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Hidden Embers by Amanda Perry (19)


The next two days Dad goes to work, and the rest of us go outside for more practicing. According to Cassie, I’m more than ready for the test, and my progress has been spectacular. Especially for only training my abilities for such a short amount of time. We don’t know how long I’ve actually been using any of them, like with the fire back in Washington. Cassie mentioned a burst pipe in the Mexican restaurant a few months back. She thinks it was my affinity for water coming out through my fear of Jaxon’s anger. 

Everyone keeps praising me for how well I’m doing. My opinions on my progress differ. I wish I could advance faster, but there’s only so many hours in the day for practice.

In a few sessions, my control on breezes improves a lot. 

It doesn’t take me a more than a minute to find what I need to grow sprouts in the garden, now. Although I can’t get them to grow beyond sprouts. 

Even my fire and water abilities improved. Cassie’s main focus was to push and pull water at will. Having to pull a small amount of water out of a large pool was the hardest thing for me to master, but practicing for countless hours helped. 

My fire abilities have stayed limited to starting and stopping tiny flames. It’s harder for me to control the size and heat like Caleb. 

The construction crew finished my room on Wednesday. I end up sleeping in my own room so I don’t impose on Caleb anymore. I’m sure he’s ecstatic to have his bed back to himself.

 As tired as I am, my mind won’t stop running. My racing thoughts have me tossing and turning all night. It’s going to be awful tomorrow because there’s more practicing to get in before we head out early. I don’t know if my body can handle it without sleep. 

My biggest issue with getting to sleep is Caleb. Even though it was only a few nights, I’m now used to sleeping beside him. I don’t want to ask him if he minds me staying with him again in case he wants his space. I’m already enough of a burden on them all. They spend the majority of their time helping me learn to control and manipulate the elements. When we aren’t practicing, they’re teaching me defensive fighting skills, which I’m terrible at. 

A quick glance at the clock on my bedside table shows it’s already five in the morning. There’s no point in trying to sleep now. I pull myself from bed and grab my clothes for a shower. Cassie insisted on packing for me, and I didn’t mind giving her a little bit of happiness. She may have gone overboard with three suitcases, but we’re taking an SUV and a truck. Dad said it should all fit. 

After having a long shower, I dry my hair and dress for the day. Cassie picked out a pair of comfortable jean shorts and a plain v-neck gray top for me. With a yawn, I head down to the backyard for more practice. 

No one knows what the council will make me do for the test. They don’t ask a lot from anyone for the testing. They only want to see that the Elemental has learned the basics. Any other advancement comes with time and practice. 

Normally for Fire, they simply pull the heat from the room and catch a small item on fire, then put it out. For Water, they require transferring water from one source to another. For Air, they ask for a noticeable gust of wind. When they test Earth, they want a seed sprouting. These are the normal tests, but it could be completely different for me, though. 

I don’t know how long I’m out back, sprouting seeds, causing gusts of wind, singing the edges of paper, and pulling small amounts of water out of the pool. Before I know it, Leanne calls me in for breakfast. After we all eat and chat about the trip and the number of stops we should make, I help Cassie clean up the dishes.

“Okay, kiddo.” Dad claps his hands together to get my attention. “Time for one more round before we head out. Jaxon and Caleb will be loading the cars while we make sure you’ve perfected everything.”

I nod and follow him outside. 

First, he directs me to focus on a branch on one of the trees in the backyard and have it grow longer. After I accomplish that, he breaks the branch off. Handing it to me, he has me make a small ember on the stick by the pool in the backyard. Then, I use a tiny gust of wind to turn the ember into an actual fire on the stick. He tells me to use water to extinguish the fire before it burns the stick completely. 

I’m panting by the time I’m done. The tasks took a lot out of me.

“Hey, kiddo,” Dad calls, rushing over to me as I lean down with my hands on my knees trying to stop the world from spinning. “What’s wrong? Are you alright?” 

“Yeah.” I gasp out. “I’m just a bit out of breath.” 

“Did it really take such a big amount of energy out of you?” he asks, with concern. 

“Uh,” I start to answer, but I’m interrupted by Caleb’s voice shouting my name. 

