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Hers to Have (His to Own Book 2) by Autumn Winchester (17)

Chapter 17




I never put so much work and love into the aftercare of my subs before now. Yes, I was always concerned about their health and pain after a session, but I never treated them like I did my wife. She deserved to be cherished.

She really had taken everything I had given her, and probably would have taken more if I had chosen to do so. She had slept so soundlessly when we finally had enough pleasure for the night. She fell asleep lying on my chest, her breaths whispering against my chest as her eyes fluttered.

I felt horrible that I took my jealousy out on her, but it was so worth it. Worth it to see her come undone over and over again on my behalf. She trusted me, and letting me have my way without me having to ask for permission was my undoing.

Being in the BDSM community and lifestyle, it was always about give and take, trust and communication. Avidya trusted me through and through. I’d never hurt her, never take her so far that she wouldn’t be able to return. The fact that she trusted that, meant the world to me.

I knew she’d be sore the night after I took her four times. It would be expected with her not being used to it. I was pleasantly surprised that she hadn’t gone into subspace from what we did, but I knew she would once she was more comfortable in the pleasure that her body would take. Pleasure I’d love to dish out.

Learning her body, learning her pleasure spots, was the first step towards giving her more.

The aftercare was just as important. If a Dom didn’t take good enough care after any session, the outcome would not be so good. Submissives needed someone to take away the stress of everything, someone to show them that they were cherished. And that was what I did.

I cherished my wife with my entire being. She was like the air I breathed. Without her, I would no longer exist.

After washing Avidya from head to toe, and rubbing her down with one of the many lotions that I had in a bathroom drawer for this purpose, I couldn’t help but admire her. Admire her beauty that shone like the brightest star at night.

She fell asleep during the rub down, which was common. Even though I knew she needed food, she also needed her rest. I worked her harder than I would have any other newbie, but she had asked it. Begged for it. Her body sang to me, and I knew her well enough to know if she’d had too much too soon.

Leaving her to sleep on the bed, I slipped on some cotton pants and made my way down to the kitchen to cook up some food. She would need to eat to help regain strength.

I had texted Jonas at one point last night, telling him that I wouldn’t be able to make it into any of the offices today. Avidya was more important; always would be. Even in my jealous rage that was now tempered. Finally.

Maybe I needed a good stress reliever? Whatever it was, I was in a much better mood.

After cooking bacon, toast, and eggs, I took two plates on a huge tray, along with bottled water upstairs. Breakfast in bed sounded like a wonderful idea. Normally, I wasn’t a huge fan of bringing food to a bedroom, since it tended to make a mess no matter how careful one was. But that was where my wife was, and I hated the idea that she was sore, possibly too sore to walk down a few stairs.

After setting the tray of goodies down on the night table, I took a seat on the edge of the bed. Avidya hadn’t moved an inch from the spot I had left her in. Her chest rose with each breath she took in.

Once again, I looked over her bare form, still finding no lasting marks upon her body. There were no handprints on her hips where I had held her forcibly as I fucked her just hours ago, nor where they are any marks on her butt from when I had spanked her.

I could recall how she moaned when I used my full palm to smack the underside of her butt. It wasn’t for punishment like the very first time I had done so. This time, it was all for pleasure, and she had reacted to it as I wanted. She liked it. I couldn’t wait to see how she handled more of everything.

I also couldn’t wait until she tested the bounds of her cravings to see what I could do, and how far I was willing to go. I knew she would take to it like any other sub would do. I wanted her to test not only my control, but hers also.

“Hey, sleepy girl,” I called, gently rubbing her back.

“Hmm?” she answered as she slowly woke up.

“Time to wake up,” I said, my voice calm and soothing.

Slowly, her eyes fluttered open, a soft, content look to them.

“Hi,” she smiled, still not moving.

“Hi, honey,” I returned. “Can you sit up?”

Slowly after a moment, Avidya pushed herself up. Her hair, slightly haywire from the lack of being brushed, fell down over her shoulders, hiding her breasts from my view.

“Good girl,” I praised. Of course, she instantly blushed. Was it because she was naked, or because of what I said? Either way, I enjoyed it. Enjoyed her. “You need to eat.”

