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HOT Angel: Hostile Operations Team - Book 12 by Lynn Raye Harris (24)

Chapter 24

He had every intention of taking it slow with her after her ordeal, but Brooke had other ideas. Ideas that shocked Cade considering that he’d figured she’d just want to cuddle up in his arms and sleep.

He took her to his place so they could let Max out to run if he wanted, and because it was closer, and no sooner were they inside than he had her in his arms. He intended to hold her close, just hold her, but Brooke had her hands beneath his T-shirt, her palms on his skin, searing into him, within seconds.

She stood on tiptoe, sought his mouth. He obliged her—because he’d be crazy not to—taking her mouth in a hot, wet kiss that curled toes. His cock was stone in his pants.

“Brooke, baby, angel—we don’t have to do this tonight,” he said. “We’ve got forever. You can sleep and I’ll take care of you.”

She pushed back, her baby blues gazing up at him with such heat and need that his heart did a somersault. Daaaamn

“I love you, Cade. You love me. I almost didn’t get to tell you that, and I almost didn’t get to be with you again. I want you so desperately I hurt. I want you inside me. I want your cock and your tongue, and I want your arms around me. I want to be together in the closest way possible. I need it.”

That was all he needed to hear. Cade went to work doing one of the things he did best. He took total control, willing to give it back if she needed it, but she didn’t. He stripped her naked, dropped to his knees, and licked her pussy until she cried out, shuddering hard as she came on his tongue.

Then he picked her up and took her to the bedroom. Within seconds, he was naked and inside her, thrusting deeply into her body.

“Tell me if it’s too much,” he said.

Her fingers dug into his back. “Not enough,” she said. “Never enough with you.”

He knew exactly what she meant. He fused his mouth to hers and pumped into her harder, taking them both higher and higher. But before he could explode, he rolled with her until she was on top.

Brooke squeaked at the change in position. He held her hips, gazing up at all that hot blond beauty, those lusciously large tits, her narrow waist and wide hips. This woman was built like a wet dream. His wet dream.

“Ride me, angel,” he told her. “I want to watch you come.”

Her hands pressed into his chest, holding her body up as she began to move, rising and sinking on his cock over and over. He made a mental note to get a big standing mirror that he could position to watch them fuck in every conceivable position he could think of.

“That’s it, Brooke,” he said as her tits swayed and she bit her lip and moaned.

For good measure, he put his fingers between them and strummed her clit.

“Oh my God,” she gasped. “I’m going to come…”

He was too. It hit him like a vise to the balls, though a pleasurable one that squeezed everything together before opening the flood gates. As he poured himself into her, he groaned and lifted his head so he could suck one of her sweet nipples deep while his body shook and spent itself in a hot rush.

Slowly she collapsed on him, her skin moist with sweat, the scent of her surrounding him. She rested a palm on his chest. The other hand was a little higher, on his shoulder.

He skimmed the pads of his fingers down her spine, over her ass. His throat tightened for a moment. This woman loved him. Trusted him. After everything she’d been through two years ago—and everything now—she trusted him enough to let herself go like this.

It humbled him. He would never take that trust for granted.

“I love you,” she said against his chest. “I needed that so much.”

“I love you too. And I’m glad you needed it. I did too, but I didn’t want to push you.”

She lifted her head to gaze at him. Her eyes were soft. “You made me whole again, Cade. I know I still have to talk to my therapist, and I will, but you showed me that I am strong and I am capable of living my life without constant and debilitating fear. I’m not miraculously cured—but I love you and trust you and it’s easy to let myself go with you.”

He knew what a gift that was. How hard it had to have been for her to make that leap.

“I’ll always protect you, angel.” But he’d also been thinking, and he needed to say it. “But if you decide this isn’t for you, that you can’t handle my life, I’ll understand. I’ll let you go, though it’ll kill me to do it. I don’t ever want to drag you into something you don’t want. I don’t want you worrying about the danger or about it carrying over to you ever again.”

She frowned. “Do you honestly think my love is that weak? That I’m going to walk away because life is scary and your life is scarier than most?” She shook her head and her hair flew around her face. “No way, Jose. I’m addicted to your eggplant. I’m addicted to you. Am I going to get scared? Yep. Am I going to huddle up with Grace and her kid and be terrified because you’re incommunicado? Yes. But what kind of idiot would I be if I took all this”—she waved a hand up and down their bodies—“and threw it away? Not happening.”

“Amazingly enough, you’re making me hard again.”

