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Gunner: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 3) by M. Merin (7)



At first, all I could think was that my ass is on fire, then that heat spread to the front and I know that I’m soaked. If this is what he wants of me, I’m in.

As Gunner tries to ease back from our kiss, I hold tighter behind his neck and brace myself as I slide first one leg then the other up around his hips. My legs secure around his waist, I’ve locked us together and he deepens the kiss; turning and pushing my back against a wall. Thrusting his cock against me, I drop my hands, trying to get his belt open to reach the prize beneath.

“No, no, no.” He starts to chant into my mouth before breaking away. “Not now. There’s no going back for you once we start. I won’t let you go.”

“Don’t stop,” I beg, I don’t recognize who I am right now, and all I can feel is this burning need to be possessed by him. “Please don’t stop.”

“Sweetheart, look at me. Come on.” He places feather light kisses around my face and I concede, sliding my legs back to the floor but moving into his chest. Sighing against him, his next words rumble against me. “I need to know, I need you to tell me, did you like that?”

I swear I’ll forever be beet red around this man! “I did,” I whisper, shy again and look up at him to see him smile widely down at me. “That’s a thing with you? You’ll want to…do that, regularly?” I burst out, trying to figure out what I’m in for with him.

“Yeah, that’s one of my ‘things’. I’m gonna go slow with you, but I’m not a gentle man.” He murmurs in his rough voice while kissing my forehead. “I won’t ever harm you though, you understand me, Riley?”

I reach up to sooth the crease that has formed between his brows and start to answer, until I register our surroundings. Wood furniture is neatly stacked or hung from hooks on the wall and the first pieces that catch my eye can only be described as art.

Diverted, I move around him to start playing with a coffee table that seems more like a puzzle box, it’s in a similar dark wood shade to the table where he spanked me and I’m in awe.

“Gunner! Will you sell me this table?” I squeal in excitement. I know how I’ll furnish my new apartment.

Looking up at him, he seems to have become the shy one now. “You like it, Sweetheart? Take what you like.”

“What! No! I want to buy it, oh – I need more furniture actually.” I hadn’t gotten around to telling him about the present from my Gram. I wasn’t sure what to say, as I don’t want to come across as completely spoiled. “I’m moving into an apartment in town. I think I can take my bed from home, but I haven’t told my parents about it yet, so that might be weird. Right?”

“Slow down; what do you mean moving?” He pulls a chair from a hook on the wall, moving it close to me he sits and pulls me up onto his lap in one motion.

“It was kind of a surprise from Gram. It’s over on Beckett near Main? It has two bedrooms; I’ve got to figure out changing over the electric, gas, and everything tomorrow but I’ll need furniture. I’ve been saving up my allowance forever anyway, so I will pay you – you’ve worked hard on this.”

“Mrs. R just happened to give you your own place, did she? Right ahead of an expected blow up with your folks about your major? And me?”

“I had told her about changing my major and YOU had filled her in about us, you know, maybe dating, or whatever, so she had a bit of time to think it out, I guess,” I reply, following the swirl of his tattoo up his wrist. He grips my hand, stopping the progression and trying to keep us on track this time. Standing to further explore his work, I tug on his hand to join me. “What about you, do you live here or at the clubhouse?” Silently praying it’s the former.

“I have a couch, bathroom, and small kitchenette here but live at the club. Have since I Patched up, most of the single guys do. Bought this land about four years ago, this workshop was already here; this plus three acres.”

I groan. I can’t help it. I knew I was going to have to go back to the clubhouse to get my truck, but to possibly sleep there with him? Ew.

Understanding what I’m thinking, he comes up with an easy, temporary solution. “My truck is out back, we’ll switch to that then run by the clubhouse so I can grab a change of clothes and your SUV; I’ll follow you into town and we’ll stay at a hotel. You do want to stay with me tonight, Sweetheart?”

I love how he says ‘Sweetheart’, almost as much as the look he’s giving me; filled with promises. “Yes, I, um, just not there, not the clubhouse.” As he lifts my chin up with his finger, I notice the crease between his eyebrows has returned.

“You get a pass today, Riley; but those are my Brothers and that is my home. I haven’t touched the Girlies or anyone else since we made our deal, I can’t change the past and I will not apologize for it. It’s part of what comes with me.”

“What do you mean, exactly, when you say ‘Girlies’? And you mentioned Flint earlier, can you tell me more?” He’s made references to both and I’m not entirely certain of any of it.

Moving to the back room with me wrapped around him like my weight is insignificant; he grabs two beers from a small fridge and motions me to the couch. “What’s your tolerance level like, Sweetheart?” He smirks, handing me a bottle.

