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Hungry Boss by Charlize Starr (123)

Chapter Five


Amanda didn’t sleep at all that night. Every time she closed her eyes, the disappointed, betrayed look in Jace's eyes came back to her. He was right to be upset with her, but she just didn't know where it would go from here. Would he ever forgive her? Would he want to be part of Logan's life? Would he want custody?

Somewhere in the early morning hours, far too early for a Sunday morning, Betty burst into her room. Her hair was wild, sticking up at all ends, dark circles under her eyes, her lipstick smeared. Amanda would have thought she was doing the walk of shame in her flannel PJs, but this was how Betty always looked after she worked a twelve-hour shift. She would crash right into bed as soon as she got home, and complain about the makeup on her pillow the next morning.

"Have you seen…?"

Amada sat up groggily, blinking against the sudden, bright light. "Seen what?"

Betty shook her head and put her tablet into Amanda's hands. It took a moment for the Wolf's sleepy brain to comprehend what she was seeing. A picture of her and Jace from yesterday, and at the side was a picture of Logan on Jace's shoulders in a red circle. Underneath read a caption, 'The Alpha's Secret Son'.

"What?" Amanda threw back the blankets, her heart pounding. "Who did you tell?"

"Me?" Betty held out her hands. "I didn't tell anybody. Maybe it was that woman, his girlfriend."

"Clarissa isn't that kind of person. She wouldn't have told the press."

Amanda skimmed through the article, getting tenser with every word she read. It detailed the day they had at the park in disturbing detail. Had they been followed around? Somebody must have been spying on them because Jace would never do this. Her hands clenched and she couldn’t repress a growl. It was bad enough putting her face on the tabloids, but her son's? Unforgivable.

"When I find who did this, I'll kill them," she snarled, her protective instincts rising. "I'll kill them."

"And you might want to make sure you're dressed up before you leave the house," Betty said, inching away from her. "There's a couple of suspicious-looking people outside. They might be paparazzi. Don't want your sweats all over the internet."

Amanda groaned and hid her face in her hands. "Why? What's the big deal about all of this? Jace is the Alpha of a pack that nobody really knows about. We're just a small group, and we don't have anything special. Why all the media attention?"

"Oh, hon." Betty put an arm around her. "Jace is a bit of a celebrity, don't you know? His super-quick education, all of his successful lawsuits, the fact that he's a billionaire giving up the glamorous city life to return here and become the new Alpha due to his father’s retirement… It all makes for sensational news, and a secret lovechild makes it all the more thrilling."

"They took pictures of my son and plastered them all over the internet! How is that thrilling?"

"Hey, I'm just saying how it is. But Jace is a lawyer, I'm sure that he'll have sued these guys three ways to Sunday by the time he's done with them."

Amanda groaned, flopping back on her bed. What was she supposed to do now? She could call Jace and tell him about this, but chances were he already knew. Besides, her first thought shouldn't be about what they were going to do to stop the tabloids. Logan was her priority. The first thing she needed to do was to get him out of here, so he wouldn’t be subjected to this more than he had to be. Then stop those tabloids.

"I need you to take Logan to my parents' place," she said, jumping to her feet. "I'm the bigger story, right? The woman who had the Alpha's son and never told him. They wouldn't follow Logan out there. Especially if we have him shift so you can carry him out in a basket or something. Then they can't see him. I'll call the schools, and he can go to the packlands school for a few days at least."

"Don't you think you should talk to Jace?"

"Yes. But first I want Logan out of the line of fire. He's a child. He doesn't deserve all this crap thrown at him. So will you do that for me, please?"

Betty nodded. "Of course."

"Thank you." Amanda hugged her friend, though she was internally still snarling.

Whoever did this will pay, she vowed. Nobody puts my son in danger and gets away with it.


It was a long morning. Amanda was able to get Logan away without incident. To lessen the chances of the paparazzi taking pictures of him, Amanda had shifted, and gone for a run in her Wolf's form. The loiterers had suspiciously followed after her, just as she had thought they would.

She kept her tail firmly tucked between her legs as she ran. It was common to see Wolves in their Wolf's form to go running through town, wearing nothing with their tails high, proudly showing it all off, but Amanda didn't want to have her own bits plastered all over the internet. Maybe she would invest in some dog-shaped clothes to wear for her Wolf until this blew over.

When she returned home after her run, Amanda packed herself a bag and headed into town, driving in circles until she was certain she had shaken off the paparazzi. Then she checked into a hotel. It was only then that she checked her cell phone. A dozen missed calls from Jace.

