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Again by Elizabeth Reyes (6)





As the months passed, a few things Sydney had suspected about Emi and her family were confirmed. First of all, her brothers had contacted him in regards to Emi—more than once now. Fortunately, on both occasions, Sydney knew for a fact she was fine because one of the times she’d just left his place and the second time he’d been out by the pool with her. Apparently, she didn’t answer her phone or respond to their texts when she was around Sydney.

Second, the reason he’d had her over to his place when he’d vowed to keep things as distant as possible with her, was that he’d found it impossible to not just go along with what had begun to happen. The thing about Emi was, as unfriendly and anti-social as she’d professed to be, she was comfortable around Sydney and got even more so with every interaction they had. The only plus on what could possibly turn into an awkward situation as they began to get closer and hang out more, was Darren, the guy she mentioned at the repast she’d begun seeing.

Since she was comfortable talking to Sydney about Darren, Sydney figured maybe she did see him like one of her older brothers. He was Lynn’s longtime trusted friend, who was safe to talk to about these kinds of things—someone more experienced than she was—and she’d sought his advice a few times. She’d asked for his male perspective, and he’d happily obliged.

Sydney was now seeing someone too, and after nearly a year of knowing Emi and having her around—often— it felt far less dangerous than what he’d initially been nervous about. He was beyond any of those fears now. Emi was a bright young girl with lots of different ideas about what she might do with her future, and she enjoyed discussing them. As Sydney would’ve guessed from a girl her age, she’d since confirmed none of those plans included a serious relationship anytime soon. Even Darren, her on-and-off boyfriend this past year, was just a fun guy she admitted she had zero intentions of getting serious with. Sydney now believed, as sweet and as likeable as she was, there was no danger of him developing feelings for Emi as he had with Lynni.

Admittedly, he’d never laughed as much as he had since he’d started hanging with her. But just as he thought from the very beginning, it wasn’t just her age. She was level-headed and mature enough that he could spend time with her without feeling like he was hanging with a kid. They were just in way too different places in their lives for him to even consider anything more than a friendship with her. While Emi was dating guys for the fun of it—Darren wasn’t even her one and only—Sydney didn’t even consider seeing someone more than once unless he thought she had potential for being a real prospect. At almost twenty-nine, he didn’t have time to put any effort into something that wasn’t going to amount to anything. So either the women he dated knew it was just for the night—for one thing only and with no other expectations—or they were in agreement and also interested in more than just one night. But he wasn’t about to play games with anyone he wasn’t interested in more with.

Not that he was accusing Emi of doing that with these guys. She just didn’t seem too serious about either of the two guys she’d been juggling, yet she continued to see them—Darren more so than the other one, Steve something or other.

“Are you taking Cheryl this weekend?”

Sydney glimpsed up from his tablet. He was sitting at Foams, the coffee shop in their building, reading an article about the possible acquisition of his company by another bigger company based out of New Zealand. It took a moment to register what Emi was talking about: The Taste of La Jolla food and wine festival that weekend. He hadn’t been to one in years, and Lynn invited him every year. This year they were ending it with a big bash Sunday evening at the original Moreno restaurant. It was the anniversary of when they’d first opened.

Emi sat down in the chair across from him, holding her book bag on her lap.

“I haven’t decided,” he said then sipped his coffee, glancing down at his tablet. “You taking Darren?”

“God no!”

That made Sydney smile as he peeked up to see her unzip her book bag and pull out a wallet.

“No way,” she reiterated, digging into her wallet for money. “You know what my family is like. It’s not even about them being so loud or that I’m embarrassed by them or anything. It’s just I’ve told you what my brothers are like. They’ll ask a million questions about anyone I bring home. If I were serious, I wouldn’t mind so much. It’s inevitable, and when the time comes with the right guy, when I’m ready for something that serious, then I will, but right now? Not happening. Things between Darren and me are so hot and cold all the time. He is so not worth the inquisition.” She looked up once she had her money in her hand. “What’s there to decide about with Cheryl? I thought you two were getting serious?”

“I said that?” he asked, trying to remember if he ever had.

“Well, no, but”—she stood up and took a few steps toward the register then turned back to him—“I just assumed. You’d been out with her more lately than anyone else.”

