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Lane (Grim Sinners MC Book 1) by LeAnn Ashers (2)



The Next Day

“See you tomorrow, Jacqueline!” I yell to her as she walks to her car on the other side of the lot. I bring my purse up higher on my shoulder and turn around the side of the building where I have my car parked.

No way.

The guy who picked up Duke is standing next to my car with a bike parked directly beside it. I swallow and muster all of my confidence; this man puts anyone to shame since he is so hot. Forget Brantley Gilbert; this man beats him ten times over.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” I ask once I am a few feet away from him.

He takes a step closer to me, his head cocked to the side slightly, as he gives me a smirk. “I have come to take you out on that date.”

I couldn’t stop the smile if I tried. “Well, I guess you are out of luck then, I am heading home to relax.” I shrug and unlock my car.

“Doll, the more you resist the harder I try.”

I shiver at the sound of his voice. It’s deep and gravelly. After I set my purse on the passenger seat, I stare back at him. “Keep on trying then.”

He folds his arms across his chest, and his eyes move down my body and then back up. “Doll, it’s a dangerous thing challenging a man like me.” He leans forward, towering over me, and my breath hitches as I breathe in his scent.

Darn me for being so affected by his presence; he is so gorgeous and my body knows it.

I place my hand on his arm. “Maybe I like dangerous?” I smirk and step back from him, my eyes raking up his body, taking in the view one last time before I get into my car. Nothing else is said between us, but he watches me drive away with a sly-as-fuck smile on his face.

Did I mention I was in trouble?

* * *

I arrive home twenty minutes later, the excitement of seeing Lane again wearing off. I remember seeing his name in Duke’s file. I may have to seek out that file to look at his information. No shame in my game here.

I turn off my car and look up at my house. Why me? My cousin is sitting on my front porch waiting for me. I don’t want to deal with him right now—or ever, for that matter.

I love my cousin—don’t get me wrong—but I am just enabling him, and that’s not a good thing. I throw my purse in the trunk and lock my car.

“Amelia, what are you doing?” Jeffery asks, and it takes everything not to bang my head against the trunk of my car. I am so annoyed right now.

Let’s get this over with. When I reach the porch, he lifts himself out of my rocking chair and steps over to me. “Why did you put your purse in the car?”

Closing my eyes, I tilt my head back because I hate this so much. “Jeffrey, I can’t do it anymore,” I whisper, and I instantly feel the anger radiating off of him.

“What do you mean you can’t?” His voice rises to a high pitch, and I open my eyes. His face is contorted with anger.

I soften my expression so I can defend my decision. “Jeffery, I am not helping you when I keep on giving you money to gamble. I just can’t do it anymore. I love you so much, but I can’t be the reason for you staying on this path.”

He humphs loudly and raises his arms, his face reddening. “How will I eat?” He gives me the look that always makes me give in, but I can’t.

“I will pay your bills and pay for your food, which I will have delivered, until you get on your feet. Jeffrey, it’s time for you to grow up and be on your own.” I wince as I say the last part, but it needed to be said. No more pussyfooting around it.

He glares at me in a way I have never seen before, his nostrils flare, and his hand shakes. He points at my face. “You will fucking give me what I want. You have that fancy degree. This isn’t shit to you and you know it. Give me five grand and I will leave now.”

My lips are dry and my insides are jumping around. “Jeffrey, I work for my money. I will not give you more money to gamble.” I whisper the last part.

He throws his head back and laughs before looking me dead in the eyes. “You fucking will or I am taking it! Where is your purse?” He leans forward so his face is close to mine.

What the fuck did he just do? That does not fly with me. “First off, don’t get in my face like that, and second, my purse is locked up. Now get the fuck off my property.” I point toward the road as I try to rein in my temper, which is a very mighty one that I try to control.

His eyes move to my hand, and then he lunges for my car keys. His shoulder hits me in the chest, slamming me against the side of my house, and he is prying the keys out of my hand.

“Big fucking mistake, Jeffrey,” I tell him calmly and I snap. I place my free hand on the back of his head and push his head down to meet my knee. I hear the sickening crunch as I break his nose.

He jumps away, clutching his nose, and takes a swing at me. I duck. Then I bring my arm up and upper cut him as hard as I can. He falls to the ground, and I stare down at him in disgust.

“I want nothing else to do with you, Jeffrey. You dare touch me like that again and I will chop your balls off.” I unlock my door and stomp inside my house, while muttering cuss words to myself. I have not been in a fight in a long time.

I was in kickboxing for years, and I can handle myself. Jeffrey is living proof of me kicking ass. Dickhead. I grab a bottle of wine off the counter, trudge into the living room, and start chugging the wine straight from the bottle.

What is my life? It’s time for a girl’s night. I take my phone out of my pocket and dial my best friend.