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Out of Nowhere by DL Gallie (16)




I’M ON MY THIRD GLASS of wine when my phone rings—it’s Bella. I slide to answer immediately. “Hey hey, lovely lady.”

“Did you fall and hit your head?” she roars down the phone at me.

“Well, hello to you, too. I’m fine, thanks for asking. And no, I did not fall and hit my head, but I have had three glasses of wine and I’m feelin’ kinda tipsy,” I reply with a giggle as I lean against the kitchen counter, taking another sip of wine.

“So that explains why, out of nowhere, you rented a cottage in Cola-freakin-rado?”

“No, I did that a few day ago.” I say, smirking because I know that will totally knock her for a loop.

“I’m sorry, did you say a few days ago?”

Nodding my head, I say, “Mmmhmpf.” Swallowing the last of the wine in my glass.

“Are you out of your mind?”

“Actually, Bels, this is the freest and most content I’ve been since it all happened. There is something about Nels Cove that pulled me here and I know I did the right thing. The first song that played when I moved into this place was by The Script. If that isn’t a sign, then I don’t know what is.”

“You and your friggin’ signs,” she says with an exasperated sigh.

“You’re shaking your head at me right now, aren’t you?”

“You know me too well. Okay, shock aside, you do sound happy, Ems; like before happy. So I can’t be mad at you for that.”

“I am. I really am,” I say as reach into the fridge, grabbing the bottle of Pinot Grigio. Unscrewing the lid, I pour myself another glass of wine. “Bella, you need to come visit,” I say, as I head back out to the porch. I sit back on my swing and push back gently to start the rocking. “This place is so beautiful and peaceful, it’s just…it’s just where I need to be right now. On the outskirts of town there’s this beautiful lake, I can’t wait to head there for another swim. I’ll pack a picnic and just laze about. I went there on my birthday and it was more majestic up close. When I went there, it reminded me of the feeling I used to get when I’d go to Central Park. It’s hard to explain, but I feel at home here. Like I’m meant to be here in Nels Cove.”

“I’m so happy for you, chicky babe. Now, tell me about this cottage you rented, I still cannot believe you did it, but I can tell by your voice that you are happy. And therefore, I’m happy. Besides, if anyone deserves to be happy, it’s you.”

“Thanks. And again, I’m sorry I took off like I did. I just…”

“No, stop, we have discussed that already and it’s in the past. Now, house. Explain?”

“Yes, boss. I miss your bossiness.” We both laugh. “Okay, well, out the front, where I’m sitting right now, is the most amazing porch swing. It was actually the swing that sold me. When you sit in it, it molds to your body, it kinda hugs you, like my couch in the loft.”

“That good, hey?” She’s mocking me right now, but I don’t care. I’m in my swing, with wine, and I’m happy.

“Maybe even better. I spend heaps of time out here. As for the rest, it’s a quaint little two bedroom cottage, it’s a little run-down at the moment, but a part of my renting it, is to restore it.”

“Ummm, you know nothing about renovating.”

“Not renovating, more like a facelift: gardening, cleaning, maybe splashing a bit of paint around here and there. Besides, I’ve watched enough Masters of Flip to know what I’m doing, and I’m just as stylish and awesome as Kortney.”

“Yes, you are, but I still maintain you have no idea what you are doing.”

“Oh, pish posh. I can do this, and if I can’t I’ll just hire someone.”

“That sounds more like it. A sexy country boy handyman.” My mind flitters to a shirtless Chase wearing nothing but a tool belt. At that vision, I shake my head; I don’t need to be thinking of Chase like that. Besides he’s an ass…a sexy ass, but still an ass. Thoughts of Chase pass and I focus on Bella again, who is still going on about sexy cowboys.

For the next two hours, Bella and I talk just like we used to and drink wine as if we are together. She fills me in on all the gossip I’ve missed over the last twelve months. When I can get a word in, I tell her about my trip and how I’m looking at heading to Australia next to catch up with Kenzie, Jordan and the girls. “You are not going to stay with them, are you? They could be serial killers. You’ve seen Wolf Creek.”

“Ha, you and your imagination. I don’t think they are serial killers, besides they have the two cutest little girls I have ever seen.”

“Serial killers can have kids, you know?”

“Oh my God woman. They are not serial killers, but to appease you, when I get there I will not stay with them. I’ll book into a hotel, happy?”

“Yes, I’m happy with that.”

“You do know that a serial killer could still get me in a hotel, right?”

“Shut your face, woman. Just let me have this. You don’t want to know all the things that I imagined happening to you over the last ten months.”

Hearing her say that, I burst out laughing. Once I have composed myself, I say, “I never realized how much I missed you. There were so many times that I wanted to pick up the phone and call you, but I knew that if I heard your voice, I’d crack and come home if you asked me to.”

