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Bucking Bareback by Maggie Monroe (25)





He didn’t look the same. He looked small and pale lying in that hospital bed. I let my mother go in first. Valerie stood next to me outside the window.

“Do you know what happened?” I asked her.

“Mama said they were getting ready for bed when he fell. She called 9-1-1, and they brought him here. She called me on the way. That’s all I really know.” She looked tired. Hell, we all looked tired.

“I just can’t believe it.” I watched my mother fuss over my father. Joe smiled up at her weakly, and she kissed his forehead.

My father was the epitome of strength. I would go so far as to say the man was unstoppable, that was until a heart attack barreled through his life.

“I know. I always thought Dad was too strong for something like this.” Valerie watched the same scene I did.

“At least he’s going to be ok, right?” I slung an arm around my sister’s shoulder. The room was full of machines with lights, and we could hear beeping. Several plastic bags filled with clear liquids hung near the bed and ran through a drip into Joe’s arm.

“Yeah, he is. But can you imagine the struggle Mama’s going to have when she gets him home?”

We laughed, sharing an inside bond. Joe Baldwin would be a stubborn recovery patient.

Mom waved us in through the glass. Val turned to me. “You ready for this?”

I nodded. A few hours ago, I thought I might not ever see my father again. I thought the man was getting ready to leave this life disappointed in his son, never fully understanding how much I looked up to him. Never understanding that I was doing something I loved.

I slid my hands into my pockets. We walked into the room.

“Dad.” Valerie rushed to the other side and hugged him.

“Hey, Dad.” I stood next to our mother.

“Come here.” Joe Baldwin raised his arm.

For the first time in years, I hugged my father.




I hated to wake her. She looked peaceful in the waiting room. “Hey, killer. It’s time to go.” I nudged her shoulder. Everyone else had cleared out for the night. We were the only ones left.

Her eyes fluttered open. “How’s your dad?”

I smiled. “He’s getting some rest, but he’s going to be fine. Mama’s staying with him tonight, and Valerie is going back to the house to pack a bag for her. I think everything’s taken care of here. You ready to go?”

She adjusted her body in the seat. “You sure? I can take turns or something.” She let out a yawn.

“That’s real sweet, but we need to get some rest too. How about we get a room at the hotel across the street, and we can see him in the morning? I want you to meet him.”

“You do?”

“Yes, I do.” I helped her up from the chair. “I know he’d like that.”

I didn’t want to think about how I had almost missed my chance to introduce my father to the woman I wanted to spend my life with. I wouldn’t make the mistake of letting things like that slide again. I had learned a hard and painful lesson tonight.

I led Chelsea to the car and checked us into the hotel. I was grateful she had thought to have Nan pack bags for us.

I dropped the luggage on the second bed in the room. I cranked up the AC, stripped down, and climbed into bed. Chelsea emerged from the bathroom a minute later and climbed under the covers next to me, her bare body pressing against mine.

It wasn’t a penthouse suite like I had in L.A., but I couldn’t think of a time I had ever slept so soundly with Chelsea tucked under my arm.




The hospital didn’t seem so grim the next morning. When I parked the car, I looked up at the brick structure. My father was inside, alive, breathing, and probably barking orders at nurses.

Chelsea smiled. “So, this might be weirder than the girls’ day trip introduction.”

“Yeah, this probably is the weirdest way you could ever meet my dad, but you’re here. He’s here.” I opened the door. I didn’t want to finish the last part of that sentence. Ever since I had seen my father hooked up to machines, I got choked up when I thought about what almost happened.

Chelsea squeezed my hand as if she could read my thoughts. Knowing her, she probably could.

My mom and Valerie were walking out of the room, as we rounded the corner.

“Good morning, Mama. How is he today?”

She shook her head. “Ornery and difficult. But what did you expect?”

I chuckled. “Sounds like he has made a full recovery already.”

Valerie rolled her eyes. “You have no idea. We’re going to get breakfast. Good luck, you two.”

I gripped Chelsea’s hand. My father was going to be like a penned bull, but we had to seize the moment. No more letting time slip by.

“Are you sure this is a good time?” She looked worried. “Should we wait awhile?”

“Aww, don’t worry. He’ll be fine.”

I knocked on the door. “Dad, brought someone for you to meet.”

His scowl dropped the instant he saw Chelsea. “And who is this? Come in, come in.” He motioned us closer to the bed.

She walked to the side of the railing. “Hi, Mr. Baldwin. I’m Chelsea. I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well.” She took his hand lightly.

He looked at me over her shoulder and returned her smile. “Well, darlin’, I sure do appreciate that.”

I chuckled. He might be a bull, but he was also a charmer. I noticed my father had placed his free hand on top of Chelsea’s.

“Is there anything I can get you while we’re here?” she offered. “Do you need some water? Extra pillow?”

“No, no. That’s what the nurses are for. How about you sit down and tell me what’s going on with you. Patty tells me you write songs. I’d like to hear about that. You can keep my mind off all this beeping and buzzing they have me hooked up to.” He motioned to the machines on either side of the bed.

