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Gunner: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 3) by M. Merin (14)



Classes are going really well this term, liking the subject matter puts school in a whole new light for me. My three classes and time in the lab speed by and before long I’m texting Gunner that I’m heading to the apartment. Checking my missed calls, I see that I have two from my mom and a text that it’s urgent to call her.

Sitting in my SUV, I decide it’s safer to get this out of the way before hitting the road and silently hoping that they will be asleep as they’re eight hours ahead of me right now.

“Riley.” She picks up on the first ring. “Where have you been?”

Frowning at the phone, I reply, “Class.”

“Your tone is inappropriate and you know what I mean, young lady. I checked the logs for the home security system and you have barely been there plus I see a large charge on a card you barely ever use. At the Superstore, no less.”

“I am in the process of moving out actually, Gram gave me a place in town,” I reply, trying to act my age and not beat around the bush.

“Absolutely not, Riley. We will discuss this when your father and I get back. We expect you to concentrate on your schoolwork, then you can move away for Med School but not undergrad while we’re footing your bills.”

“I expected to have this conversation when you returned. I am no longer in Pre-Med, I was able to secure a scholarship for a CIS degree.”

“That is not acceptable; I will be calling the school next. You will be changed back to the right track immediately.” Mother is snarling at me. I understand this is a lot to take in, but I always told them what I wanted.

“Mom, I actually turned eighteen this past weekend.” I sigh into the phone. “This is my decision now, I am happy to further explain my plans with you and father upon your return, but staying at home or returning to Pre-Med is out of the question. I wanted to discuss this with you after New Year’s but you and Father ended up going to D.C. without letting me know.”

“Riley, I don’t think YOU understand. All of our friends are aware of your future path; this is not to be borne.” Her voice has gotten shrill and I can hear my father start to make noises in the background.

“I’m sure it’s late there. Let’s speak when you are better rested.” I silently disconnect. Wiping the tears that are streaming down my cheeks, I start back to town. God forbid I let down their friends expectations.

Nearly to my apartment, my phone rings. Seeing a number from my school advisor, I sigh and pick up. “Mr. Elwood, how are you?”

He snorts at me. “Been better. The President of the University just spent ten minutes yelling then hung up on me. It seems I was supposed to notify your parents of your degree change.”

“I know I was seventeen when I applied for the change, but I am eighteen now so it is my decision.” I brace myself for the fallout.

“Relax, Miss Maddock. You see, that is where you are correct; you are legally responsible for yourself now. And, as I reminded our esteemed President, the University is in the business of guiding children to become adults. Keep your grades up and your head on straight, all right?”

“Yes, sir, and I am sorry you’ve been put in this position.” Phew. We say our goodbyes and disconnect as I’m pulling up to the apartment, right behind Gunner’s Explorer.

I head inside my nearly empty place and call out to him. “Back here!” Comes the reply. I walk towards the Master Bedroom to see him making the bed.

“I hoped to get this set up before you got home, Sweetheart,” Gunner crosses towards me, distracting me from a huge, nearly-made mattress sitting atop an amazing dark wood platform with a padded headboard. “Took me longer than I thought to get the platform reassembled up here.”

I look between Gunner and the bed. “Gunner! It’s beautiful! You are amazing!” I wrap myself around his mid-section and hold him tightly to me; squealing as he suddenly picks me up and tosses me in the center of the bed.

“Had to test it!” He laughs down at me; quickly joining me, he covers my face with kisses. “I wanted it to be perfect for you, and we can change out the platform if you don’t like it.”

I stop him with my finger over his lips, smiling up at him. “I love it. I may need a ladder to get into bed though!” He is so much taller than me that I don’t think he accounted for the height with the mattress on top of it.

“Outta bed, Sweetheart, or we’ll be here till morning!” He rolls me to my side to give my ass a quick swat before sliding off the bed. Groaning, I follow him slowly; preferring to stay in bed.

“I didn’t eat much today and wanted to take you out, okay?” He asks.

I quickly nod and go searching for towels. Showering and getting ready, I walk out to the living room to find him pacing. “Everything alright, Gunner?” I pause, tensing up.

He spins to face me then freezes.

“You’re so beautiful, Riley.” He says in his smoke-roughened voice. Crossing to me he kisses me until all the stress of the past couple hours evaporates. Smiling at him as he reaches for my jacket. “Come on, if we stay here you’ll starve.”

