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Execution by Lucia Franco (11)

Chapter Ten

Between the gala and Christmas, time flew and before I knew it, New Year's Eve was here.

I'd managed to make time for therapy on my Achilles and a quick run here and there, but not much for anything else. The winter holidays were usually a hectic ordeal in my family, so I savored the last few minutes of peace in my bed before I had to get moving.

Mom had been more than pleased with the Eli Saab dress I'd picked out and couldn't stop showing me off at the gala the other night.

Isn't Ana turning into a stunning young lady? She's so beautiful and training in gymnastics at a top gym here in Florida. Turn around so we can see you. Look how gorgeous my daughter is, while fluffing up my hair.

I hated when she did that. Like she was offering me up for marriage. A rare diamond. Look but don't touch.

Aside from a quick text I sent Kova wishing him a Merry Christmas, I hadn’t spoken with him since I left Cape Coral. He'd gracefully responded with, Merry Christmas to you as well, Ria.

Ria. That nickname sent my heart into a dizzy spiral every damn time. I could hear the lilt of his accent, feel it stroking my skin as I read it. And I'd read it numerous times, anticipating the bubble would pop up with more text. But it hadn't. It was an irrational hope, considering everything that had occurred. For someone who'd been my constant morning, noon, and night, I'd grown used to Kova's presence. It was unusual not having him around and I missed it.

Hayden and Holly arrived late last night. They'd been home in Ohio when I'd sent the text about spending New Year’s with me. Dad spoke with their parents, then made a few calls to have their plane tickets rerouted to Palm Beach International Airport. They flew in on the red-eye and were currently sleeping in the guest house.

Two light taps sounded on my door before it was pushed open.

"Mornin'," Xavier said, his voice sounded like he’d smoked a pack of cigarettes in an hour. He looked like he hadn't gone to bed yet.

I yawned, then smiled at him. "Hey."

Xavier and I have always gotten along smoothly. There'd never been any sibling rivalry or where we went to war every second of the day. He'd looked out for me more than anyone and had been protective. A typical big brother.

"Dad said you have some friends flying in. Some guy and his sister. Does he need to borrow some of my clothes?" Xavier asked, leaning against my doorjamb. He sniffled, his black eye had faded to a brownish-yellow.

I smiled at his consideration. "Thanks. I'll check with Hayden and see." My eyes raked the length of his body. His jet-black hair was disheveled, eyes bloodshot, and his once pressed lavender dress shirt was half-tucked in and wrinkled.

"Long night?"

Xavier rubbed his eye with the heel of his hand and walked into my room. He plopped down onto my bed that I was still snuggled in.

"Something like that."

"I've barely seen you since I've been home. I was hoping we could spend a day together before life takes over and we part ways again."

He stared at the ceiling like he was deep in thought. "Sorry about that. I've been…busy."

"Yeah, so busy with Michael and Connor, right? Don't you guys spend enough time together at college?"

Michael and Connor were Avery's twin brothers. Around the island they were known as the Band of Brothers because they were inseparable and constantly causing trouble.

"It's not like that. We’ve been chillin' together, but I fucked up big time and I've been trying to make it right." My heart clenched from the anguish in his words. I'd never heard him sound so helpless. "But the more I do, the more I fuck myself."

"What happened?"

He blew out a long and hard breath. "Can't let it get out."

"Anything I can help you with?"

He shook his head. "Can't talk about it."

Hmm. That sounded awfully familiar. "You can't, or you won't?"


"Then how can I help you?"

"You can't."

"Jesus Christ, you're starting to annoy the shit out of me. I feel like I'm going in circles here. Throw me something to run with."

The corner of Xavier's mouth half-heartedly tugged up. I didn’t like how dejected he sounded.

"You sound like her."

And now it all made sense. "Oh, chick problems. Got it."

"Something like that."

I shrugged, not wanting to get into relationship problems with my brother. As if I was in any position to give advice.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out. Just move on to your next chase. You seem to have a list of harems you check off once you've conquered them. Cross her off in your little black book."

Xavier stared at the celling in a melancholy daze. "If only it was that easy. She's that girl who gets under your skin. Just digs and digs, until she's buried herself deep in your bones and you don't want her to leave…until she does and takes everything with her."