“I know what I could eat,” she said, shooting me a hot glance that went straight to my cock.

“Although I’d love nothing more,” I spoke, willing myself to not take what I wanted. Again. “You need to eat.”

“Okay,” she said with a small pout on her lips. I could see her brain thinking of a way to get what she wanted. And man, did I love that. Loved not just her, but her thoughts. Loved her taking what she wanted.

And she would take what she wanted.

After placing an open water bottle in her hand, and a plate of food on her lap, I took my own and sat beside her on the bed.

We ate in silence, and as I expected, Avidya was starving. She hadn’t eaten much in the last twenty-four hours, but neither had I. I watched her out of the corner of my eye, making sure she really wasn’t too horribly sore. She’d be sore for a day or two, given how rough I had taken her, and I’d do anything to make sure she didn’t regret letting me do so.

“How often can we do that?” she asked. “What we did last night, I mean?” her voice was quiet but hopeful at the same time.

 “How often do you want it?” I asked in return, raising an eyebrow at her. I would happily take her daily, but knew she wasn’t ready for that yet. Her mind might be, but not her body. I was learning her limits along with her reactions.

When she didn’t answer, I went on. “How about whenever the mood strikes?”

 “Okay,” she replied, not looking at me. “How…when would you do stuff like that with….”

“How often I did play around?” I asked. She knew I had been with others, which was common knowledge.

“Yeah,” she said, looking up at me like she was afraid of the answer.

 “Only three others,” I answered. “And they were only my submissives, never anything more. I never brought them home, either. All sessions were conducted at the club once a week over the weekends.”

“Oh,” she said, sounding surprised. “I just figured…”

 “Now there’s only you, Avidya,” I was quick to say. “No one else.”

 “How did you learn about it all?” she asked.

A curious little thing today, I mused. I didn’t mind answering any of her questions. Everyone had to start somewhere, somehow.

 “I was eighteen,” I began after taking a drink from the water bottle. “I was horny and tired of skanky girls that kept trying to throw themselves at me. I craved something more. Did some digging, and came across a website that looked to be normal at first glance, but looking further into it, I found what exactly I needed. I found out what BDSM was, and I knew it was for me.”

 “You couldn’t have just jumped right in?” she said, looking at me.

 “No,” I said, a soft smile. “That would be where I found out about becoming a Dom, I needed to know the ins and outs of women. I had to know how to read them as easily as a book. I found an open club like the one I run that helped me learn things hands on. I found a Mistress who was willing to help me learn not just the sub’s side, but the Dom as well.”

I knew it was a lot to take in. It had been for me when I was just eighteen. I had learned a lot in the last ten years and still learning today. Avidya wasn’t the same as a practiced submissive or dominants. That was why she was so perfect for me. She didn’t fight the feelings that I evoked in her.

 “I’m not going to run into any of your past hookups, right?” she nearly joked, but I could see that she worried if it was a true possibility.

 “Not if I can help it,” I said. “They have all moved on, and most likely have forgotten about me by now. They know I am no longer with them, and they won’t bother either of us.”

 “Okay,” she said, seeming to be relieved by my answer.

“You done?” I asked, indicating to her empty plate.

“Yeah,” she said, putting it on the nightstand before scooting over and laying her head on my lap. I couldn’t help my run my hand through along her hair, feeling her relax against me while doing so.

We were truly made for one another. Normally, I wasn’t into the whole cuddling thing after a session, but with Avidya, I wanted to be nowhere else.



Chapter 18




Dear diary,

I’m married now. Can you believe it? Can you believe that I love my husband?

I had always thought that I would be stuck in a loveless marriage like my mother, but I’m not. I’m happy. I could shout it to the world, even.

I never thought I’d be happy with married life, knowing that I would have no choice in who I would be tied to for the rest of my life. But I am.

Nothing will break this feeling that I feel for my husband. Nothing.

I am his, and he is mine.

One would think that I’d be frightened if they were in my shoes. One would be scared to know how much pleasure, how much fun, there can be had when giving oneself into what is wanted. It’s all about feeling. No thinking is needed.

Zachariah knew what to do, and just how to achieve it. He was practiced in this lifestyle.

