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Sweet Disaster (The Sweetest Thing Book 4) by Sierra Hill (7)



Mayday. Mayday. This ship is going down.

Since storming into my life two days ago, Kady has turned my world fucking upside down and inside out. I’m losing control of this situation, and I keep asking myself why I’m not taking what she’s offering?

That kiss in the courtyard. A man can only take so much.

Kady’s kiss caught me completely off guard. I was both equally frustrated and turned-on by her sexy tease with her ice cream cone. In fact, I’m pretty fucking proud of myself that I could stop it from going any further than it did. While my resistance did slip marginally when her small, wet tongue slid into my mouth, the taste of peach on her lips, and chocolate strawberry on her tongue, my willpower kicked in just in time.

Hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

I blame my moment of weakness on the fun day we were having together. I’d never spent that much time just hanging out with a woman – shooting the shit, walking and talking about life. Anything and everything.

Typically, my time with a woman is spent in a bar or wherever I end up meeting them. I add in two hours for getting busy in my hotel room, and then if necessary, an hour longer after fucking to figure out an exit strategy. Four hours tops.

I’ve been with Kady forty-eight hours now and those rules no longer apply. Mostly because I can’t touch her and she’s staying in the same apartment with me. Even if the safety latch did break on my self-control and I end up fucking her, I’d be stuck. I can’t just up and leave.

Kady is nothing like the girls I go for. Not that I have a type, per se, but it’s not the spitfire, snarky sex-kitten like her.

The minute she came barreling out of that restroom, ready to give me hell for failing to point out the teeny-tiny trace of chocolate on her mouth, I was so turned on I got instant wood in my pants. My dick enjoyed that smackdown she gave me a whole helluva lot. That bossy attitude of hers is sexy as hell and very enlightening. It confirmed what I was already thinking: she’d be a challenging and aggressive lover.

And when she informed me…no, demanded, that I take her out clubbing as a form of repentance? Oh hell, I was a goner.

The only reason I didn’t tell her about that speck of chocolate was because it reminded me of how good she tasted.

She tasted un-fucking-believable.

over something that was barely visible to anyone else, hidden deep in the crease of her luscious lips. Had I not been so intent on keeping my distance, I would have licked away every trace of that gelato from her mouth. I may have even worked my way across her jaw, down her neck and between her tits. 

My decision not to tell her, however, has now earned me a night out dancing. With a sexed-up Kady who seems hellbent on making me earn back her trust. And work her way under my skin.

Going to a dance club is one of the most uncomfortable things there is for a six-foot-five basketball player, with long arms and even longer legs. I can do sprints up and down a basketball court and even jump four feet in the air to dunk a ball, but I cannot dance. 

I’m embarrassingly awkward out on a dance floor and look like an oversized orangutan. Laughter at my expense is not funny and does irreparable things to an already injured psyche.

No thank you. The only attention I want is when people watch me on the basketball court.

The last few times I’ve been to the clubs with my single teammates, Luca and Stefano, I’ve stayed far away from the dance floor. They’ve taken me out to a few places around town, all with the point of getting in and getting out with a girl for the night. Sometimes even two. But even on those occasions I’ve remained solidly at the bar, watching everyone else dance and mingle.

My pick-up moves are less dangerous off the floor and don’t require any lessons. Most of the time, I just hang there and wait for a woman to come to me. Sad but true. It’s so easy that I don’t even have to try. They know who I am – know that I’m a league athlete - and want to spend the night with me.

Tonight will be different. When Kady and I returned to my apartment, she went to her room to take a nap and I used the time to do my laundry and call Luca. I needed his recommendations on where to go tonight. Although I didn’t extend him an invitation, he just assumed he was included and told us he’d meet us at Club Florentina at eleven.

“Tell me about this American girl you bring? Is she hot? Are you fucking her?”

Something flares inside me from a well of jealousy I had no idea was there when Luca asked me, in his broken English, who Kady was to me. It’s true there’s nothing between us, and she’s not my girlfriend and we aren’t dating. But that doesn’t mean I want the Italian lover boy, Luca, to come swooping in on her and claiming her as his prize.

