stopping me. Kevin’s casual attitude from a few minutes ago is gone, his expression now severe and icy.

“This is still my house, and she is still my daughter.” His meaning is clear; he’s not a fan of my display of affection.

“I’ll try to control myself,” I lie.

His eyes narrow in disapproval, and the vein in his jaw starts to tick. “You are an arrogant bastard, aren’t you?”

“Not at all, I’m a man in love.”

He holds the stare for a minute, his eyes roaming over my face. I remain still, prepared for his verbal bashing. Instead, he blows out a breath and tips his head to the sky.

“Jesus, I don’t know what the hell my daughter is thinking, but I’m stuck with you, aren’t I?”

I cough back a laugh and take my chances by slapping his shoulder. “Should I call you Dad?”

He flinches, moving fast and twisting my arm unnaturally until I groan.

“I’ll take that as a no?” I hiss.

His eyes dance with enjoyment. Without a word, he releases me and disappears inside, but not before I catch his grin.


If it wasn’t for the smile on Greer’s face and the vibration of her giggles against my side, I’d be royally fucking pissed off.

Dad and Clay have wasted no opportunity to steer the conversation to every embarrassing story of my life, embellishing details to the point of ridiculousness. Kevin looks pleased with my discomfort, while Greer finds it all hilarious.

I sip my beer quietly, trying to ignore them and figure out a way to shut this down before it gets out of control. While everyone enjoys a good laugh, it’s not as fun being on the receiving end.

My mind tunes them out and drifts back to the afternoon. Once Kevin made sure Dad and Clay were comfortable, he excused himself to his office. Greer joined him to go over the project plans the Herd had been working on. She gave me the keys to the golf cart and told me to show them around.

As soon as we were alone, the grilling began. I questioned how and why they were here, and they explained Greer’s messages started the night I moved into the house. She wouldn’t take no for an answer, insisting they come for Christmas and keep it a secret.

She actually extended the invitation to my whole family, but Dad was able to convince her that Uncle Rob and Grandpa had other plans.

When we got to the cabin on the campsite, the tides turned. Clay laid into me first.

“You want to tell me what the ever-living fuck is going on here?”

“What do you want to know?”

“How is it possible for so much to change in such a short time? Your crazy ass chases her to live as a vagabond and take any scraps she’ll throw your way. Now, you’re living large in a mansion on the ocean in the Hamptons. You two are kissing, holding hands, making googly-eyes, and acting like a pair of teenagers. I showed up expecting the broody, pathetic, useless in-love brother of mine to be shivering in a shack.”

“I told you I was fine and we were spending time together.”

“You neglected to mention the state of your relationship had taken a colossal swing.”

I shift uncomfortably. “She wants to take things slow.”

“I think that’s a good idea. Hopefully, you’re respecting that,” Dad chimed in.

“As much as I can. If I had it my way, we’d be a lot further in our reconciliation right now.”

“I think taking things slow is a reasonable request. She’s in unknown territory right now with the pregnancy hormones. One look at the woman and it’s obvious she’s in love with you, too, but give her all the time she needs before you press her for more,” Dad suggested.

“I’m doing my best. But a word to the wise, don’t ever let her hear you mention pregnancy hormones.”

They raised their eyebrows with curiosity, and I launched into the scene in the office today between Greer and Enrique. Then I told them about my own confrontation.

“I have to say, he’s right about one thing. You may not be outright lying about knowing about the baby, but there is a little fact of lying by omission.”

“I have a plan.”

“Oh shit, it’s your turn to babysit when he fucks up this time,” Clay told Dad.

“Not sure this old man’s back can handle his sofa,” Dad returned, stretching dramatically.

“Your back is the least of your worries. Think about twenty-four-seven jail watch. Or worse, Kevin’s already threatened to kill him once.”

“Didn’t think about that. Guess I need to get some money on hand for bail if needed.”

I listened to their annoying banter until I couldn’t take anymore. “Glad you two comedians find this humorous,” I said flatly.

“We’re happy for you, Lawson.” Dad clapped me on the shoulder with a broad smile. “Don’t fuck this up… again.”

