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Across the Miles (The Not So Bad Boys of Rock Book 1) by Rhonda James (10)



Sebastian took off early the next morning, heading off to practice with the band. He had arranged it so they would meet early and still be done after lunch, so we could have the entire afternoon to hang out. I pushed him out the door, doing my best to convince him that I would be fine on my own for a few hours. Just before he left, he turned to me and pulled me in close for a warm embrace, planting a soft kiss on my forehead. My heart fluttered slightly. I was going to check with Steve and see if that could be part of the concussion symptoms. That had to be it. The only other explanation would be that I had somehow managed to fall for this man, even though I knew that would be a bad idea. We could never make a relationship work. Could we?

“So how is it living with a rock god? Is it everything we dreamed it would be?” Jade gushed into the phone, never even saying hello. “No, wait, don’t tell me. I don’t think I can handle it. I’m holding a slight grudge over here, just so you know.”

“That so?” I chuckled, knowing if the roles had been reversed, I would have been a bitter fool.

“Okay, spill it. I can’t stay mad at you. Jealousy is an ugly accessory,” she sighed dramatically.

“Well, if you’re sure you can handle it. I mean, it’s pretty hot stuff,” I teased.

“What! No way! Seriously?” Her breath hitched.

“Calm down. Good grief, I barely know him. Things have been nice. He is an amazing man. He has been a perfect gentleman. He took me to Malibu and bought me a T-shirt,” I reminisced.

“Is that all?”

“Oh, and he held my hand twice and has kissed me on the forehead a few times.” I heard a thud and then silence, followed by a soft whimper. “Jade?”

“Yeah, sorry about that. I needed a moment. How the hell did you get so lucky?” she guffawed. “Seriously, though, you deserve to have good things coming your way. You’ve had enough of the bad stuff to last a lifetime. I’m happy for you, sweetie. Relax and enjoy your time with him. What’s up for today?”

“He’s practicing in the studio right now and then coming home later this afternoon. He’s taking me to meet his family tomorrow; they get together for a family dinner every Sunday. I’m a little nervous about that.”

“Sebastian Miles is taking you to meet his parents? That is huge, Brooke. Did you know that when he dated Charlotte he never introduced her to his parents? I read that online. You’ve known him for four days, yet you get a personal invitation. Sounds like something is going on…” Her voice trailed off.

“Shut up. He goes every Sunday. He probably thought it would be rude not to include me since I am stuck here with him. Stop with the matchmaking. I’m afraid we are not destined to be together.” I sighed. I wish she hadn’t mentioned his former girlfriend. Now I found myself wondering why she never met his parents and how I had suddenly become so fortunate.

“And why not? Don’t tell me it’s because you think you aren’t good enough for him, because that is totally not the case.”

“Hello? We live in two different worlds, not to mention on the opposite ends of the country. Besides, I’m pretty sure I could be his type; he’s been flirting quite a bit,” I mumbled.

“Whoa, girl, you are at this moment living in a real life fairy tale. This is something we used to dream about when we would drool over them. Enjoy it. But if you get the chance to meet Dek and you don’t get an autograph for me, I will strangle your blond butt,” she threatened playfully.

* * *

Later that night, the band was planning to stop by to meet me and hang out. I wanted to do something nice, so I decided to make a bunch of appetizers. Earlier, Sebastian had told me where the nearest grocery store was, so I went into town and picked up a few items. He tried to discourage me from doing too much, but I held my ground, reminding him of our deal that I would cook for him. I spent the rest of the afternoon in the kitchen while Sebastian sat on the counter and watched.

“You look happy. I think you like being here with me.” He winked after staring at me for the past twenty minutes.

“It’s the food. I’m always happy in the kitchen. It’s what I do best.”

“Ouch, Brooke, you wound me.” He clutched his chest dramatically, shaking his hair and making the locks fall wistfully across his face. Wow, how can that look sexy? When my hair fell across my face, it just appeared messy and unruly, while his looked as if a team of stylists worked hours to make it fall just that perfectly. “I know what you mean, though,” he said, hoping off the counter and leaning casually against it. “I feel the same way when I’m on stage. It’s one happy place that no one else can touch.” His eyes gleamed over as he talked about his music.

“I’ve never seen you perform live,” I declared. “I’ve always planned to, but could never afford it when you were in my area.”

“We can change that.” He smiled sweetly, then leaned over to sneak a piece of cheese, popping it in his mouth before I could stop him.

“You’re like a big kid,” I grunted. He wiggled his eyebrows in response.