She turned her back to him to put in her order, allowing Sydney a nice long perusing stare. She wore slacks that unintentionally accentuated what she endearingly referred to as her bubble butt. Like everything else, Emi spoke of it so openly and without a trace of bashfulness. It was why Sydney felt like he’d known her for longer than just under a year and why it seemed no subject was off limits between them—for her anyway. Maybe it was the first impression she’d made on him that’d made her feel like they could skip the whole demure and modest getting-to-know-each-other phase of their friendship. She’d skipped right over that part. He still remembered the very first time she’d mentioned it. She’d said it as casually as if she were talking about her earlobe or wrist or some other less unmentionable body part.

It was the first time she’d ever stopped over at his place. That’s how early on Sydney knew his plan of keeping his distance was not going to go his way. It started off with her telling him about how much she loved baking. Next thing he knew she was talking about her bubble butt and how she couldn’t make such large meals unless someone would help her eat them or it’d get bigger. Sydney had glanced up at the muffins but dared not glance at her butt. He’d had zero intentions of touching on the subject of her bubble butt. Then she’d gone on about how her mother had told her sister to embrace it or something. That in time she’d enjoy the attention.

Since then he’d had plenty of peeks at that plump ass of hers, but now he could really take a moment to admire it. Her mom had been right on the money. Hot damn, it was nice. She may be young but without doubt had the body of a woman.

His intentions of keeping his distance had gone up in smoke because, ever since those first visits to his place, Emi had been back plenty more times. Apparently, from what she explained, she was used to always being around her big family. While her brothers could be overbearing, she actually missed them being in her business all the time and having someone always there to watch TV and even movies on lazy Sunday afternoons with.

Emi had taken to texting either Saturday or Sunday after having gone out the night before and swearing she’d either never drink again or stay out so late or both. She was usually in a lounging mood and always asked if he wanted to hang out—maybe order takeout and watch a movie. But it wasn’t limited to the weekends. Even during the week now, she often offered and made them lunch or dinner, which he’d since gotten quite used to and looked forward to now. Since being on his own, he ate out way too much, so home-cooked meals were a welcome treat. She didn’t just bake sweets. She was into baking casseroles and making what she called comfort foods, something she’d done often for her brothers

Emi had so seamlessly made herself a fixture in Sydney’s life she’d never even given him a chance to protest or try to do anything to evade it as he’d first planned to. It happened so fast he’d had no choice but to just go with it or come up with a reason why he couldn’t, but he had to admit now he enjoyed having her around. The only thing he had taken the time to do was make a few decisions about this new and unexpected friendship. As much as he told himself it was innocent and harmless, it still felt too weird to go to her place. For some reason, it felt better to mention to Lynni when she asked if he’d seen or talked Emi lately that she’d dropped by or that they’d ordered and shared a pizza at his place.

So far, Emi had made all the moves in the friendship. Even after knowing her for nearly a year, Sydney had every intention of letting her keep making them. He knew he was probably just being overly cautious, but he was old enough to know better. He didn’t want to be accused of anything by anyone. Allowing this young girl to come over and hang out, vent, and discuss her worries about her future or even get his perspective on her love life was one thing. Making himself comfortable over at her place would feel just too awkward—wrong.

Emi was still conversing with Shayla, the girl behind the counter, someone both he and Emi knew well enough now since they both frequented Foams so often. He took advantage of her longer than normal time at that counter to study her a bit more. This was a new look for Emi. Normally she dressed casually for school: comfortable jeans and a cute figure-hugging matching top. The only times he’d been privy to seeing her dressed up were the weekend he formally met her at the repast, the party the next day, and then a few times he’d seen her either on her way out to a date or just getting back from one.

All those times, especially the first weekend around her family and friends, he had neither the inclination nor the curiosity to take a longer gaze. Now he eyed her subtly over his tablet. She had an interview today for an internship at The Staples Center. Sydney had coached her last night since he often interviewed new hires and interns. She was as nervous as she was excited, but he’d told her she was sure to get it. She had everything companies looked for in new hires: the dedication, the willingness to learn, but mostly the enthusiasm. Emi wasn’t just the bubbliest person he’d ever met. She had more enthusiasm than anyone he knew. He’d explained to Emi last night that looking professional was über-important, and she’d mentioned her black slacks and the silk top she wore now. She looked professional alright, but damn if she didn’t also look good.

