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Highland Spring (Seasons of Fortitude Book 1) by Elizabeth Rose (15)



“How was yer trip to the woods today?” Leod asked Shaw during the meal that night.

“See for yerself.” Shaw nodded toward the children who were eagerly showing everyone in the great hall their new bows.

“It looks like it was a huge success.”

“Most of it.” Shaw glanced over at Spring sitting next to him as they ate. Spring was busy talking to Baen and not paying attention to his conversation with Leod.

“Are ye talkin’ about that new wife of yers?”

“Aye,” he answered, scooping up another spoonful of a delicious cherry tart. “Somethin’ is botherin’ her and I dinna ken what.”

“Has she made friends with Donel yet?”

“Nay.” He looked down and played with his food. “She tried, but he willna have it.”

“But the visit to the Lowlands went well, didna it? Besides the attack in the forest.”

“Aye. Up until the part where Reed kept questionin’ her, thinkin’ she was his long-lost sister.”

“Really?” Leod flashed a smile and lifted a tankard of ale to his mouth. “Do ye think she is his sister?”

“I dinna ken. It could make sense, but Spring insists she is descended from a long line of Vikings and verra proud of it.” He used the tip of the spoon in small motions to pulverize the crust of the tart.

“Now, I think somethin’ is botherin’ ye, Brathair.”

“How so?”

Leod’s eyes dropped to the smashed tart. “Ye usually inhale cherry tarts without even chewin’. What’s got yer feathers ruffled?”

“I dinna ken.” He continued to smash the crust with his spoon. “I suppose I’m just frustrated because we’ve only made love once since we’ve been married.”

Leod was drinking and almost choked when he heard what Shaw had to say. “Once? Perhaps, ye should stop lettin’ her rule the bedchamber. If it were me, I’d throw her down and act like a man.”

“Ye ken nothin’ about lassies, Brathair, so stop with the talk. If it were ye, Spring would have been the one to throw ye down and it wouldna be in a friendly gesture. So, until ye have a woman of yer own, please stop givin’ me advice.”

“Advice?” Spring looked over to them, making Shaw’s heart jump into his throat. He didn’t want her to hear the conversation. “What kind of advice is Leod givin’ ye?” she asked.

“This is a good tart, lass. Ye really should try it.” Shaw scooped up a big spoonful and shoved it into his mouth.

“Tell me what ye were talkin’ about.” Her eyes darted from Shaw over to Leod and then back again.

“We were discussin’ the tart,” he said, opening wide for another bite.

Her hand shot out and clamped hard around his wrist. With her usual stone-like face, her bright green eyes met his. “I hardly think ye were askin’ advice on how to eat a tart, dear husband.”

“On the contrary,” said Leod, trying to come to Shaw’s rescue but only making it worse. “I told him he usually inhales cherry tarts without chewin’. I was askin’ him what was botherin’ him.”

“Ye are bothered about somethin’?” She slowly released his hand. “Does it have somethin’ to do with me?”

Shaw flashed Leod a grimacing look. Leod just shrugged and took a drink from his tankard.

“Try the tart,” Shaw said, slipping a spoonful into her mouth before she could say another word.


The essence of sweet cherries exploded on Spring’s tongue as Shaw fed her from his spoon. The action was intimate and her eyes stared into his as she fell deep under his spell. “Mmmm,” she said, reacting to more than just the tart. His leine was opened slightly and she could see the crisp curls of dark hair on his chest. He retrieved the spoon from her mouth, staring at her lips now.

“Ye’ve got a crumb on yer mouth,” he said, starting to reach out for it, but pulling his hand back.

Her tongue shot out to lick her lips and she swore she saw him squirm in his chair. “Did I get it?” she asked.

“Aye,” he said, letting out a breath and shoveling more food into his mouth.

“Oh, now ye’ve got a little bit of cherry, right there.” She licked her finger and ran it over his lips. His eyes closed and he swallowed hard.

“Dinna do that to me, Wife, when ye ken how it affects me.”

She giggled and Shaw’s eyes shot open. “Did ye just – giggle?”

“Who, me?” Her mouth turned down and she shook her head. She needed to maintain control of her emotions. “Nay.”

“Ye did. I heard it,” he said. A big smile spread across his face and he had a playful look in his eyes. “Ye are no’ made of stone after all.” He poked at her ribs, making her laugh again. It felt good; she had to admit. No one had ever done this to her before.

“Stop it! Ye’re causin’ everyone to look at us,” she warned.

“And what’s wrong with that?” He looked so alluring when he smiled.

“I dinna want to make a scene.”

“I see.” He nodded his head, undressing her with his eyes. She felt a tingle flit across her skin. “Musicians,” he called out. “I’d like a little music so I can dance with my wife.”

“Dance?” Her laughter was quickly replaced by fear coursing through her body. “Nay, I dinna dance.”

“That’s nonsense,” he said, getting up and reaching out to help her from her chair. “Everyone dances.” He left the dais, taking her with him, not giving her a chance to pull away.

