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Sakura: A Secret Affair: Falling for Sakura Trilogy Book 3 by Alexia Praks (15)

Sakura & the Prince of Hearts

An hour later, the flustered Jane had managed to calm Tara down and brought the woman back into the makeup room. Of course, the photo shoot was delayed, which made Mr. Tachibana, Miss Ruka, and Jason more than a little stressed because of the tight schedule. In the end, Jane suggested they do Sakura with Tristan and Logan first, since she was all ready to go. This would also give Sakura plenty of time after, for a retouch and wardrobe change before her session with Sebastian started.

After a short discussion, the three heads agreed, and some fifteen minutes later, Sakura found herself in the ninth-floor restaurant, along with the crew, the Princeton brothers, and some of the hotel staff.

“Let me just say you’re eye-candy, darling princess,” Tristan said, brushing his fingers across Sakura’s perfectly coiffured hair.

Logan nodded in agreement as he tilted her face to the left. “Simply stunning.” Then his eyes scanned her in appreciation from head to toe, noting the perfectly made up face, stylish chignon, expensive rubies, and, of course, the sexy, long gown that not only enhanced her slim waist, but showed off the shape of her beautiful bosom as well.

Sakura removed Logan’s hand from her chin and said, “Thanks for the compliments, guys. But to be honest, it gets boring and meaningless when it comes too often, especially from you two.”

Tristan raised a brow. “Are you saying our praises are shallow?”

Sakura chuckled. “I don’t mean that. What I’m saying is if you give out praise too often, and so nonchalantly like that, it might make the other party think it’s just an empty compliment, words without meaning.”

“Oh, but we do mean every compliment we give out,” Logan said.

Sakura sighed. “What I’m trying to say is if you compliment every girl you take a fancy to, how will the girl who likes you know that you really mean it when you say it to her?”

Logan shook his head. “Good Lord, you’re confusing us.”

Tristan said, “Are you implying that you are confused? That you don’t know if our compliments to you are for real because we compliment and flirt with every other girl who comes our way?” He leaned closer and asked softly, in challenge, “Are you trying to tell us that you like one of us?”

Sakura chuckled. God, trust them to smoothly turn the tables on her. “No. That’s not what I mean at all.”

From the corner of her eye, she noted Mr. Tachibana, Miss Ruka, and Jason heading their way from the other side of the restaurant. She assumed they must have finished with their discussion. To distract the brothers, she said, “Oh, look, Mr. Tachibana, Miss Ruka, and Jason are coming.”

Tristan and Logan turned to look in that direction.

Tristan said in disappointment, “And we’re having such a lovely conversation, too.”

Logan nodded. “Sakura was about to confess to one of us.” He turned to her. “Unfortunately, that’ll have to wait, darling princess.”

Sakura shook her head. “I wasn’t about to confess.”

Tristan said, “Don’t be shy. We’ll continue with this after work this evening.”

Sakura stammered, “Just to be clear, I wasn’t about to confess, and I have no intention of confessing to either of you two. And no, there will be no continuation of this chitchat this evening after work. Understand?”

Tristan whistled in appreciation of her stipulations.

Logan said, “Princess Sakura is hot when she’s demanding.”

“You two stop it,” she ordered.

Mr. Tachibana, Miss Ruka, and Jason reached them then, and Mr. Tachibana said to Sakura, “You’re blushing.”

Sakura touched her face. “They were teasing me.”

Jason laughed. “Well, it can’t be helped. You are very beautiful today, and those two are a pair of flirts, after all.”

Miss Ruka said, “Why didn’t you two flirt with me like that?”

Logan said, “Sorry, Miss Ruka. We pick and choose who we flirt with.” He then winked at Sakura.

Tristan cleared his throat and then asked, “So, are we starting now?”

Mr. Tachibana nodded. “We want you in the bar area.”

Mr. Tachibana instructed the trio on the poses they wanted from them, while the other Princeton brothers, Akira, Sosuke, and Jane watched on from the other corner of the restaurant.

