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Hero Next Door: A Single Dad Military Romance by Lara Swann (41)

Chapter Seventeen



Alistair isn’t in his office when I get there. And Meredith isn’t outside it, either.

I wait for a few minutes, but I’m buzzing and excited, and wanting to see him overtakes me.

I haven’t felt this way in a long time, and with Mathilda taking care of Maddie, I’m going to fully indulge in it for a little while.

Besides, seeing him at work could be hot. Powerful and in control, taking care of business matters and making his fortune. Certainly sounds hot - even if I am aware of the irony of me thinking that. But it’s different when it’s like this - at work, where it should be directed.

So I go looking.

It’s a big floor, even though I’m pretty sure it doesn’t have more than a few occupants - and I realize I’ve never seen the other floors of his business. And, it seems, most of the rooms are empty - but interesting anyway, all decked out in big, executive chairs, shiny marble tables and the latest gadgets.

He does seem to like marble. Or maybe his designer does.

“What are you doing in there?!”

I spin around at the angry voice from further down the hallway, quickly stepping back and closing the meeting room door I’d been peering into.

A man comes towards me, walking fast and obviously irate - in a sharp suit, and with an even sharper expression, that isn’t softened by his slightly thicker waist or average height at all.

“I was just looking for Alistair.” I say, trying for a conciliatory smile. It wasn’t like I was really intruding or anything - this is Alistair’s company. “I’m Leah, his—”

“I know who you are.” The coldness in his voice takes me by surprise. “You’re the gold-digger chasing after him, and I won’t have it in my company. Get the hell out of here before I call security.”

I stand, stunned for a moment - then feel a completely inappropriate burst of amusement.

Second time I’ve been here, second time someone has threatened to call security. I seem to attract it. Only this time - I do belong. This isn’t just his company. It’s Alistair’s.

I can feel the smile tugging at my lips anyway, and since that only seems to infuriate the guy in front of me more, I don’t hide it.

“No…I don’t think so.” I say almost casually, as if it had been a suggestion. “Doubt you’ve got the nerve for that, either - but I guess you’re not going to help me out with finding Alistair, huh?”

His eyes bug out, just a little. “Do you have any idea who you’re talking to?!”

I shrug. He pretty much walked into that one.

“Some arrogant old man with an ego large enough to compensate for…other things?” I ask, almost sweetly, and watch his face redden.

This is almost fun, though I wonder idly whether I’m going to regret it. Still, he started the fight.

He doesn’t actually look old, either - though with the thinning hair-line, he probably has enough insecurities about it. The other thing though…that’s got a good chance of being true.

You little whore.” He snarls at me.

I just raise an eyebrow, and he seems momentarily disconcerted. Maybe he was hoping for more of a reaction.

“I’ve been called worse by better men.”

Seriously, working the jobs I have…a few little insults…yeah, I’ve got a thick skin.

“I’m sure you have.” His voice turns snide, and I actually chuckle.

Okay, I walked into that one.

“Leah! I didn’t know you were here yet.”

I turn to see Alistair walking down the hallway, with Meredith just behind him. She has a pen poised over a bunch of papers, so I guess he was in the middle of dictating something.

He gives us both a wide smile as he reaches us, his hand slipping around my waist - and the way his eyes light up as he looks at me makes my heart pound faster. I almost forget about the boorish guy I was talking to, except Alistair turns toward him.

“Barkley! Meet Leah, my—”

“We’ve already met.” He says, with the same frosty expression.

And then he spins on his heel and walks off, leaving Alistair frowning after him.

“I’m sorry.” He says to me. “God - that was rude. He can be a little bit…difficult, sometimes. But still, I’ll talk to him about it.”

I just laugh.

“Yeah, that wasn’t the rude part.”

I grin at him though, and lean up to kiss him - far more interested in that than his dickish partner. I see the flicker of a frown across his face before I meet his lips, and then he returns my sweet-greeting kiss with the kind of passion that leaves me dizzy and makes me ache.


“Meredith.” He says after we break apart, his eyes still lingering on my mouth before he turns to his secretary. “You know Leah.”

She, at least, smiles at me.

“It’s good to see you again, Meredith.” I match her smile.

“You too, Leah.” She nods.

Alistair turns towards her. “We’ll pick the rest of that up tomorrow. I’ve got an overwhelmingly urgent appointment to attend to now.”

She actually rolls her eyes at him, but I can see the warmth in her expression as she looks at us and nods.

“Tomorrow, then.” She turns without saying anything more - heading back to her desk, I guess.

And I’m finally left alone with the man I love.

He pulls me into him, and then leans down to finish that kiss, our mouths and tongues tangling as I let out a slight, breathy moan.

My god, is he good at that.

By the time we pull apart, I can already feel myself getting wet, and we haven’t even started the date yet.

“I’m glad you’re early.” He murmurs, caressing my cheek.

I laugh again, shaking my head. “I’m late, dumbass.”

His brow furrows, and then he glances down at his watch.

“Damn, where did all that time…” He shakes his head. “It’s been so busy lately. But in that case, we have lost time to make up for.”

And he leans in for another kiss, our mouths melting together. My roaming hands are starting to become a little more risque now, and I can feel him hardening against me - that’s how close we are.

