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HOT Angel: Hostile Operations Team - Book 12 by Lynn Raye Harris (4)

Chapter 4

Cade woke at five a.m., blinking into the early-morning gloom, his conversation with Brooke foremost in his mind. What was she doing right now? Sleeping soundly, he hoped.

He’d jerked himself off after she’d said good night. Of course he had. There was no way after getting that picture of her luscious boobs, shapely thighs—and those bare legs that he wanted to feel wrapped around him—that he wouldn’t bring himself to release. It would have been nice if she’d gone along for the ride, texting him more naughtiness and touching herself too, but he hadn’t really expected it when they’d only just started talking.

Now he picked up his phone and opened it up to Brooke’s photo. And, damn, he was hard again. He stroked his cock from root to tip, the excitement building until he reached a shuddering release that tingled all the way into his toes.

Holy hell, if it was that good just looking at her, how good would it be to be in her?

Cade got dressed in his regulation workout gear, grabbed his duffel, and headed out the door. He’d shower after working out at HOT HQ.

The mornings were getting chilly now that September had arrived, but it was still warm during the day. He threw his bag into the Toyota Tundra parked in the driveway. It was about twenty miles to work, and he took the back roads because he liked the scenery.

Five minutes after he pulled into the parking lot at work, he was inside the gym. Echo Squad teammates Sky “Hacker” Kelley, Jake “Harley” Ryan, and Malcolm “Mal” McCoy were there too. The others had either already been or they’d be there soon. He’d hoped to see Garrett Spencer from Alpha Squad so he could pry information about Brooke from him, but nobody from that squad was there.

“Where’s Alpha?”

“Lockdown,” Hacker said.

“That’s right,” Cade replied. “Forgot.”

Lockdown was what happened right before they deployed on a mission. It’s where they war-gamed the operation and went over plans. In the excitement with Brooke, Cade had forgotten all about Alpha getting ready to go.

He worked out hard, pushing himself to do even better, then showered and dressed in uniform before heading to his squad’s section. Every squad within HOT had a section to themselves, though you could visit another squad’s section by walking down the hall and popping in. There was an auditorium where they all met for commander’s call when Mendez or Ghost gave an organizational briefing, and there were smaller conference rooms where each squad could work on a specific mission without interrupting another squad’s planning.

Echo Squad had just returned from a mission two weeks ago, so they weren’t necessarily on deck to deploy again immediately, though they would if they had to. Right now they had training to do, paperwork to catch up on, and other work to complete before the next mission.

Cade sat at his desk and pulled up a report. It was nine o’clock, and he wondered if Brooke was awake. He wished he could look at his phone and see if she’d texted again, but personal cell phones weren’t allowed into the secure areas of HOT. Cameras and microphones could be turned on by enemy programs and used to spy on HOT’s business. It was cloak-and-dagger stuff, sure, but it was also a real threat which was why nobody was ever allowed to bring in a personal phone, computer, or tablet. All it took was someone with good hacking skills and boom, they were in and national security was compromised.

“Hey, what’d you think of that hot little blonde at Ice’s place yesterday?” Hacker asked.

Cade stiffened. Had he been that obvious? Or was Hacker simply being Hacker, renowned player and connoisseur of women? Cade had never known another computer guy who used his mad IT skills to seduce women the way Hacker did. He impressed them with what he could make a computer do, which Cade would have said wasn’t something they’d be impressed with before he met Hacker.

Apparently there was something sexy about getting premium access to clubs and events with the touch of a button. Add in the fact the guy was a fully qualified Special Operator, complete with muscles and weaponry, and it seemed you had the recipe for a lady magnet.

“I think Ice would stomp you into a pile of jelly for looking twice at her. She’s his wife’s best friend.”

“Yeah, but it might be worth it. That body… Man.”

“Probably best not to go there, dude,” Cade said. “Remember that Ice’s wife is the president’s daughter. You might find yourself locked in a dungeon or something if you upset her bestie.”

Cade highly doubted that last part, but he supposed having the president’s daughter pissed at you—and maybe the president by default because he loved his daughter—had to be a bad thing. Which also meant that he needed to be careful in how he went about talking to Brooke.

Hacker’s eyes narrowed. “You interested in her?”

“Why would you ask that?”

“Because you’re trying to dissuade me, dude.”

