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Across the Miles (The Not So Bad Boys of Rock Book 1) by Rhonda James (24)



“Dude, you really need to calm down. And for crying out loud, will you stop shaking your leg? You’re vibrating the whole row of chairs,” Dek muttered quietly, trying not to attract too much attention.

“I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I’m nervous and excited,” I whispered back. We were sitting in LAX at the terminal, waiting to board a plane to Michigan. In an attempt to keep a low profile, we wore hats and regular clothes, trying to blend in. The airlines had our real names, but they were accustomed to famous people flying commercially, so they were always very discreet. It wasn’t so much that I hated being recognized. I just didn’t feel like being polite or entertaining. I needed to concentrate on what I was going to say when I showed up on Brooke’s doorstep unannounced.

“I don’t know what you’re nervous about,” Dek replied, exuding all the confidence in the world. “You know she’s going to flip out when she sees you. It’s been three months. She’s probably going to lock you up in her room and I won’t see either of you for the next three days. No worries, though; it’ll give me more time to get acquainted with her friend, Jade.” His eyebrows wiggled back and forth, and a lop-sided grin formed on his face.

“You’d better control yourself around Jade. She’s Brooke’s best friend and I don’t want you screwing things up for me, understood?” I warned.

“Whoa, lighten up.” He threw his hands up mockingly. “I’m just talking about spending some quality time getting to know her. Jeez, relax already. You’re going to give yourself heart failure or something.”

“I can’t take this anymore.” I stood up. “What time is it? Shouldn’t we be boarding by now?” I turned to head for the restroom when they announced the boarding call for all first-class guests. “It’s about time,” I muttered.

“Good Lord, this is going to be a long flight,” Dek groaned, rolling his eyes as he bent down to grab his backpack. “Sebastian, slow down,” he called after me, as I hurried down the Jetway. “Unless you’re planning on running down the airstrip and flapping your arms all the way to Michigan, which you and I both know is impossible, we’re going to get there at the same time.” I turned to glare at him, but when I saw the smug grin on his face I couldn’t help but crack a smile.

“Fine, point taken; I’ll try to relax.”

“That’s all I ask. Anyway, it’s like I said earlier; I don’t know what you’re so anxious about. She loves you.” He slapped me on the back and darted past me. We took our seats in first class and waited for the plane to take off, all the while trying our best to blend in. So far we hadn’t been spotted. I sat back, hoping our luck wouldn’t run out.

“Oh my God! It’s Sebastian Miles and James Dekklan, from Paradox. They’re here on this plane! Tina, look who it is!” The squealing woman turned and called out to her friend, who was a few feet behind her. As soon as the words were out of her mouth, heads snapped around to confirm her claim, and a low groan escaped my pursed lips.

“Just smile and go along with it, dude,” Dek whispered quietly out the side of his mouth. “Hey, ladies, would you like an autograph?” He stood and worked the crowd like a pro, and, because I was the front man and knew I wouldn’t hear the end of it if I didn’t follow suit, I joined him in the aisle and signed every scrap of paper that was thrust in my face.

Twenty minutes later, and only after the captain came out and put an end to the chaos, we were finally back in our seats and taxiing down the runway, slightly behind schedule, but at least we were moving and passengers were no longer staring at us.

“I hate flying,” I muttered quietly, leaning back in my seat and staring blankly out the window, pulling out my earbuds and plugging them into my phone. “Wake me when we get there,” I said to Dek as I turned on my music and closed my eyes. Soon the sounds of The Vamps’ Somebody to You filled my ears and the memory of Brooke dancing in my living room filled my mind.

Sometime later I opened my eyes and looked around, rotating my head from side to side in order to work out the kinks in my neck. My eyes settled on Dek; he had dozed off, and his head was resting lightly on my left shoulder. I needed to go to the bathroom, having neglected to do so before boarding the plane. I unfastened my seatbelt and edged my way around Dek’s long legs that were stretched out fully in front of him. The lavatory in first class was occupied, so I decided to make my way to the back of the plane. On the way there I did my best to keep my eyes focused ahead of me, avoiding any direct eye contact so as not to get sidelined and delay relieving myself. Sitting in the last row was a mother with her young daughter, and just before I opened the door, I looked down and smiled at the young girl, causing her to giggle.

