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Paradise Found by Sarah O'Rourke (4)


“Well, it’s flat,” Samantha declared with a huff from her crouched position beside their doomed ride, staring at the deflated tire with tired eyes.

“How flat is it exactly?” Armando asked curiously, studying his cuticles thoughtfully as he leaned back against the vehicle’s door.

Exasperated, Sami threw Mannie a narrow look, silently wondering how he’d look as a hood ornament.  “What do you mean how flat exactly?  It’s flat, Mannie!  Flat is flat,” she retorted, barely resisting the urge to start banging her head against the side of their vehicle.  Somehow this rescue mission had run seriously amuck and the rescuers now needed rescuing.  This just proved no good could ever come from revisiting the past, Sami thought grimly, silently resolving to stuff her tragic love affair with Ben Atkins back into the box she kept in the back of her mind and leave it there where it belonged.

“No,” Armando drawled with a slow shake of his dark head.  “There’s all different kinds of flat, chica. Think about it.  There’s flat like that time you tried to make pancakes out of all-purpose flour and a half bottle of tequila.  Then there’s flat like what your ta-tas looked like before you got your first implants.  Then, there’s flat like….”

“You wanna go there?” she asked as she looked over her shoulder and narrowed her eyes at her friend.  “Fine then, I will!  It’s kinda flat like your ass was before Dr. Abdella worked his magic and lifted that shit,” Sami snapped irritably, rolling her eyes as she heard Armando’s howl of dismay.

Dropping his hands to his firm, perfectly rounded buns, Mannie’s eyes burned with betrayal as he looked over his shoulder at his ass.  “You vicious puta!  You swore on your favorite pair of Louboutin pumps that we’d never speak of that again,” Mannie growled, his face reddening as he stiffened against the side of the Land Rover. 

“Yeah, well, all kinds of promises get broken when I find myself stranded on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.  You better hope and pray we’re found soon.  You never know what kind of secrets will come flying out of my mouth once the sun starts to drop,” she threatened ominously.  Running a hand through her hair, she frowned and pressed a hand to her tummy as her stomach growled loudly. 

“You always get mean when you’re hangry,” Armando pointed out grimly.  “Why don’t you have a Snickers bar or something and feed your inner bitch before you draw blood with those claws of yours.  Specifically, my blood!  We both know I’m too pretty to look good with scars, chica.”

Rolling her eyes, Samantha rose back to her feet as she made her way towards the back of the SUV.  “I would, but you ate the last one over an hour ago.”  Frowning as she noticed Armando’s fingers moving across his iPhone, she huffed out an irritated breath.  “How in the hell are you even getting a cell signal out here in the boonies?  I lost signal for mine two hours ago.

Biting his lip, Armando shrugged quickly.  “Just lucky I guess.  God knows how badly I need my technology, amiga.  The Big Guy upstairs always looks out for me.  And a big, fat whoopsie on eating all our snacks,” he murmured with a weak smile at her.  Shifting guiltily from one foot to the other, he sighed.  “What can I say?  I’m a stress eater.”

Rolling her eyes, Sami turned back to her rented vehicle.  “He’s stressed?  My life is imploding, and he’s the one who scarfs down the last Snickers bar,” Sami muttered under her breath as she opened up the back hatch.  Raising her voice, she peered around the side of the SUV. “You’re lucky, though, my friend, because I’m willing to forgive everything if you’ll just tell me you know how to change a tire,” she offered hopefully as she lifted up the carpet and located the spare tire.  It looked smaller than the one on her ride now, but it was round and rubber.  It was going to have to work because there was no way she wanted to still be sitting on the side of the road out here in the sticks once the sun went down.

Staring at Samantha as if she’d sprouted a second head, Armando scoffed, shaking his head as he lifted his smooth, soft hands for her to see.  “Do these look like hands that change tires, chica?  I change ties, si!  I’ve even been known to change a tiara now and then if the occasion calls for it.  And I know I change my mind about things on a regular basis.  But a tire?  No,” he declared tersely, with a shake of his head.  “These hands do not change tires.”