I wasn’t upset that he was with other women before me. Why would I be? I hadn’t known him then. He may have known me, of course. It seemed like almost everyone did for some reason, and that was what freaks me out a bit.

I never thought I’d be popular, least of all to the people that wanted me dead.

There still haven’t been any links to who was behind the car crash and didn’t seem like there would be anytime soon, either. Oh well, whoever it was will eventually mess up and out themselves.

Even though I have written in this journal daily since I have picked it up, my husband, my Dom, has yet to read anything in here. Though it’s not like there’s anything in here that he doesn’t already know.

I have nothing to hide. I know what he wants from me out of this, and I hope one day it will be achieved.

Setting the journal back on the shelf where I kept it, I turned to find Zachariah finishing up a few emails. Just looking at him, I warmed from the inside out. I wanted him to claim me again, just like he did two days ago. Zachariah refused to make love to me again, worried that I would be sore. That was not one of my concerns, but I gave in, letting him have his way. Although, he seemed to be amused that I wanted him as much as he wanted me.

Maybe I could talk him into it today.

Right now, Zachariah had to look over a few applications that were submitted for his club. Last week was Open Night, where pretty much anyone who was interested in the lifestyle was welcome to see firsthand how the club was run and what BDSM was really about.

There were so many books out there in the world that gave the lifestyle a bad name. Those were Zachariah’s words, not mine.

There were at least twenty new potential clients that wanted in, even willing to pay the pricey membership fee.

“They won’t all be allowed to join,” Zachariah had answered when I’d asked. “Some just think it’s all fun and games, but this isn’t just a game. If they don’t know what they are really entering into, these few people could get hurt. And not just physically, but mentally. I don’t want to be held accountable for mental issues.”

“So how do they get in?” I asked.

“They have to take a few beginner classes, that are paid up front, and the Dom that is in charge of the class will report back to me on how they behaved during the classes, which let them see both sides of the Lifestyle. Doms will be the subs and vice versa so they can experience what the other will, and even before and afterward too. People are easy to read once you know what to look for,” he answered easily.

“Like me,” I summed up. He’d said before that I was an easy person to read.

“Yes,” he laughed lightly. “You have always been easy to read, Avidya. But there is still so much your looks cannot tell me.”

“Like what?” I asked, genuinely curious.

“Your thoughts,” he answered. “All your likes and dislikes. Your past, even.”

 “You know I have nothing to hide,” I stated.

“I know that,” he said, his eyes pinning me. “I know I’ll find out every little thing from you soon enough.”

Leaving Zachariah to finish up with the last two applications, I made my way to the kitchen. I knew he was watching my backside as I walked away, and I couldn’t help but sway my hips with each step I took, a smile on my face that he was unable to see.

Yeah, I was learning to be a tease, and I loved it.

Not sure what to do, I opened and closed cupboards, looking for anything that sparked my interest. I wasn’t hungry, at least not for food. Closing the fridge with a long drawn out sigh, feeling bored, I turned around ready to go back to the office and watch my husband.

I gasped out in surprise as I was pinned to the fridge, my arms above my head in the next moment.

 “You think you can tease me?” Zachariah asked, his voice husky as he dared me to answer him with his eyes.

I lifted my chin in defiance, willing him to do something. Anything.

I kept my mouth shut, holding in my comeback. I wanted to test him; wanted to see what he’d do. Surely he knew I wanted him again. I just couldn’t get enough.

 “You want me,” he said, his eyes on my face, watching my reactions closely.

 “You know I do,” I whispered out, afraid my voice would leave if I talked any louder.

We stood there, me pinned to the fridge, him holding me there, his cock hard and pointing towards me. He was thinking. Thinking of what to do to me.

I was willing to do just about anything as long as I got him in the end.

After a moment of thought, Zachariah stepped away from me, letting go of my hands. I slowly let them fall to my sides, wide-eyed and confused. At my confused look, he gave me a lust-filled smirk.

 “I want you upstairs on the bed, naked, in three minutes,” he spoke, his voice full of control.

Just his voice made me wet as I quickly nodded my head.

 “Go on,” he said, nodding his head towards the stairs, his smirk still firmly in place.

Quickly, I dashed away, hearing his amused laugh follow me. He liked it when I obeyed his demands. I liked it when he demanded things.