“You’re Sebastian Miles, aren’t you?” she whispered, leaning into the aisle in an attempt to get closer to me. In all the commotion I hadn’t recalled seeing either of them thrusting something my way, demanding an autograph. Somehow they had managed to avoid that madness. The sweet smile on this little girl’s face suddenly made me forget why I had come all this way in the first place. I stopped and crouched down to her level.

“Why, yes, as a matter of fact, I am.” I smiled at her mother, who watched our interaction carefully. “And what is your name?”

“Savannah.” She giggled again.

“That’s a very pretty name. How old are you, Savannah?”

“I’m six,” she declared proudly.

“No,” I shook my head, “you’re at least nine years old. You look way too grown up for six,” I teased playfully.

“No, I’m not, silly. I’m only six.” She smiled, showing off a mouthful of missing teeth.

“Oh well, now that I’ve seen proof, I guess I have to believe you.” Her mother smiled warmly at both of us, obviously proud of how well her young daughter was interacting with a famous adult. I held out my hand to her, which she shook firmly.

“I’m Sebastian, as Savannah has already pointed out.”

“I’m Rachel. We’re big fans,” she whispered. “We couldn’t make it through the crowd earlier. Thank you for taking the time to talk with her.” It was at that moment I glanced down and saw the braces that were fitted to Savannah’s legs from the knee down. She saw me looking, and I gave her a wink and ruffled her hair.

“So, Savannah, you like my music?” She nodded excitedly. “How would you like it if I invited you to come to one of my concerts? You could sit backstage and watch everything up close and personal. Would you like that?”

“Yes, I would like that very much,” she croaked.

“Oh my gracious, that would be just wonderful,” Rachel gushed. I pulled out my boarding pass and turned it over, and before I even asked, Rachel handed me a pen, and I jotted down my number.

“We start touring in three months. We’ll be overseas for awhile but finish up in L.A., just go online to our website and look over the tour schedule. If a date looks like it will work for you, then give me a call and I’ll arrange everything.” I handed her the slip of paper and her pen back, and as she removed the paper from my hand, she gripped the ends of my fingers tightly.

“Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to both of us.” I raised my eyes to meet hers and saw tears glistening on the surface. I squeezed her hand gently and let out a sigh.

“I should be thanking you and Savannah, for reminding me why I love being in this business.” I turned to Savannah and brushed the hair from her face with my hand. “Now, you make sure that your mom calls me for those tickets, okay?” She nodded and giggled, showing off her beautiful toothless grin again.

“Good-bye, Sebastian, it was nice to meet you.”

“The pleasure was all mine, sweetheart.” I leaned in and gave her a small kiss on her cheek before turning and heading back to my seat, forgetting once again I never made it to the bathroom.

“Where the hell have you been?” Dek asked as I sat back down. He looked down the aisle before turning to me again. “Did you hook up with some chick back there or something?”

“What are you even talking about? I was heading to the bathroom and ended up meeting a fan. I had a very lovely conversation with Savannah, and we made plans for a future date.” I didn’t feel the need to elaborate. I figured I’d let him process that for a while.

“Wait a minute, what about Brooke?” he asked, perplexed by my evasiveness. “Why are we flying all this way if you’re hooking up with chicks on a plane?”

“Oh, good grief, I’m not hooking up with anyone. I met a little girl who’s a fan. That’s all that happened,” I stated, rolling my eyes.

“Yeah, whatever you say, Hipster King,” he scoffed. I didn’t bother correcting him.

After the plane touched down and we taxied to the gate, the flight attendant got on the intercom asking if we wouldn’t mind waiting to depart so that someone with medical needs could exit first. I knew immediately she was talking about Savannah, and I couldn’t help but turn my head to watch as she approached. Slowly and proudly, she made her way down the aisle, clutching tightly to the stuffed bear I had seen sitting next to her earlier. As she approached my seat and stopped, I couldn’t hold back my smile. This little girl had captured my heart.

“Good-bye, Sebastian, I’m so glad I got to meet you.” She giggled once more.

“Good-bye, Savannah, enjoy your time in Michigan. Hope to see you again real soon.” I winked once more, making her giggle even harder.

“Well, no kidding. I guess I owe you an apology after all.” Dek smiled, waving to Savannah and her mom as they walked away slowly. “Cute kid.”

“Yeah, she really is,” I replied softly as the need to see Brooke increased tenfold.

* * *

When we pulled into Brooke’s apartment complex, I couldn’t wait to sit back and relax with her in my arms. Once the plane had landed, we trekked our way across the vast airport until we reached the rental car kiosks. Thirty minutes later, we were seated inside the luxury of the Mercedes SUV and made the forty-minute drive to her home. After all was said and done, it had been a long day.