As young as she was, Sydney had become more aware lately of what a young adult she actually was, not a kid or young girl. A full grown sexy woman. For months, she’d been talking about the weirdness of not being a teen, as if turning twenty was any kind of real milestone. She still wouldn’t be legal to drink. Yet, taking in the curve of that ample behind, Sydney was reminded yet again of what she was legal for. He too embraced her nice ass and had shamefully been doing so for some time now. But that was normal. He may respect her as a friend, but he was still only a man.

He cleared his throat, glancing around when he realized just how hard he’d been embracing those curves. Somehow no matter how many times her behind had caught his attention in the past, he hadn’t been ready to see her like this: all done up and looking so damn sexy.

His eyes jolted back to his tablet, his fingers still at his temple as he pretended to be engrossed in his reading once again when she turned back to him.

“So if you decide to take Cheryl this weekend, would it be too weird if I tagged along for the ride?” she asked with a wince. “I’d hate to take such a long ride alone.”

Sydney looked up at her, sipping his coffee, then shook his head. “I don’t think I’ll be taking her.”

“Why not?” she asked curiously, taking the seat across from him again.

He shrugged. “It’s a whole weekend thing. Not sure I’m ready for that yet. Too soon.”

“Too soon?” Emi scrunched her nose as she took the lid off her coffee and blew on it. “It’s been months since you started seeing her.”

Smiling, Sydney nodded. “Need I remind you that you’ve been seeing Darren even longer and you still don’t think it’s time to bring him around your family.”

“That’s different,” she said, making Sydney laugh softly.

“How’s it different? He’s your boyfriend, right?”

“Sort of, but unlike you, I’m not looking to get serious. Bringing him home to meet my family would give him the idea that I am. You, on the other hand”—she brought the steaming cup to her mouth and took a cautious sip—“you’re looking for Mrs. Right and you said it yourself. Cheryl has a good head on her shoulders, and you’ve dated her more than once, something you said you only do if you’re hoping for something deeper than just a fling.”

Sydney peered at her as she took another cautious sip of her hot coffee. “I never said I was looking for Mrs. Right.”

Emi nodded, wiping her mouth with a napkin. “Well, since you said you should be looking to start a family and that maybe it was too late for you, I just assumed.”

She must’ve seen the look of confusion on Sydney’s face as he tried to remember when he’d ever said that. It was true, and more than once the thought had crossed his mind, but he didn’t remember telling Emi this.

“Way back at Mando’s repast,” she said, and then her eyes narrowed. “Or maybe it was the party the next day. Anyway, when I asked you about having kids, you said you should be thinking about it. I remember because I thought you were nuts to think it might be too late for you, and”—she brought her hand to her mouth, the gasp as overstated as her expression—“you are going to be thirty this year.” Her expression morphed into a mocking smirk as Sydney stared at her, unimpressed with that little performance. “I just thought because of all that you might be moving things further along with her.”

It was hard to believe that it had only been a year. He never imagined he and Emi would be this close this fast. A year ago he never would’ve imagined them sitting at Foams, doing what had become their normal morning ritual before starting their weekdays now and her talking so freely about his love life!

“Yeah, well,” he said, standing up and gathering his things. “Just because I’ve gone out with her more than once now doesn’t mean she’s the one.”

“Hmm,” she said as she flung her book bag over her shoulder.

“What?” he asked when she didn’t say anything else.


The smirk she wore was too telling, something else he’d since picked up on about her. Even though it had been nearly a year now, it was still a relatively short time for her to already conclude she knew him better than he’d ever believe or admit she did.

From day one, Emi had been an open book, sharing with him about her personal life. Maybe she had gotten a few things out of him here and there, but he was far more particular about just how much he shared. Still, she seemed to have the idea that she knew him better than he thought.

“Emilia,” he said in that stern voice he reserved for her when she was being a brat. “You never hmm for no reason.”

She giggled, leaning into him playfully as they walked out of Foams. “I just think maybe you like this girl more than you’re admitting.”