When I finally break it, I’m laughing lightly. “We’re never going to get anywhere if we keep doing that.”

His eyes roam down my body, head tilting. “I guess it would spoil my plans if we just skipped straight to the fucking part…”

The way he says that sends another surge of heat through me, and I suddenly want to do just that.

“Your partner probably wouldn’t appreciate us dirtying his office.” I say wryly, slipping my arm back around him and deliberately turning us towards the exit.

After a moment, the obvious haze of lust in his eyes subsides - and that hint of a frown appears on his forehead again.

“What did you mean - ‘that wasn’t the rude part’?” Alistair asks. “Did he say something?”

I roll my eyes at him, still amused. “He called me a gold-digging whore.”

Alistair freezes beside me, his whole expression changing.

“He did what?!” The deathly tone to his voice tells me he didn’t quite see the same funny side as I did.

“Mm, and I called him an arrogant old man with a small dick.” I say lightly, trying to tease the humor out of him. “It was all totally adult and mature.”

That does startle a grunt out of him, but his eyes are still dangerously narrowed as he looks at me.

“Oh, c’mon, Alistair. I’ve heard worse before—”

“That.” He says firmly. “Does not make me feel better about it.”

I pause, feeling the irritation practically radiating off him, and suddenly remember what happened with that secretary when I first tried to see him - the other one who’d tried to throw me out.

Sighing, I squeeze his waist and lean my head against him.

“Okay, okay. But it was kind of my fault too - at least after that first gold digger comment. And I don’t want to cause problems with your partner, you know. I really don’t think it matters.”

“It definitely does matter.” He says, but after a moment he relaxes just a little. “And I will talk to him. But not right now - we won’t spoil today with any of that.”

He looks down at me, and as I offer him a small smile, his irate expression starts to ease and the mischievous heat there comes back. It makes my smile widen, and I lean up to brush his lips with mine again, before decidedly starting to walk towards the elevators.

It’s sweet that he’s so protective of me, but I do feel a little bit bad about the exchange. I wasn’t exactly well behaved myself, but I have a habit of talking first and thinking later when insults start flying around.

I really shouldn’t have been baiting the guy Alistair has to work with, especially if he already doesn’t like me - but I couldn’t help it. Just being with Alistair makes me feel good - and after everything I’ve dealt with for years, the little problems I’m facing now, like irate businessmen…they just don’t hold anything to scare me.

For the first time in so long, I feel safe, and Alistair’s given me that. I don’t exactly want to invite trouble, but I can’t imagine anything going wrong, not now that I know this man - this rich, powerful, perfect man - still loves me. It feels like a warm, protective bubble around me, and it seems impenetrable.

By the time we get to the elevator, though, it seems like that unpleasant start to our date has been entirely forgotten - and when Alistair looks at me, his gray eyes are clear and sparkling once more, the shadows gone from them.

“So how’s your day been, baby?” He asks it sweetly, and I can see the mischief dancing in his eyes.

That’s all it takes for me to forget that altercation with Barkley, as I immediately know what he’s talking about.

I give him a decidedly unimpressed look.


I say it in a ‘reeally’ tone of voice, and that’s all I say. Not quite a question. Not quite a statement.

A topic of conversation - and just a little bit of outrage.

We couldn’t not talk about her tonight - and actually, before Barkley appeared, it was going to be the first thing I said to him. Well, almost the first. The kisses might have distracted me.

“Are you totally pissed off?” He asks, eyes sparkling, and I swear he actually enjoys the idea of that.

“Yes.” I say immediately, but I know it’s not really true. And I can’t help the rueful smile that plays on my mouth. “No. I don’t know.”

I’m still buzzing from talking to Mathilda all afternoon - and knowing that nothing has changed between us. Knowing that Maddie and Tommy will still be able to play together, and one of my closest friends is going to be able to transform her life.

It seems stupid to be mad about that, even if I can’t say I quite approve of Alistair inserting himself into someone else’s life and presuming to throw money at their problems.

But…this thing with Mathilda was bothering me. And it would’ve taken me a lot longer to reach out and resolve it. With Alistair’s approach - it’s done. And now I know, and I’ve got someone special back in my life.

“I can’t say I agree.” I say finally, giving him a reluctant smile and linking arms with him as we walk out of the building. “But…I might be wrong about some things.”

He gives me a look of amazement that’s only half fake, and I laugh.

“This really is a special day in our relationship.” He says. “I’m glad we’re celebrating it properly, baby.”

I raise an eyebrow. “If that’s what we’re celebrating, I’m going home right now.”

“Well, I’ll tell you on good authority - you’d be wrong about that decision, too.”

I roll my eyes at him, a smile tugging at my mouth, and wonder whether I’m ever going to live that comment down.

When I glance up at him, though, all I can see is the warmth in his eyes - and it seems to fill me up from the inside.

I squeeze his arm, and say softly. “Thank you Alistair. Whatever I might have thought if you’d asked me…you’ve made Mathilda happy, Alistair. You’ve given her some hope. And I can only appreciate that.”

He smiles back at me, gentle and caring - and I wonder why it took me so long to see how much of that there is in him - but a car pulls up beside us before he can say anything. The driver comes around and opens the door for us, and Alistair gestures me inside.

I raise my eyebrows at him, but slip inside the high end car without comment - until we’re both inside anyway.