“Great.  That’s just great, Mannie!” Sami shouted as she stomped her foot against the ground, coughing as she kicked up a dust cloud, “Maybe you can offer your tiara or tie to the bears when they come out of the woods tonight and try and eat us!” she suggested, making a wide arc with her arm as she spun around to gesture at the woods.  “Because that’s what’s gonna happen if we don’t figure out a way to put the spare tire on this vehicle and get the hell out of here!  Do you fancy being the appetizer or the entrée for the animals tonight, Armando?”

Opening his mouth to reply, Armando’s face lit up with pleasure as Sami registered the sound of a car approaching and slowing.  Turning around, she, too, felt her face transforming into an unconscious smile as another SUV pulled over behind them on the side of the road and a long limbed man slowly climbed from behind the wheel.

Dressed in faded jeans and a soft looking blue flannel shirt with a shiny gold star pinned to its pocket, the dark haired stranger approached them with a kind of slow caution born from years of experience.  With one of his large hands resting lightly on the butt of the black gun that was holstered in the tool belt around his slim waist, the man’s face appeared both friendly and kind.  “Hello, there!” the man called out in greeting.  “I’m Sheriff Zeke Monroe, and y’all look like you could use a little help right about now.”

“Oh, my, my, my,” Mannie breathed appreciatively as he eyed the long-legged lawman up and down.  “Once upon a time, I could have definitely used your kind of assistance, Sheriff.”

“You’re married, Armando,” Samantha reminded her friend dryly under her breath.

“That’s why I said ‘once upon a time’,” Mannie returned sadly, still looking at the sheriff with hungry eyes.

“For God’s sake, he’s wearing a wedding band, Mannie!” Sami hissed as she nodded at the gold band shining on the sheriff’s finger. 

“So am I,” Mannie murmured, wiggling his own platinum band in Samantha’s face.  “Besides, I’m just looking and everyone knows there’s no crime in looking.  It’s harmless.  Like window shopping.  Isn’t that right, Sheriff?” he asked the lawman with a flirtatious smile.

“Well, I’m not sure my wife would agree with you, sir,” Zeke replied uneasily, a red flush beginning to climb up his necks.  “She’s mighty territorial.”

Smacking her pal’s hand away from her face, Sami frowned at Armando.  “Get a grip, Mannie, before I decide to call your husband,” she threatened before looking at the other man standing in front of them. 

Nodding absently, Armando smiled at the sheriff.  “Make sure you Facetime him.  Believe me, he won’t want to miss a sighting of this particular native.”

“Please ignore my horny friend, Sheriff.  He hasn’t seen his hubby since early this morning, and I think he must be missing his attention.  They’re still newlyweds.”  Pursing her lips, she looked from Mannie to the sheriff and back again.  “As for you, Mannie, would you knock it off?  It’s obvious you’re scaring the poor Sheriff, and since he’s got a big gun strapped to his side, that’s really saying something.”

Clearing his throat, Zeke focused his attention on Samantha.  “Uh, ma’am.  Are y’all in need of some help out here?  It looks like you’ve got yourself a flat,” he remarked, glancing at the deflated tire on the Land Rover.

“You could say that, Sheriff.”  Nodding her head toward the spare, she continued, “We’ve got another tire, but neither of us knows how to change it.”

Making his way over to where Sami stood beside the back of the SUV, Zeke eyed the spare tire and shook his head.  “I’m afraid that one’s not gonna work for you anyway.  It’s gone flat, too.”

Closing her eyes, Sami fought the scream rising in her throat.  Why did God have it in for her today?  She’d made a generous offering at her church’s service last Sunday.  She been nice to all the old folks and children she’d run into recently.  Hell, she’d even told Molly’s husband Devil (her frenemy – emphasis on the enemy part of that word) that he looked nice in his new suit when she’d seen him yesterday.  And yet, God still seemed to be mad at her.  It felt like Jesus had, indeed, taken the wheel where her life was concerned and was determined to drive her over the proverbial cliff.  “What do you mean my spare tire is flat?  It’s a spare.  By default, it should be inflated, right?” she questioned herself in a near whimper.

