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Hacked by Love, Part 3 by Sharon Cummin (21)

Chapter 24


We spent the next month getting into a new flow. I worked each weekday with James, and Lauren stayed home with Jackson. I was really getting used to having dinner as soon as I walked in each night. My mom had invited the two of them out with her from time to time, and Jackson asked all the time to go stay with my parents. They'd even turned my bedroom into his. It was strange to see him sitting on my dad's lap watching baseball with him. I knew I'd have to watch that shit when he got older. My boy would not be pushed into anything he didn't want. He could do whatever he wanted, I'd make damn sure of that.

I think Lauren was beginning to understand why Sammie had kept the news of her pregnancy from my parents for so long. She'd get a text at least once a week from Sammie asking if she could bring Jillian over to hang out with Jackson. It was more about running from my dad than it was letting her daughter play. She'd complain to Lauren the entire time she was there. Lauren said she understood. She also said she would have loved it if her dad had been there for her pregnancy. I felt so bad that she'd been dealt two shitty parents when I'd been able to get two amazing ones. Each time Sammie was there, James ended up coming over after work as well. Those two had me laughing so hard when they talked about my dad being up their asses all the time. It was nice seeing Lauren hanging out with my sister here and there. They were beginning to become good friends. The only time I didn't appreciate it was when my sister would call and ruin a perfectly good moment, if you know what I mean. I'd even turned the phone on vibrate and left it in the kitchen a few nights. It was like Sammie could sense exactly when to call. The woman never shut up long enough for Lauren to get her off the phone.

Jilly and Jackson were three years apart, but he loved when she was around. I think he felt like a big brother. I knew the poor girl was going to have one heck of a time trying to date when she was older. Between all the men in the family, the punks wouldn't stand a chance. We'd gotten a bed and dresser on one side of the office so she could have her own little space at our place when she was there, which was a lot.

Everything was perfect. Lauren was one of us, there was no doubt about that. She smiled a little more each day. I noticed she barely ever mentioned her mom anymore, and that made me happy. She deserved so much more, and I hoped she felt she was getting that with us. Every single one of us loved her and Jackson. My dad gave her shit all the time, just like he did us. My mom was even beginning to get in on the action. Lauren wasn't the least bit fazed with the whole ballplayer thing anymore. To her, my dad and James were just like anyone else. She didn't hesitate to take Jackson out into the yard and throw the ball around with all of them. I joined in a few times too. It shocked the shit out of my dad which only made me laugh. Lauren truly was part of the family.

My mom called Lauren to invite us to dinner. Of course, she didn't know that I was the one that set it up in the first place. I'd never been so damn nervous in all my life. Lauren must have sensed it. She kept asking me if I was okay. I told her I was, but I couldn't have been more wrong. I was so worried she was going to turn me down. She'd been through more than she ever should have been, and her mom had her convinced that no man was going to love her. As much as I told her I did, I could always see a bit of doubt in her eyes. It was like she was always waiting for someone to pull the rug out from under her. It broke my heart knowing she felt that way, and I knew one day she'd know she was more loved than she could ever dream. Little did she know, I would have done anything for her without a second thought. She was it. She was mine.

Dinner was over and we were all still at the table. I stood up knowing that I was about to take a step I thought I wouldn't take for years to come with the last person I ever thought I'd be taking it with. When I looked down at Lauren and my parents went silent, she looked up at me with a worried look on her face. I went down on one knee in front of her, and Jackson came over to stand beside me.

You drove me crazy for years through my computer. I knew I was going to meet you one day, and I was going to take you down. When I met you in that bar, there was something there. There was something different about you. When I walked into that meeting and learned that you, the woman from the bar, were the same person that had messed with me all those years, I didn't know what to think. You drove me crazy. I couldn't get you out of my head. The harder I tried to forget about you, the more I knew that I needed you. When you showed up at my apartment, I couldn't believe it. I knew that I needed to walk away, but I couldn't do it. When your grandma died, I didn't think you needed me, but I had to go to you. I'm so glad I did. I'm so damn glad you agreed to move here, and I'm just as glad that you turned that job down. I can't imagine my life without the two of you in it, and I can't imagine being anywhere but here. The two of you are my family. You're theirs too. I love you both more than I ever thought I could love anyone.”