“Those two still haven’t stopped flirting with Sakura, even when they’re being instructed on what to do,” Conrad said.

Hayden nodded. “They are pretty annoying. I’m surprised Sakura isn’t bothered. And are they even listening to what Mr. Tachibana is telling them?”

Akira chuckled. “I’m sure they are. And anyway, would anyone be bothered if the person they like flirts with them?”

Her comment drew the brothers’ attention, including Sosuke, who asked, “Are you implying Sakura likes one of those two?”

Akira raised her brows at her brother. “My, Sosuke, you sound disappointed.”

Jane eyed Sosuke as well, with interest.

“Don’t be ridiculous.” He folded his arms across his chest as he stared straight ahead.

Akira continued. “I’m just implying that Sakura likes the Princeton brothers very much. That’s all.” She eyed Sebastian and Darcy sharply to indicate that she knew what was happening behind closed doors.

“I mean, I personally wouldn’t be so patient if I were to be pestered all the time.” She chuckled. “There’s so much pestering that there’re even bite marks on her neck. I feel sorry for Sakura.”

At her words, Sebastian and Darcy looked at each other, knowing what she meant.

Sebastian suspected Darcy must have done something to Sakura because Akira had said bite marks, plural. Of course, he had been one of the culprits to leave a bruise on her skin, where everyone could see, to claim her as his, so to speak. But for Darcy to brand her as well?

Sebastian silently turned away to look at Sakura again, attentively nodding her head as Mr. Tachibana explained things to her, which he found adorable.

So, Sebastian thought with a smile playing about his lips, his younger brother was openly challenging him, eh? Well, this would certainly be interesting indeed.

Darcy was frowning darkly as he stared at Logan, who was playing with Sakura’s earring while listening to Mr. Tachibana. Of course, he didn’t miss the smirk playing across Sebastian’s face either, nor the fact that he felt a sort of challenging vibe emitted from the older brother. He knew Sebastian must have suspected that he was the other person who had given Sakura the hickey. Then he wondered what move Sebastian was going to play next where their endeavor to gain her heart was concerned.

Nicolas said, “I didn’t know two of my brothers had turned themselves into pests, sneaking around and giving Sakura hickeys.”

Conrad was flabbergasted at the very idea. “What? Tristan and Logan gave Sakura hickeys? Those two sure need to be taught a few lessons! I think I might just go and punch them after their photo shoot is done.”

Hayden chuckled as he slapped the youngest Princeton. “No need to get yourself involved, young pup. And no, I’m sure it’s neither Tristan nor Logan. Sakura wouldn’t let them touch her. She’s tough, you know. If I remember correctly, she slapped Tristan when he tried to kiss her when we were young.”

Conrad was even more astounded this time. “Really? Tristan tried to kiss Sakura? And she slapped him?”

Hayden shrugged nonchalantly. “It was a bet between Tristan and Logan, in their tweens at the time. They didn’t get very far, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

On the other side of the room, Mr. Tachibana said, “Sakura, you sit there.” He was pointing to the benchtop that was as high as her midriff, even with her four-inch heels on. “Now, let’s get things moving.” He clapped his hands a couple of times to tell everyone they were ready to go.

Sakura raised a hand as everyone shuffled about to their positions. “Excuse me, Mr. Tachibana. Maybe a chair?” she requested.

Beside her, Tristan said, “No worries, princess.” He wrapped his hands around her waist and effortlessly lifted her into the air like a doll.

“Oh.” Sakura made a sound as Tristan popped her on the benchtop. “Thanks,” she said, wiggling her body about to get into a comfortable position. “That was easy.”

Watching, Hayden said, “Sakura must be pretty light.”

Nicolas, Sebastian, and Darcy said in unison, “She is.”

Akira teased. “Sounds like you three have experience?”

The trio nodded in unison, too. “We have.”

Sitting on the benchtop, Sakura noted the other Princeton brothers watching her. Sebastian and Darcy especially. Why are they frowning?