Dek and I made our way up to the security system and pressed the intercom for Brooke’s apartment. I muttered a silent prayer that she was home and not at the restaurant. It took a few minutes, but then we heard a voice on the speaker.

“Can I help you?” asked a voice that wasn’t Brooke’s. It sounded like Jade, but it was hard to tell through the static on the speaker.

“Yeah, is Brooke home? She’s not expecting me; I was hoping to surprise her.”

“Who is this? Wait, is this Sebastian?” she asked, the tone of her voice inching up a notch.

“Yeah, is this Jade?” I laughed and looked over at Dek. “Is it okay if we come up?”

“We?” she croaked out.

“Yeah, me and Dek wanted to come for a visit. So whaddya say? Can we come up?” There was a loud buzz of the intercom and then we heard a click on the door latch. We opened it and started up the stairs.

“Man, I’ll never complain again about missing out on apartment living. The stairs alone are killer,” Dek groaned.

“Ah, you’re just spoiled. Quit whining,” I teased.

“Holy crap! It’s really you.” We both looked up and found a short, dark-haired woman staring at us, her mouth hanging open, forming a perfect O. “I think I’m going to pass out,” she mumbled, swaying slightly from side to side before falling forward unceremoniously into Dek’s waiting arms.

“Whoa, easy, sweetheart,” he said softly, gripping her gently around the waist. “Let’s get you onto the sofa.” He picked her up and carried her through the open door behind her, lowering her carefully onto the cushions. “Sebastian, can you grab a glass of water for her?”

“What are you doing here?” she asked as she sipped the water. “Brooke never mentioned you were coming. Oh my God, does she even know you’re here?”

“Well, not really.” I shrugged. “I kind of wanted it to be a surprise.”

“Surprise!” Dek yelled mockingly, causing Jade to laugh uncontrollably. Once she managed to regain her composure, she leaned forward and smiled at Dek.

“Thank you for the photo.” She batted her eyelashes. “It made my day.”

“Really?” he asked, leaning closer to her. “I was hoping it would make your year.” The blush that covered her face could have easily rivaled any of Brooke’s and reminded me again of why I was here.

“So, where is Brooke anyway?”

“Well, she was supposed to have the whole weekend off, but someone called in so she went in to cover their shift. She should be home any minute. I think she said she got off around eight-thirty.”

“Okay, we’ll just hang around and wait if that’s okay,” Dek stated, leaning against the back of the sofa.

“Sure. Make yourselves at home,” she responded, copying his posture. I checked the time on my phone. Seven-thirty. Oh boy, this was going to be a long wait.

“Actually, do you mind if I use your bathroom?” I asked, standing up.

“Sure, it’s down the hall, first room on your right,” she responded quickly before resuming her conversation with Dek.

Once I finished up and washed my hands, I splashed some cold water on my face to help me wake up; I was exhausted. I went back out into the hall and accidentally made a right turn instead of a left, which would have led me back to the living room, and found myself standing in front of what had to be Brooke’s room. The bed was topped with a fluffy, white comforter and pink throw pillows. I knew that she loved pink. Timidly, I stepped in and glanced around, feeling slightly uneasy about snooping around my girlfriend’s bedroom without her permission, or even her presence in the apartment. There was a book on the bedside table, another romance novel, and just beneath the lamp there was a framed photo of us sitting in Mom and Dad’s living room. Mom must have sent it to her. I ran my finger over it, remembering that day vividly; it was the day we shared our first kiss. I walked slowly through her space, touching items here and there, longing for that connection, wishing she were here with me right now. I could smell her all around me, but she was nowhere in sight. I sat down on the bed, balancing on the edge for just a moment before lying back against her pillows. I grabbed one and held it firmly against my face, inhaling it deeply. I missed her; there was absolutely no denying it.

I headed back out to join Dek and Jade in the living room, approaching slowly so as not to interrupt any potential hookup that might be taking place. Thankfully, they were just talking, but it appeared as if they were both into each other, even though nothing was taking place. I felt like a third wheel. I needed to get out of here and go find my girl.

“Hey, Jade, how far is it to the restaurant? I want to go see if I can meet up with her and drive her home.”

