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Christmas Daddy Next Door: A Single Dad and Baby Romance by Tia Siren (114)

Chapter Eight




That kiss replayed in the back of my mind for the next few days. It had been far too easy to give in. It had been pure impulse and lust at that moment when I had finally caved into the need to feel Jenna’s lips against mine. It hadn’t helped that I had awoken from a particularly arousing dream the night before Jenna had joined us in the Nerf gun battle.

I needed to do something about this situation. I couldn’t afford to get caught up in another woman’s charms, especially after Sidney. Just thinking of her in Florida in the house I had paid for cooled the heat and hardness growing between my legs.

I logged out of my email right as Marcus walked into my office. He brandished an envelope at me.

“Vacation check, Summers,” he said, tossing it onto the keyboard. “I hope you plan to use it for something good.”

“Maybe,” I said. “I’ll probably just buy Owen a new Xbox and a few games.”

“Or go somewhere besides work,” Marcus said, shaking his head. “You’re one of the best detectives here, but it’s not so healthy to be such a prick all the time.”

I arched an eyebrow. “I’m pretty sure that’s why I’ve solved more cases than the other detectives here.”

“You need a break,” Marcus said. “I’m telling you to take the next week off to spend time with Owen. Take him to the zoo. Take him to the water park. Just do something other than work for a bit.”

He walked out of my office before I could reply. I stared down at the white envelope on my keyboard. A headache pounded in my temples. Maybe a bit of time away would be a good idea. I couldn’t even think straight anymore without Jenna tantalizing my every thought.

I spent the next few hours planning a week away at the hot springs before arriving back at the house right as the morning sunshine warmed it. Jenna, as usual, was pouring me a cup of coffee when I walked in. My eyes went to those long and tanned curvy legs that were visible because of those ripped jean shorts. My fingers itched to reach out and grab at the exposed flesh just to feel her. A week away would get rid of this temptation.

“I’m going to be gone with Owen starting tonight,” I said.

Jenna looked up with surprise glimmering in her eyes. “You are? Where are you going?”

“Vacation,” I said, and I pulled out my checkbook from my back pocket. “I’ll still pay you for next week.”

“How long will you be gone?” Jenna asked.

“For about a week,” I replied, tearing the check-out to hand it over. “I’m sure I’ll find another babysitter during that time, too, so you won’t have to keep coming over here.”

“I want too though.”

I tensed at that statement. The check between us fluttered in the summer breeze from the cracked window in the kitchen.

“I don’t know what I’ve done to make you so angry,” Jenna said, her voice a soft murmur in the kitchen, “but I really like watching Owen. It’s not an inconvenience for me if it’s not for you. I honestly can’t find any other work that helps pay for my bills.”

“It’s not an inconvenience,” I said. “I just thought you might want to do something else besides coming over here.”

Jenna’s eyes caught mine. “I like coming over here. It’s not a big deal for me to help out around here if you need it.”

“I’ll pull the ad then,” I said, grabbing my coffee mug from the kitchen island. “We’ll be back Sunday night, so the following Monday evening I’ll need you to come back.”

I started in the direction of the stairs, but a soft hand on my elbow stopped me. Fingers tugged on the crook of my elbow. I swallowed thickly as I turned around to take in Jenna standing directly behind me. Her long strands of hair were clipped up in a bun on top of her head. I could count the summer freckles peppering her cheekbones. Something clenched hard in my chest. That impulse to lean forward and kiss her lips was there again.

“I never had the chance to apologize for what happened over the weekend,” she said, tucking an errant strand of hair behind her ear shyly. “I-I didn’t mean to kiss you back. It was just the heat of the moment.”

“I kissed you,” I said, shaking my head at her. “I should be apologizing. Why do you apologize for things that aren’t even your fault?”

The question caused Jenna’s eyes to darken. She looked away hastily before turning on her bare heel to grab the check from the kitchen island. “Forget it. I’ll see you boys in a week. Give Owen a hug for me.”

The front door clicked softly shut. I watched Jenna disappear through the front door of her house before heading upstairs. The guest bathroom was still steamy when I passed by it. The smell of Jenna’s shampoo, fresh and sweet, filled my nose. I hardened just thinking about Jenna’s naked form.

“Fuck,” I whispered, treading softly down the hallway to not stir Owen in the process.

I needed to do something to get this tension out of me, or else I would find myself working my way through Jenna’s legs. There was no doubt in my head that we were falling into each other more than we were comfortable with. I couldn’t take it any longer. I didn’t want to do it, but I had to do something.

I closed my bedroom door softly before sitting on the edge of my bed, my erection thick and aching. I took a deep breath before unbuttoning the top portion of my jeans. The first brush of my fingers over the head of my cock brought instant pleasure and relief. I allowed the thought of Jenna, naked and bared to me, sink fully into my brain. Paired with how soft her lips felt beneath mine, it was enough to have me yearning for more.

A summer breeze flowed over me, causing me to shiver. Sweat gathered at the base of my neck as I wrapped my hand around my shaft and pulled up slowly, pleasure dragging me in deep. The soft sound of my panting left my heart racing, my mind filling with carnality. I glanced up to find the bedroom window wide open. Shit. I’d forgotten to close it? A flash of movement stilled my hand before a daring thought consumed me—too daring to refuse. What if she was there…watching? It was the perfect time to play innocent, though I was anything but.

Closing my eyes, I pressed my free hand against my thigh and pulled on my cock, groaning loudly as desire consumed me. I could see her in my mind’s eye, on her knees with her beautiful smile and her pretty pink tongue. Fire started in the center of my stomach and spread out like wicked tendrils of desire, consuming me as I let my imagination go wild. The possibilities were endless, and each was more delicious than the last.

I continued until the coil in my stomach gave out and my orgasm slammed into me. I let out a low moan of relief as I worked myself through the high. My jeans were covered in my pleasure, as was my shirt and fingers. I reached up with my clean hand to brush away the sweat that clung to my forehead before rising from the bed with my pants loose about my hips. I headed to the shower, my blood pumping through my veins so damn fast that I felt dizzy. I needed a shower, but I had to know. I paused and glanced back, sneaking a glance out the window to find exactly what I had suspected.

Jenna had been watching the entire time. She wasn’t so sweet and innocent after all. Good.