I like the guy, and he’s a talented player, but he can find his own chicks without me serving Kady up to him on a silver platter. Plus, I’m responsible for Kady while she’s in my company. I told her brother I’d watch out for her, so that means I’ll make sure other guys keep their paws off.

At least, that’s what I tell myself.

“Si. Si. Non c’e un problema,” he says with a grin in his voice. The motherfucker. “Ah, you want to fuck her. I see. I will let the girl make up her own mind, non?”

“No, it’s not like that, dude. Just…whatever. You wouldn’t understand. Just don’t mess with her. Capice?” I growl in frustration.

Luca makes a low sound in his throat. “You Americans are too possessive of your women. Creates jealousy. Not good for the soul. We’ll see you later, amico. Ciao.”

He hangs up and I’m left with a growing unease in the pit of my stomach. He’s got it all wrong. I’m not jealous of Kady. I’m supposed to be protecting her. Not fucking her or trying to get her in my bed.

But the fuck if I’ll let Luca make a move on her. He doesn’t deserve someone like Kady.

Kady is adventurous. She grabs life by the balls and doesn’t take shit from anyone. Kady’s fun to hang around with and finds joy in the little things – like the conversation she struck up with one of the old vendors today. I’m in awe of her easy spirit and wish I had more of that.

I can be too closed off. I’ve been consumed with the need to protect myself from getting hurt by others. I don’t like feeling stupid or having people judge me for being dumb. I know I’m not a complete idiot, but my disability has caused a lot of heartache in my life and enough moments of embarrassment for me to become more guarded than the average person.

When you struggle to read well, even the simplest things can be daunting. Like going to a new restaurant and reading from a menu. Or filling out applications and forms, such as apartment leases. My reading proficiency is about on par to a seventh grader and prohibits me from doing a lot of things my friends do without thinking twice about it.

I’ve become a master of disguise at hiding my insecurities by simply allowing others to do the work for me. And when that doesn’t work, I look for ways to engage the conversation so the other person is required to tell me what it means. Misdirection is what they call it in the justice system. I call it a coping tactic.

I’d finished my phone call with Luca while I was down in the laundry facility and am back in my apartment contemplating a nap of my own. As I walk through my bedroom doorway, I hear Kady’s soft laugh rising from behind her closed door. She must be talking on the phone. But when I hear another female voice, I realize she must be Skyping. Maybe with her twin sister, Kylah, or her friend Izzy.

While I know it’s not polite to eavesdrop, I can’t help but stop to listen when I hear Kady say my name.

Moving closer to the door, I lean in, straining to hear the conversation.

“Why do you always do this, Kady?”

“Do what, Ky? Have fun with a guy? Please give me your sage advice about men. Because, oh let’s see, you have so much experience on the subject.”

Her sister huffs softly. “That’s not fair. You know you tend to jump into things without considering the consequences. Every. Single. Time. Case in point, your trip to Europe. And now you’re looking to make a move on Gavin because he’s hot. Yet, you haven’t thought about the possible aftermath or destruction that will invariably follow.”

My eyebrows shoot up and my lips curve up into a smirk. Kady thinks I’m hot. This makes me insanely happy even though it shouldn’t matter what she thinks of me. Nothing can happen between us.

“Whatevs. I kissed him. Big deal. I didn’t throw my naked body at him or anything. And he barely returned the kiss. Maybe he’s gay.”

I have to catch myself with my hand on the wall so I don’t fall over. She thinks I’m gay? What the hell? Hasn’t she seen the way I devour her with my eyes? The perpetual hard on in my pants? I know she noticed the one I had earlier when she drove me crazy with her cone-licking seduction. If I’m gay, she’s the Pope.

Her sister continues, her voice scolding. “Or maybe Gavin has enough common sense to avoid messing around with a girl who’s only visiting for a few days. Why do you always do this to yourself, Kady? You have this innate ability to find the wrong guy, in the wrong place at the wrong time. It’s like you sabotage yourself and any potential love interest right from the get-go. I don’t understand it. You have so much to offer someone, but I think you do it on purpose so you can avoid getting close to anyone.”