“I missed you too. I felt lost not being able to talk to you, but Elena made me realize that you had to do this.”

“My Elena?”

“No, she’s mine now.”

“Did you just poke your tongue at me as you said that?”

“How did you know?”

“’Cause I’m awesome and I know you too well.”

“Let me guess, you were mimicking me chatting away with your fingers.”

“You got it. See, we know each other too well.”

“You are my sister from another mister,” she says and I imagine the grin that I can hear in her voice. It would most likely be a mirror image of mine. I’m smiling, a genuine happy smile right now.

“Damn right I am.” Sadly, I add, “Bels, you are all the family I have now.” Sighing deeply, I wipe away a stray tear. “I’m sorry if I hurt you when I took off, but it was just something that I had to do.” Tears are silently streaming down my face now, my happiness from only moment ago has disappeared and I’m filled with sadness. My emotions are like a rollercoaster at the moment. “I miss them so much, Bella.”

“I know, Ems, I miss them too. And I miss you. I know that you had to take this trip for you to heal. Don’t get me wrong, I was pissed and hurt when you first took off, but I went to see Elena. I actually went to see if she had any suggestions on how I could get you to come back, but she made me realize that you needed this escape. She mentioned that you contacted her a few times and that, oddly enough, gave me peace. Knowing that you were safe and happy was all that mattered in the scheme of things.”

“Bella, you are too good to me,” I say on a sob. “I love you.”

“Love you too, chick, but I need to go. I have a late date tonight.”

“Oh, have fun and be sure to SOS me if you need an out.”

“I should be fine, this is date number three and you know what that means.”

Together we both sing, “Bom-chicka-wow-wow,” before we burst out laughing.

“Okay, go have fun on your date. I’m going to finish this bottle of wine and continue to chillax on my porch swing.”

“Have fun and we will chat in a few days.”


We say our goodbyes and after hanging up, I settle back into the swing to watch the sunset and finish my bottle of wine.

* * *

The next morning, I’m feeling a little worse for wear, so I decide to head to Tiff’s for a greasy breakfast. Since there is no McDonald’s and I can’t get my usual hangover cure—a double quarter pounder with cheese and a diet Coke—I will settle for one of Curtis’ greasy feasts and a super-duper large coffee. After a quick shower, I put on my black capris, a pinkie-purple, flowy tank, and my blingy flip-flops. Then I grab my car keys and drive over. Yes, I drive three blocks, but I just can’t face walking today.

Luck is on my side and I get a spot right out front. Opening the front door, the bell rings, and I cringe; that was super loud. The volume increases when Tiff starts laughing like a hyena. She walks toward me and envelops me in a hug. “Big night?”

“Ugh, shoot me now. I sat on the phone with a friend from the city, drinking wine and catching up.”

“That’ll do it every time. Want one of Curtis’ hangover specials?”

“God, yes. And a super-duper big coffee too, please.”

“Coming right up. Take a seat anywhere, it’s pretty quiet this morning.”

“Thanks, I’ll sit in my usual corner.” When I say this, she grins like a cat. I wonder what that’s all about, I think to myself as I walk over to my booth in the back. Sitting down, I grab my phone and check Facebook while I wait.

Tiff brings my coffee over. I add my sugar, quickly stir it and take a big sip. The warm caffeine goodness instantly makes me feel better. I close my eyes and savor the flavor and the feeling of the coffee coursing through my body. When I open them again, Chase is staring back at me intently. Instantly my cheeks darken and I can’t help but smile at him. He nods his head toward me and smiles as he takes a seat at the counter.

Curtis walks over with my greasy feast and I can’t help but coo, “I love you, Curtis.”

“You only love for me for this greasy hangover feast.”

“You bet I do, this is exactly what I need. And then for lunch later, I’ll be get getting a cheeseburger with extra fries.”

“Hungover?” he asks with a hint of sarcasm.

“Your hangover feast kinda gives that away.” We both laugh. “It’s all my friend’s fault. I sat on the phone with her for a few hours last night drinking wine and catching up.”

“Wine will do that every time. Now, if you were drinking beer, you would be fine.”

“I know, I know. Earlier this year I was at the Oktoberfest in Munich and I drank beer for hours and hours. The next day I was fine; no trace of a hangover at all,” I happily say as I remember that trip. “Have you been?” I ask as I pop a piece of bacon in my mouth.

“I’ve never been out of Nels Cove,” he replies, shaking his head.

“Never?” I ask, completely shocked.

“Never. Born and bred here.”

“That’s so cool, Curtis. Haven’t you ever wanted to explore though?”