I know Alistair enjoys his cars - and probably has more than I’ve even seen - but so far, I’ve resisted getting involved in any of that. I still feel weird about using his money like that.

But a driver, too?

That’s another level entirely, and I’m starting to get a small idea of the kind of day he’s got planned. Something…expensive, anyway. Luxury. Things I’ve barely ever experienced, even when we were together the first time - probably because of the same feelings that have been holding me back this time, too.

The car starts up, and I look over at Alistair with a wry expression.

“So are you going to tell me what you have planned, at all? The car is…an interesting start.”

He laughs at me, then pulls me close into his body, his warm lips on my forehead. My heart does a little flip-flop and my only semi-formed objections to the car start to dissolve.

“I love you, Leah. Everything about you - even this cursed obstinate streak.” He pokes my nose, and I shake my head at him. “But today - just for one day - please just let me spoil you. You deserve it, you know.”

I’d probably argue about that, but the way he’s looking at me makes my breath catch, and…I don’t even know why I want to argue. Or why I’ve always objected so fiercely to the idea of all of this.

I think of what Mathilda said earlier today. And what Emma has been saying all along.

I might be a stubborn bitch, but…

I think I’m starting to see their point.

Alistair leans down to kiss me, and I don’t know what he sees in my eyes, but by the time we separate again - it’s gone. I don’t want - or need - to keep resisting. I just want to have the perfect date with my boyfriend, with whatever he has planned.

“I want to give you some of this, Leah. Everything I have - it’s always been yours. Let me show you, baby.” His hand caresses my cheek and I sigh, relaxing as I lean into him - and eventually nod.

“Okay.” I say, reaching up to nibble at his lower lip and smiling back at him. “No more objections. So long as I get a piece of you at the end of it, anyway.”

I run my hands over his chest, then down, until one is cupping his ass in between the seat and the other is gliding along his thigh. He groans under me, pushing me back against the seat and framing my head in his hands before kissing me deeply.

I fumble for the control to put the window separating the driver from us up, but I don’t even really care about what he’s seen so far. I’m too lost in the thrill of being with Alistair - the way he makes me feel, and drives me completely crazy.

I feel like a kid again, making out in the back of a car - only this car has a driver, and enough room that we could probably…

Ohh no. Don’t think that.

Alistair sees me eying up the space, and laughs.

“I can’t keep my hands off you, Leah - but I wasn’t thinking of going that far. It’s not…a long…journey.”

His hands are working their way up my chest though, and I can hear my heady breathing as we kiss and touch, my pussy squirming with need again. I would’ve thought after last night, I’d be satisfied enough, but…no, if anything I only want him more.

“No…no fucking.” I agree, my mouth running down his neck, kissing and licking and nibbling. “Just…this…”

“Mmhmm…I want this between us for every moment of today. Behind every look, every touch, every innocent comment…this is what I want you to be thinking about. And what I’m going to do to you when I finally get you home.”

I shudder at the words, moaning into him, and the way we’re crawling all over each other I worry that we’re going to break that promise only a few minutes after making it - but the car comes to a stop just in time.

I’m glad the driver gives us a minute, because we need it to untangle ourselves from each other - and I’m still slightly out of breath and dazed when I finally step out of the car.

“I’m a complete mess now.” I mutter to Alistair, glancing over at him.

He only looks rakishly disheveled, sexy as ever, the bastard.

He chuckles. “Not going to be an issue - we’ll take care of that.”

I turn around to see where we are, and blink.

“You brought me…to a store?” I give him an askance glance. “What’s this plan of yours, anyway?”

“A designer store.” He points out. “Or several of them, actually. This place is a little exclusive - a private shopping experience.”

A shopping experience?” I ask, slightly incredulous.

“I told you I wanted the chance to spoil you, Leah. And you need it - it’s painfully obvious you never spent any of that money on yourself—”

“It was for Maddie.” I frown.

He’s right - that child support account he set up for Maddie is still going strong, and I’ve felt so good finally buying her some new things. But…I didn’t feel right spending that money on me.

He rolls his eyes at me. “It was for anything you wanted, and you knew it. But since that isn’t going to work, I’m going to have to get you some new things myself. So here we are.”

He takes my arm, and I step with him automatically, still looking up at the large complex, slightly dumbfounded.

Then I laugh, and squeeze his arm with a shake of my head.

“You really are…one of a kind, Alistair. I don’t know many guys who would voluntarily take their girlfriend out shopping - let alone make it a date.”

“I don’t know many girlfriends who would drag their heels about it.” He grins at me. “Besides, it’s not the whole date. You need something to wear for dinner tonight.”

He leans in to kiss me, and I meet him for a few brief moments - then pull back.

“We’re never going to get anywhere if we start that.” I murmur as he objects.

My pussy is already aching, and my heart flutters every time our eyes meet, and all the stupid stuff that I don’t notice when Maddie is around. It’s amazing simply to be with him alone, one-on-one…and if he wants it to be while shopping…okay then.

I give into the idea - not at all reluctantly - and the next few hours pass in a swirl of colors and clothes and attention and advice. I have my hair done, my nails done, everything styled and pressed and polished - and I can’t believe Alistair actually seems to enjoy watching it all, a smirk on his face and heat building in his gaze.

