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Before CE"O": Includes the Complete CE"O" Trilogy by MT Stone (13)

Chapter 12


It’s like a circus in front of the Marriot Waterfront hotel when we arrive for the party. She’s had me drive around for nearly an hour while posting selfies to Instagram and Twitter. Her favorite part was being live on Facebook while I did a little hot-rodding for her. Luckily, I was able to find a quiet street, so I didn’t run into any trouble. It would be really easy to get in trouble with this car.

“You’ll have to tell everyone to back up just a bit, so I can pull up to the valet,” I tell her, feeling a bit defensive of my new machine. “This thing set me back three hundred grand, so I don’t want anyone scuffing it up on the first night out.”

“Wow, that’s a lot of money,” she replies, her eyes popping. “Back up please! So we can park!” she yells out the window, getting people to move back just slightly. I end up parking several feet from the curb, but the valet is quick to greet us, so the sooner I can get her away from the car the better.

“Take my arm.” I hold it out, helping her out of the car and up onto the curb. “How many people are you expecting tonight?”

“I don’t have a clue.” She giggles. “I just told everyone there is free surf and turf hors devours for as long as they last and an open bar until ten. So I’m expecting this place will be packed to the rafters. I probably should’ve picked a bigger venue, but it’s better to be packed than looking sparse,” she adds, quoting one of the golden rules of how to look popular.

She forces me to pose and snuggles up next to me for at least two dozen pictures on our way to the front door. It’s obvious that she wants everyone to know that I’m with her and that we came in the Ferrari, as she mentions both several times. “I’m sorry, this is just so exciting for me,” she exclaims as we finally make it inside. “You have to understand that I’ve spent lots of money building my social media presence, so this launch really needs to fly. I’m really glad I was able to get you for tonight. Those pictures are going to be splashed all over the web. Pulling up in that car really sent things over the top!” She leans in giving me a kiss of appreciation, before pulling back to wipe the lipstick off my cheek.

“That’s what I’m here for, to be the perfect boyfriend,” I tell her, pausing before opening the door to the ballroom, which sounds like it’s already home to a crowd.

“I should’ve stopped and checked everything,” she glances down and adjusts her dress, maximizing the cleavage.

“You’ll be fine,” I assure her, brushing her long hair off her shoulders and moving around her for a quick inspection. “You look amazing.” I give her a smile and reach for the door handle, opening the door to what can only be described as one hell of a launch party. “What time did this thing start?”

“Five minutes ago, officially, but I think quite a few people were early.” She looks around the room in amazement. “Most of these people barely look old enough to drink.” Her expression turns to worry as two girls who are obviously well on their way stumble up to her.

“This is a great party!” one says, reaching out for her friend’s arm to steady herself. “I bought a cute bikini on your site earlier today. It’s the reversible black one. It was like almost half price,” she exults, her cosmopolitan nearly spilling out of her glass.

“That’s wonderful,” Jessica responds, her expression turning from fear to appreciation. “Hopefully everyone here will find something they like.”

“She just had to tell you,” her friend slurs. “You’re like her idol or something.”

“Shh!” The first girl gives her a dirty look before taking another sip of her drink.

“Okay, thanks for sharing.” I slip my hand around Jessica’s waist while looking for the front of the room. “You two take care and make sure you catch an Uber or something.”

“I’ve already got my Lyft on standby.” Jessica’s biggest fan holds up her phone to show me the app. “It was amazing meeting you.” Her eyes are glued to Jessica as she once again tips her glass to her lips.

“Those girls are going to have a rough night,” I whisper, leading Jessica to the front of the room. “You might want to put a cap on the tab,” I suggest, not wanting her to run into any issues later on. “It looks like you’ve attracted a really thirsty crowd.”

“No. Let them have their fun.” She looks down at her phone and pulls up Instagram to start a live feed. A huge smile settles on her face as she pans the room, taking in all the chaos. “I’ll make sure this shit goes viral. It’ll pay for the tab many times over.”

Looking around the room, it reminds me a term party I went to back in my junior year of college. Except the term party didn’t get this wild until the end of the night. By the time it was over, drinks were flying through the air and it looked like something out of Animal House. I’m pretty sure that was the last term party that the university ever hosted. I chuckle at the fact that it was me who threw the first drink. The cups were plastic, so it’s not like anyone got hurt. Those were good times, back when I was still totally focused on being an NFL quarterback. My life right now couldn’t possibly be more different from what I expected. The only thing that worked out the way I thought it would, is that shiny new Ferrari. I guess, things could’ve turned out a lot worse than this.

As the night wears on, Jessica puts on a great show, introducing the crowd to several designers who represent her product line. Many of the overly intoxicated guests flee the scene once the tone turns more businesslike, so even though it’s still a packed room it’s much more civil. I’m nursing my third tonic water, leaving out the sapphire for the evening. There’s no way I’m drinking and driving with a car that stands out like that and I’m certainly not leaving it parked downtown.

“Rex, I want to introduce you to Connie Choi,” Jessica says, grabbing my elbow from behind.

“My pleasure,” I reply, turning on my heel. “You design some beautiful dresses,” I add, knowing that Jessica is wearing is one of hers.

