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Gunner: Northern Grizzlies MC (Book 3) by M. Merin (24)



Today has been a cluster fuck. Neither Riley nor I had set our alarms and so we had to race out the door once we finally woke up. I had to continue looking into the list of suspects who may have stolen from the Club. Thankfully, Wrench has been cleared so he’s able to do whatever the fuck he does online and can help.

Not the part of my job I enjoy, investigating and suspecting the worst of my Brothers. Granted, with any group, there’ll always be the ones you don’t like but you still have to trust them to have your back when shit gets real. Investigating them behind their backs tilts the whole balance.

I get home later than planned and nearly shit myself as Riley exits the bedroom. She’s beautiful without trying but tonight she’s dressed up, her hair is blown out, and it’s the first time I’ve seen her in makeup. She wears it very lightly, but I know her well enough to know it’s there. Her eyes are subtlety hi-lighted and she has a light lip gloss on. She’s wearing tight jeans, knee-high black leather boots, and a long sleeve, see-through, dark blue blouse with a camisole underneath.

“Fuck, Sweetheart.”

“Is that good or bad?” She smiles at me, fishing for compliments.

“You are stunning.” I might have to claim her tonight. Depending on the crowd, some of those motherfuckers will be trying for a piece of her. “Do you want to stay home?”

She narrows her eyes at me, so I throw her a smile to pretend that I’m not trying to keep her here and all to myself. “Are we riding your bike?”

“Yeah, weather’s not bad. Let me shower, I’ll be ready in ten.” As promised I’m back to her in a short while and she’s just finishing wrapping up a few food containers. “What’s that, Riley?

“Oh, Connal texted me asking for more cookies since we were meeting them tonight. I didn’t know if we were going in the truck or bike so I’m just wrapping them now. This’ll fit in the bag, won’t it?”

“Fuck, you look so amazing I didn’t notice the smell,” I say, putting her on the counter and giving her my best glare. “Sweetheart, I thought we decided that all your cookies are for me? Now I’m going to have to fucking kill my Brother for trying to get what’s mine.”

She laughs at me and leans up to kiss my freshly shaved chin. I swear I make grown men wet their pants with that glare.

“Baby? We aren’t talking about my cooo-kiesss,” She says in an adorable sing-song voice. “Don’t get possessive over plain old cookies. Come on, I’m excited, can you carry the tins?” She slides down from the counter, giving my cock a squeeze before escaping my arms. I’m left shaking my head and adjusting my hardening dick inside my jeans.

It’s cold out for the ride, but I keep gloves for her in my saddlebag now and really, the cold just makes her hold me tighter.

I pull up next to Connal and Jake’s bikes, secure our helmets and get the cookies out, handing them to Riley to carry. I’m still giving her a hard time about what’s mine as we enter. Pretty full room. Brothers turn to look and greet me as I entered first, not the gentlemanly thing to do, but I was hoping to shield Riley a bit.

As I slip my hand from hers to secure it around her waist, silence spreads through the crowd; starting close to us and moving back as others turn to get a look at my Riley, Vice is at the bar and walks quickly towards us.

“You are one lucky son-of-a-bitch, Gunner!” He smiles and slaps me on the back before turning to wink at Riley. “Nice to see you again, sorry to catch you unaware the other day.” He smirks at her.

From the barely disguised leers and laughs around us, Vice didn’t waste a moment telling them about the interrupted blow job in the shop. Ri’s face flames red, but my girl doesn’t run.

“I think you should be apologizing to Gunner, not me.” She smiles up at me and I see the nervousness but resolve in her eyes. Vice lets out a bark of surprise at her answer.

“Guessing you made it up to him anyway, didn’t ya?” Slurs Needle from the bar. Riley rolls her eyes and holds tight to my side when I start to talk to him about his mouth.

“Hey, Riley! Move aside, Gunner, I need my fix!” Connal makes it through the crowd, rubbing his hands together and giving her the biggest puppy dog eyes, “Did you bring them, Riley?”

She holds out the containers of cookies. “I wrapped the batches separately,” She narrows her eyes at him. “You said you were going share them? But I figured you’d want some for later.”

“I would pledge myself to you, but Gunner already looks pissed.” Connal’s an observant fucker.

