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Heartbreak For Hire by Tabatha Vargo, Melissa Andrea (4)






Step one: Establish your target.


Step one was usually the easiest. Well, except for the time I thought I was looking for a Mary and it turned out Mary was actually Mark. I was all for people choosing their own lifestyles and who they wanted to love, but I drew the line at fucking another man. No matter how much money was involved.

It was different with Gwyneth, though. Because I could find next to nothing about her, I had to rely on Mitchell to direct me to where she would be. He didn’t know much about her, considering they were getting married, but he did know her favorite place to get tea and coffee was Just Off Main, a local café and coffee shop.

I found myself waiting for her in the café he suggested two days after my meeting with Mitchell. It was a tiny place in the center of the city that catered to rich housewives and their girlfriends. Women littered the room, chatting over brunch, or whatever the hell they called it.

Other than the chatty housewives, I liked the place. The owners actually worked behind the counter, and no annoying waitresses were eye fucking me. The place was warm and welcoming, and their coffee was more than decent. Gwyneth had good taste. At least in choice of eating establishments. As far as men went, she had chosen badly.

I was there waiting for her and enjoying a cup of coffee when she entered. Watching from my lone table in the corner, she went to a table on the other side of the café and smiled politely at the owner as he took her order.

I studied her from across the room where I was tucked away with a cup of coffee and a newspaper to hide behind. I observed my target, watching her moves and expressions to learn more about the woman she was. You could learn a lot about a woman by what expressions played across her face. I wasn’t a mind reader, but I knew body language well.

She sipped her coffee with her head down as she read a children’s book with a colorful cover featuring rabbits with hats over their floppy ears.


Then again, in all the time I’d spent watching women, I’d seen much worse.

Mitchell Summerton had failed to mention one very important thing about his fiancée—something I rarely asked about since it wasn’t important.

She was ridiculously beautiful.

Like, I-could-barely-take-my-eyes-off-her gorgeous.

It was rare, but it happened on occasion that a woman would take my breath away. Gwyneth definitely did that.

The minute she had entered, I didn’t see her as a mark, as someone I was being paid a lot of money to fuck. It was rare that I fucked a woman who wasn’t a target, but I wanted her. Wanting her meant I would enjoy this job more than the others.

My breath was knocked from me briefly. The picture Mitchell had given me had nothing on the real thing. I had to double check it multiple times to be sure it was really her, but it definitely was. And seeing her with her gorgeous body, beautiful face, and luscious hair, I became aware of one very important thing about my client.

Mitchell Summerton was fucking an idiot.

Model or not, his new piece of ass had nothing on Gwyneth Petrova. Either his Marissa Lovato was a sexual beast who loved anal and giving nightly blow jobs, or Gwyneth was the devil dressed as one of the most stunning women I had ever laid eyes on.

Her long, chocolate hair had highlights, and even from across the room, her large hazel eyes sparkled with her smile. She was shorter; her curvy frame hidden beneath her conservative top and skirt.

She wasn’t what I expected at all. I was usually a great judge of character—discovering the snakes even before speaking to them—but Gwyneth didn’t strike me as venomous. She had honest eyes and a friendly demeanor.

Then again, so had the woman who had turned my soul black.

I had to remember they couldn’t be trusted. Women were soft creatures with hard hearts tucked away behind their ribs. I couldn’t let a pretty face make me forget that.

I would wait a bit before I approached her. I still needed to collect some information on her. It was vital to know who I was dealing with if I wanted to orchestrate the perfect first meeting. I didn’t feel like that would take very long, and when that day came, she would melt in my palm the way they all did.

She wasn’t different. She was a snake hidden behind beautiful eyes, pouty lips, and an honest smile. I’d known a woman just like her once—a beautiful temptress who snatched my heart out of my chest and left me for dead.

Never again.

Gwyneth would pay. Just like the rest of the women I’d ruined. And I’d get paid to do it.

Satisfaction climbed up my spine, sending tingles over my flesh.

She would never see me coming, and when I climbed inside her sweet body, I’d do so knowing I was a ticking time bomb ready to explode inside her and wreck her in more ways than one.


And completely.


The following day, I went to the same café and sat in the same seat. Gwyneth was already there, sipping from her steaming cup and reading yet another children’s book.

Her chocolate hair fell into her face, sliding across her cheek, and she twirled a strand in her fingers before brushing the tips against her lips.

Her being in the same café in the same seat as the day before meant she was a creature of habit. Forty-five percent of women were, and thankfully, that made my job a hell of a lot easier.

One of the first things I did was figure out their schedule. If Gwyneth did the same things on repeat, that could cut my estimated cheat time in half and make Mitchell a very happy man.

A happy Mitchell meant a bigger payday for me.

She twirled the ends of her dark hair and sat relaxed, unaware of the things coming her way.

So quiet.

So content.

So utterly magnificent.

It was a shame I had to wreck her world.