“I’m glad you approve.” She giggles, looking over Jessica from top to bottom. “She’s got the perfect body for that dress.” I assume she’s referring to Jessica’s curves. She has nice curvy hips to go along with a great rack and those shapely legs. Jessica beams proudly as both of us agree on how fantastic she looks.

“You really are the perfect boyfriend,” she declares, leaning in and giving me another kiss. After several glasses of champagne, she’s lightening up quite a bit and seems to be having the time of her life. That’s one thing about being in a position like hers. You have to be able to handle lots of social interaction as well as judgmental comments, especially through social media. I’m not sure how I would handle being in the limelight. That’s the one part of being an NFL quarterback that I wasn’t looking forward to. In this business, I have to put up with all types of people, but I’ve been able to keep a very low profile for the most part. Even when I do run into clients in public, they seldom want to acknowledge me. Yes, there have been a few awkward moments. But those are to be expected.

As the evening winds down, Jessica becomes more and more physical with me. Standing by my side, running her hand along my abs. It’s obvious that she is ready for some alone time, but she continues to acknowledge people as they filter out of the room. An employee from the hotel pulls her aside for a few minutes and she returns visibly upset. “What’s the damage?” I ask, knowing damn well her mood swing was due to sticker shock. You don’t entertain two thousand people for several hours with free upscale food and an open bar without paying a hefty price.

“Forty-three thousand,” she replies with a horrified look. “Forty-three thousand,” she repeats, shaking her head in bewilderment.

“That’s just a little over twenty bucks per person,” I reason. “That’s not too bad actually. Steak and seafood are both expensive and there were lots of fancy drinks poured tonight.”

“I know. It’s all a tax write-off, but I’ve spent a lot of money the last two years with nothing to show for it except a few million followers.” She bites at her lip nervously. “I guess I’m just freaking out a little. If this launch isn’t successful… I’m going to in big trouble.”

“I’m sure it will be just fine,” I assure her. “You have some of the top designers on your site, so as long as your prices are competitive you should do well.”

“That’s what I was hoping, but it’s a lot harder to get things going than I thought.” She takes a deep breath and latches onto the lapels of my jacket. “I need to get out of here. Will you help me take my mind of things?”

“I can do that.” I smile sympathetically, slipping my arm around her and ushering her out the door. I hand the valet my stub and another fifty-dollar tip to ensure he’s just as kind on the way out as he was on the way in. “That’s one thing I learned early in life. If you tip more than others, you get treated better than others.”

“I expect big things from you tonight,” she teases. “I think I paid triple your normal rate.” It’s true, she did pay triple and she is definitely a fine looking woman. So that isn’t an issue. There’s something a little off though with her demeanor. She acts standoffish one moment and possessive the next. She’s definitely hard to read. Although I do enjoy her more after a few glasses of champagne.

“Here we go.” I guide her into the car and quickly make my way around to the other side. I find myself anxious to get out of there as people are collecting on the sidewalk between the hotel and us. This car attracts a lot of attention and I find myself a little uncomfortable with it. “I’m taking you back to my place,” I tell her. “It’s on the lake, so I think you’ll like it.” I don’t mention that she will be taking an Uber home later. “Normally, I only go to the client’s home, but I’m not going to park the Ferrari anywhere unsafe on the first night.”

“I have a spare stall in my garage,” she says, running her hand along my thigh. “So that’s an option.”

“Okay, even better,” I reply, scooting down in the seat just a bit. She immediately assumes that it’s a sign that I want her to explore my cock. “I like the fact that you’re not shy. I usually have to make all the moves.” With a smirk, she unlatches her seatbelt before reaching over and unzipping my pants. “Be careful,” I warn, her warm lips enveloping my swelling head as I maneuver onto the Alaskan Way Viaduct heading south toward I-90. It’s been a long time since someone gave me a blow job while I was driving. And the fact that I just noticed a cop behind me doesn’t make me one bit comfortable. “There’s a cop behind us, so stay down,” I tell her placing my right hand on the back of her neck.

“Mmm,” she moans, taking it as a cue to pick up the pace. It’s almost as if she wants to see me get picked up with my dick hanging out. I find myself straining to keep my speed under the limit, my eyes darting back and forth between the heads-up display and the rear view mirror. I switch to the outside lane slow down just slightly, hoping he will pass. He doesn’t. He slows a bit and continues to follow me through the I-90 interchange. Meanwhile, Jessica’s head is bobbing like she’s trying to win an apple bobbing contest.

“Take it easy,” I groan, trying to limit her thrusts to no avail. She’s obviously determined to make me blow my load right here in my new car. I guess it will leave a memorable impression. After carefully merging into heavier traffic on I-90 the cop turns on the cherries and I have no choice to pull over to the side of the road. “Stop now!” I tell her, becoming annoyed by her persistence. As I pull to the side of the road, the cop accelerates past me and it becomes obvious that he has received another call as he speeds past several other cars. “Oh my god,” I gasp, breathing somewhat normally again for the first time since the cop appeared. “Now you might as well go ahead,” I tell her, my hands shaking from the adrenaline rush.

Her head continues to bob until I suddenly realize that I’m heading toward my place and not hers. Fuck it, we’ll go to my place. She did pay three grand for the night, so maybe I’ll be a sport and let her stay the night.