Sydney smiled, feeling triumphant, but wouldn’t let Emi in on that. Clearly, she didn’t know him nearly as well as she professed, because she couldn’t be further from the truth. Cheryl was a nice girl. She did have a good head on her shoulders, and while the sex was more than satisfying, after years in denial, he’d finally admitted it. He was still doing what he’d done for too long. He was waiting to feel what he once had for Lynn. But he was beginning to think maybe that was a once-in-a-lifetime thing. Maybe he was only ever meant to feel something like that once in his life and he’d missed the boat. While he was fairly sure he’d been in love with his ex-wife at some point, in hindsight, he knew with all certainty he’d never felt for her what he’d once felt for Lynn.

There was no other way to explain it, except that she’d completed him. For as long as he could remember, every significant moment in his life, when she’d been a part of it, would’ve felt less meaningful had she not been present to share it with him. When his father had passed so suddenly, Lynn was already married. Yet having her fly out to be at his and his mother’s side had somehow made that horrific experience a little less excruciating.

Even now, she was usually the first one he texted or called to tell about anything momentous that happened to him. If she was ever second, she was only second to his mother. Growing up, he’d always been exceptionally close his mother. Once his life turned into a flash of flights, hotels, and conference rooms in opposite ends of the world with an endless array of professional responsibilities, it was hard to stay so close, but he still tried. Often times he called her first when something big was going on.

“I like Cheryl well enough,” he said as they walked through the parking lot of their building. “But a whole weekend thing feels like a bit much just yet.”

“You’ve already spent a whole weekend with her,” she retorted.

“I knew you’d say that.” He shook his head, smiling. “But that was different. I didn’t plan it that way. I passed out at her place, and the next day she insisted on making me brunch, and then we spent the day”—he smirked but was unwilling to say it—“lounging.”

He turned just in time to see her roll her eyes, and he couldn’t help laughing.

“That’s even more serious than spending the weekend strolling a food festival.” She dug in her bag until she came up with her keys and laughed too. “Heck, I’d spend the weekend with Darren at a festival like this, just for the food.”

Sydney chuckled, pulling his own keys out of his pocket. “Yeah, but the weekend I spent with her was more of a fluke. I wasn’t bringing her around to meet more of my friends. As you said about Darren, it might send the wrong message, one I’m not sure I want to be sending yet.”

Okay,” she said in that telling voice of hers again. “We’ll just have to agree to disagree.” They began parting ways. “Oh, hey, they’re supposed to tell me today if I’m in for the internship—”

“You’re in,” he said before she could finish.

She smiled big now. “I hope so. If I am, I think I want to do something a little special tonight. You have plans?”

Sydney thought about it for a moment. He did, but . . . “I’m free,” he said without giving it further thought.

“Oh, good.” She smiled even bigger. “Meet me by the pool around six? I’ll order pizza. You bring the beer.” He lifted a scolding brow. “Oh, please.” She laughed. “I’ll be twenty-one this year, and it’s not like it’d be my first beer.”

“Alright,” he said, biting his tongue because the words “it’s a date” nearly slipped out. “Six it is,” he said instead. “Pizza and beer poolside because I know you got this.”

He shook off what her even bigger smile did to him. He’d known from day one at the repast Emi had the kind of smile that warmed you instantly.

“Good day, my friend,” she said as she always did every morning when they parted ways.

“Good day. And I’d wish you luck, but you don’t need it. You got this.”

The moment he was in his car he made sure his phone auto connected to his blue tooth. He’d make this call before he put too much thought into it. It was no big deal; he’d just reschedule. This was a big deal to Emi, and she was his good friend now. He thought about that for a moment. In a little less than a year, she’d pretty much become one of his best friends.

Oh, for crying out loud. Who was he Forrest Gump now? He hit speed dial as he pulled out of the parking structure. “Bubba was my best good friend,” he muttered in his best Forrest voice then laughed. “Morning, Cheryl” he said a little too cheery. “Listen. I’m sorry but something's come up last minute that I can’t get out of tonight. Maybe we catch that movie another day?”

By the time he reached his office, he’d snuffed out any bothersome thoughts about canceling with Cheryl to spend time with Emi—again. Emi was his good friend now, and she’d been nervous about this all week. Now that it would finally be over and she could relax about it, she should celebrate and do something different for the occasion. So she wanted someone to help her celebrate. That’s what friends were for, right?




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