Greer cozies closer, laying a hand on my stomach and bringing me out of my thoughts. She looks up, and I realize the room is watching me.

“Did you hear me?” she asks softly.

“Sorry, I zoned out. Is the roasting over?”

She slaps me gently. “I asked what you wanted to do tomorrow night?”

“I thought you and your dad were going to a holiday drop in.”

“About the only good thing with you being here is we got to cancel.” Kevin sounds pleased with the change of plans.

“Dad!” Greer gasps.

“Don’t let us interfere with your night,” Clay tells them.

“I didn’t want to go anyway. I prefer a quiet Christmas Eve at home. Greer is the one who pressed the issue, but now that we have company, there’s a valid excuse to miss it.”

I can’t pass up the opportunity to get under his skin. “So, you are glad we’re here.”

“Your dad and brother, yes. I like them. You, not so much,” he shoots back without missing a beat.

Clay and Dad chuckle while Greer mutters something under her breath.

I flash him a smile and mouth, ‘thanks, Dad’. His face heats up and his eyes narrow, shooting fire my way.

“Why don’t you let us do dinner tomorrow night?” Dad offers, breaking into my fun with Kevin.

“That’s not necessary. I was going to cook,” Greer responds.

“I insist. Let us thank you for the hospitality. Lawson and Clay got their mother’s cooking talent, and I’m excellent at supervising.”

“Sounds good to me as long as Lawson isn’t going to give us all food poisoning,” Kevin agrees.

“Lawson is an excellent cook!” Greer comes to my defense, glaring at her dad.

“It’s settled, we’ll get the groceries tomorrow.”

“I’ll get the stuff to make pancakes for Christmas day,” I whisper and love the way her face brightens.

“Sounds wonderful,” she says so only I can hear.

“Lawson, can you meet with me in the morning to cover a few areas of your analysis? I’d like to make sure I understand your point on the steel reinforcements and if they will work,” Kevin asks.

“They’ll work.”

“You may think so, but I’m afraid this building may have structural elements you are not aware of. “

“Believe me, they will work.”

His expression hardens, and Greer’s grip on my abdomen tightens. I cover her hand with mine and squeeze reassuringly.

“Kevin, they will work because I’ve spent ten years perfecting the alignment and restructuring of buildings like this. I’m not your typical architect where my craft lies in one area. If you feel more comfortable seeing proof, I can provide dozens of designs that Morris has successfully executed under my direction.”

“I’m not sure that would be legal under your terms of employment.”

“Seeing as I’m about to be the VP of Architectural Design, I can worry about the legalities.”

The room goes still, Dad and Clay both sucking in an audible breath. Greer pops up, looking between the men and then back to me.

“You haven’t told them?”

“I haven’t had the chance.”

“You’ve shocked them into silence!”

“Let’s enjoy it while it lasts,” I joke, trying to pull her back into my arms.

“Lawson!” She swats at me and jerks her head for me to continue.

I turn my focus to them and explain. “I spoke to Uncle Rob and Grandpa. I’m not leaving Morris. After the holidays, we are going to meet and come up with a transition strategy. Rob and I will work in tandem until the Palmer Laboratory goes into phase two, and then I will step into the role.”

“Wow.” Dad blows out a breath and looks at Greer. “Did you have anything to do with this, Greer?”

“Not really, it was Lawson’s decision.”

“It was all because of her,” I tell them, winking at her.

“Well, I have to say you’ve performed a miracle. We’ve been trying to convince him to reconsider for a while.”

Greer’s face blushes at the compliment.

I steal a glimpse at Kevin, who’s grinning smugly. His eyes tell me he knew this would happen. Hell, he predicted in my office that she wouldn’t let me walk away from my place in the family business.

“Does nine tomorrow morning sound good?” I ask him, going back to the subject of the project before my dad has the chance to push further.

“Yes, Lawson, nine is fine,” he answers, gulping the last of his cocktail to hide his grin.

Like earlier today, I know all is not forgiven when it comes to Kevin Palmer, but slowly, I’m making progress.




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