And, it’s actually fun.

I haven’t been shopping in years, not properly - and never like this. Where they don’t even put the price tag on the clothes, because it doesn’t even matter. Several people fussing around you, helping and talking and laughing - taking clothes away, bringing alternatives…

Alistair said he wanted to spoil me. And yeah, okay, I definitely feel spoiled.

It feels like I haven’t even really had time to myself for the last four years, let alone a whole day focused around me, and…yeah, it feels good. I can feel his warmth and affection and care - and the kind of intent focus that keeps me trying not to squirm in these ridiculously expensive clothes.

By the time we finish, I imagine we’ve probably bought a whole new wardrobe - or several dozen - but I have no real idea, because I know we’ll be taking home more than just the ones I said I liked. And it doesn’t come with us, either - once I chose something, it disappeared entirely. Half these items are one-of-a-kind, too - that’s something else I learned.

A fashion queen’s paradise. Not quite me, but hell - it turns out that playing the part is a lot of fun anyway.

I did try and tell them that the use case for most of these clothes is going to be entertaining a kid - playing with food and paint and sand and dirt. The attendants were really not impressed by that, but Alistair just waved at them and suddenly it didn’t matter. Apparently, he doesn’t care if these ridiculous designer clothes end up being one-time items. I did manage to make sure most of it was practical - just nicer versions of things I already wore. Jeans and sweaters, skirts and tops and blouses…not just chic, beautiful dresses.

Though there were some of those, too.

In fact, the only thing we actually walk out of the place with is the stylish black dress that I chose for tonight. Complete with a diamond earring-and-necklace set, and gorgeously styled hair.

If he’d asked me beforehand, I doubt I ever would’ve said this was how I wanted to spend my afternoon. But, he was right anyway. Leaving there looking fantastic for the first time in so long…I suddenly realized how much I’d missed this.

A little personal treat, here and there. A pick-me-up manicure or a new haircut to make myself feel good.

A nice dress, to make myself feel sexy and hot.

All little things, that slipped away somehow and I never even noticed. Just like my sense of self - of individuality beyond simply being Maddie’s Mom.

And now…it feels like I’ve got some of that back.

I remember what it was like to feel like Leah. To feel hot and sexy, ready to have fun and grab life by the horns.

That’s been coming back slowly, thanks to Alistair.

Hot sex and subtle kisses, and all that simmering tension between us…that’s helped.

Having enough freedom from stress and worry and rushing from one job to the other…that’s helped too. Given me enough time to be able to think again. To be able to do things because I want to, not simply because I need to - something more beyond the endless ‘to do’ list of things to get done.

But this. This has blown all that out of the water.

I feel like a woman. Not a kid - not a student finding her way in the world.

But a sexy, confident woman who knows what she wants…and has it standing right beside her.

And I feel like tonight is for me.

“You look stunning, Leah. Absolutely mesmerizing.” Alistair murmurs to me as we get back in the car, on our way to the restaurant he’s booked for tonight.

I can practically tell how much my eyes are shining as I look back at him.

“Thank you.” I smile, and it’s almost shy. “You were right. I never would’ve done this myself, but…I should have. I feel…I feel on top of the world, Alistair.”

The way his smile expands, and he just beams back at me, melts my whole body.

We kiss again on the way to the restaurant - but not as desperate, not as needy. Even though I feel like the whole day has been one long tease, this is gentler, softer…sweeter.

And when the car stops this time, we’re ready immediately. Alistair gets out first, and holds his hand for me to join him, as if I’m some princess or a famous actress about to walk down a red carpet. That’s how I feel.


And the restaurant only accentuates that feeling.

It’s not loud and in-your-face with its class and sophistication, like so many of the ones he first tried to impress me with. No, this one is intimate.

The room that we’re shown to has exquisite architecture and decor - but it’s small. There are only a few tables, and they’re set apart from each other, with the clever acoustics of the place making everyone else’s conversation feel like a light hum, a murmur behind you. Atmospheric, but not invasive.

It’s very well done.

We sit at a corner to each other, and Alistair’s hand folds over mine almost immediately. I get the impression he’s not going to let go for the rest of the evening.

And he barely does - even when he’s tasting the amazing combination of flavors and ingredients.

I told him at the beginning I didn’t want to be wined and dined again. But I think I was just trying to make a point. Because this…this I can’t really object to.

It’s just…beautiful.

And being with Alistair - just Alistair - feels special on another level.

We talk, about nothing and everything, so much easier now than when we first saw each other again. So much easier, because neither of us are paying the slightest attention to what we’re saying. We’re just staring at each other, high on emotions and desire, and it doesn’t matter what the other person says - because there’s nothing we can possibly think wrong about each other right now.

At least, that’s how I feel.

And in such a warm and protective environment…it’s not hard to mention a few of the things I’ve been thinking.

My slight confusion about who I am now, and what I want with my life.

“Who do you want to be, Leah?” He asks, with the kind of fervent expression that tells me just how much he wants to know. Wants to know me, whoever that is. “What do you want to do?”

“That’s what Emma asked, too.” I admit. “I don’t think I know.”

He considers me for a while, then tilts his head. “Do you want to go back to college? I saw how happy physiotherapy made you, all those years ago.”