“Well, ma’am, I’m not sure what the problem is, but this spare is definitely not gonna work,” Zeke informed her with a sympathetic look.  He must have noticed the glassy sheen of tears in her eyes because he quickly asked, “Where were you two headed this afternoon?  How much further were you gonna be traveling?”

Feeling her throat begin to thicken with tears, Sami forced herself to take a deep breath.  “We’re trying to find a town called Paradise,” she answered tightly.  “Although, I personally think they should have named the place Hell since I’ve seen absolutely no indication this so-called Paradise exists.”

Chuckling, the sheriff crossed his arms over his chest.  “Well, I can assure you you’re close to arriving there, ma’am.”

“How close?” Sami asked swiftly, turning to narrow her gaze on the sheriff’s badge on the lawman’s chest.

“Let’s just say you’re standing on the city limit.  If you’d been able to go another quarter mile around the bend up there,” he said, gesturing at the curve up the road, “You would have seen the town’s welcome sign.   I’m proud to be the sheriff of Paradise, Tennessee,” Zeke explained with a friendly smile.

Shoulders sagging, Sami hung her head.  “So basically I just stood here and insulted the town to its Sheriff just now,” she replied uncomfortably, feeling her face begin to heat as a wave of embarrassment began to swell over her.  Good grief, leave it to her to make a shitty impression on one of the town’s most prominent residents.  When she fucked up, by God, she did it with flair.

“It’s okay.  I’ll cut you some slack,” Zeke returned in a kind voice.  “Especially since you seem to be having a pretty bad day,” he added with a pointed look at her vehicle.  “The good news for you is the town proper sits only about a mile and a half up the road.”

Thank goodness!  Those words were music to Sami’s ears.  “Please tell me they have a hotel,” Sami begged, lifting her head to level beseeching eyes in his direction.

Zeke made a regretful sound as he slowly shook his head. “Well, technically we do, but…”

“No!  No buts,” Samantha pleaded.  We just need a couple of rooms,” she implored the man before her.  “Two itty bitty rooms.  We could even make one room work if necessary.  They don’t need to be anything fancy.  Clean is all I’m asking for at this point.  And a bathtub would be nice, but I’ll settle for a shower if that’s all that’s available,” she prattled on as she shoved her hair out of her face.  “Please, we don’t even need them for very long.  Just long enough to locate our friend, shove her in the back of our car, and get the hell back out of here.”

“Sounds a lot like you’re planning a kidnapping, Miss…”

“Dixon.  Her name is Samantha Dixon,” Armando supplied helpfully.  “And I’m Armando Savage.  Just call me Mannie,” he invited, holding out his hand for Zeke to shake.  “It’s what all my friends call me, and I think you and I could be great friends, Sheriff,” Mannie gushed.

“Pleasure to meet you, Mannie.  Miss Dixon,” Zeke said, tipping his Stetson toward her as he continued to shake Mannie’s hand.

Sami watched as Zeke carefully extricated his hand as she said, “You, too.  And honestly, we’re not here to kidnap anyone.  Vivian actually belongs to us.”  Seeing the sheriff raise one inky eyebrow heavenward, Sami huffed.  “What I mean is we merely want to remind our friend that she lives in Atlanta.  Not Paradise,” she informed the sheriff grouchily.  “Though I’m pretty sure the locals up here have tried to convince Vivian otherwise.  Mannie and I are here to remind her that she already has a home.”

“Vivian is one of our best friends.  I know she’ll be thrilled to see us,” Armando interjected helpfully.  “She’s an attorney.  She came up here to work on some big case for a positively delicious former drug dealer that’s gone straight.”

Smiling widely, Zeke nodded.  “I know Vivian.  She’s been working with my brother-in-law, Abel Turner on the Diego Fuentes case.”

“That’s him!” Mannie squealed, bouncing up and down.  “Isn’t he just the hottest ex-criminal you’ve ever seen?  Those muscles… that mysterious scar on his face…. YUM-MY!” he continued exuberantly with a dramatic shudder.  “It’s enough to make a man swoon from sensual overload!”