“Like you ever stopped? You’re still inside me, and nothing has changed.”

He flipped her over and spread her wide. “Then hold on, angel. I’m about to rock your world.”

“Again?” she asked, one eyebrow arched. “Bring it on, my love. I am so ready.”

The sun was streaming into the room when Brooke woke and stretched. Her body was sore, some of it due to her captivity, some of it due to Cade. The parts that were due to Cade made her shiver in delight.

They’d made love more times last night than she’d have thought possible. They’d sleep and wake and fuck, and then sleep and wake and fuck some more. It was amazing and beautiful and addictive. No wonder Grace was so happy all the time and had been since Garrett had saved her. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other, and Brooke finally understood what that felt like.

Even with Gavin, the man she’d thought she’d loved before she found out he had a wife, she’d never had this constant need to touch and get naked that she had with Cade.

“Morning, angel,” Cade said. She pushed herself up on an elbow and watched as he carried a tray into the room. He was wearing his tighty-whities, his entire body simply the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen with its ridges of honed muscle and its long, perfect lines. If she were an artist, she’d sculpt him.

“Morning,” she said as happiness suffused her. “Did you fix breakfast?”

“Yep. Eggs, bacon, toast. And coffee of course. Sound good?”

“Definitely.” She sat up and he put the tray down on the bed, joining her under the covers and scooting the tray up so they could share the plates. And he’d literally piled eggs and bacon and toast on one big plate. There were two forks and two cups of coffee.

“I can get you a plate of your own if you want. It was easier to carry this way.”

She stabbed her fork into the eggs. “This is fine. I love sharing with you.”

“Max has been fed, and he went out to chase squirrels in the yard.”

Brooke laughed. “He’s going to get so spoiled running around out there.”

“Look, I know it’s too soon to talk about these things, but if you want to stay with me for a while, you and Max are welcome. I’m happy to come stay with you too. Not that we’re moving in together, but when we do, I’m happy to do what makes you happy.”

“You are the perfect man, Cade Rodgers with a D. Hot sex, hot breakfast, and you took care of my dog. I’d be crazy not to spend as much time with you as I can.”

He bit off a piece of bacon and grinned. “You would.”

“I like it here. My job is portable, and quite honestly I don’t think I want to live in my condo anymore. Bad memories there. So maybe I can stay here with you while I work to put my place on the market. After that, we can talk about the next step.”

“Sounds reasonable to me,” he said. “But angel, you need to know something.” His gaze was serious, his gray eyes beautiful and sigh-worthy as he laid all his considerable charm on her. “I’m taking it easy for you, but I’m all in. I’ve been feeling lost for the past few years now, my relationships empty and unfulfilling. I’m tired of sex without commitment and tired of not having someone to plan a future with. You’re my someone, angel. Just so you know, the next step for me will always involve you.”

Her heart was a warm puddle of joy. Her throat was tight. “I’m so glad I texted you that day. I hate to think that none of this would have happened if I hadn’t.”

“It was happening, angel.”

She blinked. “You can’t be sure of that.”

“Yeah, I can. Because it was meant to be. And meant to be always finds a way.”

“I love you.”

“You do. Because you were meant to. And I was meant to love you.” He shrugged and fed her a forkful of eggs. “Karma, kismet, destiny. I don’t care what you call it. It’s real. You in my bed is proof of it.”

“Marriage, huh?” she asked when she’d swallowed the eggs. “Kids too?”

“If you want them.”

“Do you?”

He reached out and skimmed a finger over her cheek, tucking her hair behind her ear. “I think a little girl who looks like her mommy would be amazing.”

“Or a little boy who looks like his hot daddy?”

“That too. Or none at all, if that’s what you want. Or if it’s the card life deals us. Not every couple can have babies.”

“You’d be okay with that?”

“So long as I have you, yes. Besides, there’s always adoption if we wanted to try another way.”

“That’s true. Wow, this is sounding like a serious plan.”

“It is.”

She leaned over and kissed him. He tasted like bacon and coffee. “You know what I think?”


“I think life with you is going to be amazing. And I can’t wait to get started.”

He threaded his fingers into her hair, kissed her lazily and long. “It already is amazing, angel. I’m a lucky man—and I plan to show my appreciation every single day.”

“Mmm, I love that plan…”

“I knew you would. Now finish your breakfast so I can have dessert.”

She didn’t have to ask what he was talking about. The twinkle in his eyes told her exactly what he was planning to do.

Lucky girl

Yes, she was.