I blink at him, that answer surprising me a little - and he must have read it in my expression. He coughs, looks down briefly before glancing back up.

“I know I didn’t necessarily…support you with that back then. But…you made it pretty clear what you wanted, anyway. And I want you to know - whatever you want now, you can have. I just want you to be happy, whatever life that is.” He says, then adds with a grin. “So long as it’s with me, anyway. You’re not getting away from me again.”

I laugh, then lean in to kiss him again, squeezing his hand before I think about what he’s said.

“There’s Maddie, though, and I know I want to be with her. Be there for her…”

“You can have both, you know. There’s ways to do it all, and if anyone can…you’d be able to, Leah. We both know that.”

“Your resources might not hurt.” I say, teasing - and then feel suddenly surprised that I can tease about that.

It doesn’t seem like such a big deal anymore. It’s been so hard to think about using any of what he has, but…the idea is getting easier.

I let the conversation move on, but it lingers in the back of my mind anyway. I think about it. About possibilities.

And maybe it’s the clothes, or the date, or the way everything seems so different now…but it really does seem possible. Like I could be who I was…and who I am now. And maybe it would work.

For the moment though…I’m savoring this night.

And it truly feels amazing. I can’t remember ever tasting food like this - maybe I did when we were together before, but I doubt it. It’s too good not to remember. And the company…well, that somehow upstages even the food. Especially as the bottle of wine slowly empties, and everything takes on a warm, happy haze.

By the time the main course is finished, I’m actively trying to resist running my hands all over him, kissing madly at the table, or any number of other inappropriate ideas.

He, however, isn’t quite so disciplined - and it doesn’t take long before I feel his hand creeping up my leg.

My thigh quivers beneath him, and the wave of desire that hits me is so hard I have to bite my lip. Which doesn’t make his answering grin help in the slightest - his eyes darkening with lust and clearly wanting more from me.

“Alistair…” I murmur, but it doesn’t deter him at all.

His hand slides further up, under the hem of my dress until he’s stroking my upper thigh and my pussy feels hot and wet and ready for him. I struggle not to squirm as the waiter comes over to take our dessert order - especially as he mutters in my ear as I’m glancing at the menu.

“I know what I want for dessert.”


I know what I do, too.

I wait until the guy has left until I rake my gaze over him, but I was sorely tempted to skip the actual dessert - despite how good the food here has been.

Then his fingers are actually skimming over the thin, silk panties we also bought today. They’re soaking wet, and I know he can feel it by the way his eyes flicker.

“My, my…” His voice is sultry and deep, and I have to struggle not to show a glimpse of what he’s doing to me.

My pussy twitches desperately under that light touch, and I want nothing more than to climb on top of him right now.

Then he slips the panties aside entirely, and without any warning at all - plunges a couple of fingers deep inside me.

I can’t help it.

I gasp out loud.

I don’t think anyone turns to look - but I can’t tell, because my entire vision is clouded over with sudden need.


He chuckles, and kisses my temple in the perfect sweet contrast to what he’s doing below the table. If only I could maintain that same separation.

“Damn you.” I mutter, and it only makes his eyes light up more.

He scissors his fingers inside me, almost in response, and I clutch at the table cloth - feeling my juices gush out onto his hand. I’m definitely going to leave a wet patch when we finally get up - and my face flushes red with embarrassment.

“Alistair…this is a nice place.”

I’m almost desperate now, and I can hear it in my voice.

And I’m not sure if I’m desperate for him to stop - or continue. Probably both.

I squeeze my legs tight together, and his fingers start slowly pushing in and out of me. My pussy clenches around them hungrily, and despite everything else - I can feel the heat building inside of me.

They arrive with our dessert a moment later, and Alistair thanks them in a perfectly calm, controlled voice.

I feel like I could smack him at that moment.

I’m probably sweating and heated and all I can think is that it must be really fucking obvious what we’re doing - but they don’t appear to notice anything.

And then the bastard actually starts eating dessert.

While finger fucking me.

I’m barely clinging onto the table cloth and he can do that.

“This is really good.” He says, totally innocuous. “You really should try it.”

“Alistair!” I hiss.

It’s getting worse. I don’t know whether it’s what he’s doing, his totally casual attitude, or…hell, the whole day.

But I don’t know how much I can control it anymore.

My pussy is quivering around him, and even with just his two fingers…even when I want his cock so much more…fuck, I don’t think I can hold back much longer.

“You need to stop.” I say, my voice obviously strained.

“Here, try it.” He feeds a forkful of the rich, chocolate-y dessert into my half-open mouth, and I swallow automatically - not really thinking about the dessert.

The explosion of sugar and chocolate and a perfect mix of orange and cinnamon creates yet another, distinctly different, feeling of pleasure. Yet another sensation.

And I almost moan as I eat it.

“It’s almost…” His hand rotates, and then his thumb brushes my clit and my whole body bucks against the chair. “Orgasmic, don’t you think?”

Then, before I can even answer, his fingers speed up - thrusting deep inside me while his thumb works my clit with the kind of skill that makes me want to curse. The heat that had been building unavoidably inside me gets tense and tight and…

“Alistair!” I hiss again, gulping air.

And then it’s too late - it all explodes through me. Pleasure radiating out from his touch, my nerves on fire and shuddering with the intensity of trying to fight it…and failing.