Clearing his throat, Zeke’s face reddened.  “Well, I’m not sure about all that, but Diego has been a good friend to my wife and me.  Through him, we’ve gotten to know Vivian a fair bit since she’s been in town.  She’s been a wonderful asset to Paradise County.  A real welcome addition.”

“Sounds like one big, happy family,” Sami declared through gritted teeth.  “The problem is Vivian already has a family.  See, she’s our asset, Sheriff – and has been for a long time.  We miss her a lot, and we’d like her back!  I’m sorry, but she’s not an addition to your town.  We were only lettin’ y’all borrow her for a spell!  I’m afraid that I’ve gotta tell you its way past time for the town of Paradise to return her to where she belongs.”

“I see,” Zeke murmured, trying to keep a straight face.

“Oh, I don’t think you do,” she replied with a frown, not quite liking the amused glint she saw dancing in the sheriff’s eyes.  “And did you just say you and your wife are friends with Diego Fuentes?  Local law enforcement is chummy with a past drug czar?” she asked disbelievingly.  “Isn’t that a huge ethical conflict?”

“It’s a long story,” Zeke replied with a shrug.  “But Diego isn’t guilty of nearly all the sins he’s been accused of committing.  He’s a good man.  At least, he’s trying to be.   Your Vivian is helping a lot with that and thanks to her hard work, he’s been acquitted of all charges.”

“Exactly,” Sami returned with a stiff nod.  “You said the magic word. Acquitted.  Meaning, Vivian’s job has been completed and she can come home,” she stressed insistently.  Eyeing the lawman in front of her critically, she had to wonder if he knew something she didn’t about Viv.  “Viv is okay, right?  I mean, she’s still here, isn’t she?”

“She is,” Zeke replied quickly.  “Saw her at the café just this morning and she seemed just fine.  She mentioned having a full day ahead of her, but that isn’t anything abnormal when you work with my brother-in-law.”

“Then why the devil isn’t she answering my calls?” Sami huffed, throwing her arms in the air.  “And what in the world is she busy doing if the Fuentes case is closed?”

“I reckon you’ll have to talk that over with Miss Vivian,” Zeke replied slowly.  “In the meantime, we’ll have to find you somewhere to stay since the hotels are booked up.”

“We’re in the middle of nowhere!  How the hell can anything be booked up?  There’s nothing to do here! No shopping.  No museums.  No anything!” Sami yelled, clamping a hand over her mouth as she realized she’d just shouted at the town sheriff.  “Sorry,” she mumbled around her hand.  “I guess I’m a little frazzled after the drive and our tire mishap.”

“Don’t mind her,” Armando said, waving a dismissive hand toward Samantha.  “The real problem is she’s just a little hangry.  She gets that way when she gets tired and forgets to eat.”

“Especially when somebody steals my Snickers bar and eats it,” Sami returned out the side of her mouth.  “I’m pretty sure I could press charges for theft, couldn’t I, Sheriff?” she asked, glaring at a now innocently whistling Mannie.

Nodding his understanding, Zeke gestured toward his vehicle.  “It might be easier for me to just find you some food.  Less paperwork,” he replied with a wink at her.  “Why don’t I give you two a ride to the restaurant in town?  My wife owns it with her sisters and I promise you can get a great meal.  It’s Friday, too, so it’ll be even better.  Catfish night at the I Don’t Care Café. And my wife’s hush puppy recipe will blow your mind.”

Sami’s stomach turned at the thought of eating those fried bottom feeders.  Catfish were the scum of the river in her opinion and there was nothing edible about them.  “Yum,” Sami replied unenthusiastically.  Good God, she wasn’t even sure when she’d last had something fried. It had to have been at least five years.  She could feel her arteries clogging from this conversation alone.