Cade shrugged. “Just looking out for your best interests, man.”

Hacker snorted. “Since when? Last time we were at a club, you delighted in watching some jerk-off try to kick my ass because I was talking to his girl.”

“As fun as that was, that guy wasn’t Iceman. Who, I am certain, would kill for his wife if she wanted him to.”

“It’s okay, Saint. You can just say you saw her first.”

“Fine, I saw her first. And I already got her number, so back off.”

Hacker laughed. “I don’t know why you didn’t just say that in the first place.”

“Because it’s none of your business.”

“So you aren’t afraid of Ice stomping you into jelly? Or of ending up in a dungeon somewhere?”

“Nope. Because I’m not trying to get into her panties, after which point I’d suddenly become unavailable and uncommunicative.”

“Aw, man—is that who you think I am?”

Cade snorted. “Seriously? I’ve never seen you with the same date twice. I’ve also been around when you’ve had your face slapped while on a date by some chick you spent the night with. Remember the girl in Barcelona?”

Hacker winced. “Oooh, Maria? Yeah, that was epic… So you don’t want to get into blondie’s panties?”

Cade asked himself how he’d managed to get tangled up in this conversation in the first place. “Never said that. What I said was I’m not looking for a hookup and then never calling her again.”

“Dude, you wanting picket fences and all that crap?”

Cade sighed. “Did I say that? Jesus, Hacker, there’s more to life than fucking your brains out with a new woman every night.”

Hacker blinked. “There is?”

Harley walked into the office just then with a goofy smile on his face, effectively putting an end to the conversation. Cade figured he must have been talking to his girl. Eva Gray was a tattoo artist that Harley had started seeing after he’d gone off on a special assignment to his old motorcycle club in Georgia. Now he was back with Eva in tow, and he’d never seemed happier.

Cade envied that happiness. He’d had relationships, but he’d never had one that made him feel like that. Usually his relationships ended with a sad fizzle, kinda like the air being let out of a balloon. Typically it was due to the life he led and the fact that no woman could seem to get used to being with a guy who routinely disappeared for weeks at a time and remained incommunicado for the duration.

“Man, you went home for lunch, didn’t you?” Hacker said.

“It’s not lunchtime,” Harley replied.

“Then why are you smiling as if you’ve just gotten laid?”

“Because I was on the phone with the woman I love, asswipe. It’s not always about getting laid.”

“Whatever,” Hacker grumbled, turning back to his computer. “There’s something seriously wrong with you two.”

Harley gave Cade a quizzical look.

Cade rolled his eyes. “Ignore him. He’s just bitter because he went home alone last night.”

“Because I wanted to,” Hacker added over his shoulder.

Harley lifted an eyebrow. Cade shrugged. Mal came striding in, folders tucked under his arm. He held them out to Cade. “Present from the CO’s secretary. Mendez wants them back by close of business today.”

Cade took the stack and divided them up before handing a few out to the guys assembled. The others would be along soon and he’d spread the folders among them. “All right, let’s get to work then.”

“I’d rather be in the field than doing paperwork,” Mal muttered as he took a seat.

“Wouldn’t we all?” Hacker replied.

Cade didn’t say anything as he flipped open the cover of the first folder on his desk. What he’d rather be doing was texting Brooke Sullivan. Or, better yet, exploring her naked body before spreading her legs and sinking into her slick heat.

Did you have a good day, angel?

Brooke smiled at the text when it popped up on her phone. She was working on a marketing plan for a client and feeling the pressure of doing it right, but a text from Cade changed everything.

Tension drained away as she picked up the phone and typed back. Still working, but yes. So far, so good.

Cade: Where do you work?

From home mostly. I have to meet with clients, but I make sure I’m done and home before dark. Usually. Right now I’m home.

Cade: What kind of work?

I’m a marketing consultant. I help you sell your product to the masses.

Cade: Sounds interesting.

It can be. It’s not what I really want though. Brooke felt that pinch of sadness she always felt when she thought of the cute bakery she’d worked so hard for—and then given up when she could no longer manage to function the way she needed in order to run a business.

Cade: What do you want?

You, she thought. But she didn’t type it. It was a shocking thought, especially since she’d only been texting with him for the past twenty-four hours. A few sexy emojis didn’t change who he was. He was still a hard, tough man who did an impossible job. And she was still a girl who cringed around men like him.