Chelsea nodded and pulled up the closest chair. “I can do that.” She smiled. “Do you know who Quinn Jansen is?”

“I don’t know much about who’s on the radio these days, but tell me.”

“I can do even better than that.” She pulled out her phone and hit a few buttons. She positioned the phone on the edge of the bed. Within seconds, Quinn’s voice filled the room. “That is Quinn singing. I’m on guitar.”

“Well, I’ll be.” Joe tapped his fingers on the side rail. “That’s impressive.”

“We wrote this one together.” She moved on to the next song. “They sound a little rough. I just recorded them on my phone while we were in the writing room. We’re going to add the band once Quinn gets in the studio, but at least you can hear a little bit of our work.”

“So, I’ll be able to hear that on that radio soon?” he asked.

“Yes, sir. Not all of them. The label has to decided which songs will be released for radio play, but I’ll be sure to send you a CD if you want one.”

“I would like that.”

“Maybe Ben and I could deliver it to you in person.” She turned toward me.

“Yeah, I think we could do that.” I smiled, trying to decide who had out-charmed the other. My father was noticeably smitten by Chelsea.

I listened to the two wrapped in a conversation that lasted another thirty minutes until a nurse popped in the room to remind my dad he needed to take his medicine and get some rest. Visitors could come back in an hour.

Chelsea hugged him. “I think that’s our cue to go and let you get some sleep. I’m glad I got to meet you. I hope you feel better soon.”

“This is a hell of a way to meet the new girl, but I appreciate it.” He squeezed her hand. “And I’ll be looking for that music delivery.”

“Yes, sir. As soon as I have one in my hands.”

She waved goodbye and waited outside the room for me.

“Dad, I’ve got to get back, but you take care of yourself. And be easy on Mama. You know she’s worried about you.”

“She’s always worried.” He paused. “Before you go. Is it serious with her?”

My father looked drained. The visit must have worn him out. I worried they had maybe talked too long for someone who had just had heart surgery. The nurses might have been overly generous with the visiting hours.

I nodded. “Yep, about as serious as it can be.”

“Good. I like her.” He smiled. “She’s special. Don’t let that slip away.”

And just like that, I got the approval I had wanted for years. I just didn’t know it was going to be about a girl. Maybe that was more important than anything else. Who cared if I played football or starred in a movie? What mattered was that I had found the right person. The one who fit. And Joe Baldwin liked her.

“I won’t. I’m not letting her go anywhere.” I placed a hand on his shoulder.

I stood frozen next to the rail, not wanting to leave my father’s side. This moment was fragile. All the times he had disappointed me suddenly didn’t matter. Right now, we were on the same page.

“I love you, Dad.” I choked out the words and turned toward the door, before he could see the emotion on my face.

“You too, son. And send your mother back here. These nurses can’t get anything right.”

“Sure thing.”

“Everything ok?” Chelsea looked up at my face, her eyes darting back and forth.

“Darlin’, it couldn’t be more perfect. Let’s get you home.” I draped an arm around her shoulder and walked toward the waiting room in search of my mother.

She tucked a bookmark in her crossword puzzle book when she saw us approach.

“How’s he doing? Did he eat anything?” She folded her glasses.

Chelsea grimaced. “I think we talked too much to let him eat anything. I’m sorry.”

“He’s asking for you, Mama.”

“All right, well I better get back there before he pulls out a bull horn.” She giggled.

It was good to see she had some of the color back in her cheeks and a reborn sense of humor.

“We’re headed back to the ranch.” I pulled my mother into a bear hug. “You going to be ok to handle him?”

“You know I’ve been handling him since the day we got married. I think we’ll be all right.”

“But you call me if you need something. I can hire nurses, whatever you need. Don’t let it get too hard on you before you ask for help.” I lectured. “I’m going to have a specialist here in the morning for a second opinion.”

She waved a hand in the air. “You know your father isn’t going to like all that fussing. I can manage on my own.” She moved closer to Chelsea. “Thank you for driving up here in the middle of the night. I’m glad Ben has you to lean on.”

Chelsea blushed. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”

“You two better get on the road.” She wiped at her cheeks. “Call me when you get there?”

“We will.” I hugged her again before leaving the waiting room.

“You sure you want to go?” Chelsea asked.

“No, I don’t want to go at all.” I pressed the L for lobby on the elevator button.

She wrapped her arms around my waist and leaned against my chest. I closed my eyes as the elevator slipped to the lower level.

“Thank you,” I whispered into her hair.

“You were there for me.” She nuzzled closer.

“But you didn’t have to be. I know that.” I straightened my shoulders as the doors retracted.

“Yes, I did.” She slipped her fingers through mine, and we left the hospital.




Once I called the studio and told them my father was in the hospital undergoing treatment from a heart attack, they pushed my production commitment back a few days. Art decided to rearrange the shoot schedule. Evangeline’s scenes with her roommate, Lily, became the focal point. Everyone was understanding and sympathetic.