“Or if your health conscious, I’m sure she can rustle you up something.  Her grilled chicken salad is amazing.  She makes her own honey mustard dressing from scratch and after you taste it, you’ll never want anything else,” Zeke continued, noting Sami’s curled nose as his eyes ran up and down her petite frame.  “While you eat, I’ll call the local garage and have them tow in your Land Rover and fix the tire.  It shouldn’t take too awful long.  I’ll also try to locate you a couple of vacant hotel rooms, but I have a feeling your best bet will be to rent a couple of rooms out at the Quack & Rack Hunting Lodge.  I know Axton Calhoun, the owner.  He a good guy and owes me a favor or two.   In fact, it’s where Vivian’s been staying while she’s been in town. We might not look like we’ve got much going on in Paradise, but I assure you we do have a thriving town here.  Right now, there is a tractor show going on for the next week and we’ve got a lot of visitors who have claimed most of the rooms in town at the hotels and motels.”

“Ooohhh…. A hunting lodge, Sami!  Doesn’t that sound so fantastically rustic?  I wonder how big the owner’s gun is, chica?  Do you think he keeps it as locked and loaded as our studly sheriff?” Armando enthused as he linked his arm through hers.

“Would you please get your mind off the swinging dicks around here and onto what’s truly important? “ Sami muttered, her cheeks burning with embarrassment as the sheriff stifled another laugh.

Holding out an arm toward his own SUV, the sheriff ushered them toward the vehicle.  “The good news is my wife just texted and said she just saw Vivian at Abel’s office a few hours ago so we can give her a call when we get to the restaurant and have her meet you there.   Hopefully, she can convince you we’re not holding her here against her will,” Zeke remarked, holding the back door of his SUV open for Samantha to slide inside.

Smiling stiffly as she climbed inside the vehicle, Sami knew it was going to take more than a few pretty words from Viv to convince her she hadn’t been sucked up into some kind of crazy community cult.


An hour and a half later, Samantha couldn’t help smiling at Honor McKinnon Monroe as she slid a huge slice of coconut crème pie in front of her.  “Oh, no, Miss Honor,” she denied sweetly, holding up a graceful hand to stall her.   “I couldn’t possibly eat another bite.  If I do, it’s going to go straight to my hips,” she tried to murmur demurely as she eyed the fluffy white merengue covering the pie filling, privately thinking that not only did she want this slice of heaven, but she wanted to devour the whole damn pie.  Good Lord, but this woman could cook!  She’d eaten at five star restaurants that didn’t have food this scrumptious.

“Well, I certainly can help with that, chica.  Slide that delicious pie my way,” Armando offered eagerly, reaching over his own half eaten piece of pecan pie to pull her plate closer.

Smacking his wrist sharply, Sami glared at her grabby friend.  “That’s mine,” she hissed, pulling her pie closer to her side of the table as Honor laughed beside them. 

Rubbing his smarting flesh, Armando pouted.  “I was just trying to help you by removing temptation from your reach.”

“No.  You were just trying to help yourself to my pie,” Sami corrected, pointing her fork toward him.  Next time, you’ll lose a finger,” she warned as she slid her fork smoothly through the pie, spearing a bite and lifting it to her lips.  “Mmmmm,” she hummed as the burst of flavor exploded over her tongue.  “This is soooo good, Miss Honor,” she moaned, savoring the creamy texture before swallowing another bite.  “Best pie I’ve ever tasted.”  And it was the truth, too.  Sami had been all over the world modeling, but she’d never had food as good as what she’d put in her mouth the last hour.  She’d never met people as friendly either, she thought to herself as she looked up into Honor’s beaming face.

“I’m happy you like it.  You eat all you want, Samantha.  Trust me, your hips and all the rest of your body will be just fine,” Honor assured her in a sweet voice.   “Everyone deserves a treat now and then.  Let yourself indulge a little bit.”

Sami nodded as she tightened her fingers around her fork and looked around at the friendly faces surrounding her.  In the past ninety minutes she’d met Honor (the sheriff’s soft spoken and newly pregnant wife) and all three of her unique sisters.  Harmony McKinnon Stone was the eldest and married to a former DEA agent.  Next had been the mouthy, but funny Patience McKinnon Turner who was married to attorney, Abel Turner – the man Vivian had been working with the last few months.  Lastly, she’d met Faith McKinnon Turner.  Faith and Patience had each married twin brothers and her husband Cain was a physician at the hospital.  Most remarkable of all the women she’d met this afternoon, however, had been Orla McKinnon, the McKinnon sisters’ elderly aunt.  If Sami could have bottled that woman’s energy and sold it, she’d be a millionaire.  Orla and Armando had become fast friends, almost instantly bonding over the difficulty in finding a good man with a big package in the world today.  It didn’t matter to either of them that they each already wed a great man with a good sized package.  Apparently, it was still a prevalent worry today.