I had a bakery. A little place that specialized in cupcakes. I had to give it up when I could no longer put in the hours.

There. Short and to the point. No tears, no whining. Just the truth.

Cade: I’m sorry, angel.

She liked that he called her angel. Though maybe he called all the women he talked to angel. She wasn’t planning to ask because it made her feel kinda special. Besides, how did one ask a man if he commonly used endearments in his regular conversations with the opposite sex?

Thank you. It’s okay. I’ll get it back one day.

She routinely surfed real estate listings on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, looking for a quiet little town where she could open a bakery and tea shop. It wasn’t going to happen anytime soon, but it was comforting to plan it.

Cade: I like cupcakes. If you want to bake any. Keep in practice.

She laughed. Maybe I’ll bake you some one day. If you’re nice.

Cade: I’m always nice.

Another text appeared on her screen, interrupting the warm feelings swirling in her chest. Are you okay? Why aren’t you answering the phone? This from Scott. She’d known last night when she texted to tell him she wasn’t feeling well and needed a rain check on drinks that he wouldn’t let it go easily.

Brooke clicked over to the message box with Scott. I’m okay. Just tired. I’m not really in the mood to talk to anyone.

Scott: I can bring you some chicken soup. Give you a back rub.

I don’t need soup, thanks. I’ll call you when I’m feeling better.

A few seconds later, he replied. Fine.

Brooke knew with that one word that she’d pissed him off. But dammit, why did he insist on forcing her into agreeing to things she didn’t want? Why couldn’t he take no for an answer the first time?

She clicked back to Cade. And then, because she was feeling emotional and irritated, she typed out a quick message and hit Send. If I told you I was tired and not in the mood to talk, would your response be to offer to bring me some chicken soup and give me a back rub?

Cade: ?? That’s a departure. But sure, I’ll bite. No, I would not offer you chicken soup. Or a back rub, because what I’d really be saying is I hoped you’d have sex with me if I rubbed your back. Is there a reason you’re asking me this?

Brooke frowned. And then she thought, why not? Cade made her comfortable, even if it was only through text, and he didn’t seem like a creep. His answer to her question was insightful. Of course she thought Scott was trying to initiate sex, but she’d felt guilty for thinking it because he’d never pushed her before and maybe he really did want to be helpful with the back rub offer.

I have a neighbor. We went out a couple of times. But there’s no spark or sizzle. I keep turning down his invitations, but he won’t take no for an answer. And sometimes I find myself saying yes just to end the conversation. So he wanted me to come for drinks last night and I said I’d think about it. But then he took it like I said yes and started making plans.

She took a deep breath and hit Send. Then she kept typing. I texted later and told him I wasn’t feeling well and wanted a rain check. So he immediately called me, but I didn’t answer. And now he’s texting again. I feel like a bitch for not answering his calls, but then I also feel like he just isn’t taking the hint. It’s frustrating.

It took a few moments for his reply to return. Have you told him in no uncertain terms that you aren’t interested?

Brooke blinked. Had she actually said those words? I guess not. I should, shouldn’t I?

Cade: You should. But Brooke, any guy who doesn’t take no for an answer even to simple invitations, who keeps trying to make it into something more, and who calls and wants to give you back rubs, isn’t entirely blameless. He knows what he’s doing. And until you tell him it’s not happening in direct terms, he’s going to keep trying. And maybe even after that.

That’s what she was afraid of. Would you take no for an answer? If I told you I didn’t want to hear from you anymore, would you accept that?

Cade: As much as it would pain me, yeah, I would. Though I’d probably drunk text you a time or two and ask why. He added a winky face.

I like you, Cade Rodgers with a D. You make me laugh.

He also made her horny, but she wasn’t telling him that. Yet.

I like you too, Brooke Sullivan with an E. You make me something too. Not saying what though.

Brooke laughed again, then laughed even harder when he sent a picture of a devil with horns. Oh what the hell? She sent it back with a simple Me too.

Cade: Maybe we can do something about that together. But only when you’re ready.

You mean via text, right?

Cade: I mean however in the hell I can get you naked and pleasured. If it’s via text, then so be it. But I think I can do a better job of it in person.

Let’s start with text. See what happens.

Cade: Tonight? Bedtime?

Brooke’s heart hammered as she typed out a reply. It’s a date.




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