A soft knock sounded on my opened door, distracting me from my brother, just in time too. I looked over to see Theo, our butler, standing in the opening.

"Miss Rossi, your two guests were found roaming the back looking a little lost." He pushed the door open further and Hayden and Holly walked in, their eyes bounced around my bedroom, taking it in. "I took it upon myself to show them to your room."

"Hey guys! I didn’t think you'd be up yet." I glanced at Theo and gave him an appreciative smile.

"Would you like me to bring you anything? Your rocket fuel, perhaps?" he asked.

I sighed. My coffee. The elixir of life. "Thank you, Theo, but you know I'll get it myself." He nodded once and then left.

Before I could utter another word to my friends, I watched a smile creep across Xavier's face when he eyed Holly. Oh hell no. I gave him a swift kick in the hip and glared at him. Just like that, his girl woes were a thing of the past.

Holly stood next to Hayden wearing navy blue shorts, a button-down denim shirt with sleeves rolled to her elbows, and a white cami underneath her shirt. Her light blond hair was braided loosely at the side of her head and pulled to rest on her chest. I loved that hairstyle, but I could never pull it off. She looked like she'd just walked out of a small town. So adorable.

"Your list is long enough," I said under my breath.

Xavier continued to smile, so I kicked him again, this time harder. "Get out." I glared at him.

"Did we interrupt something?" Hayden asked.

Xavier stood and walked toward them. He held out his hand. "I'm Xavier, Ana's older brother. I see she's lost the manners our parents heavily instilled in her."

I butted in. "I did not! I just don't want you talking to my friends."

"Hayden. It’s nice to meet you." Hayden introduced himself with a smile. They exchanged a firm handshake, then he gestured to Holly. "This is my sister, Holly."

"Holly, a pleasure," Xavier said. Her chestnut eyes were all over him. I swear on all that is sacred, if my dumbass brother even thought about going after her for even a split second, I'd junk punch him myself. Holly didn't need her own line and a score in his little black book.

"Okay, goodbye, Xavier!" I yelled, making it clear it was time for him to go, but he ignored me.

He shot a scrutinizing gaze down Hayden's body. "I was told you may need to borrow some clothes for tonight, but now I'm thinking you might not be able to fit in them. You on 'roids, bro?"

I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut in humiliation, then opened them. Hayden and Holly didn't have the proper dress attire for a party like we hosted, so we offered to let them borrow clothes. "Xavier! You're such an asshole. What is wrong with you?"

"Ah, no. Never." Hayden laughed nervously and shot me a startled look. A rosy hue glowed on his cheeks. Hayden was stacked. He crossed his arms in front of his chest, and my dumb brother reached out to grab one of his biceps.

Xavier's eyebrows shot up. "So that's from doing gymnastics? Well, shit. Sign me up." He gave Hayden a friendly slap on the shoulder. "When you're done with my sis, come down to the pool house and I'll see what clothes I can hook you up with."

"What's rocket fuel?" Holly asked, shifting the conversation. It took me a moment to figure out what she was talking about. I chuckled. Saying I drank rocket fuel wasn't the best way to describe java.

"Ana's coffee," Xavier answered. "I've never met someone who drinks it the way she does—or the amount."

"Why did that man call it that?" Holly asked.

Just then, Avery waltzed into my room carrying a paper tray and a heavy armful of dresses in clear zippered bags.

"Because her coffee can stimulate the dead," Avery volunteered with a huge grin, then quickly said hi to Hayden and Holly. "She likes her coffee like she likes her men—dark, bitter, and bold."

"Yeah, the opposite of you," Xavier said, looking at Avery. "Light, weak, and boring."

Avery placed the tray that contained four cups of coffee on my nightstand, then swiftly backhanded Xavier in the ribs. He faked a grunt and held his stomach, pretending he hurt.

"Shut the fuck up, Xavier, and get out."

Avery glanced at me and I giggled. Her eyes lit up. "Hey, girl." Turning around, she walked over to the free-standing clothes rack and began to hang the dresses.

Long strides took Xavier to Avery. I watched them as he slid the clothes already hanging to the side to make room on the steel bar. He then took the heavy load from her arm and hung the items for her. His lips moved as he murmured something next to hear ear, but he spoke low, and I couldn't make out what he said. She shook her head, and he threw a hand up in the air and sighed before storming out of the room.