I liked his band mates a lot. I mean, really liked them. They were all so nice to me. In all my years dreaming about meeting them—never did I think it would come true—but even when I had dreamed it, I could never have made it out to be this cool. They were so laid back and treated me as if I had been around for years. Of course, I had to let on that I had been a huge fan since the beginning, which made Sebastian beam with pride, and they had a jam session right there in the middle of the living room with me in the front row seat. No, it was better than front row. I was like being in the middle of it all. Sebastian sat behind me, his legs cradling my body, and he sang while the guys played and Dek harmonized with him. I sat there, taking it all in with a goofy grin plastered on my face. Chris Gunn was the bassist; he had shoulder-length blond hair that he usually kept back in a ponytail, but tonight it was down. He was really funny and seemed to like keeping the mood light. Chris and I hit it off immediately, acting almost as if we had been long lost brother and sister. James Dekklan, or Dek as they call him, played lead guitar and was covered in tattoos and had short, spiky hair. He was the strong and silent type. No wonder Jade had a thing for him. Travis played the drums and was Sebastian’s older brother. He was the complete opposite of Sebastian, having short blond hair and green eyes. He was married to Natalie, who was tall with short black hair and chocolate brown eyes. Her smile was kind and accepting. All of them were very accepting. I honestly couldn’t remember feeling this happy around a group of people.

We snacked on appetizers and just hung out in the man cave. A few of the guys drank beer, and I couldn’t help but notice that Sebastian only drank water. At one point, Natalie and I got up and carried the dishes into the kitchen while the guys played video games and yelled at each other, playfully, of course.

“Ah, the life of a rock star’s wife,” Natalie muttered, rinsing a dish and placing it in the dishwasher. “These are not exactly the images that flash through your mind when you think of living in mansions and making millions,” she cackled, and what should have come out as harsh and wicked ended up sounding more like a sing-song. I found myself wondering if she ever performed back-up for the band. Her voice had such a distinct tone.

“This is second nature to me. I live in a kitchen, so there are always pots and pans that need cleaning, although I don’t usually have to do them unless I am at home. Oh well, I made the mess, therefore I should clean it up.”

“The food was great, by the way. I would love the recipe for that hot spinach dip. What did you say those little bites of puff pastry were again?”

“Chicken in puff pastry, totally easy to make and not at all my recipe. I stole it from someone on Food Network, but it is always a huge hit. Something about the way the Fontina cheese mixes with the fig preserves, it makes my eyes roll back in my head just thinking about it,” I mock swooned, making Natalie crack up.

“Wait, your eyes are already rolling back in your head? I haven’t even touched you yet,” Chris teased, coming up behind me.

“You’re a lunatic.” I laughed, swatting at him.

“Yeah, but you love me already, I can tell.” He winked and grabbed me playfully around the waist, planting a loud kiss next to my lips. My eyes nearly bugged out of my head. “Brooke, what do you say you come stay at my house and cook for me the rest of the week? I promise to behave.” He kept one arm draped around me, acting as if we were the new couple. This one was quite the flirt.

“I think if I’m going to stay at your place, I will have to be paid a hefty salary. You know, I get paid pretty well for what I create with these hands,” I teased. Chris put a finger to his chin and pretended to ponder that offer.

“We could make it work,” he quipped playfully.

“Don’t go making any plans to steal her away. I just got her used to being here with me, you knucklehead.” Sebastian laughed as he came up behind him, grabbing him and taking him to the floor in a playful wrestling move. They tussled around for a bit on the floor before Chris rolled away, dodging one final mocking blow.

“Feeling a bit possessive, are we, Hipster King? And after only a few days. This can’t be good,” Chris tut-tutted as he stood up and snatched a remaining morsel of food from one of the platters. “Maybe you two lovebirds would like to be alone.”

“You’re one to talk, dude. You’ve known her for four hours and have already asked her to move in with you.”

“Yeah, well, I know a good thing when I see it. No sense beating around the bush.” Chris winked. I couldn’t suppress my smirk. I knew he was intentionally riling Sebastian up; it definitely worked. Sebastian draped a possessive arm around my shoulder, pulling me in close. I didn’t resist.

By the time the evening wound down and they were heading out, I didn’t want them to leave. It had almost seemed surreal. In a brief moment of clarity, I did pull it together long enough to get Dek’s autograph. Before he would write anything he asked if I had a picture of Jade, which of course I did. He looked it over and smiled devilishly.

“She’s cute. Where does she live?”

“Ah, Michigan. And yes, she is very cute, and very much smitten with you, so this would mean the world to her.” I smiled, batting my eyelashes for extra incentive.

“You’re cute too, but I think you’re already spoken for,” he laughed. “Hey, Natalie, you got any of our fan photos on you?”

“Got some in the trunk of my car, I think. Why?” she called back.

“I need one, the one of just me and my guitar. It seems I‘ve got a fan who could use one.” He smiled and winked at me. Once Natalie came back in the house with the photo, he bent to write something, tapping the pen against his lips for a few moments before scrawling it out and handing it over to me.

“Thank you. She would have killed me if I didn’t get this,” I muttered, holding the picture up and reading what he wrote.

Jade, a sexy chick who loves my music. Thanks for listening, sweetheart. If you ever decide to leave that mitten, look me up. Would love to meet you sometime. Love, Dek

Holy crap, she was going to flip out when she saw this!