Before I even raise my head he’s right in front of me. “Baby! What is it? What happened?” 

“Nothing, Caleb.” I stand straight, though still panting, and grin at him. “I’m just tired and a little winded.” 

“Why are you so tired? We all went to bed early last night. Did you have another nightmare?” he asks, putting his hands gently on my shoulders. 

“No, I didn’t have another nightmare. I just couldn’t sleep, that’s all,” I admit sheepishly. 

“Baby, why didn’t you wake me?” He looks hurt, but I don’t understand why. 

“Because I didn’t want to bother you. You looked tired last night, and I don’t want to be a burden.” 

“Ah, shit.” He lets out a frustrated sigh, pushing his hands through his hair. “Baby, I promise you’re never a burden on me or anyone else. The only reason I didn’t put up a fight about you going back to your own room without me was because I thought you’d want a bit of alone time. I don’t want to overwhelm you, baby. This is a lot of crazy shit to take in, and I wanted you to have time to process it all. If I could, I would buy us an apartment and move you in with me tomorrow, but I have a feeling that’s a bit fast for you.” 

“And for me,” Dad grunts and turns toward the house. 

I snicker and put my arms around Caleb’s waist, pulling him toward me. I’m not sure what gives me the courage to be so forward with him, but I need to be touching him right now. “I think moving in together right now may be a bit much, but I would really like to share a room. It appears I have issues sleeping without you.” 

“Your wish is my command.” He winks down at me, causing a blush to stain my cheeks. I notice his eyes darkening again, and I have the sudden urge to kiss him. I think maybe he wants me to kiss him, too, because I feel him lean down slightly. 

“Guys, let’s go! We have a schedule to keep.” Cassie’s voice breaks the spell, and we reluctantly pull apart. 

I sigh and mumble, “I love Cassie like a sister, but I sort of want to push her in the pool right now.” I hadn’t meant for him to hear, but Caleb obviously did because he coughs, trying to mask his amusement. 

When we make our way to the driveway, three new cars sit outside the garage. 

“Whose cars are those?” I ask Caleb. 

“The black Ford is mine, the white Maserati is Jaxon and Cassie’s, and the blue Lexus is your dad and Leanne’s. The red BMW you’ve seen is kind of the family car. We all use it when we need it, even my parents when they’re here. I guess you’d never notice the others because we only use them for trips like this or when we live in our apartments,” he explains all of this while helping Jaxon finish loading the suitcases into the truck Caleb claimed as his and the Lexus he said is Dad and Leanne’s. 

His black truck has a cover on the bed for the trip. We stuff it full and lock it up. Dad and Leanne’s trunk is also stuffed full with the rest of the things we need on the trip up to Sacramento. 

Once the vehicles are loaded with the last of the luggage, Jaxon and Caleb close the garage doors. 

I notice a sleek black and chrome motorcycle in the corner of the garage just before the last garage door gets closed. “Whose motorcycle?”

“That, my beautiful girl, is my Harley Davidson Street 500.” He grins down at me. “Isn’t she pretty?” 

“She?” I try to hide my laughter, but fail miserably. 

“Yes, smart ass.” He puts his arm around my shoulders. “I don’t have a name for her yet, though.” 

“How about Bertha?” I suggest with a straight face. 

“You think you’re hilarious, don’t you?” He mock-glares at me. 

“Maybe.” I shrug and turn toward his truck. I only take about two steps before he grabs me from behind and lifts me off the ground, causing me to let out a high-pitched squeal. “Caleb! Put me down!” 

“I don’t think I will.” He shakes his head, gripping me tighter. “I think I’ll carry you to Sacramento.” 

He marches down the driveway with me in his arms, shouting and wiggling the whole time. 

“As adorable as this little scene is, we have to get going,” Cassie, once again, interrupts Caleb and me. 

“Pool,” I whisper, causing Caleb to burst out laughing as he carries me to the truck. He puts me in the passenger side before he hops into the driver’s seat. 

“I would love to see you toss Cassie in the pool, but I don’t think we have time for that if we want to stay on schedule, baby.” He winks and grabs my hand. “Let’s roll.”