I knew he hadn’t followed, but didn’t think of it as I entered the room and stripping off my clothes as fast as possible. I left them in a pile by the end of the bed before climbing on top of it. I wasn’t sure how to be there, though. Was I to lay waiting? Sit? Kneel?

In the end, I kneeled in a way where I wouldn’t fall over as my knees sunk into the mattress, my hands clasped behind my back and head down.

Would this please him? I hoped so.

Evening out my breaths, I listened as his light footsteps came nearer. He was shoeless, as he had been all day long. I heard him pause in the doorway before continuing in the rest of the way. He then walked to the closet, moving a few things around before returning to the bed. He sat something down behind me where I wouldn’t be able to see.

 “Perfect,” he sighed out, running his hand down my hair. I couldn’t help but lean into his touch, craving anything he’d give me.

A huge smile spread across my lips, happy that he was happy with how I was.

 “You follow directions very well,” he went on, withdrawing his hand. I wanted to cry out in protest but continued to stay quiet. “So I think we’ll play around with that. Say green if you are up for it.”

 “Green, Sir,” I whispered out, my word barely touching my lips.

 “I don’t want you to talk unless directed to do so. If something is too much, I want you to say yellow or red and I’ll stop right away, whatever it is I’m doing. Other than that, no sounds. At all,” he went on.

Oh God, what did I agree to? I nodded, trying to prepare myself. Making no sounds was going to be tough, but I’d prove to him that I could do it. I would do it.

I looked up at him from under my eyelashes, seeing that he was naked also. I wasn’t sure when he lost his clothes, but really, did it matter? Not to me, at least it didn’t. His eyes were dark with lust and promises of pleasure.

 “No sounds,” he repeated.

I nodded my head again, letting him know that I understood.

 “Good girl,” he praised, taking a step back from me. “First, I want you on all fours.”

I quickly did as commanded as he walked around the bed, his movements sure and to the point. I did my best to make sure my body weight was evenly spread out on each limb.

 “Knees a bit further apart,” he spoke, tapping my inner thighs softly with something small that almost felt like a stick, or maybe a pencil.

I spread my knees wider, my breathing still even despite the warm pulse that was in my core.

 “Perfect,” he said. Then, he used the same object, moving it down one leg and to my foot. I jerked my foot away.

 “Ticklish spot?” he asked.

I remained quiet.

Slowly, he dragged the object upwards on my other leg in a slow motion. It left a tickling sensation behind its path.

He moved the object up my hips, over my ribs, and straight to one breast. I couldn’t help but look and saw the end of a makeup brush as he swirled the end around one my nipples, causing them to harden.

After a moment, he moved to the next breast, doing the same thing.

 “Are you wet? I bet you are,” he breathed out, his breath washing over my face as he kneeled on the bed beside me.

Leaning over me after dropping the makeup brush, he dipped his finger into my inner core, just barely to see how very wet I was.

I wanted more. Needed more.

 “Hmm,” he hummed, sucking his finger as I raised my head to meet his heated gaze.

My mouth fell open in an O as he pulled his finger away.

 “I think we would put that mouth to work, don’t you?” he asked as he stood back on the floor, his hard cock right there in front of me.

Testing, I stuck my tongue out, swiping some of the pre-cum off his tip. He bucked into me, not expecting me to do what I just did.

 “Take it all,” he growled out in a lust filled voice.

I didn’t protest, wrapping my mouth firmly around his cock. He slowly pushed into my warm mouth inch by inch. He stopped when I began to gag, pulling back just a bit. He was long and thick, and there was just no possible way I could fit all of him into my mouth.

 “So freaking good,” he grunted out, holding himself back from pushing into me too hard. It wouldn’t take much to knock me over.

Hollowing out my cheeks, I swallowed around him. He groaned out in his throat, and it went straight to my core.

I love making him moan, probably just as much as he loved it when I did the same thing.

 “Fuck,” he hissed, pulling out of my mouth with a pop. I pouted at him as he struggled to contain his own need. I wasn’t a fan of the taste of him in my mouth, but I loved giving him pleasure. Loved seeing him come undone and let down all those barriers he had up.