The crowd parted and a few of the men of the clan hurried over to clear away the long trestle table to give them more room. Before she knew what was happening, everyone gathered around in a circle, clapping their hands and urging them to dance to the music. Bagpipes split the air and drums kept the beat.

“Come on, Spring. Dance with me.” Shaw bowed to her and held out his hand. She stood frozen, feeling her heart about beat from her chest. Never before had she danced. Often back home there was dancing, but she never participated. Her father hadn’t liked dancing and said he preferred she just watched and cleaned their weapons instead.

“Ye do ken how to dance,” he said, holding out his arm, telling her rather than asking.

“Nay,” she blurted out softly, shaking her head. “I told ye I dinna dance.”

“Why no’?”

“My faither thinks dancin’ is the work of the devil.”

“Unless yer faither has met the devil himself and kens this for a fact, I’d advise ye to throw caution to the wind tonight and loosen up a little.”

“Spring, dance with Da,” called out Colina, clapping her hands.

“Nay,” she said, standing there like a board and shaking her head.

“Come on, lassie. If ye dinna ken how to dance, then I’ll show ye.” He put his hands around her waist and scooped her up, twirling her around in the air, making the crowd shout out.

“Stop it. Put me down,” she said.

“We’re dancin’,” he told her, this time picking her up in his arms. Her feet left the ground and she squealed.

Everyone seemed to think it looked like fun and, before she knew what was happening, they all joined in. Even Colina and Leith held hands and twirled each other around in circles. Everyone danced but Donel who stood across the hall scowling at her.

She couldn’t help enjoy the dance. It was fun and she giggled.

“Did I hear ye giggle again?” asked Shaw, putting her feet on the ground. The sound of bagpipes filled the air, mixed with the laughter and conversations of the crowd. It was a true celebration.

“I did giggle,” she admitted this time.

“And didna it feel good?”

“I dinna ken. I suppose so.”

“Mayhap, ye need to find out for sure.” He tickled her ribs and she swatted his hand away.

“Nay, Shaw, dinna do that.”

“Now that I found the warrior’s weakness, I’m goin’ to use it to my advantage.” He tickled her again and she burst out laughing. It felt good to laugh. It helped her to rid herself of pent-up worry and emotions. She laughed and, in return, tickled Shaw. His laughter started out as a low rumble and quickly turned into a thunderous guffaw. It made everyone in the great hall stop and look, and they started laughing as well.

Taking her hand in his, he held tight. “Ye’d better stop that,” he told her, still laughing. “I’m warnin’ ye. Do no’ make me mad.” He burst out in a full bellow of laughter, bending over in the process while holding his stomach.

She smiled and turned to walk away, but his hand shot out and he slapped her on her rump. Her eyes opened wide in surprise and her spine went ramrod stiff. Had he honestly just done that in front of everyone? She turned back to him, her embarrassment turning to annoyance.

“I told ye to be careful and no’ make me mad,” he said. “Now, I’ve had to spank ye for bein’ a bad lassie.”

“I’ll spank ye,” she said, her hand shooting out, but he jumped out of the way and taunted her.

“Ye missed,” he said, still laughing.

Once again, she tried to hit him, but he spun out of the way, continuing to laugh.

“It’s no’ funny,” she spat, noticing everyone staring at them now.

“I think it is.”

“Get over here.” She took a step forward, but he jumped away and headed for the door of the great hall.

“Ye’ll have to catch me first.” He darted away and she took off at a run after him.

He laughed and taunted her, always staying just out of her reach. He ran up the stairs. She followed, wanting to teach him a lesson. Then he ran down the hall with his plaid kicking up behind him. She hurried after him, barreling into him when he came to an abrupt stop outside the bedchamber door.

She tried to hit him again, but he grabbed both her wrists in his huge hands and stopped her from doing so.

“I like it when ye laugh.” He reached down and kissed her, making her forget she was trying to be mad at him. Then he scooped her off her feet, once again, kissing her as he used his foot to kick open the door. The door creaked as it swung open, hitting the wall. He entered the room with her in his arms. His kiss became hungry now and her hands reached up into his hair as her kiss became just as urgent.

“I’ll no’ sleep with ye again without our bodies touchin’,” he told her.

“Neither do I want ye to,” she said, aching to have him as well.

He kissed her harder now and one hand caressed her breast.

“Close the door, Shaw,” she told him.

“Aye,” he mumbled, never putting her down as he reached over and closed the door. Then he swung her around until her legs were spread around his waist. “I want ye, Spring.”

“I want ye, too.”

He backed her against the door, kissing her with passion. With her legs spread around his waist, she could feel his manhood poking at her, right through his plaid.

“How many ways do ye ken to make love?” he asked, nibbling at her earlobe as he spoke.

Her eyes closed and she felt powerless to resist his advances. Her emotions swelled in her chest and weakened her resolve, just by hearing his question.

“Is there more than one way to do it?”