Oh fucking god.

I clamp my mouth closed, refusing to let a sound escape, as my eyes close and I hope I’m not shuddering too much. I feel like every muscle is tense - with pleasure, and trying to remain still, and the high that runs through me is almost impossible.

When I finally open my eyes again, I look quickly around - checking that nobody is staring at us. They’re not. I must’ve done okay.

Then I look back at Alistair, to see the smuggest grin on his face. And his wet, sticky fingers hovering just before his mouth.

He waits until that moment - until I’m looking at him - and then slips them into his mouth, making a point of sucking on them and sighing appreciatively.

“Yeah.” He says. “The dessert here is good, but I was right - the one I really wanted…that was orgasmic.”


I get out, after a long time catching my breath. My body is still shuddering and now that he’s withdrawn his hand, my pussy still wants something to clench tight - my legs are still pressed together, and I still feel like squirming on my seat.

I just want more.

And he knows it. I can see it in his eyes.

“Are you sure you don’t want your dessert?” He asks, innocently enough.

My eyes flick down to see the untouched parfait on my plate.

And I shake my head.

There’s no way I could continue eating right now - he is way better at this unaffected game than me, and even with my competitive streak, I can’t hope to match him.

“Hmm, well…” His gaze runs over my flushed body. “Do you want to get out of here, then? If you aren’t in the mood for this dessert…we should probably find something else to satisfy you.”

My eyes widen again at that, and my pussy clenches tight. That sounds like exactly what I want. And I can’t deny it, even as I can’t deny that this was…unbelievable.

Inappropriate in so many ways, but…god, running away with desire and pleasure like this. It’s something special.

He stands up and offers me his arm, which I definitely need. I take it and join him, trying to still the way my body still wants to send aftershocks through me. Or maybe they’re just anticipatory shivers…for what’s about to come.

I make the mistake of glancing down at my seat afterward…definite wet patch.

I flush again - but as he grins at me, I can’t help the stirring of desire again in my stomach. Maybe I shouldn’t like it, but that was one of the hottest things I’ve ever done.

I let him help me towards the exit, and it’s only as we get halfway there that I suddenly think of the bill.

“Wait, what about—”

“Already taken care of.” He grins at me. “Places like this don’t really bother their clientele with bills.”

My forehead wrinkles for a brief moment.

Actually paying for the meal is an indicator of class now?

And then he laughs, leaning down to kiss me - and I forget all about it as everything else that’s just happened takes over again. What starts as a quick kiss becomes deeper and more insistent, our mouths opening and tongues clashing together as all the build up from dinner - from the day - the echo of his fingers inside me…it all makes me want to lose control completely. In every way.

He pulls back, breathing roughly and eyes wild.

“We should get out of here.”

I can’t help the whimper that escapes as the kiss breaks, but I want the same thing, just as much.

The car is waiting for us as we step outside, and this time Alistair doesn’t even wait for the driver - he opens the door for me himself, and then follows me inside.

The moment he’s sitting down, I swing around to sit on top of him, pinning him to the seat and kissing him again. We don’t even wait for the car to start moving before he’s clawing at my dress, pulling the sensuously smooth material up without a care for how much it just cost him - exposing my thighs, and the track of moisture running down them. His eyes heat and my heart pounds hard in my chest.

The car slides out and onto the road, and I have a moment to applaud the skill of the driver who can do that smoothly enough that I don’t even feel the motion - then all I can think about is how good Alistair’s hot skin feels under his shirt, my own fingers pulling and tugging.

“I don’t want to wait.” I murmur.

I can’t wait.

“We’re not waiting, baby.” He growls back. “Hell, we don’t even know what we’re getting back to…I’m not taking the risk of Maddie curled up in the middle of our bed.”

I groan at that - and not the sexy kind. “If we get back to that, I’m sleeping on the couch.”

“You will not…be…sleeping.” He grunts, his mouth tugging and nipping at the tits he just freed, and another wave of need shoots through me at that promise.

“Let’s not risk it, though.” I say quickly. “Just in case.”

He laughs, but there was no way we weren’t doing this, and his hands pull the last of my dress off - leaving me in soaked panties, and an askew bra where he pulled my breasts out from it. While he starts lavishing attention on them, reminding my body of the pleasure of only a few minutes ago, my fingers work the buttons from his shirt - far more nimble with practice - and within a moment, his chest is exposed too.

My mouth meets it immediately, kissing and nibbling at the hard lines of his pecs, down to his abs, and wanting to sink down further.

I end up on my knees before him, even as he growls at losing my breasts right above his face - but he stops complaining the moment I undo his belt, and his cock springs out before me.

I don’t even hesitate - I close my mouth around it immediately, feeling like I’ve been hungry for it all night. All day. My whole life.

It’s hard and thick and I’m out of practice enough that I have to steady myself to control my gag reflex, but then I’m swallowing him down, tasting the flavor that is uniquely his - masculine and rich and hot. My tongue twists around his head as I suck, my hands stroking his balls, and I can feel the weight of his body above me. The power there as he flexes and shifts against me. His hands curl through my hair, but he doesn’t try to control my movement or rhythm, just wants to touch me as I work the sweet, thick hardness in my mouth.