“Why would I? I have everything here. My lovely wife,” his eyes drift toward Tiff and they lovingly smile at each other. “Don’t tell her that though.”

“Your secret is safe with me,” I say with a huge smile on my face, then a pang of sadness hits when I think about Brian. He and I used to look at each other like that. I’ll never have that again, I sadly think to myself. When I look up again, Curtis is still talking about how wonderful Nels Cove is, and I find myself once again smiling. “Well, I’ll let you get back to your greasy feed. When you’re ready for your burger, you sing out.”

“Thanks, Curtis.”

He shuffles back to the kitchen, and on his way past he kisses Tiff on the cheek. I find myself both happy and sad. I love seeing couples so in love, but at the same time it guts me because Brian is no longer here and I’m no longer part of one of those couples. The smell of my bacon and eggs pulls me back into the present and I dig into my breakfast. Soon I’m moaning in delight, this is way better than a McDonald’s hangover feast. In between mouthfuls, I flag Tiff down and order another coffee.

She delivers my coffee and clears my plate away. I pick up my mug and take a sip, my eyes drift over to the counter, and I notice that Chase is still there. He’s currently deep in conversation with Sam. He slaps him on the back and they both burst out laughing. His laugh is infectious and I find myself grinning. He spins around and our eyes meet. He winks at me before he turns back toward Tiff. I sit and watch as he begins a conversation with her, and my resentment towards him softens.

He’s so arrogant, with his winking and sauntering all around town, but boy is he hot…and annoying, so very annoying. Once again, my eyes wander in his direction. He’s leaning over the counter and his ass is on display—holy shit—his ass is amazing; you could bounce a penny off his butt. He’s wearing charcoal slacks and they hug him perfectly. All of a sudden, he looks over his shoulder at me. I totally just got busted checking him out. He winks at me again and I swear this time his wink sets my body alight. My cheeks heat with desire and I can’t believe a wink did that to me. I drop my gaze to the table in embarrassment and focus on the coffee cup in my hands. Closing my eyes, I let out the breath I was holding and shake my head.

Looking back up, I see he’s staring at me, all smug and asshole-ish. I glare at him before turning my head and looking out the window. My eyes betray me. I glance back over at counter, but he is no longer there. I deflate a little, but when I turn my head he’s standing outside the window staring at me. Our eyes are locked on one another; everything around me ceases to exist. It’s silent except for the erratic beating of my heart. I’m snapped back to reality when my phone beeps with an incoming text. Glancing down, I freeze as soon as I who its from. Without reading the message, I know what it will be about. I look back up, but Chase is no longer standing there. I don’t know if I’m happy or sad about him being gone.

With a sigh, I grab my coffee and down what’s left. Picking up my phone, I unlock it, and see three sentences staring back at me.

S - Heard you were back.

We need to finalize this NOW.

Call me as soon as you can. S

Not wanting to deal with that just yet, I delete it. It can wait, I think to myself, as I slide out of the booth and head over to the counter to pay.

“Hey, Tiff, just want to settle the bill.”

“It’s all taken care of, sweet pea,” she says with a knowing grin on her face.

“But I haven’t paid.”

“It’s all taken care of.”

I’m looking at her confused when Sam pipes up. “Your boyfriend paid.”

My heads snaps toward Sam. “I don’t have a boyfriend,” I angrily bark, my tone a bit harsher than I intended. I notice Sam shrink back into himself and I feel like a total bitch for being rude. “Sorry, Sam. I’m just confused. I don’t have a boyfriend.

“I just assumed, Chase said to Tiff that he wanted to pay for yours, and that boy does that when he’s getting some.” He winks. “If you know what I mean?”

“I know exactly what you mean, and I assure you, I’m not one of his conquests.” I turn toward Tiff. “Tiff, please return the money to Chase, I can pay for my own breakfast. Thank you very much.”

Tiff just nods at me and goes thru the order receipts. “Yours was $8.75.”

“Thank you,” I reply. I pull out a twenty and hand it over, “Keep the change, Tiff.”

“You are too kind, Emerson. What are your plans for the rest of the day?”

“I’m heading home to laze on the couch and I’ll binge watch something on Netflix.”

“Sounds perfect, enjoy your afternoon,” Tiff says as she scurries back into the kitchen where I hear her yell something to Curtis about her muffins, and that if he touched them, he’ll be on the couch for the foreseeable future. I’m giggling to myself as I walk out to my car.

As I’m driving home my mind wanders to Chase, and the flirting and paying for my breakfast. I don’t know what to make of it, but if I’m totally honest, I kind of like the attention. Maybe I’m ready to move on, but not with Chase. From what I’ve heard, he’s a total manwhore and I don’t need any more complications in my life, but there is something about Chase Archibald that sets me ablaze.




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