Going downstairs in silence, I see our trucks lightly coated in snow; dim streetlights reflecting off of them. “Where to, Big Guy?” I ask, tugging on his hand and trying to keep up with his long pace.

“I could use a steak?” He slows down, then opens the passenger side of his Explorer and deposits me inside.

We drive across town, avoiding the tourist options and park outside the local favorite. Walking inside, I notice Gunner once again scans all available seats and selects one to his liking; the host hurries to catch up to us. This time, Gunner sits next to me in the booth and sends the host away with our drink order.

“I don’t think I’ll be back before Saturday, you okay with that?” He starts, and I’m quiet not expecting his sudden launch into this topic. “The weather looks like shit and I don’t want to push it.” He continues.

“Thanks for letting me know, just text if you’re able.” I can’t control this aspect of his life and won’t attempt to try right now. “I just have classes, homework, and then I will see Gram on Friday night. Oh – I have to start finding someone to rent the store also.”

“Can you give me a week or so on that? I have an idea. I’ll run it by you when I think it through more; maybe when I’m back?” I nod, glad to put this off for a little bit. The waiter stops by for our order, both he and Gunner give me incredulous looks as I order the chili, an eight-ounce filet, garlic mashed potatoes, and sautéed spinach. Puh-lease, I barely ate earlier.

“So, my mother reached out to me today.” I start. He pauses, having started to lean into my neck. “She’d seen the charge on the credit card then checked the security logs for the house. I had to tell her everything; well, not everything. I didn’t mention you. Not yet.”

“I bet everything else went over like a ton of bricks.” He wraps his arm tighter around me while swirling the condensation around the outside of his beer mug with his other hand.

“I told her about the apartment, didn’t mention the storefront. Then I brought up my change in major, pointing out that I had been telling them I wanted to do it. Her biggest argument was that it would look bad to their friends who have heard about ‘my future plans’ – can you believe that?” I reach out for his beer mug, but seeing the waiter approach with my chili, I draw my hand back and down nearly all of my Coke. Gunner asks for another beer. “Right before I got home my advisor called me. Mom had already called the freaking President of the University trying to get my decision reversed. Then the President gave my advisor an earful!”

The waiter arrives with the beer and Gunner asks for another, the waiter gives me major side-eye, knowing the reason for all the beers.

“I saw your Gram today.” He says as I’d forgotten he was heading there earlier. He slides the newly arrived beer in front of me while I start in on the chili. “As we thought, she seems to have spent the last eight months figuring out the details. She didn’t share much but said to leave it to her.” Swallowing, he gets quiet for a moment.

“She really doesn’t like them, does she?” He asks me quietly.

“My parents?” At his nod, I continue, “they never spend any time together, I don’t know if they speak.” I shrug. “Hey, she likes us!” I laugh up at him as the food arrives. Then I’m too busy eating to speak much.

Leaning back with a groan after he cleans the meat off the bone of his steak; “I love that you eat like a real person, Riley.” I can only smile, as I finish up my spinach. “I love you period.”

I freeze. He said it so softly I wonder if I didn’t just have a hallucination. A moment ticks by in silence.

“You can take it back. Food coma rules?” I close my mouth to stop myself from babbling.

“Not taking it back. Probably won’t say it much. Sorry, Sweetheart, but you gotta know that I do.”

Shaking and pushing him out of the booth, afraid to make eye contact, I say; “Get the check, Gunner. Now, please.” Pulling my jacket on, I head towards the door leaving a dumbfounded behemoth in my wake.

I wait at the door then as he nears I head out into the cold night air; approaching the passenger side of his truck, he looks wary as he asks, “What are we doing, Sweetheart?”

Facing the truck door, I speak up, “You’re taking me home and making me yours, Gunner. No more waiting.” I’m scooped up and deposited in the truck before I can breathe properly.

After he parks in front of the apartment, I wait for him to open the door. He carries me straight from the seat up to the Master Bedroom like my weight is insignificant.

I start stripping the moment he sets me down. Noticing he hasn’t moved, I crawl up to the center of the bed. Kneeling on the middle of it, I face him and say; “I love you, too.”


I can barely see her in the darkness but have already memorized her curves. Each time I saw her, I thought that might be the last. Telling her I loved her started a storm in my chest, it would not be calmed until we reached the room and she did exactly what I needed her to do without being prompted.

