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Do You Do Extras? by Ashton, Nikki (45)


Grantley and I had had three weeks of bliss and every day I’d fallen a little more in love with him – not that he knew that. I might like to think I’m a feminist, but that was one rule I could never break. He had to say it first, and that was most unlikely. I knew Grantley cared about me, and enjoyed being with me and wanted to keep seeing me, but love? I was pretty sure he wasn’t at that point.

Now, I had a feeling my sense of serenity was about to disappear. Grantley and Francesca’s sex scene had been postponed because Francesca had a raging temperature, Alexi decided to make it the very last filming of the shoot.

It was supposed to be a closed set, as Francesca and Grantley weren’t using body doubles, and while it was no Fifty Shades level of sex scene, there was some boobs and butt on display. The butt I was most interested in because it was Grantley’s. Finding out that Grantley had insisted that I be on set, Francesca had thrown a real tantrum and complained to Alexi with a stamp of her foot. Grantley in turn had suggested I body double for Francesca, if she was that worried about it. So, while I’d been throwing him dirty looks and shaking my head, Francesca yielded to Grantley’s demand and allowed me to stay.

I knew Grantley thought he was doing the right thing, showing me that nothing untoward would happen and everything was totally professional, but I still couldn’t help but feel some trepidation. I’d seen lots of sex scenes while being an Extra, but none that involved my boyfriend whom I would be conducting a long distance relationship with. Life sucked donkey balls at times, and watching Grantley getting Francesca off was one of those times.

“You okay?” Penny asked as she sidled up beside me. “Or is this your worst nightmare?”

I grimaced and pretended to gag.

“As I thought.” She flung an arm around me and gave me a tight squeeze. “You know how mechanical these scenes can be.”

“I know, but it’s different when it’s the guy you’re actually sleeping with,” I whispered.

Penny laughed. “You do know everyone knows you’re an item, right? I mean, if the hand holding and nose rubbing at lunch didn’t give it away, the soppy ass grin on his face every time he looks at you did.”

I looked over to Grantley, who was taking some last minute direction from Alexi. He was wearing nothing but a fluffy white robe, slippers, and a modesty pouch and it was making me anxious.

“Go if you want to. He’ll never know.”

“I can’t, Penny. I said I’d stay and I wouldn’t feel right about not being here and I don’t want to lie to him and tell him I was and then have to fake being okay.”

“Okay,” Penny sighed, “but for what it’s worth, I think he’s wrong for asking this of you. Especially as it’s no secret she’s desperate to be in his pants.”

“I know, and I think that’s why he asked. I think he thinks I’ll feel more comfortable seeing it.”

“Well maybe close your eyes, at least then you’re keeping your promise but not having to watch.” She gave me a huge smile, and another squeeze with her arm. “I’d best go and touch up Francesca, if you know what I mean.”

I giggled and nodded. “I do. Go, go do your thing.”

Penny left and I was alone doubting my sanity.

Yep, I’d just about had it with Francesca Bloody Woodfield. The bitch had delighted in smiling over at me at every opportunity – okay, so I hadn’t closed my eyes, I’d watched all the gory details. Then if that hadn’t riled me enough, she kept putting her hand under the thin cotton sheet that was covering them, when hands were most definitely supposed to be above the covers.

“Go tell Francesca to stop acting this out like it’s a porno,” Alexi said to the First Assistant Director. “Those fucking moans are totally over the top and unnecessary.”

I lifted my hand to high-five Alexi, but then thought better of it. Still, I was glad he’d noticed her antics too. A few minutes later, when Alexi shouted action once more, I turned back to the bed with Grantley and Francesca writhing around on it. With a sigh, I looked at my watch, wondering how long they’d been ‘at it’, when I heard a shit, from the action.

“What the hell was that?” Grantley asked. “That’s not in the damn script.”

I looked over to see him clutching at his neck and frowning down at Francesca.

“I thought it would look good. Realistic.”

“Francesca!” Alexi shouted. “What the hell? You giving him a hickey could mess up continuity. Are you crazy?”

My eyes widened. Yes she was fucking crazy, marking my man. How dare she, knowing that it wasn’t in the script and that I was standing right there, watching.

“Sorry,” she simpered. “I just didn’t think. I was so caught up in the moment.”

“Go again,” Alexi said. “And this time keep it PG and stick to what we agreed on.”

The action started again and even though I took deep breaths, trying to quell the jealousy in the pit of my stomach, I couldn’t help but let it take over me. I felt as though I wanted to vomit, and then following that, I wanted to march over there and pull her out of the bed by her hair.

As Grantley kissed up Francesca’s neck, it took everything in me not to cry out and tell him to stop, but like a morbid fool I continued watching, hating every second and wishing I’d taken Penny’s advice. The sad fact was, this would be my life from now onwards. I would forever be second guessing what women wanted from Grantley. Would every woman try to entice him and would he be enticed? Hideous images flashed through my mind, and I knew I was going to have to use every bit of strength I had to get through our times apart. Shit, I’d even need it through our times together – Francesca didn’t give a damn that I was standing a few feet away, she was still trying to get Grantley to forget me.

God, I hate that I feel this pathetic and insecure. I knew I should have stayed away from him.

Looking down at my feet, I decided I needed to get out of there. Grantley had seen me watching, so he’d known I’d stay for some of the time and that would have to be enough. As I turned to leave, Alexi shouted.

“Cut! And that’s a wrap everyone.”

The few people onset cheered, and wardrobe rushed to Grantley and Francesca, offering them their robes as they jumped up from the bed. Immediately Grantley’s eyes sought mine and I forced out a big smile and gave him a thumbs up. He didn’t need to know how hideous the last hour or so had been for me. The returning smile from Grantley was beautiful and I could see there was a great amount of relief in it too. He hadn’t just wanted me here to show me it was going to be okay, he’d wanted to know whether I’d be able to handle it. This had been as hard for him as it had me.

I held my smile as Grantley approached me, swigging from a bottle of water.

“Shit,” he groaned, “that was hard work.”

“Generally or because I was here?” I asked, with a giggle, trying to lighten the situation.

“No, because it was with Francesca. She fucking bit down on me.” Grantley moved the collar of his robe. “Has she left a mark?”

I peered at his neck and sighed with relief. “No. There’s nothing there, but I’d still recommend a trip to the hospital for a tetanus injection.”

“Good,” he smiled and then chuckled at my remark.

Laughing, I leaned forward to kiss him, but was shocked when Grantley pulled back.

“W-what’s wrong?” I asked, glancing at Francesca who was taking her time to cover up.

Grantley grinned. “I ate tuna and onions before the scene and you know… she’s been there. I should maybe shower first”

“You didn’t,” I gasped.

Grantley nodded. “Yeah, I did. Which is probably why she bit me, the stink must have been fucking awful. I don’t want you to have to smell it.”

“Just a quick peck then,” I offered, pulling him to me by the belt of his robe.

“Patience pretty girl,” he said, moving his mouth to my ear. “If you’d like to come to my dressing room, I could clean my teeth, maybe gargle a little, scrub myself clean and then I’d be more than willing to kiss you. In more places than just your mouth.”

With a little quiver between my thighs, I nodded at Grantley, glanced over at Francesca who was now watching us, and then linked my fingers with Grantley’s and followed him off the set to his dressing room, where he kissed me in places I didn’t even know the name of.

I loved him, and wanted us to work, despite the distance and time apart. The following day when he left for LA would be awful, but we’d get through it because it would only be for a short time. We were going to work, I was sure of it.

But what if…