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Rook: Devil's Nightmare MC (Devil’s Nightmare MC Book 3) by Lena Bourne (19)



"Wake up, gorgeous," Rook whispers into my ear. Then his lips brush against mine, travel across my jaw, down my neck, sending tiny whirlwinds of sparkles all through my body.

I crack my eyes, moan as he kisses my neck hard. I was having a great dream, one filled with love and laughter, but this is better. It's the middle of the night, the full moon higher in the sky than it was when I fell asleep in his arms.

"It’s the middle of the night. Why'd you wake me?" I ask coyly. "Just because you can't control yourself?"

He answers my question with a deep, long kiss, burying me under his hard, huge body, making me feel safe and secure the way no one else ever has.

"Not entirely," he says breathlessly and winks at me. "One more quickie and then we have to hit the road."

"What? Now?" I ask, but he doesn't answer, just kisses me again, leaves my lips tingling, my whole body bursting apart from the desire they woke in me. Soon my mind is empty of any questions, any fears, just full of my need for him.

His hard cock is pulsing against my belly, his kisses growing deeper, hungrier, more unstoppable, making my head spin with the desire they bring.

"I need you inside me, big man," I whisper hoarsely amid a moan, as his lips travel down my neck again.

We both freeze for a second, his eyes awash with the moonlight shining outside as he stares into mine. I know what he's thinking, what he's marveling at, because I'm marveling at the same thing. I haven't asked for it like this yet, with true desire and need borne only of our passion. I used to ask all the time back before it all went to hell.

But I'm not letting those bad memories in right now. Not discussing them, nor thinking about them. Not after this dream he's spinning into reality. I'm just going to let it suck me in, let it happen, let it become my life once more.

So I shake my head and lay my hands over his cheeks, pull him down and kiss him, push my tongue into his mouth without waiting for his to enter mine first. But I dig my nails into his shoulders as it does, my hands controlled by the passion I feel for him.

"What are you waiting for?" I ask and run my nails over his back, down to his hips, spreading my legs wider as I pull him closer.

He grins and finds his position, sinks his cock into me in one smooth motion, taking my breath and, for a split second, making me think this was another of my poor decisions, as it fills me inch by fat inch. But that flash of doubt vanishes with the rest as he pulls out again, then gives it to me slowly, opening me up the way only he can. Because he was my first, and, in my mind, he was also my last. But it's not over yet. No. This is only the beginning.

And then even those thoughts get chased away by the fast approaching wave of hot pleasure, which I know will burn everything in its path.

He's breathing hard and groaning. I'm moaning and whimpering and trying to let this last. But there's no escape, no stopping the orgasm that's coming. I can already feel its searing devastation licking at the edges of my soul.

He starts thrusting into me harder, deeper, making me feel every inch of his fat cock, but not just between my legs. I feel it higher in my chest too, feel it in my heart and in my head, in every movement and every breath. Soon, it's all I feel, all I know, all I want to know.

I scream out as the searing wave of my orgasm reaches me, yell so hard it rips up my throat. But it tears something else too. It tears a hole through the sheet that's been keeping my old self safe all these years. She can come out now. There's no need to hide anymore.

And she will. As soon as my heart stops beating so very fast, as soon as I can breathe again, as soon as I can see. But right now, all I know is how very close I am to the man I love. So close we're as good as one.

* * *

"OK, we have to get ready now," Rook says and rolls off me, before I've even fully recovered from the blinding orgasm we just shared.

I moan in response, try to grab him and make him stay next to me, but my strength is nowhere near back yet.

"Do we have to?" I ask.

He's already sitting at the edge of the bed and pulling on his pants, which should give me my answer.

"Trust me, I want nothing more than to fall asleep next to you,” he says and grins at me over his shoulder. “But we have to cross the border, and it's better to attempt that at night."

That sobers me up, sends my heart pounding again and not in a good way. "What if Silvio has people waiting for me there?"

He shakes his head and gives me a bemused half smile, which is his version of rolling his eyes. "We discussed all this already. I know at least a dozen safe places to cross without being spotted. But if you're that worried, you can always hide in the trunk. Now get dressed."

"Fine, fine," I say and get up too. He's right. We've been over this at least twenty times since he told me he's taking me to his home in California.

"I'm not riding in the trunk," I add as I search for something clean to wear in the pile of clothes on the writing desk by the window.

He grabs me from behind, making me shriek, since I had no idea he was standing so close.

"It might be safer if you do," he says teasingly as he holds me close, his fingers digging into my soft belly in the most enticing way. "And all I want to do is keep you safe."

I lean my head back against his shoulder and smile at him. "I know. And all I want to do is let you, but sometimes you do bite off more than you can chew, big man."

He grins and nips my neck. "But more often, I know exactly what I'm doing."

Then he lets me go just as I lean my head back so he could kiss me, and slaps my butt as if I wasn't disappointed enough. "Get dressed, Ines. We have to leave."

I was going to argue some more, make him kiss me, but he sounded so serious, I don't.

He leaves me to it once I start dressing, putting on a bikini first and then one of my new long dresses, and a crocheted sweater over it. My hands are shaking as I stuff the rest of my new clothes into the plastic shopping bags they came in. But I won't let the fear win.

My new life is across the border in the US, it's the only place I'll ever truly be safe, because I know that Silvio will find me if I stay in Latin America. He has many connections and he'll probably find me through them no matter where I go. I'm sure of it. I just hope Rook's home— this Sanctuary he keeps talking about—really is a place Silvio can't reach. For the sake of everyone who lives there as much as for my own.

But I won't worry about that right now either. In fact, I won't think, because otherwise my hands won't stop shaking.

Rook's brushing his teeth when I'm done packing, and I join him by the sink and pick up my own toothbrush. Then I think of nothing, but how good it feels to brush my teeth side by side with him, and how I want nothing but years and years of this kind of closeness. I'll do anything to make it happen. Even hide in the trunk of a moving car.