“Yes! He wants all my cooo-kiesss for himself.” She replies in a mock whisper. I start growling, as the nosy motherfuckers around us are hanging on every word exchanged.

“Oh, Gunner, there’s Bree!” Riley smiles towards the table just past the bar, taking the chance I tug her hand and glaring at everyone in range we head back towards Flint, Bree, and Jake. Jake stands at our approach and gets introduced, giving Riley and me his trademark nod. He generally doesn’t talk much and doesn’t say a word as we all sit around talking. Connal reemerges with just one of the boxes of cookies and opens it for the table.

Trying them, Bree and Flint quickly compliment Riley, while Jake goes so far as to smile at her. Bree, sitting next to Riley, quickly starts giving her a discrete rundown of the men in the room. It being a school night, most of the other Ol’ Ladies are home with their children. Deb and the other Girlies are scattered through the room along with Anne’s sister and a couple other women I’ve never seen before.

As I nurse my drink, I’m half paying attention to Connal and Flint, but mostly watching Riley. She’s so fucking beautiful, from the looks she’s getting it has not gone unnoticed around here either. I release her hand to grab one of the cookies in front of us and she quickly looks over, then she firmly plants her hand high on my thigh. Fuck, yeah.

Vice wanders over and as he looks for a chair to drag up to our table, I simply scoop my girl up and settle her on my lap. I love that her squeal attracts the attention of those who have been eyeing her; Bree quickly slides into her vacant seat so Vice can sit next to Flint.

“God! These cookies are great!” Vice enthusiastically announces as he goes for two more. Smiling over at Riley who has curled into me, “I see why Gunner doesn’t want to share, but seriously, you two are like Beauty and The Beast. What the fuck is that all about, Little Girl?”

Grinning down at her, the insult on my lips is cut off by Connal. “Shit, Vice. Don’t scare her off! She’s having Jake and me over next week and I’ll fucking die if I don’t get to try her enchiladas.”

“You cook, too?” Bree looks up interested.

“I learned growing up; I just hadn’t ever cooked for anyone before Gunner and Connal the other night. They said the lasagna was good.” She answers shyly, looking back to me for confirmation.

“No, Riley, it wasn’t good,” Connal is holding his stomach now. “It was hands down the best meal I ever had.” My Sweetheart turns all red, as the group look between Connal and her.

I lift her chin to kiss her gently. “It really was,” I whisper against her lips. She wiggles her butt against my hard-on as she leans up for another, hungrier kiss and I’m about to carry her back to my old room before Vice interrupts.

“Well, not to invite myself, but what night are we having enchiladas, Riley?” He winks at her.

I growl and drawback to glare at him as Riley remembers her surroundings, her eyes still half-mast with her passion. “Monday,” Fuck, why’d she have to go and tell him? “Bree and Flint you’re welcome also. I’ll get the groceries, but please bring what you’d like to drink since I’m not old enough to buy that.” She laughs and tilts her beer at everyone, finishing it off.

Sighing, I slip her off of my lap to go get us all a round of drinks, Jake holds a hand to block his eyes when I stand up, my stiffy nearly at his eye level. Using his allotment of words for the night. “Shit, Man! No one wants to see that.”

I jokingly move to shake it near his head. “Fucker.”

“They’re all just horny teenagers, Riley,” Bree says, forgetting my girl is a teenager. I grin while walking away.

“Ha!” Riley laughs, “Me too!” Making everyone laugh.

Although our table is close to the bar, I’m getting either pats on the back or shit about Riley from everyone I pass so it takes a while to get up to it. Still exchanging barbs with those around me, I don’t notice Deb’s approach until her fingers are curling around the bulge in my jeans.

“Get the fuck off, Deb!” I’ve had enough of her shit especially after hearing she slapped Betsy last week.

“That’s right, Gunner, let me get you off like I used to! I know just how you like it, Honey.” She tries to wrap her arms around mine. “I know she can’t do you like I do.” Fuck, now all eyes are back on me for the second time tonight.

“Where you getting this crap from, Deb? Can’t remember saying anything to you other than ‘bend over’, ‘suck it’, or ‘get out’.” I growl at her, so fucking pissed she won’t let this go. She’s fucked most the guys here so her obsession doesn’t make sense to me. “Disrespect my woman or me again, and you’ll be hearing ‘get out’ one last time.”