I pulled the ring box out of my pocket and handed it to Jackson. He opened it and held it up to Lauren.

Will you marry Lance?”

Lauren's eyes were wide, as she looked down at the ring in Jackson's hands.

Really?” she asked, as she covered her mouth.

What do you mean really?” I asked.

You want to marry me?” she asked.

More than anything in this world,” I said.

Yes,” she said with tears in her eyes. “All those times I messed with you, I felt like someone was there. You saved me. I don't know where I would have been without you. You were there for me when nobody else was. I love you so much, Lance Smith. I'd love nothing more than to be your wife.”

My parents, James, and Sammie all stood up and walked toward Lauren. Jackson looked over at me with a smile so wide.

She said yes, Daddy,” he said.

Everyone stopped and silence filled the air. I couldn't stop the tears as they started.

She sure did,” I said, as I pulled him close and hugged him so tight.

I looked up to see tears in Lauren's eyes as well. She had the biggest smile on her face when she leaned down and wrapped her arms around our necks.

I love you two so much,” she said.

I slid the ring on her finger and let my family at her while I lifted Jackson into my arms and stood to watch them all hugging her. My mom was super excited about planning a wedding and jumped right in to talk about it with Sammie and Lauren. When Sammie walked over and hugged me, I had to smile.

Not everything turns out the way you think it will, Lancie,” she said. “I'm so proud of you.”

I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed.

Ouch,” she said and pulled away.

Come on,” I said. “I know James isn't that damn careful with you. Are you a sissy, Man?”

James looked at me and shook his head.

Do you really want to know?” he asked.

Hell no,” I said. “Never mind.”

Ouch,” Sammie said again.

Nobody is even touching you,” I joked.

She was still looking at me and I saw her wince in pain. When my eyes grew wide, she shook her head silently begging me to keep my mouth shut. Then it hit me.

Oh shit!” I shouted, and they all jumped. “She's in labor.”

My dad and James starting running around, and the three women burst into laughter. I narrowed my eyes at them, but they kept laughing. I sat my ass down in a chair and looked up at them.

Fine,” I said. “Have that baby here.”

Don't be like that, Lancie,” Sammie said in a sad tone, clearly making fun of me. “Ouch. Shit!”

She leaned forward and grabbed hold of my shoulders with a death grip. I stood up and pulled her to me.

You okay?” I asked, and she nodded.

I kept my arm around her and walked her to the car. Lauren and my mom followed behind us. Then I grabbed Jillian's seat and got her and Jackson in my car. The guys met us outside with her bags, and we were on our way.

When did you get the ring?” Lauren asked, as I drove.

I didn't answer her at first.

Lance,” she said, as she placed her hand on my thigh.

The day they offered me the job,” I answered honestly, and she gasped and covered her mouth. “When you came out of the bedroom and I left. That was where I went.”

We hadn't even said we loved each other yet,” she whispered.

When they called, I thought about the job and leaving. I couldn't imagine my life without the two of you in it. That was the moment I realized I was going to marry you one day.”

Why didn't you ask me then?” she asked.

Are you serious?” I said, as I looked over for a second. “When I came home, you were ready to leave. They called you, and I know you were ready to take the job and go. If I would have asked you then, your ass would have ran as fast as you could. Plus, it wasn't the right time. I wanted you to stay because you loved me and wanted me in your life.”

Can I ask you something?” she asked in almost a whisper.

I nodded.

What would you have done if I'd left?” she asked.

I could tell she was super nervous about my answer. Her grip on my thigh tightened, and her other hand was twirling a piece of her hair. I'd never tell her, but she did the twirl thing when was afraid or nervous.

I told you, I knew I was going to marry you,” I said. “I wouldn't have given up. I would have gone after you.”

Tonight was the right time,” she said.

It was,” I said. “They all knew I was going to ask you.”

What if I would have said no?” she asked, and I looked over to see a smirk playing on her lips.

Say no to me?” I asked. “That wasn't happening.”

What would you have done, carry me down the aisle like a caveman?” she joked.

If I had to,” I answered, and we both laughed. “Don't laugh, that shit worked for my dad. How do you think he got my mom? I already told you, you're mine.”