Nan had a hard time finding a place for all the flowers and fruit baskets that were delivered. I had her send most of them to Shiner where my parents could enjoy them. I still intended on speaking with her about her attitude toward Chelsea, but with the emergency road trip to Shiner, the timing was off. I wasn’t going to tolerate any more rudeness from my staff. When I fired Rick, I had vowed that would be the last time someone under my employ would take advantage of me. I didn’t care how well the ranch ran.

Chelsea sat on the edge of the bed, her legs crossed. I threw a few shirts in a bag. “We don’t have to do this much longer and then I’m home.”

She sighed. “Until the next time.”

“Don’t say it like that.” I pushed the bag to the side and sat next to her. “I don’t have to do any more movies. This can be the last one.”

I hadn’t worked through that decision yet, but after the emotional week, certain things were clearer. Family was everything. I wanted Chelsea to be my family, but I still couldn’t get her to say she would move in permanently.

“I’m not asking you to give up your career,” she stated.

“I know you’re not. And I’m not asking you to give up yours. But it doesn’t have to be black and white. We can figure this out.”

She threw herself back on the bed. “What if your next movie takes you to Singapore, and what if I have to go on tour with Mark over the summer to keep up with his writing schedule?”

“Details, baby. Details.”

I climbed on top of her and tickled her sides.

She laughed, trying to throw my hands off her. “Ben, stop. Stop.” Her laughter peeled through the room.

“Not until you agree with me.” I assaulted her sides until she was almost crying from the giggles.

“Not fair.” She twisted to the side.

“Say you agree with me. Come on, say it.”

“Ok, ok.” She relented, her voice completely breathless.

“That’s what I thought.” I steadied myself over her. Her blue eyes blazed and her cheeks were flushed.

She sat back on her elbows. “Ok, I’ll make a deal with you.”

I laughed. “I know how these negotiations go. What is it you want this time?” I roamed the softness of her skin under her shirt.

“I’m serious. I have a real proposal.” Her back arched when my hand slipped below her waist. “It’s something I came up with in the waiting room at the hospital.”

“I usually like your proposals.” I kissed her stomach, loving how she wiggled under me. “Do you need business advice again?”

Her chest rose. “No, nothing like that.” She unfastened the buttons on her shirt, letting the fabric fall to the side. “I think I know a way we can make this work.”

I grinned. “This must be a serious negotiation. Giving up your cards already?” I leaned toward her lips and stole a rough kiss.

“How much time do you have before the car picks you up?” She reached for my belt.

“For you, as long as you need.” I groaned as her hands descended. The jet could wait for me.

“Good, because we aren’t leaving this room until I get exactly what I want.” Her smiled turned wicked.

Right then, I knew she had total control and I was going to agree to absolutely everything she wanted.

“And what’s that?” I asked.

She bit her lip, drawing me toward her. “This.” Her hand circled my hard cock.

The rest of our clothes were on the floor in seconds. I ran my hand between her slick folds, inhaling sharply when I realized how wet and ready she was for me. So damn perfect.

I pumped a finger inside her as she mewed. I loved that expression on her face. The one that was desperate for me. The one that said she loved me. Every part of my body. Every part of my insane life. She loved me.

I crawled forward, spreading her legs. “Mine, always.”

She nodded. “You’re mine.” She always liked to turn the tables.

I nudged my cock to her pussy, feeling it stretch around me.

“This is what you want?” I breathed into her ear.

“God, yes,” she moaned. “Fuck me.”

It was all I needed. The last switch holding the restraint had been flipped. I surged inside her, hilting myself with a claiming thrust. There was no mistake she was mine. I thrust again, sending us into oblivion.

She panted and begged. I fucked her harder, rolling her on her stomach.

She lifted her hips for me eagerly as I took her from behind, loving how she looked like this. How fucking gorgeous she was.

I flicked her clit, as I pumped inside her.

She fisted the sheets in her hands as the orgasm claimed her. Her pussy tightened around me as the climax shook her.

“Fuck,” I groaned, pulling her into my lap.

She bounced wildly, her back sliding against my chest. I cupped her tits, twisting and pinching her nipples until she came again. This time submitting more, leaning into me as I coaxed it from her body.

I kissed her ear and the sweat along her neck.

I carefully spun her to face me, her ankles hooked at my back. I loved having her this way. I gripped her hips, slamming her up and down on my cock. Her head rocked back and I had an eyeful of her tits bouncing at my command.

She leaned forward, kissing me. Her lips were warm and soft as her tongue explored my mouth. It was crazy that after all these months together she could still make a kiss feel like something to be savored and treasured—like the kiss of a virgin. But that’s what she did to me. Took me back to the place where I wanted to give her everything. Protect her. Love her. And right now, fuck her until she screamed my name.

I watched with greedy pleasure as she slid up and down on my cock as she was ready to come again. I thrust forward. I might as well join her.

I fucked hard until we were both falling into the electricity. Falling into an abyss where our blood coursed with lightning. Our skin wet with sweat. Our lips swollen. And it was fucking incredible. Every. Single. Time.




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