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Heartbreak For Hire by Tabatha Vargo, Melissa Andrea (23)







I was trying to hold out. I wanted to clear the air between us before we had sex, but she wasn’t having it, and there was no way I could turn her down. Especially once she stripped in front of me and I was able to see her gorgeous breasts and perfect pussy.

I climbed on top of her, feeling her small frame beneath me, and her warm center welcomed me, her wetness coating my dick and practically begging me to enter.

She was hot and needy, pulling at me and panting between words I couldn’t understand. Her pulse banged against my lips as I sucked at her neck, tasting all that she was and branding her as mine.

“Please, Dylan,” she begged, twisting and wiggling beneath me.

The more she moved, the more she rubbed against me, and it felt fucking amazing.

For the first time in years, I would have sex with the woman I wanted. I would push my body into hers and rock her all night long, and it would be for me and her. Not because I wanted to get caught. Not because I was being paid.

And when I finally exploded inside her, filling her to the brink completely, I would be relieving so much I was sure I would be a different man afterward.

“Tell me what you want,” I said, moving my hand between her legs so I could play with her clit.

She was so wet my fingers could barely stay in one place, sliding off her swollen clit over and over again.

“Shit. Oh my God, that feels so good.”

She wiggled beneath me once more, lining up her soaked pussy with the head of my dick and pressing up, almost taking me inside.

I pulled back. I wasn’t ready yet. I wanted to enjoy every single second with Gwyn. I didn’t want to rush it.

“Please,” she whined, sounding as desperate and lost in passion as she looked.

It was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen in my life.

“Just say it and it’s yours, baby.”

Her palms slid down my back, grabbing my ass so hard her nails dug into my skin, making me hiss.

“I need it,” she said, once again not saying what I wanted to hear.

I thrust my hips, letting the length of my cock slide up her crease. The head massaged her clit just enough that I could feel pre-cum trickle from the tip.

Again, she dug her nails into my ass until it stung.

“What do you need, Gwyn? I want you to say it.”

Finally, she looked up at me, her eyes wide and her breaths rushing in and out almost too quickly.

“Please fuck me, Dylan. I need you inside me now.”

Those were the magic words.

Before she even finished her sentence, I pushed deep inside her, feeling her hot wetness squeeze me tight.

“Fuck,” I gritted once I was buried deep.

It had never felt so good.

I’d been with plenty of women, but never had the first push inside almost sent me over the edge.

I stilled, enjoying the feel of her body massaging me as she tightened and loosened. Still, she squirmed beneath me, desperate for me to move, grinding her sweet little clit against my pelvic bone.

“Move. Ah God, please move.”

So I did.

I thrust into her hard, going faster when she asked me for faster. Going hard when she begged me for harder. She took my brutal fucking like a champ, enjoying every second and wrapping her legs around my waist, pulling me even deeper at times with her calves.

Every time I felt like I would come before her, I pulled back a bit, slowing my strokes down and making the moment last as long as I could.

It was amazing.

She was amazing.

And when her eyes went wide and her mouth popped open, I knew she was seconds away from coming for me.

I sped up, giving her everything she needed where she needed it and told her how much I wanted her to come all over my dick until she exploded.

Her tight pussy clenched around me, tugging my orgasm out of me begging me to fill her to the brink. And when I finally came, I did so without pulling out and with her name on my lips. The pleasure was so intoxicating I felt as though I would pass out.

We snuggled together afterward, and I pulled the blanket over us. She slept, warming my side, and I watched as she snored softly. And just as I was drifting off to sleep, I couldn’t help but think of how content I felt for the first time in my life.

Throughout the day, I woke up twice inside Gwyn. Once with her riding me like she couldn’t get enough—her palms resting on my thighs behind her and her breasts thrust into the air above me—and she came over and over again.

And once with her mouth wrapped around my cock, sucking me sweetly and begging me with her eyes when she looked up at me for more. By the time the sun went down, we were both exhausted.