I can hear Kady shifting around on the bed, which squeaks a little from the old bedframe it’s on. This flat may have come fully furnished,

“I don’t need a lifelong commitment to be happy. I like messing around, having fun and enjoying the present. How is this a crime? God, this is such a stupid conversation. What twenty-something guy wouldn’t want to hook-up with me? I should be having the time of my life on this trip,” she tapers off, her voice dropping lower so I can barely hear her. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter. It’s obvious he doesn’t want me like that, so I should just let it go. And if that means finding someone else to enjoy, then that’s what I’ll do.”

“I just worry about you, Kady. You’re my sister and I miss you.”

It sounds like the conversation is about to wrap up and I want to avoid being caught hovering at her door, so I turn and head into my bedroom. Flopping down on my bed, I sprawl out, placing one hand behind my head, replaying the conversation.

I’m not sure I understand Everyone needs someone in their corner to look out for them, but Kylah sounds like the fun police. They might be twins, but it’s obvious they are two very different people.

and Kady’s comments about me. I’ve probably given her a bad case of whiplash over my attraction and feeling toward her. No wonder she’s confused about where I stand.

The sexual frustration I feel right now is at an all-time high. At any moment, I’m worried I’m going to explode, and everything I’ve fought to contain will have been meaningless. I’m not even sure why I’m trying so hard to keep a distance from her at this point.

Is it out of obligation to Cade? If so, he never actually told me to stay away from his sister. He simply asked that I give her a place to stay. He also asked me to keep her out of trouble. But that’s just semantics.

There’s also my brother’s friendship with Cade to consider. Although I’m removed from their relationship, I’d hate to do anything that would cause a rift between them.

If we hook-up, Or, it could turn into something more, which is definitely cause for alarm.

I’ve got too much riding on my potential career and hope of getting drafted into the NBA to get sidetracked with a girl.

Exhaustion from the last few games, the road trip, the late night last night and our excursion today lulls me into sleep. I’d closed my eyes for just a second, envisioning Kady lying next to me with my hands down her pants, and the next thing I know I’ve drifted off to sleep and woke to the sound of Kady’s voice singing in the shower. 

I awake slowly – foggy and discombobulated –

I'd tried dodging the recollection of Kady’s kiss, but my subconscious ignored that directive. My dream was so vivid – so real. So incredibly erotic.

I dreamt I’d walked into my flat carrying my laundry basket to find the bathroom door open and the sound of water running. I call out, but no one responds. I step inside with the intention of shutting off the water and I’m drenched from hot steam, sticky against my skin. I pull back the shower curtain to find Kady standing there – wet and naked.

Her head hangs back as she lathers her hair with shampoo. Everything smells like peaches. The soapy bubbles and water rain down the side of her face and her neck to land on the curve of her breasts.

I reach out to touch her breasts – to feel how soft they are – how supple – but she vanishes. Disappears right before my eyes, leaving only the soapy water circling down the shower drain.

The image is so real, so intense that it shakes me to the core. I can smell the peach-flavored products even now, as if I’ve been immersed in its fragrant contents. I blink, adjusting to the darkness,

Fuck it.

I’m so turned on right now from my erotic fantasy, I just need to alleviate some of the pressure that’s been building there while I slept. The shower is still running,

My thoughts return to her pink tongue. How it flicked across the gelato earlier, lapping at it with an enthusiasm that I’d bet she’d use on my cock. I picture her slippery, wet body just on the other side of the bathroom door, kneeling in front of me, the water coursing over her in a deluge while her tiny fingers wrap tightly around my length, coating it with scented body wash.

She’d want to put her mouth on me – so she’d rinse me off before bringing the head of my cock to her perfectly puckered lips.

Oh fuck, she’d look so hot with my dick sliding in and out of her mouth.

I slip my hand inside my briefs, sliding over the smooth, hard flesh of my swollen cock. I imagine her touching herself in the shower right now, thinking the same dirty thoughts about me. Wanting me to be naked with her.

I jerk off slowly, working to ease the pain, enjoying the build-up of arousal. I know it won’t take long to get off because I’ve been worked up for days. She’s been around me twenty-four-seven. She surrounds me. She’s everywhere. My desire is at the tipping point and I need to come in a bad way.