My pussy is throbbing and spasming with it, unable to help imagining what it would be like to have it fill me. To have all of him inside me, taking me hard. I couldn’t believe how hot his fingers were earlier, but his cock…his cock is so much more.

By the time he pulls me up again, impatient and full of desire, I’m wet and aching and so totally ready for him that I can barely gasp in a breath.

He rips my panties off, and this time I don’t bother complaining - I’ve given up complaining about that, and really, who could object to someone wanting you that much?

Instead, I’m already there - hovering above him, feeling his cock press against my entrance and clinging onto his shoulders.

Our eyes meet, and then I sink down onto him, gasping out at the penetration, at how full and right it feels - that aching emptiness finally satisfied. I can feel every little bit of friction, his hard cock pressing against my pussy and stretching me, sending sparks through every nerve there until that tingling feeling in my stomach feels like it’s growing to a crescendo.

Then he’s all the way in, and sat like this, he goes so deep that I’m shuddering already, the force of it overpowering me. His hands come around my hips and then it’s not me doing this anymore - it’s him.

He keeps me still as he starts moving his hips - slowly at first, driving me crazy as it starts to build faster and faster underneath me, his hips rocking as he pushes up into me, spears me on his rock-hard cock and my pussy shivers and spasms around him. I’m already sensitive from cumming earlier, and now it’s building again at an incredible pace.

I can’t stop staring at him, seeing the matching lust and passion in his eyes, and the warmth and love behind that. Everything I’ve ever needed. And with him inside me, it’s totally complete.

I’m totally complete.

My mouth finds his again, and this time the kisses are soft and longing, a slow counterpoint to the gradual build inside me - and the rhythm of his deep thrusts.

“I love you, Alistair.” I murmur against his mouth. I can’t stop myself. I can’t stop anything about how I feel.

He groans against me, and I feel his cock pulsing harder deep within me.

“I love you too, baby. More than I could’ve imagined.”

His arms wrap around me and I feel him shift on the seat - then his rhythm picks up, and he’s pounding into me, thrusting deep every time. My eyes widen and I gasp - our kisses becoming more breathy and needy as I grunt and groan with the force he’s using.

“Another…reason…not to wait.” He murmurs, eyes watching mine. “Noise. Can’t scream at home. And baby, I want you screaming for me tonight.”

I groan again, my hips grinding against his as he finally lets my body move with his thrusts, my own hips working to push deeper onto him - wanting and needing more. More of him. More of everything.

I’m so ready to scream for him. I can’t imagine anything better.

And as I feel his cock enter deep, again and again, I can’t help myself anyway. Every part of me feels electrified and ready to explode, and as we climb that hot, intense edge together, I can’t stop telling him how much I love him. How much I love this. How much I need it.

Not just his baby’s momma. But his lover, too. Leah. The girl I used to be.

That’s how he’s made me feel tonight, and I never knew how much I needed it.

“I love…you…god, fuck…ohh, Alistair…”

“Go on, baby. I want to hear my name on your lips. I…want…you…”

He groans, and it feels like his cock has grown impossibly large inside me - full and heavy and so perfect I feel like I could dissolve around it entirely. He doesn’t let up - not for a moment, and as he starts slamming into me and brushing against my clit, I start feeling the tell-tale tingling that tell me he’s got the angle just right. And I’m not going to be able to hold on for much longer.

“Alistair…” I breathe.

“Go on, Leah…let go. Let go for me.” He’s grunting, and I can feel how hard his powerful body is working under me - our hips crashing into each other again and again.

I clutch his shoulders, my eyes closing - and then I throw my head back.

And scream.

It all washes over me, so much more intense than earlier, and my whole body is shaking with the force of the pleasure pulsing through me. I feel him grunt and curse under me, and my eyes open just enough to see the fascinated lust in his expression - then his cock surges into me. One last time. Two. Three. And…

“Oh, fuck.” I hear him under me, and then his cock pulses hard within me, and I feel the warmth of his cum flooding through me, my pussy still squeezing and clenching - aftershocks hitting me, almost as intense as the orgasm.

I’m whimpering, and it takes me a long time to notice, everything within me hot and used and…almost languid. Impossible to control. Impossible to do anything but sit here as we clutch each other - our arms wrapped around each other, our bodies entangled, and our mouths trying desperately to get some breath back even though we can’t stop kissing each other.


“I fucking love you, Leah.”

I shudder.

I have no idea how long it is until we’re calm enough for him to help me off his lap - and my legs almost collapse when I try. He finds something to clean us up with - or at least, attempt it.

But I don’t really care - I’m too lost in his arms, in the fact that I’ve not separated from his warm chest since we got in the car. It’s only when the car comes to a stop that I realize he’s trying to help me get the dress back on.

That’s enough to have me sit up, suddenly alert as I panic about the driver coming around.

He chuckles at my sudden rush, shaking his head. “Don’t worry, baby.”

No one comes to try and open the door for us, and I take a deep breath as I lean back against Alistair, trying to get my still muddled body and mind together.

“That was…”

“Incredible.” Alistair finishes for me, his mouth at my ear.

I shudder, another ripple washing through me, and nod.

“Thank you.” I say belatedly. “For the date.”

He laughs again, pulling me back into his arms. I sigh and lean back, letting his chest warm my back and resting my head on his shoulder.

