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Do You Do Extras? by Ashton, Nikki (34)


What the fuck just happened?

I slammed out of our room and down to the elevator, stabbing a finger at the button. What the hell was wrong with women? What the hell was wrong with Phoebe? She was normally so cool about everything, but she was spitting like a cornered snake in there. All I’d been doing had been catching up with an old friend.

“Fuck,” I muttered, running a hand through my hair.

Was she right, had I concentrated on Serena and barely spoken to Phoebes? Yeah probably, knowing the dick that I was at times. If I had, I get why she would be mad, but to practically throw me out of the room, well that was a bit overboard.

Shit, did I really turn my back on her?

As the elevator stopped, I considered pushing the button for our floor and going back up, but figured it might be better to cool down a little. Plus, I was right, this was exactly the reason I didn’t do relationships. We’d had a great day, with some amazing sex thrown in, and one little mistake and she’d flown right off the fucking handle.

I decided that I’d have one drink in the bar and then go back up and try and smooth things over. Shit, who was I kidding, I’d be going up there to plead her forgiveness.

“Draught beer, please.”

The barman nodded and set about drawing me a large beer. As he pushed it toward me, I felt a hand on my back.

Phoebe. Thank fuck one of us was an adult, now I’d take her back upstairs and show her what she meant to me.

Grinning, I turned around.

“Serena,” I said, shocked to see her there.

“Hey. I was having a smoke outside and noticed you come in.”

“You still smoking? You do know it’s bad for you, don’t you?”

Serena pulled out a barstool, inching it a little closer to mine.

“I know, but I only have the occasional one these days. Must have been seeing you, made me feel the need.”

She laughed softly, but the way she was looking at me, I could already sense where this was going.

“I just thought I’d have one last beer. Phoebe’s taking a shower.”

Serena nodded thoughtfully. “So how long have you been together?”

“A couple of months,” I lied.

She didn’t need to know our business, plus part of me hoped it might warn her off without me having to say the words. A budding two-week thing, well she’d be all over that like a rash, if I knew Serena.

“I thought maybe longer to be honest.”

“Why so?” I asked, edging my stool back.

“New relationships don’t usually see one of the couple drinking alone in the bar, last thing at night.”

“Like I said, I fancied a beer and Phoebe is showering. No drama.”

I took a huge long swig of my beer, and then pushed the still half-full glass toward the back of the bar.

“I think I’ll get back up there. She’s probably finished by now.”

What the hell was I doing downstairs, sitting with Serena, when I should be with Phoebe? She was right, I had been rude and a fucking cock womble, whatever the fuck that was. I hated that I’d made her feel like that. She was here supporting me and I’d made her feel like shit while I chatted about old times to an ex.

“You could stay for another,” Serena said, placing a hand on my arm. “Maybe take a bottle of your favorite Macallan back to my room.”

I pushed off my stool, moving my arm away from Serena’s touch.

“I don’t think so, Serena. You know I’m here with Phoebes.”

“It’s just a drink, Grant,” she replied, with a shake of her head.

“No, you and I both know you’re thinking it would be much more than a drink. Which it could never be.”

I went to move away, but Serena caught hold of my hand.

“For old time’s sake?”

“No Serena. I’m going upstairs to my girlfriend, who I care a great deal about, because she’ll be waiting for me, in our bed.”

She dropped her head and sighed.

“You take care,” I said and left her sitting at the bar.

When I let myself into the room, it was in darkness and I could just about make out Phoebe’s body in the huge bed. She was deadly still, but I knew she wasn’t sleeping because I could hear her sniffing.

Fuck, she was crying and I felt like a total shit.

Climbing onto the bed, I crawled up behind her, wrapped my arms around her body and kissed the back of her head.

“I’m so sorry,” I whispered. “I was a fucking cock womble and I can’t apologize enough.”

“Where did you go?” she whispered, her voice breaking.

“The bar. Serena was there.”

Phoebe’s body stiffened in my arms and she tried to wriggle free, but I held on tight.

“She asked me to go back to her room, for a drink.”

“What did you say?”

“I’m here, so you know what I said. But, if you want specifics, I told her no, because my girlfriend who I cared about a great deal, was waiting for me in our bed.”

“You did?” Phoebe left out a sigh and her whole body relaxed.

“Yes, pretty girl, I did.”

She twisted and turned over to face me, and in the dim light, with only the thin shafts of the moon shining through the shutters, I saw the sticky tears on her face. I leaned in and kissed them away, two kisses to each cheek and a final soft one on her lips.

“I didn’t think,” I whispered. “I got lost in catching up with her and acted like a rude prick.”

“I felt invisible,” Phoebe replied. “And I’m such a long way from home, it just got to me. I felt so alone, but I know I probably overreacted.”

“No, no you didn’t. I was in the wrong. I should have introduced you properly, as my girlfriend and I should have afforded you the courtesy that you deserve – even as my friend.”

“Are we friends again?” she asked, snuggling closer.

“You bet we are.” I kissed her again. “Good friends, with special benefits.”

“We are, eh?”

“Oh yeah,” I nodded. “And I’m going to show my girl exactly how special those benefits are.”

And I fucking did and my girlfriend damn well loved it.