Sami hated to admit it, but she actually liked these exceptional women and the little town where they lived.  And if she liked them and it, she imagined Vivian had already fallen in love with Paradise.

Which would make coaxing Viv into coming home a challenge.

“And don’t you worry either, Mannie.  I’ll box you up a few slices to take with you.  Zeke called and said he had your keys waiting over at the Lodge.  You got lucky.  They only had two bedrooms left,” Sami heard Honor soothe her friend.  “And Axton’s housekeeper makes crepes that will melt in your mouth.   Her breakfasts are the talk of town, y’all!”

“I can’t imagine getting better food than we’ve had here,” Sami replied truthfully, shaking her head as she licked her fork.  “Seriously, Honor, your desserts are gourmet quality.”

“Oh, no,” Honor denied bashfully.  “It’s just plain food for good folks, but I’m real happy you both are enjoying it.  I’ll make sure to put some of our chocolate fudge cake in a box for you, too.  Y’all will have a midnight snack for later.”

“You are just too sweet, snookums.  I wish I could just put you in my pocket and carry you back to Atlanta with me,” Armando thanked Honor profusely.  “Did you hear that, Sami?  I’m getting cake for the road, too.”

“No. We are not getting cake for the road.  I am.  You already stole my Snickers.  Don’t come for my cake, too,” Sami warned as she jabbed him with her fork.

“Don’t worry,” Honor declared with a soft laugh.  “I’ll make sure to include enough for both of you in the container.”

Looking at her over her shoulder, Sami’s smile widened.  “I swear, if you hadn’t already been snapped up, I’m with Mannie.  I’d load you in the SUV and cart you back to Atlanta with us, Honor.  We need a wonderful restaurant like this where we’re from, don’t we, Armando?  Sheriff Monroe is a lucky man.”

Blushing slightly, Honor’s gaze dropped as one hand lightly touched her gently rounded belly.  “I’m the lucky one, y’all.  I put that man of mine through the ringer before I finally said yes to him.  The fact he never gave up on loving me will never cease to amaze me.  The day I decided to be brave and seize the future I wanted with Ezekiel was the best day of my life.  I nearly wasted my chance at a happily-ever-after with him, Sami.  But what I’ve learned is when love is true and real, it will find a way to bloom.  Even in the darkest, dankest climate.  Sometimes it takes a day and other times it takes a lifetime, but if it’s what God has planned, there’s no avoiding it.”

Chilled by the wisdom in the young woman’s words, Sami bit her lip.  “You really think so?” she asked, keeping her eyes on Honor’s serene face.

“Oh, honey, I know so,” Honor returned softly.  “I’m living proof.”

“I guess I’m jaded,” Sami admitted with a small shake of her head.

Honor merely smiled.  “Don’t worry.  This town has a way of changing a person’s perspective.  Stick around, Miss Dixon.  You might just find your own piece of Paradise in this little town of ours.”

“I doubt that, hon,” Sami denied dryly.  She’d had her one shot at happy, and she’d lost it.  Now she just hoped for finding a way to be content with the way things were for her. “But I’m definitely seeing this place a little differently than when I arrived.”  Leaning back in her chair, she shot Honor a look as she tried to think of a way to change the subject to something a little lighter and brighter.  “I still wish we could talk you into opening one of these little cafes of yours in the city though.  Maybe you should think about franchising.  Seriously, I think you’re sitting on a hidden goldmine here.”

“Nah,” Honor replied with a sweet smile.  “My sisters and I never had big city dreams.  All we’ve ever wanted can be found right her in Paradise.  You stay with us long enough, and I guarantee you’ll feel that way, too.  This place will weasel its way into your heart whether you want it to or not.”