“Today was amazing,” she said, kissing my chest.

“It was,” I agreed, my voice rough with sleep.

“It’s never been like that before.”

And I understood what she meant.

If I had anything to do with it, it would never be like that with anyone else ever again. She was mine, and I would do whatever it took to keep her.

I was done playing the paid cock for hire.

No more.

I’d found what I wanted in Gwyn, and the rest could go away.

Things would change for me. I would need to find a job. I would need to settle down in Atlanta so I could stay close to her, but those were all things I was more than willing to do for her.

“My entire body is aching,” she said, stretching like a cat against my side.

I turned, capturing her hard nipple in my mouth and sucking. “Want me to kiss it all better?” I asked, running my tongue around her darkened areola.

She chuckled, her fingers twisting in my hair.

“No. I need to shower, and you should feed me first.”

Rolling her onto her back, I fitted myself between her legs, pressing my hardening cock against her center.

“I’ll feed you something.”

She laughed and pushed me back.

“Oh my God, you’re such a dog.”

Flipping onto my back with my hands resting under my head, I watched as she strutted across the room toward the bathroom.

“Need some company in there?” I asked, waggling my brows at her.

She grinned at me, before stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind her.

The water turned on, letting me know she was getting into the shower, and I relaxed into my pillows with a stupid happy grin on my face.

I wasn’t sure how long I laid there, but I was slowly starting to doze off when a loud banging shook my door.


Jumping from the bed, I pulled on a pair of shorts and went to the door. Without checking who it was and assuming it was the maid service bringing more towels, I pulled the door open.

“She’s fucking cheating on me!” Mitchell roared, bursting into my hotel room.

Pain cut across my heart, making me think I was momentarily having a heart attack as I listened for signs that Gwyn had heard him from the bathroom.

The sounds of running water filled the silence, and I breathed a sigh of relief. She hadn’t heard, but she wasn’t going to be in the shower forever, which meant I needed to get rid of Mitchell fast.  

“What are you doing here?” I hissed at him. I was still standing there with the door open. There was no point in closing it because he was not staying. He was pacing erratically back and forth, and I was getting dizzy just watching him.

“Did you hear what I said? She’s cheating on me!” He stopped, his eyes moving from me to the open door. “Why are you just standing there?” Crossing the room, he shut the door himself.

I knew I needed to get him out of there, and the only way that would happen was if I listened to him.

“Do you have someone here?” he asked suddenly, sending me into a second moment of panic.

“What?” I asked, trying to buy time.

“I hear the shower running.”

“Oh, I was just about to get in when you barged in here. Now, who’s cheating on you? Gwyn?” I knew exactly who he was talking about, but I played dumb.

He stopped pacing again and scowled back at me in frustration.

“What? No! Marissa. The woman I’ve been seeing. She’s been photographed all over those stupid fucking tabloids Gwyn reads, mocking me with her late-night kissing sessions.”

My eyes flashed to the bathroom door, and I strained to hear if the water was still running.

It was.

“So what?”

“What do you mean, so what? The only reason I was doing this.” His hands motioned between us. “Was so I could be with Marissa, but obviously, that’s not fucking happening anymore so now …” His sentence trailed, and he ran a frustrated hand through his wild hair.

He looked like shit.

His untucked shirt was wrinkled. The dark circles under his eyes made his face look pale, and the bloodshot in them made him look unhinged. But none of that scared me as much as his unfinished sentence did.

“So now what?” I asked, knowing his answer already and dreading it.

Don’t say it.

Don’t say it.

But I knew damn well he would anyway. It wasn’t exactly like I could tell him I was in love with his fiancée.

“Well, there’s no point in leaving Gwyn. I might as well go through with the marriage. At least this way I’m guaranteed half the company when her father fucking chokes.”

I needed to go about this calmly and make him realize there was another option.