“I’ve never had beer before!” I reply, sending him into a choking fit over his first sip. “I’ve had wine with my family, then I went to a frat party last year and there was some kind of punch; not that it had any juice in it.”

“Jesus Christ, I forget how young you are!” He says before launching into a breakdown of the Club. Jasper, the current President and his wife, Emma; Flint and Bree, and so on until all the names are jumbled together. Then on to what I wanted to know.

“The Girlies, they’re affiliated with us but not like the Ol’ Ladies. They’re not with any one guy, not to say that sometimes they don’t become someone’s Ol’ Lady. We protect them, they party with us, most work in one of the businesses we run and a few take care of the cleaning and cooking at the clubhouse. They are also ‘available’ to take care of any Brother who has an itch to scratch. I think there are about eight or ten now. Then there are honey holes, women who come in to party but aren’t affiliated with the Club.”

“And an ‘Ol’ Lady’ is a wife?” I’m still not sure of the title.

“Sometimes. When someone takes an Ol’ Lady, they announce it to the group at a gathering then Flint, Jasper, or Vice have to approve it. That means you trust her to put the Club first, that she’s yours alone and completely under your protection; that if she missteps, you’ll take the heat for it. None of the other guys ever lay a finger on her, and faithfulness usually comes with it too. How can you trust a woman to protect you if she’s pissed at you for sticking your cock other places? The Girlies usually stay clear ‘cause the Ol’ Ladies can get them cut off, so they don’t want the aggravation.” Taking a swig, he presses on.

“It’s not a marriage though. Jasper and Emma did get married, Flint’s engaged to Bree, but some of the guys, like Wrench has been with his Ol’ Lady a decade or so and they have three kids together but never married. Like anywhere else, I guess. You coming to the clubhouse today was tricky. Coming in like that is what girls do when they want to party, y’know? Get some action? You came alone, so you were considered open season for whomever.”

“Shit.” Now it’s my turn at taking a swig of beer, once I realized how stupid my ‘surprise’ was. “What will happen with you and that guy?”

“Frank? He’s an asshole anyway, but as Sergeant at Arms, I’ll have to make it right. I can’t go swinging at guys who don’t see anything out of the ordinary about their actions.” He shrugs. “The Club is the closest, we’ll go there first; want to show me your new place next? We can measure areas to see what will fit?”

“You’ll help me? I hadn’t even thought of that.” I admit, feeling more and more my age. “And I am paying you for whatever furniture I pick, or I won’t take anything. Got it?”

He shrugs again then tells me to grab my coat while he digs out a measuring tape. Taking my time walking back through the shop, I really am impressed by the quality of the work. Slipping on my jacket, he quickly steps in to help guide my arm into the second sleeve; kissing my ear and reaching around the front to zipper me up. “Want me to warm the truck up before you come out, Sweetheart?”

Regardless of his scar, I really cannot believe this man is single. He’s so thoughtful. “No, I’ll be fine now. I’m just sad I can’t sit wrapped around you for this ride.”

He laughs at my admission, but I really mean it. With his bike secured, we head over to his Explorer then go back to the clubhouse. Once there, he parks near my SUV and tells me to sit tight. Halfway out the door, he turns back and grabbing me behind the neck pulls me in for another kiss, taking absolute possession of my mouth then releasing me before I can muster a thought.

“No running off with any bikers now, Sweetheart!” He laughs as he gets out. “You’re all mine.”

A few minutes after he disappears inside, a Silverado pulls into the lot. I’m not at the right angle to see much more than her auburn hair, most of which is under a large cowl scarf. I’d kill for that color hair, mine is just plain brown although my mother mentioned me getting highlights to ‘look more appealing’, I’ve never actually done it. Looking back over her shoulder she catches a glimpse of me, then stares at the truck again. When she looks back to me, I give her a little wave not knowing what else to do.

That seems to have made up her mind and she heads over to the passenger side door. I open it on her approach and smiling she asks, “Are you with Gunner?”

Suddenly unsure of myself, and not wanting to put Gunner in another awkward position, I go with: “I’m waiting for him, yes; and I’m absolutely not pulling any trains.”

She bursts out laughing uncontrollably and I know instantly we’ll be friends. Looking at her from the seat of his truck, I can see that she’s old enough to be my mother. Although her hair looks natural with her coloring, the lines around her eyes and mouth as she laughs give her away. “I’m Bree, are you Riley?”

I nod, surprised she knows my name and reach my hand out to shake her offered hand. I pictured someone closer to my age when Gunner spoke of her earlier and am suddenly intimidated by how confident she is.

“I’m going to kill Gunner. I told him to let me know when he’d bring you here, I wanted to, well Hell – watch out for you a bit. It can be a little crazy.” She shrugs and I quickly nod my head in agreement.