“There are many.” In his words, she felt his confidence mixed with a promise of what was to come. Her curiosity was piqued within her and she wanted to learn. “Tonight, I am going to teach them all to you, one by one.” He trailed a finger down the front of her chest, making her breasts ache for his caress.

The idea of experiencing more than one way to make love excited her and made her heart race with anticipation. She felt her cheeks flush at the mere thought of what he was offering. “Aye. I want to experience all of them,” she said, breathing heavily through parted lips. At this moment, nothing else mattered but the fact that they were husband and wife. She belonged with Shaw and his clan and his family. She felt like Edinvale Castle was her home. She would not deny him anything tonight – not anything at all.

He started by gently placing her feet on the ground. His hands slid up her arms, pulling her closer. Then he whispered against her hair.

“Dinna fear me, lass. I promise I willna hurt ye.” She felt his fingers gripping the front of her bodice. The smell of woodsmoke and fresh air from his clothes filled her senses, making her heady.

“I am a descendant of Viking warriors,” she reminded him. “I dinna fear anythin’.”

Though as brave as she was, she never anticipated his next move. He kissed her forcefully and, at the same time, ripped open her bodice, exposing her naked breasts. The cool air against her hot body felt invigorating, making her feel alive.

“Oh!” she gasped, jerking backward in surprise.

“Spring,” he said, making her shiver in anticipation just by hearing her name on his tongue. Then he moved away from her slightly, letting his sultry, dangerous gaze drift from her face and rake down her body, stopping at her breasts. She swore her nipples hardened just under his domineering perusal. He leaned toward her slightly, dropping his mouth to her shoulder as his hands slipped around her waist, caressing her gently. His uneven breathing tickled her skin as his kisses trailed from her shoulder to the soft hollow at the base of her neck. Then his kisses continued down her chest. His hands roamed upward and he fondled one breast, bringing it to his mouth. He teased and suckled her, making her back arch in an involuntary reaction to his advances. She reached out and pulled him to her, pushing her breast further into his soft, warm mouth, wanting even more stimulation.

After he’d tasted both her peaks, he boldly stripped away the rest of her clothes and dropped to his knees in front of her in passionate surrender.

“Shaw,” she said through ragged breathing. “What are ye doin’?” She longed to feel his kisses on her again and didn’t want him to stop.

“Just relax, lassie. Ye are goin’ to like this,” came his undeniable promise. Before she could question him about what he meant, she felt the heat of his breath at the juncture of her thighs. His hands slid up her legs and he parted them slowly. She grabbed on to his shoulders first and then gripped his hair to keep from falling since she went weak at the knees by his sensuous act.

When she felt the flick of his tongue at her most intimate spot, she couldn’t help but throw back her head, moaning in delight. He buried his face between her thighs, working his magic, managing to bring her to climax quickly. And just when she thought she’d fall to the floor, no longer able to hold up her own weight, he stood. He lifted his plaid. When she looked down, she saw his engorged form, and had to reach out and touch him.

“Och, lassie,” he whispered, dropping his plaid and gripping onto her shoulders as she ran her fingers up and down his hardened shaft. “Ye dinna ken what ye’re doin’ to me.”

He quickly squirmed out of his clothes, letting them fall to the ground at their feet. Then he reached out and put his hands around her waist, picking her up once again. She instantly wrapped her legs around his waist while she put her arms around his neck.

“This is another way to make love,” he said, sliding her body down his, slipping his manhood into her slowly, tantalizing her with just a little at a time. He didn’t stop until she had taken in all of him and he filled her completely.

When he started to rock his hips and make love to her, standing, she found herself climaxing yet again. She didn’t think it could get any better, but now he’d made her cry out in passion as hues of vibrant purple and green exploded behind her closed lids as she squeezed her eyes shut.

Without breaking the connection, he turned and carried her to the bed. He lifted her off his hardened form and slid her down his hot, glistening body. She felt the wetness of her release between them. He stood before her looking so handsome and desirable that she would do anything she could to make him feel the same elation that she’d just experienced.

“Turn around, Spring,” he said, seeming as if it took all his effort to say it. He was holding back and she could tell. “Here is another way.”

“Another?” she asked, looking over her shoulder as he gently turned her away from him.

He pressed his chest up against her back, holding her tightly as he bent her over the bed and entered her again. Their bodies slapped together with each of his thrusts. She heard him grunting, holding back from spilling his seed. Next, he laid her atop the pallet on her back, straddling her in the position she knew the best.

“I dinna need to try any more ways but one,” she said, already having been sexually satisfied more than once and wanting to please him now.

“Which is that?” he asked, looking like he was about to explode.

“The one that warriors like best.” She flipped him onto his back and straddled him, and rode him like a stallion until they’d both cried out again and he spilled his seed within her.

Then she collapsed atop him, burying her face against his broad chest. There was a new rhythm as she listened to the rapid drumming of his heart intermingled with hers as they lay panting, trying to calm themselves from their vigorous lovemaking. Coupling with Shaw was the best thing she’d ever experienced in her life and she would never forget it. But if they kept this up, she was never going to be able to betray him after all.




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