My shorts prevent me from getting a good grip on my shaft, so I yank them down with my other hand, giving me some freedom with my movements. I’m naked from the waist down, my legs hanging over the side of the bed nearest the door.

The mental image of Kady returns the water cascading down her hair, past her collarbone, over her generous tits, wet and glistening in the light. I'd bend down to suck a wet nipple into my mouth – The sexy sound of her moans gets me even harder, while my straining erection would press into her belly – seeking friction. She'd take this as a cue to reach down and flick the bead of moisture there before she fists me into her palm.

My focus is blurry, but I catch a glimpse of her - wrapped only in a towel, hair dripping at her shoulders as her steps halt and the breathless gasp echoes against the tiles.

My hand is caught guiltily beating at my rock-hard cock, and I’m too far gone to stop. Our eyes latch – mine glazed with lust and hers with curiosity. But then the connection is lost as she swivels on her heels and rushes to her bedroom, the door closing behind her.

My orgasm my legs into my lower back and into my tightened ball sac. The fact that she just witnessed me masturbating is so hot and so depraved that I begin to come in long, heavy spurts across my stomach, my shaky breath pouring out in short pants.

I slide to the edge of the bed and pull out some tissues from the box to clean myself up. As I wipe away the remnants of my orgasm, I consider the possibility that this thing between Kady and me could go from comfortable to awkward in zero to sixty seconds.

Should I talk to her about what she saw? Apologize if it made her uncomfortable? Promise that it won’t ever happen again? Shit, this has never happened to me. No one except my brother

Which means she’s likely never stumbled across one either. Looks like I’ll need to apologize for the unscripted show.

Slipping into the bathroom she just vacated, I’m pummeled with the smell of fresh peaches and cream that linger in the air.

I wash my hands and begin to dry them off when there’s a tap on the door.

“Hey, are you decent? I need to get something in there. Can I come in?”

My hands white-knuckle the sink, as I stare at the door wishing I could disappear. When I don’t respond, the door handle begins to turn.

I clear my throat, the first bit of awkwardness filtering through my system. “Sure. I’m done in here.”

Kady appears in the short doorway, which is tall enough for her, but not made for people over six feet tall. I’ve knocked my head on the wood frame more times than I count, forgetting how old and short the entryways are in Florence.

I avoid her eyes and mirror, idly combing my hair. I take a stealthy glance out of the corner of my eye and see that her hair is still damp, flowing over her bare shoulders and down her back. The part of her scalp, that’s normally covered with hair when it’s down, looks downy soft and I catch myself from reaching out and touching it.

Much to my dismay, but probably a safer alternative, she’s changed into some clothes – a pair of shorts with an off-the-shoulder white blouse that cinches at her waist.

I take a deep breath, inhaling her scent as she moves toward the sink where I’m inadvertently blocking her way. The grip I have on the edge of the tiled countertop could crush stone, and only digs in harder when Kady’s bare shoulder brushes mirror. I watch as she pulls a tube of make-up out of a small bag and applies mascara. Her mouth opens slightly and her azure eyes go round and wide.

Whether it’s the steamy heat that still lingers from her shower or just the heat of her body, I feel lightheaded. If I don’t get the hell out of here, for what I say or do.

Pulling myself together, I back away a step when she stops the wand that’s midway to her eyelashes and turns around to face me, her back pushed up against the countertop.

This posture significantly enhances and magnifies the fullness of her breasts, plumping them out even further. This does nothing to help my cause.

Either does the way her eyes peruse the length of my body, her smile a provocative challenge. There’s little to no room between us and I’m about ready to hyperventilate. A bead of sweat drips down my back, clinging to my skin at the center of my shoulder blades.

Ah, shit. Here we go. Couldn’t she just leave it alone? It’s embarrassing enough to be caught red-handed masturbating. And worse to be called out on it.

I stutter. “I-it wasn’t…shit, I’m sorry if I offended you. I didn’t mean for you to catch me doing it.”

I make a move to push past her but she juts out her hip to block my exit. If I wanted to, I could easily pick her up and remove her from my path – she weighs maybe a buck twenty. But I’m not thinking too clearly right now.