“He wasn’t expecting me today, but it’s my birthday and I didn’t want to wait until tomorrow.”

“Happy Birthday then! Considering your talk of pulling trains, I’m sure you had an interesting welcome?!” Again nodding in reply, I’m now certain I’m going to like her. “Gunner’s a quiet one,” she continues, “but he had a few drinks the other night and told me about you. I kept it between us like he wanted, oh, here he comes; quick program my number in your phone!”

She’s reaching for it the moment I take it out. “Anytime you need to talk, any questions I can answer, ok?”

“What are you doing, Bree?” Gunner yells out when he’s about ten feet from us. She slides my phone back to me.

“You appointed me the welcoming committee when you confided in me the other night, just holding up my end.” She winks at me, “Flint’ll be here soon, you may want to head out before you get dragged back inside. You be good to her, Gunner. Nice meeting you, Riley!”

Without waiting for any replies she heads towards the door to the clubhouse and I turn to Gunner; “I like her! Follow me to the apartment, ok?” Taking a page from Bree, I jump out and go to my car without waiting for his reply.


I had basically run through the front room of the club and shoved items at random into a duffle. Heading back through, I let Connal know to text me if I’m needed but that I won’t be around otherwise. He smirks and makes a comment about me losing my virginity tonight. I walk away thinking, not tonight Brother.

After close to a year, the label feels about right but I don’t want to rush this. It’s not like fucking Christmas morning; that always sucked. Months of getting excited over the build-up then Wham! It’s done. No, I’m going to fucking earn her cherry and then savor the hell outta it.

Stepping back into the cold, I see that the passenger side door of my truck is open. With the interior light on, I can see Riley smiling but, suddenly anxious, I move faster until I realize she’s speaking to Bree. Thank fuck. Riley looks awed and amused by her, which I can completely understand. Bree had Flint chasing after her from the moment he laid eyes on her.

Riley quickly gets in her SUV, and after Bree’s warning that Flint is close, I pull out behind her as she heads towards town. Curious to see this apartment that Mrs. R gifted her, I grin to myself remembering the look on Riley’s face as she inspected my furniture. Seeing how much she loved the puzzle coffee table, I decide to create other pieces for her that will tie into that.

Pulling alongside the curb, directly behind Riley’s Jeep; we park in front of a two-story red brick building. The ground floor is an empty storefront with a large window that wraps around the corner of the building, then an entrance for the store and another next to that, which Riley is heading towards.

Reaching over for the measuring tape, I quickly catch up to her and pause to enjoy the view of her ass while she heads upstairs before I lock the lower door behind me. I’m pleased that she has another door to unlock before entering her place. The sun has set by the time we enter, so by the light on her cell, she wanders around hitting switches for overhead lights.

This building is easily eighty to a hundred years old but the apartment looks new and not cheaply done. A birthday present fit for Mrs. R’s granddaughter, I think, shaking my head at her family. Newly sanded wood floors flow through a great room that would have been unheard of during the time the building was constructed, a bay window at one end and a new kitchen with an island at the other.

“Come on!” She grabs my hand excitedly, pulling me past a guest room and hallway bath, back to a large master suite. It’s larger than the ensuite I call home and I know instantly what her housewarming gift will be. A California King will fit nicely against the long wall, a luxury that I don’t have room for at the clubhouse but have already built a bed platform for. I can only gape at the bathroom, never been in anything like it. It has heated floors, a large shower with multiple shower heads and a separate Jacuzzi tub with space for two. Then back through her room, she opens a door that leads to a private deck. I walk across it to make sure that the gate at the top of the stairs leading down to the parking spaces is well secured. It is. Mrs. R’s people wouldn’t have overlooked that.

“The deck is new,” she says, “it’s actually a real convenience for the store downstairs. See, you can reverse a truck up to the double doors down there to load and unload without getting rained or snowed on.”

Crossing back to her, I decide to address this frankly “Is the whole building yours now? Was that your gift?” I ask, having already guessed the answer.

“Yeah,” she almost whispers. “I didn’t want to, well, it sounds weird, y’know? Telling, basically, a stranger, that I got a building for my birthday. Gram had me sign the paperwork this morning and someone was there to notarize it, so it’s official.”

“Basically a stranger?” I grin down at her. “I’ve already tasted your sweet titties.” Riley blushes on cue but slips her arm around me as I pull her inside and secure the back door. “What are you going to do with the store?”

“Well, I have to rent it. I’m responsible for the property tax, insurance and everything else now. Gram gave me a price range for the area, but I, I don’t know…would you want to sell from here?” She asks shyly.

I let out the breath I was holding. “Sweetheart, no. Look, I won’t take advantage of you. I had contacted some other properties last year but to rent I basically have to show steady business income; and my credit score – well, with the MC, you know I keep a lot of stuff off any books.”

