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His To Own by Autumn Winchester (20)

Chapter 20




I found myself laying atop Zachariah’s chest, his heart beating against my ear as he breathed in and out. I think he was asleep, but it was hard to tell with my eyes still closed, basking in the moment. He stayed, even though I expected him to slip away after I fell asleep.


One hand was tangled in my hair at the nape of my neck, almost like he was holding me to him so I didn’t run away. I wouldn’t have noticed, as whatever he had given me clearly knocked me out for the count. He could have taken advantage of me, and I wouldn’t have known any wiser.


I knew I should be running, but I didn’t want to. Zachariah made me feel things that I have never felt before. He made me question myself, too.


I knew he was not one of the nice guys; he could be deadly if needed to be. He treated me better than anyone else ever had so far. I wasn’t sure why, but I wasn’t going to question it. For now, I’d just enjoy the kindness he showed.


I must have dozed back off, as I jumped awake as his cell phone began to ring through the room. I was laying almost all the way on him, my legs tangled between his. I could feel his cock hard against my knee, but he made no move to do anything about it either way.


“Sorry,” he muttered to me before answering his phone. His hand went back to my hair, nearly luring me back to sleep as he listened to whoever had called. I had expected him to leave to take the phone call somewhere more private.


“Yes. . . . No, of course not! . . Maybe . . . Don’t, please. I can handle it . . . . fine,” the last word was spoken on a sigh like he had given in. “Give me half an hour.” Then he hung up, letting his hand flop down on the bed beside him.


“Do I need to move?” I asked out, my voice husky from sleep.


“I don’t want you to,” was his answer. “I quite enjoy you here, using me a pillow.”


“I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not,” I said, smirking. I lifted my face to see his better.


“I may just have you sleep with me every night. Screw waiting,” he said, wrapping both arms around me, being mindful that I was still sore.


I was okay unless I moved. Right now, I didn’t want to move from his hold. He made me feel safe. Protected from the world.


“My sister-in-law is coming by in a few,” Zachariah sighed out. “She never takes ‘no’ for an answer.”


“Okay,” I said, but still didn’t move. I was afraid to move, knowing that pain would follow. I could feel my own heart beat in all my bruises.


“I forgot to warn you,” he grimaced. “The pain med I gave you can cause nausea.”


“Now you tell me,” I joked, rolling my eyes at him. I felt perfectly fine, other than the slight pain. “I’ll be okay.” I then pressed a light kiss to the underside of his chin, feeling the hair against my lips.


“There’s a trash can on the side of the bed. It won’t hit till you sit or stand up,” he said in a way of apology. “I don’t know what your mom gave you, and I didn’t want to make you overdose,” he trailed off.


“You worry too much,” I yawned.


“I have had experience with that med,” he said. “But yes, I’ll always worry about you.”


Kissing his chest, I pushed my way from him and rolling over so I could swing my legs over the side. If he was to have company, I should at least brush my hair.


Once I was sitting, I only felt slightly dizzy, and nothing at all that I couldn’t handle. I could feel Zachariah’s eyes on me. I was going to prove him wrong.


Well, I had planned to prove him wrong until I stood, and my stomach did somersaults. I couldn’t have been more pleased that the trash can was just in reach as I fell down into a sitting position on the floor as I heaved.


Zachariah was quick to kneel down beside me, holding my hair back from my face as everything and possibly more, came up and out.


It was worse than being sick with the flu! I couldn’t believe he thought that giving me anything like this was okay at all, even it if helped the pain. Stupid man, I thought.


“I warned you,” he spoke after I quit gagging, spitting out the taste as much as I could.


“Shut up,” I mumbled before groaning. The pain in my ribs only ignited more as I threw up.


“Well . . .” he trailed off. If I had had enough energy, I would have smacked him. Just the thought made me tired. “Are you okay to stand?”


“I think so,” I answered, feeling like I was even more tired as the seconds passed. “It hurts.”


“I know, honey,” Zachariah said. “Let me take care of you, okay.”


“No more meds,” I said, giving him the best of a glare as I could as his soft look.


“At least not those,” he compromised. “I’ll have Violet get you something a bit weaker. I only have the strong stuff here.”


“Get hurt a lot?” I asked as he gently lifted me into his arms. I rested my head on his shoulder, too weak to fight him. Truthfully, I don’t think I would have fought him anyway. I liked being in his arms.


“You could say that,” he said, standing easily with me and walking to the bathroom. There, he helped me to stand, using the counter for support. He didn’t expand on why he was hurt, which might have been a good thing at the moment. My mind was fuzzy, and thinking of what he had to go through wouldn’t help me any. One day soon, I’d bug him about it.


“Do you want a bath?” he asked after I used the toilet. He did turn his back to me, but I didn’t really care at the moment.


“No,” I answered. I did, God did I, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to take one on my own at the moment with being so weak. Maybe after a short nap.


“Okay,” he said as though he could read my mind. “Let me wash your face before we go downstairs.”