 “If you keep that up, I’ll just fuck your mouth and you won’t get to cum,” he whispered.

I simply looked at him while ducking my head. I was sure he wouldn’t leave me hanging. He hadn’t yet.

 “Lay on your back,” he said after a moment. “Because if you stay like you are, I won’t be lasting long. And I’m not done playing yet.”

With wide eyes, I did as he said. I lay there on my back, arms at my sides and watched him take a few pieces of dark, red rope from his side nightstand.

 “These ropes are extremely soft, like fleece almost. They won’t leave marks on your skin, unless you fight the restraints,” he explained. “My favorite ones.”

He waited a moment, giving me time to say my safe word. I didn’t. I wanted whatever he had planned.

“I’m going to tie your hands to the headboard and your feet to the end, one on each side,” he said right before he started tying down my left foot. “You’ll be able to move an inch or two, but that will be it. You’ll be tied and spread, at my mercy.”

His eyes darkened even further as he let his inner Dom out to play. I wondered how long it had been for him since he had played last.

I remained quiet as he gently tied a loop around each ankle and tied the long red rope around the end of the bed. Of course, I tested the bond and found I could move just enough if needed.

Next, he lifted both of my hands, tying them together with the same type of rope before pulling them up above my head to the headboard.

He then stood back, admiring me from head to toe. Just his attention like that made me crave him, wet for only him.

Slowly, he crawled up the bed, flinging one leg over my hips. He sat there, propped up on his knees, seeming to debate what to do next. I just wanted him to touch me. Anywhere. I didn’t care.

Was he teasing me, now?

Using his hands, he took my breasts into his palms, letting the weight lay against his palms. He smirked, knowing I wanted more. More of him, more of his touch.

Slowly, achingly slow, he swiped his thumbs over my nipples, causing me to gasp in surprise. The touch went straight to my core, too.

 “Remember, no sounds,” he reminded. I was tempted to find out what would happen if I did make a sound.

I nodded, begging with my eyes for him to do more.

He bent down, taking one nipple into his mouth, sucking it into a hard peak while his other hand played, twisting the other one. My hips pushed upwards, but just barely.

Switching breasts, he did the same thing, bringing them to hard peaks. He played me, testing how long I could keep my moans quiet.

I was soaking wet, too. I could feel his tongue massage each breast, creating the feeling of needing more. My core throbbed with my heartbeat.

Squeezing both breasts together as far as they could go, he went back and forth from one to the other. The ache in my core tightened, demanding something more.

After another pass, Zachariah used his teeth, lightly scraping my nipple while one hand pulled my other nipple. A small, yet overwhelming, need to cum burst forth, forcing my hips upwards as far they could go. My chest pushed against his mouth as I fell apart.

 “Told you I’d make you come with just your breasts,” he said as he sat up a bit, still on top of me.

I knew he wasn’t done, and neither was I.

Moving both of his legs so they were in between my own, he lined up his cock, teasing my outer lips in the process. I couldn’t help but push against him, needing him to enter me.

In one swift move, he entered fully into me. I couldn’t stop the moan that released.

“Fuck,” he gasped out, feeling my walls squeeze around him tightly. “So tight. God!”

“Zach,” I moaned out, needed him to move as he stilled. “Please.”

“Quiet,” he ordered, regaining his control. “Or do you need a reminder?”

I shook my head, begging him at the same time with my eyes. I needed him to move as much as I needed air.

Slowly, he began to move in and out in slow, deep thrusts. His cock hit that magic spot inside me once, twice.

Oh God! I thought. How was it possible to come so soon again?

 “You’re so close,” Zach stated, still pumping in slow movements. “Shall I let you cum?”

I nodded, begging him to let me.

After a few more thrusts, he grunted out, telling me to let go.

In an instant, I fell apart, feeling him shoot in cum inside me. That notion, that feeling, made me see stars as I felt him still inside me.

“I love you,” he whispered, catching his breath.

I couldn’t talk as I tried to catch my own breath.

How could he make everything feel so much better, more enjoyable than I ever thought was possible?

After a moment, he pulled out of me, making me feel lost and cold. He then untied me and massaged each leg and arm before laying down, pulling me into his chest. With him holding me, I fell asleep, feeling sedated for the time being.




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