“OK, look, I’m going to advertise it but it’s been empty since last summer, so even if you decide on month to month you’re welcome to it.”

Turning the lights off as we walk back towards the front, I shake my head at Mrs. R’s antics. Knowing my basic business plans, was this done with me in mind? This feels too much like my G’ma’s situation, not that that was bad.

We decide to take my Explorer, so she grabs a duffle from the back of her SUV to get her through our overnight. Calling local hotels, I’m pissed I can’t find something nicer for us, but not an easy task during ski season. Driving to an inexpensive chain hotel in silence, I reach out for her hand.

“What are you thinking about, Sweetheart?”

“Just, today was kind of a big day, and I am trying to absorb it all.” She murmurs. “Hey! You haven’t smoked since I got to the clubhouse?”

“Yeah, been working on that.” I look over at her, patting my breast pocket. “I have your lighter right here, but I got the impression you weren’t a fan,” I say, bringing her hand up to my mouth.

She doesn’t say a word for a while, just looks at me with a big smile. “I’m really impressed, Gunner, I’ve always heard how hard that is to quit. Thank you.”

“I still light up sometimes, but pretty much from a pack or two a day to a pack a month.” I shrug, trying to ignore the surge of warmth that accompanies her smile.

Tugging her hand away from mine, Riley slides it down and slowly rubs my cock over my jeans; she smiles at me, “Maybe I can distract you so you won’t think about smoking?”

“I’m beginning to think you’re just using me for sex!” I mockingly accuse her as I pull into the hotel lot; laughing, she quickly unfastens her seat belt and straddles my lap.

Cupping my face, she gently kisses me; “I want you, but you’re right; we have this idea of each other and I know you are trying to protect me by giving us time to rectify the real versus the imagined.

“I appreciate you and do understand we have things to work out, but looking around at the boys on campus and at the idiots my parents paraded me in front of over the holidays; I need you to understand – you are the only one I’ve ever wanted to jump.” She says as she caresses the side of my scarred face.

Pulling her to me, I invade her mouth. Sliding my hands down to her ass, I pull her tight against my rock hard cock; I want her more than I’ve ever wanted anyone. A knock on the window makes us both jump.

There’s a rent-a-cop who’s yelling about how parking is for hotel guests only and there was a complaint. I open the door into his midsection and tell him we’re checking in. Sliding Riley off of me and onto the ground, I follow her after grabbing the bags from the back.

She winds her arm through mine and smiles up at me like she always does, “Let’s go talk to my Gram tomorrow, I want to get a better idea of what she’s been plotting.”

I stop dead in my tracks. A step ahead of me, she gets tugged back at my sudden stop. “Fuck, Sweetheart! No talking about your Gram when I’m hard, OK? I just shrivelled up.”

The little witch laughs at me and hurries out of the cold, into the hotel.


Standing back and watching him with the security guard and guy working the front desk, they are terrified of him; I know he’s huge but I’ve never felt the least bit threatened nor intimidated by his size, the scar on his face, nor appearance.

Gunner pays for the room and plus an extra incidental charge in cash; he seems to keep clips of it in different pockets so he never pulls out much at any time. I worry about him spending money to make me happy, I felt awful about him paying for the graffiti being removed from my Jeep. And I’ll never forget the look on his and Connal’s faces at the garage when nearly my whole allowance slid out of my wallet at once. I was so flustered and then embarrassed.

My parents love to show off their wealth and I’ve always found it obnoxious. My great-grandparents on my mother’s side are responsible for most of it and they were, what my parents would consider ‘blue collar’ and beneath them. How hypocritical is that?

I have no room to criticize. I’ve never worked, I have volunteered with Gram through some of the organizations she’s involved with and I always deliver Thanksgiving dinner baskets to those on her church’s ‘need’ list. Really, the best and worst thing my parents ever did for me was have me homeschooled. I was never involved in school cliques but I am so awkward with other people because of not having to deal with that. I’ve never had a best friend. I have Gram and for a short period of time, I had Ms. Betty; but I never really interacted with people my age. I’m set apart at school now because I am younger than those in my classes. I have access to all of the advantages of wealth without deserving it or getting what I really crave – true interaction with others.

As Gunner motions to me to follow him to our room, I wonder if he REALLY knows what he’s in for with me. The one thing Gram has always said to me is to trust my instincts when it comes to people; I know I can’t trust my parents, I learned that early on. I know I felt so safe last May when I met Gunner, but in all my musings of him the past year I never considered being spanked. I never thought of it any time I rubbed myself off thinking of him. But holy shit! I was pissed at the first slap, until he softly rubbed my butt then kept going on my count. Now, I’m looking forward to saying ‘sorry’ some more.