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Hidden Embers by Amanda Perry (21)


“Caleb.” I gape at him with wide eyes, trying to collect my thoughts. That was one heck of a confession, let alone one to have on the side of the road. 

“Hey”—he grins down at me—“I don’t want you to say anything right now. I just needed you to know. Just think about what I said. It’s all true, I mean every single word. I love you, baby.” 

Before I have the chance to reply, he kisses my forehead. Shock waves rock my body from head to toe. As I savor the tingles his kiss caused, he grabs my hips and sets me gently back in the passenger seat. He gives me an expectant stare, but my poor mind is turned upside down. After a full minute, I realize he’s waiting for me to put my seatbelt on. 

As soon as I click it in place, he chuckles and takes off again. 

Caleb and I remain silent for the rest of the drive to the hotel, and thankfully, it’s an uneventful few hours. There’s only so much more adventure I can handle. 

The ten-story Citizen Hotel takes up a corner in Sacramento’s downtown. The historic-looking structure surprises me since I expected something like a Motel 6 or maybe a Holiday Inn. When we pull up, Caleb parks the car in front before getting out while I gawk at the elaborate building. I remain in my seat, assuming he’s running in to ask a question. 

With Caleb’s stroll around the front of the car distracting me, I fail to notice the man at my door until he has ahold of the handle. He opens it before I can react and flip the locks, and I yelp in surprise and fear. 

“Caleb!” I cry out, glancing at him from the corner of my eye while keeping my focus on the crazy man at my door. 

“Baby?” Caleb hurries the rest of the way around the car to stand next to the strange man with his brows drawn together. “What is it?” 

 My eyes dart back and forth between Caleb and the stranger, wondering if maybe Caleb knows the guy. The creepy man frowns at me, one brow arched in confusion. Turning my focus back to Caleb, sudden realization and relief cross his face. “Baby, this is the valet. He’s going to take our bags to our rooms and park the car for us.” 

My mouth forms a small “O” shape, and I know I’m blushing bright red. How embarrassing. Of course, I’ve heard of the valet service at fancy places, but I’ve never seen it in person. 

I don’t dare look at Caleb or the valet person as I hop out of the car and make a beeline for my father and Leanne, who stand at the entrance of the hotel. Not saying a word, I follow them inside and listen as my father checks us in. 

The front desk clerk addresses him by his first name. It makes me wonder if he’s been here before for the staff to address him so personally. He’s rented out all three of their penthouse suites, which surprises me. 

Do we really need such elaborate rooms?

As our group heads for the elevators, we agree to meet back in the lobby for dinner at six. It gives us about an hour to settle in and freshen up before we meet up again. Dad and Leanne take the penthouse on the top floor. Cassie and Jaxon are given the next floor down, leaving Caleb and I the penthouse suite on the eleventh floor. 

It’s silly, but I’m nervous about sharing a room with him now. We’ve slept in the same bed before, and I’d never slept better. It shouldn’t be any different to share a room and a bed with him in a fancy hotel. I’d been prepared to stay with Cassie for some reason, but being put with Caleb brings on a who new set of fears and expectations. 

As soon as the door to our room opens, my jaw hits the floor. Everything about the room screams luxury. All of the fixtures are sleek and clean. They must have just put the sheets on the bed because the whole room smells like fresh linen. The mini fridge is completely stocked with expensive drinks. The flat screen TV could be used in a movie theatre. The room’s reds and soft-brown decor give the place a relaxed atmosphere. 

I have a hard time appreciating it fully as I continue to think about my embarrassing moment downstairs. With a frustrated sigh, I go about unpacking my toiletries and a few clothing items Cassie insisted must be hung right away to avoid wrinkles. 

I still haven’t worked up the nerve to face or speak to Caleb. He must think I’m an idiot for not understanding who the valet was right away. Of course, I couldn’t catch up soon enough and he was left to explain things to me like a child.

“Riley?” My head snaps up as Caleb calls my name. He only uses my name when he’s serious and needs me to know it. 

Well, he has my attention, now. 

“Baby, why won’t you look at me?” He sounds hurt, and I hate being the cause of it. “Is it what I said in the car earlier? I don’t take it back, but if you feel rushed, I really am sorry. That wasn’t my intention at all.” 

It takes me a moment to realize what he’s talking about. But when it registers he’s talking about his confession in the car earlier, my mouth drops open. He thinks I’m upset because he said he loves me? Boy, he couldn’t be more wrong. Rather than answering him, I drop the dress in my hands and quickly shuffle over to him. 

I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my head in his chest. “I’m sorry I embarrassed you, Caleb.” 

Caleb stills. “You what?”