“Oh, I’m not sure about that, but I’m glad you have someone like the sheriff that makes you that happy.  I guess when the right one comes along, you know it,” Sami noted softly as she longingly watched Honor’s hand curve protectively around the tiny mound of life nestled in her belly.  Staring at where the other woman’s unborn child rested, she silently acknowledged she’d seen the right one come along only to reject him.  Perhaps it had been stupid on her part, but she’d been trying to do right by him in the long run.  “Unfortunately, that’s not something I’m likely to experience.  At least not again,” she murmured, forcing her gaze away from Honor’s stomach.

The other woman offered her a small smile.  “Don’t be so sure of that.  The thing about Paradise is that our bread and butter seems to be in making sure miracles don’t stay so impossible,” Honor shared softly as the door behind her opened and a bell tinkled, announcing the arrival of yet another café customer.

“Armando!  You did get her up here, you sexy beast!   I knew if anybody could manage to get our prickly pal up here it was you, mi amigo!” Samantha heard a familiar voice squeal happily before the voice was overtaken by the clickity clack of a pair of incredibly high heels as footsteps hurried toward their table.  Seeing Armando rise from his chair beside her and turn to embrace the newest player in the riveting southern drama currently unfolding around her, Samantha frowned as she caught a whiff of her best friend’s expensive perfume.  “Vivian?” she breathed as she watched her dark haired pal hug Armando like he was her long lost brother.  Blinking several times as she tried to process what she was seeing and hearing, she shook her head and tried to make sense of what was happening.  Relief at finally seeing a happy and healthy Vivian Miller warred with confusion.  What did Viv mean that Armando had “gotten her here?” Hadn’t they been the ones hunting for Vivian?

Waiting until Viv released Armando and turned toward her, Sami pursed her lips and shook her head as she got a good look at the raven haired woman dressed in a vibrant red suit that virtually screamed badass feminine powerhouse.  Still compact and curvy, Viv looked mostly the same, although it did appear as if she’d gained a few pounds.  Hardly a surprise after the scrumptious late lunch Sami had just shoved in her mouth.  Sami knew that if she was stuck in this town longer than a few days, she’d need to go up a size or two in her clothes, too. 

Holding up a quelling hand when Vivian would have moved in for a hug, Sami lifted her chin and glared at her so-called best friend.  “You can hold it right there, you treacherous wench!” she demanded, her eyes sparkling with fury.  “Keep your hug for now and explain just where in the hell you’ve been, Vivian Ann Miller, and why the hell have you not been returning anyone’s phone calls?” she drilled as Samantha’s eyes met those of her shifty looking gal pal. 

“Well….that’s a bit complicated, Sami,” Vivian hedged as her forehead furrowed and she exchanged a wide-eyed look with Armando.  “Maybe you’d like to sit down and talk…”

“No.  Absolutely not!   I don’t wanna sit down. I’ve been sitting for hours… you know, on the drive up here to find your ass.  As for talking?  No, I don’t wanna talk to you.  You could have talked to me by answering any of the hundred and fifty phone calls I’ve made.  You know what I’d like?  I’d like for you pull the pin on this little clusterfuck and tell me exactly what’s going on here,” Sami ranted, cutting Vivian off before shooting Armando a hard look when he would have opened his trap to defend their mutual friend.    

“Okay…I know you’re upset,” Vivian began in that tone she used to soothe her agitated clients.  It was a tone Sami had heard Viv use many times… just never with her.  And it only pissed her off even more.

“I’m not upset, Viv.  I’m pissed.  Severely friggin’ pissed!  See, I thought Armando and I were on the same page,” Sami began, gesturing between her and her abnormally silent co-captain of this trip from hell.  “We thought you’d gone and gotten yourself kidnapped by a bunch of redneck renegades or something up here in the mountains!  Especially since your case with this Fuentes fella was done weeks ago.  Yet, you’ve still got your ass parked up here in this so-called Paradise!   Yesterday, when Mannie mentioned that maybe it was time to stage a rescue mission, I was the first one in the damned car.   That’s what you do when your best friend since we were both running around in pigtails doesn’t come home when they’re supposed to!  Mannie and I were convinced we were gonna find you up here being held hostage by some homegrown He-man!  But here you stand…,” she yelled, gesturing to where Vivian stood, simultaneously managing to look both elegant and shamefaced.  “You sure look safe and sound, hale and whole. Heck, unless I need glasses, I’d say you even seem more than a little guilty, too!  Tell me, did you stage this whole damned thing with Mannie?” Sami continued to rail, throwing out an arm toward the tall, nervous looking man and nailing him with another furious look that promised gruesome death to every single one of his designer neckties if a good explanation wasn’t forthcoming real soon.  “Spill it, you two!  What chaos have you two criminal masterminds managed to concoct between you?”

