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His Promise by Eddie Cleveland (20)


“What you think about the name August for a girl, or Augustus for a boy?” Julia briefly looks up from the clothes rack full of cute dresses she’s been eyeing up. With me being two months along and her two and a half, neither of us is big enough to even consider the maternity clothes in here. Looking at one of the price tags on a pair of Bermuda shorts with a giant elastic sewn to the top as a waistband, I drop the tag as soon as they see the number as if it seared my hand with its ridiculous price. There’s no way I’m going to be able to afford anything in the store, not on a waitress’s salary.

I crinkle my nose and think about the names. “I like August for a girl. That sounds pretty cute. I can picture the sort of girl she would be. You know, a free spirit or maybe an artist. I picture a really fun girl with a bubbly personality. But Augustus? Are you serious?”

“What’s wrong with Augustus?” She looks at me without a hint of irony or sarcasm on her face.

Oh God, she is serious.

“Julia, come on. Are you gonna break off a broom and glue it to a helmet when you send him to school? ’Cause that sounds like the name of a Gladiator or some shit.” I giggle at her surprised face. “And with a name like Augustus you better hope he’s a Gladiator, since you’d be sending him to a lion’s den every day he goes to school. Seriously, Augustus? Was that Parker’s idea?”

“I thought it sounded like a strong name. Gladiator? That’s what you think of?” She gives a slight shrug of her shoulders. “What names have you come up with that are so much better? Have you and Colt decided on anything yet?” She tilts her head and places her hand on her hip as I look at the floor, avoiding her gaze.

“Ahhh, no, not really. We haven’t really had that conversation yet,” I mumble to my feet.

“Is everything okay with you two? You never did tell me how he took it.” She’s staring at me hard now.

“I still… I, uh, just can’t seem to find the right time to tell him.”

“Isabella! Are you serious right now?” Her shrill tone makes the other customers in the store turn and stare at us in alarm. The last thing I need is a bunch of girls staring at me and listening in on my business.

“Shhh! Don’t get all excited. I’m going to tell him. There’s a lot going on with us, you know.” I lower my voice to a hush and the women around us go back to ignoring our existence. “It’s just hard to get the timing right. I mean, Colt’s life is so hectic right now. He’s got Madison to think about and a lot on his plate with Lisa. I’m just not sure how much room he has in his life for me right now, and I don’t want that to change just because I’m pregnant. You know?”

“No, I don’t know,” Julia hisses at me. “From everything I’ve seen, Colt’s completely in love with you. Why would you think any different?” Her eyes flicker over my face for a second, but she doesn’t wait for my answer. “You have to tell him, Isabella,” she urges. “You know for a fact it isn’t right that you’re keeping this from him,” she scolds me.

I know she’s right, and the truth is I’m not sure what’s keeping me from telling him. It’s just that every time I play the scene over in my mind, I’m about to have a panic attack. One day just rolled into another and before I knew it a month somehow passed us by and I still hadn’t said a word.

“Have you at least told your parents yet?” Julia presses on, knowing full well I haven’t.

“No. Why should I?” My words are jagged splinters of ice. “I don’t owe them a damn thing.”

Julia’s eyes soften and her hand drops from her hip, grasping mine gently. “Okay, forget I said anything about your parents. I understand you guys have history and you’ll work it out eventually. But you gotta give Colt a chance. You can’t hold his feet to someone else’s fire. He isn’t Joseph. He isn’t gonna run or turn you away. Besides, you know it’s not right that Mr. Taylor knows you’re pregnant but your man doesn’t.” She tilts her head at me.

It isn’t just my boss, Mr. Taylor, who knows. Working the day shift at the diner and all of its unique smells hasn’t been the best thing for my morning sickness. Pretty much everyone in that greasy spoon knows I’m knocked up now.

“Like I said, I will tell him. It’s not like I’m gonna try to hide it or anything, I’m just waiting for the right time. Madison is just finally settling into the apartment and we’re waiting to see whether or not Lisa can stand trial. Everything is just up in the air right now. I’m not sure I’m ready for any of this.” I look at the giant diamond twinkling on her ring finger and roll my eyes. “Besides, it’s easy for you to say everything will work out when you’ve got that giant sparkler weighing down your finger. Not all of us have our lives tied up in such a neat little bow.”

“That’s an excuse, and you know it. Look, you know I’m here for you no matter what, all right?” She gives my hand another squeeze and looks me straight in the eyes.

Some of my tension melts away. I know she has the best intentions for me. She’s just trying to help.

“I just don’t want to see you let the darkness from the past overshadow what could be a happy future. You deserve more than that. You both do.” She drops my hand and gently touches her fingers against my stomach. “In the end family is all we’ve got, Isabella. You do what you gotta do to make that work. I’m not telling you this because it’s just what’s best for the baby, it’s best for you too. Seriously.”

“I know, you’re right. I’m going to tell him soon, I promise. Okay?” I look her straight on. “Now, come on, let’s get out of here. You and I both know we’ve got no business looking at these clothes yet.” I sweep my hand across the store and nod down at our flat bellies. “How about we get a bite to eat or something? I’m actually hungry for once. Who knows, maybe you can find some more inspiration for your baby names. Like maybe you could name your kid pizza or Big Mac. Hey, that one actually works.” I laugh.

Julia cracks a smile and the tension between us melts away.

“Okay, okay. I’m getting hungry anyway.”

Relieved to change the subject, I practically drag her out of the store in search of a restaurant. I know Julia’s right about telling Colt. In my heart and my head, I know it’s the right thing—no, the only thing to do. Yet, every time we have a moment together, I can’t seem to force the words from my mouth. I silently promise myself that tonight I’ll find a way to spill it. Maybe I’ll call him when I get off work. Or maybe I can tell him tomorrow. That might be better. Tomorrow I’ll definitely tell him… tomorrow.