“Can we date forever?” I ask, any filter between mind and mouth completely destroyed in the aftermath of what we just did.

He stills behind me, but I only barely notice.

“Well…” He murmurs, his voice in my ear as one hand gently caresses down my very rumpled dress side. “I’ll take you on as many dates as you like, Leah. Forever. But, no, we’re not dating forever. I want the marriage-and-kids thing too much for that.”

“We already did the ‘kids’ thing.” I say, then my brain semi catches up, and I glance back at him, my brow wrinkling in confusion. “Is that a proposal?”

He snorts. “No, baby. When I propose to you, you’re going to damn well know it.”

Then he kisses my temple, and his voice softens, becomes almost dangerous. “That was a promise.”

I shudder, something in me turning over, and another part wondering whether it’s possible to die of this kind of happiness. It almost feels like it’s the most I could ever ask for, could ever achieve.

Happiness achieved, you win, game over kind of deal.

I don’t know how long we stay there, but eventually I manage to break through that haze of pleasure and semi-thought, and turn around to kiss him.

He laughs. “Are you ready to go inside?”

I nod, then see his ruffled shirt and the sexy disheveled look to his hair…and against all better judgment, desire flickers inside me again.

“Yeah…I’m ready to go inside…” I grin at him, and love the disbelieving tone to his laugh.

He shakes his head at me. “I thought you were completely done, after that…”

“I’m never completely done.” I murmur, shifting forward to kiss him again.

How could I ever get enough of him - or this?

He chuckles again, but it has a deeper tone to it this time.

Then he knocks on the window and the driver finally comes around to open the door.

I blush furiously - Alistair didn’t have to do that, we could’ve got out ourselves, rather than the poor guy seeing us like…well…like this.

But he’s staring very professionally ahead and I can just about pretend he doesn’t have a clue what we were just doing, as I take Alistair’s hand and we walk into the building.

I hope I haven’t got too many stains on me…in too many obvious places. But it’s hard to give a damn, and as we’re riding the elevator up, the giddiness of it all overtakes me.

I pin him against the wall, laughing as he gives me an arch look, but taking his mouth in mine before he can say anything about it. Then his arms come around me and he practically carries me to the apartment door when it dings to a stop.

“Wait!” I suddenly hiss, stopping still.

The days of getting home drunk, all over each other and falling onto the floor to have loud sex right there are so long gone, now.

“Maddie.” I say - and it’s enough to cool him down to the point that we can open the door hand-in-hand. Perfectly civilized…if you’re a little bit generous with what you notice.

We creep in instead, and when we get into the main room, I have to stop with my hand held over my mouth.

The sitting room floor has two single mattresses squashed together, sheets and pillows and blankets everywhere - and on top of them all, Maddie and Tommy. Fast asleep.

I look up to find Mathilda grinning at us from one of the chairs nearby, a book in hand, and then she nods to down the hallway. We walk down into Maddie’s bedroom - where the two single mattresses seemed to have come from, and then she greets us in a low tone. With the kids in the central space in the apartment, being quiet was a better idea than ever.

“You two look like you’ve had fun.” She grins, and I blush again.

Knowing Mathilda, she has a very good idea of what sort of fun that was.

“So do you.” Alistair says with a wry tone, his eyes flicking to the door - and what lies behind it. She chuckles.

“The only way I could convince them to sleep at all was if they had a slumber party. They didn’t want to stop playing with each other.”

“They’re cute kids.” Alistair murmurs, and smiles at Mathilda again. “And I’ll look forward to getting to know Tommy a little better, since he’s obviously pretty important to my little girl.”

Mathilda practically beams back at him, and I smile, squeezing Alistair’s hand.

“If they’re out, we might head to bed. Are you okay in the other spare room?” I ask.

It was the one we’d set up for her and Tommy, and hopefully the devastation left in this one didn’t extend there.

She nods. “Everything’s perfect - and we haven’t had any problems here, either.”

“Thanks Mathilda.” I say. “For looking after them.”

She chuckles, and her eyes flick to Alistair. “Believe me, it was no problem.”

I blush again as I remember whatever agreement they’ve already talked about. But I reach forward and squeeze my friend’s arm - then Alistair and I disappear as quietly as possible into our bedroom. Which isn’t exactly far from where the kids are sleeping.

“What is it?” I murmur, seeing Alistair glancing back through the door with a thoughtful expression before he closes it.

“Oh, I was just thinking that Tommy seems a good kid.” He shrugs, then starts removing his very wrinkled shirt. “I wonder what it would be like to have a son.”

I freeze right there.

“Ohh no.” I say, shaking my head. “I’m not starting a conversation like that with you.”

A slow smile creeps over his face. “Why not?”

He gives me his best innocent look, and I laugh quietly.

“I know exactly where that’s going to end up.”

And I think of his comment earlier.

Marriage and kids.

Kids. Plural.

Not something for us to talk about now. Yet. Not when there’s still so much of life to work out.

“And that’s a problem?” He asks, the smile turning into a grin.

“Right now, hell yes.” I say, kissing him. “I know how impulsive you get.”

He chuckles, then his gaze slides over to the bed.

“Speaking of…I think we have unfinished business, baby.” He starts backing me up slowly. “We got to play the noisy sex game earlier…now let’s see what I can do to you without you making a sound.”




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