She called him back, dreading what he might think after all those missed calls.

"Amanda." His voice was deep and angry. "Where the hell have you been?"

"Trying to get rid of the paparazzi that were chasing me." Amanda felt herself tensing. She didn't want to fight, but it was going to be difficult not to when she was already so wound up. "I sent Logan to stay with my parents. My roommate took him. I didn't want him in this media circus."

"Good." Jace let out a relieved sigh, but his voice hardened again very quickly. "What were you thinking, telling them about Logan?"

"Me?" Amanda fought to keep the growl from her voice. "I didn't tell them anything. I woke up this morning to find my son's face all over the internet. I would never put him at risk like that!"

"So you think I did—"

"I never said that. And I don't think you did. I know you and Clarissa wouldn't do that to Logan."

The sound of Jace swallowing was audible.

"I want to get to the bottom of this, but you're the lawyer with the law enforcement connections and knowledge about laws and whatever. I want the people who are responsible for the distribution of my son's picture found and punished, Jace. I would never do this, Jace. Never."

"You lied to me about having a son, why should I—"

Amanda hung up. She was not going to listen to his accusations. Everything was fine until he came back to town. It's his fault for not warning me that he was being stalked by the media.

It was unfair, but she felt a little better.

Her phone rang again. Biting back a sigh, she checked the caller ID. It was Betty. A rush of relief. Amanda answered it. "Did you get Logan to my parents?"

"Yes. Nobody followed us. You have nothing to worry about, hon. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine. Checked into a hotel." Amanda ran a hand through her hair and repressed a snarl. "Jace called me and accused me of telling the tabloids about Logan."

There was a beat. "So he already knew?"

Amanda remembered that her housemate hadn't been home when she and Logan got back to the amusement park, and they hadn't had a chance to talk about what had happened there. Sighing, the Wolf gave her the quick version about what had happened at the park.

"Oh, hon. I'm hugging you right now."

"I'm not that fragile, but thank you." Amanda sighed.

"I bet that there was some sort of reporter stalking Jace at the park yesterday, and he overheard you telling him about Logan."

It was what made the most sense. Amanda ground her teeth but put aside her anger. "I need to call my parents and tell them everything. I didn't have a good chance this morning."

"If you need anybody to talk to, I'm here," Betty said. "Remember that, hon. This is a terrible situation, but it will blow over. Just don't walk around nude. That's something that the tabloids would absolutely love. You probably shouldn't get drunk, either. Oh, or—"

"I plan to hide out here until Jace has this under control," Amanda interrupted. She hated attention and these tabloids were her worst nightmare. "Which reminds me, I have to call work and tell them I can't come in… This is going to cost me so much money."

Another long pause and Betty cleared her throat. "Yeah, but on the bright side, now you can get child support, right? I mean, there's no reason that a guy as rich as Jace can't pay you a decent sum."

"You did not just say that."

"Hey, I'm just trying to lighten the mood."

If anything, it had made Amanda's already dark mood even darker. She ground her teeth and shook her head, reminding herself that Betty's brain didn't always work the way it ought to. "I have to go, Betty. I'll keep in touch."

"Bye, hun."



Amanda quickly phoned her parents, giving them a more detailed explanation about what was happening, and thanked them again for watching Logan. The paparazzi would have a hard time getting out onto the farm unnoticed. They had good neighbors. The school was very protective of its students. Logan would be safe from the cameras there.

Explaining to her boss why she wouldn't come to work was a little more difficult, as was getting Logan into the packlands school two weeks earlier than his normal shift. By the time she was finished with her calls, it was three in the afternoon, and Amanda realized there was a flaw in her plan. She didn't have any food with her, and her stomach was growling.

She sighed, curling up on the bed to try to make her stomach cramps a little better. This was a disaster. Well, maybe she'd just have to order in pizza or room service.

Jace kept circling her mind, no matter how much she tried to banish him from her thoughts. Given the situation, they really should work together. But what was she supposed to do? Keep insisting that she had nothing to do with the media finding out about Logan? Maybe it would be better just to keep a low profile and let him deal with all the legal stuff himself.

There was a knock on the hotel door. Amanda sat up, stiff. Had the paparazzi found her? Another knock and she crept over to the door, peering out the peephole to see who it was.

Jace stood on the other side of the door. Amanda froze. How had he found her? Why was he here? Should she let him in, or pretend she wasn't there?

"Amanda, I can smell you in there," he said. "Please let me in. We have a lot to talk about."

It was true. Amanda sighed and unlocked the door.





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