With a warm wash cloth, he gently wiped my face off, clearing away the sweat that had collected. Once done, he handed me some mouthwash so I could get the bad taste out of my mouth. When I finished, he shot me a small smile before picking me up as he had before. I wrapped my arms around his neck, letting my eyes drift closed. At least the nausea had passed quickly but left me feeling dazed and tired.


“What did you give her?” a female voice screeched as Zachariah stepped off the stairs onto the landing.


“Dextromethorphan,” he answered grouchily.


“Seriously! You idiot!” she yelled, following Zachariah toward the living room. Her screeching made me clench my eyes shut tight as her voice rang in my ears.


“Would you keep it down?” he seethed, setting me down on the couch and wrapping a blanket around my body. I opened my eyes lazily, seeing a woman that I had seen at the church more often than I could remember.


Her light brown hair was in soft wide ringlets over her shoulders, slightly pinned back from her heart shaped face. Her dull blue eyes were filled with disbelief as she looked at me as I lounged on the couch in a home that was not mine.


“Avidya Ray,” she said in awe before shooting Zachariah a look filled with questions and anger.


“Violet,” I muttered in greeting as a wave of dizziness washed over me once more.


“You two know one another?” Zachariah asked, shocked.


“Yes,” Violet answered, softer now. “I go to her father’s church. But that doesn’t explain why she is here, on your couch, about to pass out with drugs in her system.”


“I’m here willingly,” I slurred, keeping my eyes closed. It helped to not let the dizziness take so much control.


“That’s a relief,” she said, generally relieved. “That still doesn’t answer my questions.”


“I have a bunch of them myself,” I muttered, my thoughts turning into words without my say. “Sorry, just ignore me over here.”


“No wonder why mom called me to come by,” Violet said. I could almost hear her eyes roll.  “Now, shoo.”


“What? No!” Zachariah said, shocked.


“He stays,” I muttered, opening my eyes to look at her. I trusted her more than her parents, as we have talked a few times in a friendly manner, but I didn’t want Zachariah to leave me alone. He’d already seen me at my worst. I had nothing left to hide.


“Fine, suit yourself,” Violet replied hotly. Turning to me, she soothed her voice. “I’m the family doctor. I just want to check you over really quick and get you some better pain meds.”


“No more meds,” I said. I would be fine.


“If you say so,” she said, coming to kneel down beside me on the couch. “I still want to check you over, though. Just to make sure everything is okay.”


“It is,” I said, pleading with Zachariah to do something.


“She’ll be quick,” he said, not stopping her. “I’m sure my father had something to do with her doing a house call here just for you.”


“Why?” I asked tiredly.


“Because you are Avidya Ray,” Violet answered. “You were kidnapped, and then what looks like to be manhandled, I need to check you over. Please.”


“Okay,” I said, still confused. Why was I so important? Why did everyone know me, but yet I did not?


“Thank you,” she said before gently undoing the wrap on my arm. Somehow, she was quick in looking me over from head to toe. She was gentle as the first few times her skin touched mine, I couldn’t help from flinching from her touch. I didn’t mean to, but my body did it anyhow.


“I don’t think anything is broken, as your breathing is fine. So is your range of motion,” she concluded. “I do have some painkillers, a light dose of oxycodone, that will only help with the pain. No side effects like the ones you are currently experiencing. Once you get some more sleep, the dizziness and lightheadedness will pass. Zach was not thinking when he gave you what he did.”


“It was the weakest I had out of everything,” Zachariah defended, no longer upset at this woman. “So why are you here?”


“Julia called, concerned because you hadn’t called her,” Violet answered. “She was worried. So, she asked me to stop by.”


“Nothing I can’t handle,” Zachariah muttered.


“She cares,” Violet said with care.


“I’m surprised you haven’t asked why she’s here,” he said, letting me lean against his side as he made himself comfortable next to me.


She can hear you. Just because my eyes don’t want to stay opened, doesn’t mean I don’t have working ears,” I said, my voice surprisingly clear.


“Sorry,” Zachariah laughed, shaking me in the process.


“I got the short version,” Violet said. “And that’s enough for me know for now. I’ll let you two be. Please don’t hesitate to call if you need anything.”


“I think I can handle this old man here,” I mumbled out.


“Another side effect,” Zachariah laughed out. “And I’m not old.”


“Older than her,” Violet joked. “I hope to see you again soon, but not on my doctor watch, Avidya. I think we will get along wonderfully.”


“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Zachariah groaned out.


Violet left, leaving a bottle of pills in the kitchen for me, if I decided I needed something to take the edge off the pain. Zachariah turned the TV on, letting me stay in his arms as he kept one wrapped around me.


“I feel safe here,” I mumbled out as I began to doze off.


“Good,” he said, kissing the top of my head. “I’ll make sure you stay that way.”


“Promise?” I asked, nearly asleep.


“Promise till my heart stops beating.”