Her wink and the way she flicks her tongue across her lower lip throws me further off balance. I notice her nipples have pebbled even tighter, as she crosses her arms to stand stubbornly in my way.

Christ, I’m dying here.

My defenses are at an all-time low, bombarded by the scent of her. She’s so close. It would be so easy to move in…to crowd her, encroach upon her space. To make it as hard for her as she’s making it on me.

I can feel the heat running up my neck, over my jaw and into my cheeks.

“Aw, isn’t that cute? You’re blushing.”

My eyes dart to the mirror and sure enough, my cheeks are blotchy and red, hidden only slightly by the mass of dark stubble covering my jawline.

“You’d be embarrassed too if I caught you touching yourself,” I say with indignation.

Kady cocks her head. “Would I? Are you sure?”

At this point, I can’t recall why I’m still even in the bathroom with her. I should have moved by now, but my feet seem rooted to the tile. As if vines have sinisterly risen from the floor and taken me hostage.

Or maybe it’s the magic of Kady holding me prisoner.

Irritation, embarrassment and a growing untapped sexual need has grabbed hold of me and I feel the tension brewing. But her response has me curious as to her intentions.

Narrowing my eyes, I stare down at her as she drops the mascara tube onto the counter. Turning again to me, she uses the same hand and begins sliding it down the front of her shirt, slowly gliding over her stomach and down to the center seam of her shorts.

The sticky air around us goes still and all the wind is knocked out of me. I’m speechless, enthralled and completely turned on by her seductive moves.

I’ve been with sexually bold women in the past who’ve gotten what they wanted by explicitly showing and telling me what they wanted. Honestly, I like it when a woman vocalizes her desires. In fact, I’d rather be with a girl who knows her mind and her body over someone who has me fumbling around awkwardly trying to figure out what she needs.

Words and breath catch in my throat as her hand disappears inside her shorts. I stare in a heated daze watching as her wrist moves up and down, in and out. Her eyes glaze over, her front teeth latch over the edge of her lower lip – the one I want to pull into my mouth and bite.

I continue to stare at the juncture between her thighs and realize I have two choices. I can torture myself by staying and watching her little show; possibly succumbing to the intensity when I drop to my knees and devour her sweet pussy.

Or, I can do the sensible thing and walk away. Avoid falling victim to her sexy taunts, aiming to break down the wall of will power I’ve so carefully constructed. I need to remind myself of her brother’s plea to me.

Keep her out of trouble. Watch out for her. Protect her.

If I fuck her, I won’t be holding up my end of the bargain. I’d be taking advantage of Kady and this arrangement. I’ll disappoint Cade and myself, even if he never finds out. And if he does, it could create tension between Christian and Cade. That’s the last thing I’d want to do.

Maybe under different circumstances I’d let myself go with Kady. Lord knows I want to. But right now, I’m caught between a rock and a hard place. A really hard place.

I also feel like I’m bit of an easy target. I specifically overheard Kady telling her sister she wants a fun Italian hookup and it doesn’t matter if it’s with me or some other random dude.

I may not want a relationship with a woman, but I want to matter to them. There’s something about this situation that has me feeling played. Unimportant and insignificant.

If I give into her–like a puppet on a string – I won’t feel good about myself. Add that to my fear of being cut from the team and my poor play, I’ll look like a fucking chump.

Taking one fortifying gulp of air, I step back, my ass hitting the wall, allowing some modicum of space between us. Her eyes pop wide, confusion marking her features, as I turn and walk out the door, bypassing my bedroom and heading toward the front door.

Just as I step outside, door handle in grip, I hear Kady cry out. It could be ecstasy from her orgasm, but it sounds closer to frustration.

What the…you’re leaving me, Gavin?”

Closing the door behind me, I shake my head clear, wondering what the hell I’m doing. Am I the biggest goddamn idiot on the planet for leaving her this way? Sexually frustrated and unfulfilled?

As I walk briskly down the street, my hands curl inside my front pockets, and I have no idea where I’m headed. All I know is I had to get away from Kady before I caved and made a costly mistake that would be difficult to undo.

Cade was certainly accurate when he described his sister. She is trouble.

Sweet disaster is written all over her.

And that’s part of her allure that could be my undoing.





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