I was only laying the groundwork. Getting a feel for her to determine my next move. Each woman was different. Some wanted to be rescued. Some wanted to do the rescuing. It was my job to figure out their sweet spot, and by the lonely look in her hazel eyes when she scanned the café, something told me she needed to be rescued.

Her eyes landed on me, and my breath stopped. I sat frozen, feeling like a deer caught in headlights, which was usually something I never felt. I waited, holding my breath with anticipation—to see if I’d been compromised, but also because having her eyes on me did strange things to my nerves.

Her eyes only stayed on me for a second before they moved around the room, letting me know she hadn’t seen me. It was a weird feeling, going unnoticed, and despite telling myself that was a good thing, a tiny part of me didn’t want to be looked over by her.

She swept her dainty fingers through her luscious hair, smoothing it away from her face as she sat back in her chair and stared out the huge window at her side while slowly sipping from the steaming cup she held.

Her eyes followed the cars passing and the people walking by. She was so lost in her thoughts that she jumped when the owner’s wife stopped by her table to ask if she wanted a refill.

I smiled.

She really was clueless and innocent.

An easy target.

It was my job to follow her, so when she left the café, I wasn’t far behind. We stopped a street over from the café, where she climbed into her Mercedes-Benz. I had parked on that same street, so I unlocked my SUV and got inside, as well.

I kept two cars between hers and mine as we drove across the city and parked at the very top of a seven-story parking garage. She didn’t get out of her car immediately, and I waited, tapping my fingers on my leather steering wheel to the music playing softly from my radio.

Finally, she emerged from her black car and started toward the elevators. Her heels clicked in the rhythm of her stride, echoing throughout the concrete space surrounding us.

My eyes dipped down her spine, landing on her plump ass. As she walked, her dress pulled tightly across her hips, giving me the perfect view of her round cheeks and lack of panty line.

She was wearing a thong, and the fabric of her dress gripped her ass cheeks, sliding over the bare skin and making me wonder exactly what her skin would feel like against my fingertips.


Soon, I would be touching her.

Tasting her.

Feeling her.

And then I would hand her over to her fiancé used and wrecked, turned inside out from her own betrayal and wearing the same look of complete devastation in her eyes I had seen from every other woman who couldn’t withstand my charms.

That look gave me pure satisfaction. Knowing they were getting exactly what they deserved fulfilled me to no end.

When the elevator door opened, I opened my door to get out of my car and follow. I waited until she boarded the elevator before walking across the garage to the same elevator she had taken.

Once I was on the ground floor, I took my time, knowing exactly where she was heading. Mitchell had told me she’d be here to choose children’s books for the hospital. She paused in front of Newman’s Books before tugging the door open and entering.

The smell of paperbacks and coffee hit me when I stepped into the warmth of the store. A bell above the door rang out, making me curse it. The last thing I needed was my arrival announced to everyone in the store. Her eyes had only skimmed over me briefly at the café, but she might have memorized my face. She would know I was following her.

I kept my distance, browsing the science fiction section and taking in the titles while still managing to keep my eyes on her. She was in the children’s section, standing just beneath a wooden painted cartoon tree. Around her were tiny wood tables and toys. A stuffed bear sat on the edge of the shelf she was searching and seemed to smile down at her.

She loaded her arms and the tiny cart she was pushing around full of more children’s books. Every now and again, a book would slide from her grasp and land on the floor. She was struggling, but instead of asking someone for help, she continued to drop and pick up books.

It didn’t make sense. She was the daughter of a billionaire. She probably had a decent sized bank account herself.

She should have helpers.

A driver to take her around town.

At least a personal assistant to take care of trivial things like shopping for children’s books.

Yet she had none of those things.

Instead, she struggled alone in a bookstore, not even asking the employees for help. It was refreshing to see someone with so much at their fingertips who wasn’t a completely pampered princess.

I’d dealt with quite a few of those in my profession. Working Gwyneth would be just the change I needed. Something new to tackle. A task unlike the others. I was looking forward to all those things with her.

Our first meeting.

Our first flirting session.

The look in her eyes when I became everything she wanted and needed.

Smirking, I chuckled to myself as she dropped another book and stomped her heels in aggravation.

Another book slammed to the floor, filling the quiet space with a loud smack. I couldn’t watch any longer. I didn’t usually initiate the first meeting so soon, but I felt like I had a firm grip on the situation. Helping her without her asking was the perfect way to wiggle into her space and good graces.

She wanted to be rescued, and while this wasn’t the scenario I usually played out to be the white knight, it was good enough.

I moved to the end of the Science Fiction section and waited a bit longer as she struggled with her books. Finally, three more broke free from her grasp and landed on the floor. She blew at the hair falling on her face and sighed in aggravation before bending over and giving me the perfect view of her round ass.

I couldn’t wait any longer.

It was time I met my target and started the process of catching her in my trap.

She didn’t stand a chance, and as I slowly made my way toward her, a tiny thought moved through my brain that made me pause. Maybe I didn’t stand a chance either.