She stands there with her fists balled up as I turn to the bar, but keep alert for her next move.

“Ahhh, Babycakes, come take a spin on my dick,” Frank interjects, putting an arm around her. “I’ll make you feel all better.”

“Get the fuck off me!” She screams, pushing him back. Not a smart move, that proud bastard will look for a way to take it out on her ass later. She storms towards the door but seems to realize that she may not be welcomed back if she leaves, so she veers into a group of guys off to the side.


As Gunner heads for drinks I excuse myself to find the bathroom, following Bree’s pointed finger. Dodging away from a few stray hands on the way, I walk through the door that has a woman with impossibly large tits outlined on it.

Entering the first stall, two women soon enter the bathroom talking.

“Don’t worry about it for a second, Shelly!” Is the first thing I hear, “I’m sure he’s just wiping his dick on her to embarrass her family.”

“I know! That’s the only explanation I can think of. I mean everyone knows he doesn’t stick his dick in the same girl twice, can’t wait to see that Maddock bitch taken down a peg though.” Comes the second high pitched voice.

Finishing up, I head out to face the two loudmouths. They both have about ten years on me, and one bears a strong resemblance to Anne, Hawk’s Ol’ Lady.

She’s smirking at me like I have something to be ashamed of, I move to wash my hands and as I keep silent they both start to laugh. Reaching for the door, I turn back to them.

“Aren’t you both a little old to be acting so immaturely?” I ask looking at the first one, turning to the other one, I unwisely continue with, “Maybe that’s why Gunner didn’t bother sticking his dick in you a second time?”

Spinning on my heel as I leave the bathroom, I connect solidly with a man’s chest. Looking up, I’m relieved to see Jasper, just as the two women have re-opened the door and are reaching out to me.

“Riley. Good to see you here.” He’s talking to me but glaring at the women behind me.

“Hi, Jasper. Thanks.” I fumble hoping it doesn’t look like I was running.

Looking down at me, he smiles and raises an eyebrow. I try to look completely innocent, as I shrug my shoulders.

Shaking his head, his smile still in place, “I think Gunner’s worried about you, Little Girl. He invited Emma and me to your apartment for dinner on Monday. Nice that you two could get it furnished already.”

He’s back to staring down the women at my back while giving them the message that Gunner and I are nesting. Stepping to the side, he lets me pass; I look over my shoulder to see the women retreating back inside the bathroom.

“Great, I can’t wait to meet Emma,” I call out as I head back to our table. Passing Frank at a different table, he makes a comment to me that is swallowed by the background noise, but his group all laugh.

Reaching our table, I see everyone has been watching for my approach. Gunner is frowning and Bree looks to be on edge. “Everything alright?” He asks as I head straight for my spot on his lap. Nodding, I curl into my regular position and smile at the concerned look on Bree’s face.

“I’ll go with you next time, Riley,” Bree says, “I just wasn’t thinking.”

Gunner lifts my face to peer down and checks to see if I’m really alright. “Bree, I’m fine. I can manage going to the bathroom by myself.” I say as much to him as to her.

Putting his finger over my lips, “Shh, she’s right, Sweetheart. You do need to be protected.” He looks concerned and I remember what he said about the first time I came here and know it’s best to wait to tell him about the bathroom incident. Knowing I should before he hears about it elsewhere.

Deciding that distracting him is my best way out of the conversation, I part my lips and dart my tongue out to lick his finger. His eyes widen and he grabs my hips and grinds his rapidly hardening cock into me, leaning down to my ear he licks the shell and whispers, “Don’t fucking play with me right now, Riley.”

“Hey, Sexy, come dance with me,” Someone slurs out almost the same second that I register another hand on my back. Jake instantly stands up to move some guy away, I don’t hear a word spoken but the guy throws his hands up in a frustrated motion and backs off.

“Fuck this.” Gunner snarls looking wildly around him, and I cup either side of his face with my hands. “Fuck this shit.

“What’s wrong?” I can’t figure out what’s gotten in to him, he’s suddenly so tense I’m worried for him. Looking down at me, he exhales and leans his forehead up against mine for a long moment before looking up at Flint.

“Is Jasper still here?”

Flint eyes widen, but he nods and points behind us. Lifting and holding me close as he stands, Gunner turns until he sees Jasper against a back wall talking to another man.