"He's so annoying!" Avery declared dramatically once my brother left. She handed out the Styrofoam cups. "It's like having a third brother."

I took a sip from my coffee. "That's how I feel about your brothers." Holly and Avery plopped down on my bed, while Hayden took a seat on the chair in the corner of my room. One more sip and I asked Avery, "What did Xavier say to you?"

She stared at me like a deer caught in the headlights. "Oh! For a second I didn't know what you meant. He asked me if I had any more clothes in my car to bring up." She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "As if I would give him the keys to my car after what they did. Mama didn't raise no fool."

"Good thinking." I turned toward my friends. "You guys slept well?"

"I did. That mattress is like sleeping on a cloud."

"Probably the best sleep I've gotten in a while."

"Oh good. I didn't want to wake you guys. Figured you needed it since you flew in so late."

Alfred had been the one to scoop up Hayden and Holly at the airport late last night and bring them back here.

"Your house is massive, Aid. You weren't kidding when you told us about the size of it or the amount of rooms. It's like what you would see in a magazine. If we hadn't run into your butler, we'd probably still be out there wandering around."

I smiled sheepishly. "Sorry about that. I should've told you where to go when you guys got in last night, but I didn't even think about it. Just figured you guys wanted to rest."

"You figured right," Holly said with a yawn. "What time is the party?"

"Party starts at eight, but guests sometimes arrive early." I glanced over at my nightstand and read the time. It was getting close to noon. "We should probably grab lunch and then start getting ready."

A crease formed between Hayden's eyes. He pulled at his shorts for more give at the knees and adjusted himself in the chair. "You need that much time?"

"No, but probably a good three hours. Hayden, I feel like this is something you should know."

His brows shot to his hairline. "How long it takes chicks to get ready? No."

"But you read Cosmo," I retorted, and took another sip of my coffee, eyeing him playfully.

Both Holly and Avery snapped their heads toward him in shock. "You read my magazines?" Holly asked, extremely embarrassed. "Real cool, bro."

"What!" Hayden threw his hands up. "Sometimes they look intriguing."

"That brings your hotness meter way down, dude. Don't ever admit that to anyone." Avery paused. "Well, maybe it doesn't. I take that back. I bet you know more about what women want than grown men do."

Hayden's response was a smile from ear to ear.

I gave them a rundown of what to expect. How the night would play out; how the house would be filled with millionaires and their snobby, entitled offspring; and how these parties typically ran until the early morning hours. Avery and I had appointments for hair and makeup after lunch, so I invited Holly to have hers done as well. Mom expected everyone—including us young adults—to be in tip-top shape. Like they're ready for their close-up at any given second.

My time home would be cut short due to the Parkettes meet Holly was competing in. She needed to train, and as much as I wanted to stay home for a little while longer to avoid Kova, I made a compromise to drive back early tomorrow so we could all ring in the new year together.

"We'll leave tomorrow afternoon, which gives you time to unpack and rest before practice the following day."

I took a big sip of coffee to swallow back the ball of anxiety in my throat. I'd been doing great with ignoring the fact that Kova was coming to my home, but thinking about Holly having to be back to train for the gymnastics meet made my chest tight with angst. My fingers started trembling, and it wasn't due to the caffeine.

"Speaking of practice, my dad took it upon himself to invite Kova and Katja." I took another sip of coffee.

My stomach flipped as Hayden's stark gaze landed on me. His jaw flexed, and I had to look away because I couldn't handle the weight of his stare.

"That should be fun to see them outside of the gym." Holly mused and gave a light shrug.

"Are they staying at your house?" Hayden asked through clenched teeth. My emotions teetered on a thin line between pure panic and nervousness. Not just from Hayden's response, but from Kova coming over, and the sudden extreme bout of anxiety steamrolling through me. I was edgy. Anything could happen.

"They're staying at the Four Seasons Hotel."

Hayden's shoulders eased just a bit. Guilt ate at me for the stress I had caused him, but more so for the new lie that flew off my lips like nothing. I didn't know what Kova and Katja were doing because I didn't ask any questions after I found out they'd be coming. Inquiring too much would raise brows.

Avery clapped her hands and rubbed them together. "Before we get pampered, how about we go get some lunch? A light lunch." She eyeballed me. "We can't be looking fat in our dresses."




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