“Oh, you don’t have to drive; it’s only four blocks. Brooke walks to and from work every day,” she offered. “Just go out the building and turn right, go two blocks down to Main Street and turn right, and then two more blocks and it’s on the right side of the street. Oh, and it’s called the Cork and Cleaver.”

“Thanks. I’ll be back later.” I jogged down the three flights of stairs and pushed open the door, thankful I had on my hoodie, just in case I needed to look like any other mid-westerner ambling about on the streets at night. I followed Jade’s directions and had just rounded the first corner when I spotted her sitting alone on a wrought-iron bench that faced the street. From where I was standing, it appeared as if she were staring out into nothing, totally absorbed in her own thoughts. I was afraid I would startle her, so I made my way quietly over to the bench. She gave me a passing glance before turning back to the street and speaking softly.

“I’m sorry, but I was kind of hoping to have this bench to myself. I just need some more time to think. I’ve kind of got a lot on my mind,” she said without looking over at me. Had she recognized me when she looked back? I stood off to the side of the bench, unsure of how to proceed, but knowing that I hadn’t traveled all this way to chicken out now.

“Well, I’ve been told I’m a good listener,” I replied, making my way to sit down beside her. She turned her head sharply, blinking her eyes a few times as if to make sure she wasn’t imagining things.

“Sebastian? What are you…When did…Oh my gosh, it’s really you, you’re really here,” she cried, tears pooling up around her gorgeous blue eyes. She threw her arms around me, and I buried my face in her honey hair, inhaling deeply. Man, I had missed this. Until this exact moment, holding her close, breathing in her scent, I hadn’t fully realized just how much I had needed her beside me.

“I’m here, baby. I had to come see you. I couldn’t go another day without this.” I inched my lips closer to hers, anticipating their warmth, tasting every inch of them, pulling away only when I needed to take a breath. I held her face in my hands and wiped the tears away with the tips of my thumbs before kissing the end of her delicate nose. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“I can’t believe you’re really sitting here. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? How long have you been waiting?” She ran a finger along my jaw, brushing lightly across my lips, then leaned in to kiss me softly once more. “I’ve dreamed of this day for three months; only in my dreams I wasn’t dressed in my chef’s uniform,” she groaned.

“You look amazing, same as always,” I declared. “What are you doing out here on this bench by yourself? When I walked up you looked really sad; in fact, you still do. Is everything okay, baby?” I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in close, not wanting any more distance between us.

“This is where it happened, four years ago tonight,” she said quietly. She didn’t need to elaborate. I knew what she was referring to, and my initial response was to draw her in closer. “This is where the officer carried me to after he pulled me away from the wreckage. I watched everything from this spot, almost as if I were watching it in slow motion.” She shook the image from her mind and shrugged her shoulder. “It doesn’t matter now. I have you here with me, which means I don’t want to focus on the past. I just need to put it behind me. It’s just that every year I like to acknowledge that he did exist, that he did matter to someone. That he mattered to me.”

I took her hand in mine, covering it completely with both palms. “Brooke, I’m probably the only person in your social circle who understands what you are going through right now; you don’t have to bury it just because I’m here. Baby, he was a part of your past; he’s part of the reason you’re the woman you are today, a woman I love with all of my heart. I don’t expect, or want, you to forget him. It’s okay to grieve your loss. My feelings won’t be hurt by that. You loved him once. All I ask is that you love me now.” I looked down into her eyes and saw the smile just below the surface, begging to fill her tear-stained face.

“What did I ever do to deserve you?” she whispered, laying her head on my shoulder.

“I ask myself that same question every day. I’ll tell you what, why don’t we just stay here a while? Allow yourself all the time you need to process whatever it is you need to work through, and then when you’re ready, and only then, we’ll head back to your place and work on catching up.” I stroked her face and watched a small smile forming there, then leaned back against the bench and cupped her small body tightly against mine.

We sat there together on the bench, neither of us speaking until she turned to me and announced she was ready for me to take her home. As we stood to leave, I grasped her chin between my fingers and kissed her passionately on the mouth. I felt her melt into me as her warm lips opened up to mine, allowing my tongue access, and I couldn’t hold back the moan as her tongue matched the movements of my own. She wrapped her arms around my neck, burying her hands in my hair, pulling me deeper into the kiss. When we broke apart, we were both breathing heavily.

“I know you mean for me to take you to your place, but I would love nothing more than for you to say that to me and be referring to the home we share together one day.”

“Oh my gosh, Sebastian, that was beautiful.”




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