“Have you talked to Marissa? Did you tell her it’s you or the other guy? You’ve got to give her an ultimatum.”

His face turned red. “I did. She’s twenty-two, man. She’s not looking for anything serious. We broke it off this morning.”

Well, fuck.

“But you don’t love Gwyn,” I said simply, trying to convince him he didn’t want her.

“No, and I’m sure she doesn’t love me either, but if I call it off now …”

A sound came from the bathroom, and I jumped, cutting his sentence off.

“Can we finish this conversation out in the hall?” I opened the door to the room and started to push him out.

His brows pinched. “What? Why?”

I sighed, thinking fast. “Because I lied. I have someone in the bathroom, and I don’t want her getting out of the shower and finding you in here.”

He eyed the bathroom door, but to my relief, he moved into the hall where I followed, shutting the door softly behind me.

He was already talking again. “Listen, I’ll still pay you the amount we agreed upon if you’re worried about that. I know this probably doesn’t ever happen, but I’ll stick to my word. You’ll get your money.”

“I don’t want your money.”

And I didn’t.

I only wanted Gwyn.

She was mine.

“What do you mean? I don’t understand? All the work you’ve put in and you don’t want the money?”

“Listen, Mitchell … Gwyn and I …” I ran my fingers through my hair roughly, trying to figure out a way to tell him that I wasn’t letting go of Gwyn.

His eyes narrowed. “Gwyn and you … what?”

“We’re …” I wasn’t exactly sure how to put it.

In a matter of a split second, his entire demeanor changed. His eyes went wide, and his lips grew tight with anger. “Did you already fuck her?”

My fists clenched at my sides, and I had to talk myself down from laying out the selfish son of a bitch right there.

“No. I didn’t fuck her.” The words come out strained as my jaw clenched.

It wasn’t technically a lie.

What happened between Gwyn and me was so much more than just fucking.

He looked bewildered for a second before he fell back a step, completely stunned. I was too when I finally came to the conclusion.

I was seriously in love with Gwyn.

“You’re in love with my fucking fiancée?”

“No. I’m in love with the woman you were trying to get rid of. You never wanted her anyway.”

She was never his.

But she was fucking mine now.

“You sleazy, sneaky son of a bitch! Well, you can’t have her. Gwyn is my fiancée, and we’re getting married in a few weeks, so stay the fuck away from her.”

He walked past me, his body rigid with fury, but I caught his arm, slinging him around.

“I’ll tell her. I’ll tell her everything,” I promised.

“The hell you will.” He took a step closer, stopping inches from my face. “You won’t tell her a goddamn thing because if you do, she’ll hate you. Do you hear me, Rift? She’ll hate you.”

We glared at each other, neither one of us willing to back down, and then Mitchell laughed. The sound deep and sinister.

I wanted to put my fucking fist through his face, but I wanted him gone before Gwyn got out of the shower even more.

“That’s what I thought.” He sneered with disgust before walking backward to the elevator and disappearing down the hallway.

I knew he wasn’t stupid enough to tell Gwyn and actually think she’d stay with him. He would call my bluff. He thought the idea of her hating me would keep me from telling the truth.

I was fucking terrified of how Gwyn would react, but more than that, I didn’t want her to attach the rest of her life to someone like Mitchell. He was a leech, a selfish bastard, and he didn’t deserve a single part of Gwyn.

No matter if she hated me after I came clean, at least she would be free of Mitchell. I’d spend the rest of my life regretting the hurt I caused her, but at least she would be free of him.

Opening the door to the room, I was relieved to find that Gwyn was still in the bathroom. I didn’t even need to stop and listen to know the shower was no longer running. The silence was no longer comforting, and I moved to stand in front of the bathroom door, knocking softly.

“Gwyn? Everything okay?”

She didn’t respond right away, and I tapped at the door once more.

“Can you get my clothes please?” she echoed behind the bathroom door.