“That’s what has me upset. I didn’t know who that guy was, and I made a fool out of myself in front of him and you. I didn’t mean to, I just panicked.” 

Caleb lets out a long breath into my hair. “Baby, that didn’t bother me at all. I know you’re new to this world. Not just the Elemental world, but the world of privilege and wealth, too. There are things I grew up with that I forget you don’t or won’t understand, and I’m sorry for not explaining them to you sooner. It isn’t a big deal, though. You should never be embarrassed in front of me. I couldn’t give two shits what that guy thought of the situation.” 

I lean back and peer into his bright-blue eyes. “Caleb”—I bring my hands to rest on his chest—“I want you to know something.” I pause, grabbing his hand and leading him to the bed. I sit down and pull him down beside me. “All of those things you said to me in the car earlier,” I murmur while dropping my eyes to our intertwined hands. “Those words are the sweetest, most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard in my life. I’ve never wanted those things with anyone before. I was too afraid of what Samael and my mother would do if I even spoke to another person, especially a man.” 

I pause, taking a deep breath. “I mean, now that I live with my father, I don’t think talking to a guy is as big of a deal as it was made out to be when I was growing up. Not that you aren’t a big deal, of course you are. You’re my Soulmate for crying out loud. I just haven’t had enough time to really think things through. You know, with the whole Elemental thing. Then, I find out you’re my Soulmate, then I have to learn all of these new powers and meet with the council which is pretty exhausting and terrifying. Samael’s coming after me for some reason, but I have no idea why. Plus, I’m supposed to be this Chosen person, which makes no sense. I mean, look at me. I’m not equipped to handle this.” 

Rambling on like a lunatic hadn’t been my intention, but I can’t seem to stop myself. “I like you, Caleb, a lot. I just don’t know how to handle these things. If you can, I need you to be patient with me. I really don’t know how to be in a relationship. I’ve never even been kissed before. Not that I’m asking you to kiss me, of course, that would be weird to ask someone to kiss me. Not that I don’t want to kiss you. I think I do; I’ve wondered what kissing you would be like. That’s not something I’ve ever thought about with anyone else before. I just—”

“Riley!” Caleb chuckles, stopping my rant. He places his hands on my shoulders in a soothing gesture. “Take a breath, baby.” 

“Sorry,” I mumble, getting distracted by his lips. 

All that talk of kissing did something to my head. My gaze flicks from his lips to his eyes and back again. I can tell by the smirk on his face he notices where my focus is. 

“Are you getting sick?” I blurt out, not meaning to ask the question aloud. 

“Huh?” He blinks, a bit taken aback by my question. “No, why?” 

“Oh, it’s just… I’ve noticed your eyes keep darkening when we’re close. I wasn’t sure if it was the lighting or my imagination.” I shrug, feeling silly again. 

“Baby.” Caleb shakes his head, his hands sliding up my shoulders to cup my face. “Trust me, I’m not sick, and it’s definitely not your imagination.” He leans closer to me, our faces only about half an inch apart. 

“Caleb,” I whisper, though I’m not sure what I plan to say to him. 

“I’m going to kiss you now, baby girl.” His soft lips land on mine in the lightest of kisses. He stays there for a few seconds, as if testing if I’m going to pull back. I press my lips a bit harder against his, showing I want more. I’m not sure what I want more of, but he seems to understand what I’m trying to accomplish. 

His left hand slides from my cheek to the back of my head, tangling in my hair and pulling me impossibly closer to him. His right hand moves to my lower back, tugging my body until we’re completely flush against each other. I gasp at the sudden movement as his tongue softly sweeps my bottom lip. I take his lead and do the same to him, earning me a low growl. The sound makes muscles low in my stomach tighten, and I grin with satisfaction, knowing I’m the cause of his reaction. 

Caleb pulls back to leave a few softer kisses on my lips, the corners of my mouth, and finally my nose. He sits back on the bed, a little bit away from me. 

I blink at him, dazed. “Did I do something wrong?” 

“No!” He barks out a shocked laugh while running his hand through his messy hair. Briefly, I wonder if I messed his hair up, but I can’t seem to remember. “Baby, if we don’t get ready for dinner right now, I won’t be responsible for my loss of self-control. Believe me, stopping is the last thing I want to do right now. I just don’t want Jaxon or Mark to kill me either, so we should get going.” 

Realizing he’s right, I nod in agreement, then head to the bathroom to freshen up for dinner. 

Looking in the mirror, I don’t even recognize myself. My lips are a bit puffy, my hair is messed up, my eyes seem brighter, and I have the biggest smile on my face. I can’t help the giddy dance I do around the bathroom before finally pulling myself together and attempting to fix my messy hair. Cassie is going to have a fit.