“No one has staged anything, Samantha.  Well, not exactly anyway.  The worst we might have done is conspire a tiny bit,” Vivienne soothed calmly.

 “And what we did was for your own good, mi amor!” Armando interjected firmly.  “Especially with all the drama you’ve had lately.  You’ve been surrounded by sleazebags for way too long.  We needed to get you away from all that nastiness before something truly bad happened.  Or are you gonna lie and say you haven’t been on the cusp of having a nervous breakdown for months?  The people that love you all decided that it was time for us to act!”

Silently fuming, Sami looked between her two friends as the few people still seated around the café’s tables seemed to hold their collective breath.  Reminding herself to take deep breaths, she slowly reached down to grab her oversized Gucci handbag from beside her feet.  “Armando,” she began slowly, “At the moment, I have more than a few doubts regarding your ability to decide what’s best for anybody’s own good including your own, but we can discuss that later.  Vivian, it’s time to grab your Manolos and head toward home.  We can talk about all of this on the ride back to Atlanta.  As much as I’ve enjoyed my brief stay in Paradise, I’m ready to hit the road.  Since you’ve been off the radar, a lot has happened.  I’m not sure you realize it, but my career is currently tanking and unless I find a way to resurrect myself into the hot new thing of tomorrow and shave ten years off my age, I’m going to be just one more has-been hottie!”

“Honey, I’m sure things aren’t that bad,” Vivian automatically comforted.

“Ha! Let’s just say that I’m in a little bit of personal and career crisis.  According to my modeling agency, I’m over, Viv,” Sami shared unhappily as she fought a fresh wave of tears.  Man, admitting the truth out loud was more painful than she’d anticipated. 

“I’m sure that’s not what they said, Sami,” Vivienne consoled Sami gently.

Closing her eyes to keep her tears from falling, Sami swallowed painfully.  “You’re right!  Their words were a whole lot less kind, but the consensus was that Samantha Dixon is officially too old to be a supermodel!  In the words of my agent, my boobs just no longer have the bounce they need in this business and my body had exceeded its shelf life.”

“Those assholes don’t know what they’re talking about, Samantha.  Maybe they’re doing you a favor in the long-run though.  This is the perfect time for us to sit down and re-assess everything, and this is the perfect place to do it,” Sami heard Vivian declare adamantly as everyone in the café seemed to shift in their seats, each one intent on watching this episode of the Sami Shit Show.  God, how could this be her life?  When had she become some kind of walking, talking reality show for the masses?  And had Viv finally gone and lost her tiny mind?  There was no way she was staying in this hole-in-the-wall town to reflect on her life!  She was going home!   ASAP!!

Frowning at her friends, Samantha shook her head.  “What?  No!  I’m going back to Atlanta to lick my wounds in peace.  Now that I know you’re okay, we can get you packed up and leave tomor-“

Shaking her head, Vivienne sighed and interrupted.  “You can’t do that, Sami, and neither can I.”

Shouldering the strap of her handbag, Sami reminded herself that shrieking at the top of her lungs and lunging for her best friend wouldn’t solve anything... no matter how much Viv might deserve it at the moment.  And with her luck, her photograph would end up on the front page of whatever rag passed for a newspaper up in these parts…and that certainly wouldn’t help her rapidly fizzling career as a model.  Not unless mountain chic had suddenly become a thing in the few hours she’d been away from home. 

Nope, she was certain there was absolutely no reason she needed to stay in Paradise.

Not a single reason at all.  





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