I’d just spent the day doing wicked things to her naked body, and she couldn’t even come out of the bathroom with no clothes on?

I turned slightly, looking at the table in the corner of the room where we laid her clothes out to dry.

“I think they’re still wet. Are you planning on going somewhere?” I asked, feeling a bit uneasy.

 “I need to go home.”

I didn’t want to have this conversation through the door where I couldn’t see her face and gage her reactions.

“Will you open the door please?” I asked.

She didn’t answer, but the door opened, and a light cloud of mist escaped through the small opening. She had a towel wrapped around her chest.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes.” She opened the door wider, leaning against the frame. “But I should go home. I need to talk to Mitchell.”

“What are you going to say?” I asked, suddenly feeling itchy at the thought of her alone in a room with him.

She sighed. “That I know he’s been cheating, and that it’s over.”

Her eyes found mine, waiting for my reaction.

“Is that all?”

“What do you mean?” Her brows pinched in confusion.

“Are you going to tell him about us?”

She took a deep breath while I held mine. “I didn’t know if you wanted me to. I wasn’t sure if this was a one-time fling or what.”

I lifted her chin until we were staring at each other. “This was most certainly not a one-time thing, Gwyn,” I assured her.

She let out a slow breath, a tiny grin tugging at the corner of her mouth.

“So ...?” she questioned, asking for clarification of what we were.

I chuckled. “So yes, I want you to tell him about us, but I think I should be there, too. I don’t want him thinking he can put his hands on you or anything.”

“Okay. Then we tell him. It’s not like he will care. He’s already with someone else anyway.” She shrugged.

I was worried she was acting kind of strange because she had heard Mitchell, but really, it was just because she was worried about how I was feeling about everything that had happened between us.

“We’ll talk to him tomorrow. Stay with me tonight. I don’t want you to leave.”

I pulled her to me by the knot of her towel, and she came willingly. With two hands, I pulled her towel apart, and it dropped to the floor. Leaning down, I nuzzled the side of her neck, and she let her head drop to the side for my waiting lips.

“Stay with me, Gwyn,” I whispered down her neck.

And she did.

I would tell her after our night together. I would tell her before we went to Mitchell the following day because I wanted her to hear the truth from me. But until then, I wanted one final uncomplicated moment with her. I wanted her looking at me with the moon in her eyes and what I was hoping was love in her heart.

We didn’t leave the bed, ordering room service when we got hungry, and then soaked in the large tub in my bathroom. And when I finally laid my head on my pillow and readied myself for sleep, I did so with the woman I loved wrapped tightly in my arms.



When I woke again, I knew.

The second I opened my eyes, I knew.

Gwyn was gone.

The room felt cold and empty without her in it, the bed too large and uncomfortable.

My head shifted toward the now empty space beside me, and I stretched my arm out, touching the side where her once naked body had been. The sheets were cold, meaning she had been gone for a while already.

I sat up, ready to grab my phone and text her in case she wasn’t in the position to talk, and that was when I saw it.

I stared at the white folded note card sitting on the desk across from the bed for a second or two before I tossed the blankets back and stood from the bed.

Walking to the front of the desk, I hesitated for a second, letting my fingers hover over the card before I snatched it up and opened it.


Going to talk to Mitchell. I know you wanted to come with me, but I think it’s better if I go alone. I will call you later.

P.S. You were amazing.


Her words were both a relief and terrifying at the same time. Her confronting Mitchell before I had a chance to talk to her this morning meant he could possibly tell her before I did.

I should have come clean to Gwyn the night before. I knew I should have told her everything the moment Mitchell left my room, but I panicked. I was so afraid of losing her, of tainting everything I felt for her with the truth, and that fear had kept me silent.

“Fuck!” I roared, tossing the card back on the desk. “Fuck!” The chair went flying on its side as I shoved it.

I wasn’t sure if there was a chance Gwyn would have felt differently if I had come clean from the start, but now, I knew I would never know.