Not saying a word, not breaking eye contact, I take my turn removing my clothes. Reaching into my back pocket for a condom, she holds up her hand. “Not tonight, Gunner. Tomorrow we’ll be responsible adults; tonight I want to feel your skin on mine, no matter what comes of it.”

I gulp. I’ve never been bare in a woman before. I open my mouth to object, and then stop myself. Because, no matter what she sees in me; as I’ve always known, I am a selfish bastard and do not see a downside to getting her pregnant nor marking her with my cum.

Without a word, I move, naked, onto the bed next to her. As she sways into me I shake my head, instead, reaching my hands out and pinching each of her nipples tightly between my index fingers and thumbs.

“Who do you belong to?” I ask her harshly.

“You, only you, Gunner.” She moans, arching towards me.

“Show me how wet you are, Sweetheart,” I command, enjoying the widening of her eyes. Then with a downward glance, she shifts her right hand across her thigh and delves it into her pussy, taking her time in there. Looking back at me, her hips arching towards my hard cock she pulls out her first two fingers, I grab her wrist and move her hand to circle my cock. Wrapping her fingers around me and spreading her moisture up and down my length until I can’t take anymore.

I push her onto her back, spreading her thighs wide apart, I duck my face between them. Dipping my tongue into her core and I swirl her juices around the lips of her pussy and up to her clit. Nipping her clit gently between my teeth, I suck it further into my mouth, circling it with my tongue.

Pressing first one then a second finger into her hot, wet center; I slowly work on preparing her body for my cock. I know there will be pain regardless but will do what I can to ease that. Lifting my mouth, I tell her to play with her nipples. She moans before complying, staring into my eyes; her own, half-hooded with pleasure. I long to slide a finger into her asshole but decide to wait for another time; her orgasm is all but on top of her and I want her to come before I sink my dick into her.

Her moaning increases as she moves a hand down, weaving her fingers into my hair. “Please, Gunner?! I need it.” She starts begging, so I go to town on her clit and in a moment her thighs start squeezing on either side of my head and her core lifts off the bed as she screams my name repeatedly, squirting all over me.

As she relaxes back against the bed, I move up along her body pausing to lick each nipple, I reach for her chin and wait for her eyes to focus on mine.  “Ready for me, Sweetheart? I got to have you now.”

Her mouth widens into a small smile as she simultaneously spreads her thighs and lifts her hips, so her wet pussy rubs up against my cock.

“You’ll be mine now, Gunner?” She whispers.

“Yes, Riley, just yours.” I don’t think I’ve ever spoken truer words. Moving on top of her, I nudge my cock into her folds just to moisten the head. We both groan at the same time. I am shaking with need as she raises her hand to my cheek and nods.

I plunge into her, breaking past her barrier until I’m fully buried inside my Sweetheart.

Riley’s eyes widen with surprise as a brief shadow of pain passes through them. I stay still, barely breathing; hoping she’s alright. Riley takes a deep breath then subconsciously squeezes my cock even tighter within her. I’ve never felt the like. She’s impossibly tight, wonderfully warm and wet and it takes every bit of control I have not to cum right now.

“Riley?” I won’t move without permission.

Tilting her hips even further up, she bestows a larger smile on me. “More, Gunner. I need more.” Leaning down to distract her with a kiss her as I withdraw, she moans at the loss and wraps her legs around my hips to encourage me quickly back. “More, Gunner? Please, all of it.”

She doesn’t ask for much.

I start to slowly thrust in and out of her, but she senses I am holding back and continues begging me for more. Soon I’m pounding into her. My full length into her virgin slit, supporting my weight on one arm; reaching down to rub her clit wanting her to cum hard, squeezing my dick for all she’s worth.

“Cum with me, Riley; I need you to cum with me.” I moan barely able to hold back.

“Cum inside me, Gunner! I want to feel it. I’m going to…” Riley is bucking underneath me; barely able to speak. Finally, she grabs my shoulders, nails sinking into my flesh, and screams loudly into the night. Her tight sheath strangles the cum from my cock and my cries drown out hers as I pour myself into her, filling her with my seed.

My cock slowly softens and I roll to my side, taking her with me. Squeezing too tightly, I let up when she pokes me in the chest. Dropping a kiss to her temple, I whisper how perfect she is; needing her to know I’ve never felt this way. Feeling her tears on my chest and hearing a soft sob, I’m filled with panic. Pulling back to see her face, I’m terrified I’ve hurt her.