She moved to the left a little, per Mr. Tachibana’s instruction, while both Tristan and Logan, in sleek, powerful suits, stood on either side of her, oozing so much hotness that the female staff were gawking. Tristan rested his arm on the bench, slightly wrapping it around her waist. Meanwhile, Sakura was directed to place her slender arm around Logan’s neck as he leaned in toward her. Their position set, the camera started clicking away enthusiastically.

“Move a bit to the right now, Sakura,” Jason said. “Closer to Tristan.

Sakura shifted a little.

“Good. Lift your head a bit more and turn slightly to the right. That’s it. Toward the light.”

Sakura did so, and then the camera went click, click, click. Of course she did her best to look poised and elegant, but the dress was tight, constricting her tummy and chest, which made it hard for her to breathe. So it was rather uncomfortable. Thank God she hadn’t eaten much during lunch.

The camera clicked continuously as Mr. Tachibana said, “Good. Move a bit to your left now, Sakura. Logan, move closer.”

Logan did and even rested his handsome face close to Sakura’s breasts, which only made Sebastian’s and Darcy’s frowns turn darker.

From where he stood in the corner of the room, Sebastian said, “Play nice, Logan.”

Logan chuckled and flashed a thumbs-up. “Understood.”

Jason paused and said, “Okay, Sakura, now cross one leg over the other.”

“Cross my legs?” she asked.

At Jason’s nod, Sakura sucked in a deep breath and then moved her body as she tried to modestly cross one leg over the other. But of course, the side slit of the dress wasn’t helping as she tried to cover herself.

“This damn thing,” she muttered under her breath.

Jane said loudly, “Sakura, are you okay?”

Sakura nodded. “I’m fine.”

Mr. Tachibana said, “You’re supposed to be showing off your legs.” He came over and helped her arrange herself by parting the slit even more.

In the end, Sakura thought she probably looked like a sexy showgirl, wearing this dress and posing in such a position on the bar, with two hot men beside her. Logan wrapped one arm around her waist while his face was half buried in the crook of her neck. Tristan rested his hand on her bare leg, while her hand, in turn, rested over his shoulder.

“Perfect!” Mr. Tachibana said, and more photo shooting continued, lights flashing enthusiastically.

Jane giggled. “It looks like Sakura is hoarding all the hot men to herself, doesn’t it?”

Akira nodded. “Yep. Like I said, it’s a real-life reverse harem, Jane. It can’t get better than this.”

When Jason finally said, “That’s it, guys. It’s done,” Sakura sighed in relief and remembered to breathe properly again.

“That went far too quickly,” Logan said.

Sakura wasn’t listening to the man as she carefully wiggled her body, trying to make her way down from the benchtop.

She was halfway when Logan said, “Be careful, darling.” He helped her by wrapping his arm around her waist and guiding her down.

Once her feet were planted safely on the floor, she said, “Thanks.”

It was then that Jane came to whisk her away again to change. As they headed toward the door, Sakura noticed Tara and Alaina, who were ready for their shoot. Tara was, of course, glaring at her. Sakura ignored the woman and hurried away, thinking of only the relief she would have after she took off the dress.

Some twenty minutes later, she found her relief was short-lived as she stared at her image in the mirror, particularly her breasts, which looked as though they were about to spill out of the cocktail gown.

“Are you sure this is the same one I tried on when I had the fitting back in New York?” she asked Jane. “I mean, it’s awfully tight now and the length seems shorter...” She glanced down at herself, noting the flounced tulle skirt that she was sure would probably show her panties if she were to bend over.

Jane said adamantly, “Yes, it is the very same one. It’s a little tighter and shorter because Mr. Tachibana changed the design a bit last week. But that’s the world of fashion for you, Sakura.” She chuckled. “Bear with it.”

Sakura sighed. “All right. At least it’s only with Sebastian, so I won’t feel too uncomfortable.”

Jane cocked her head to one side. “So, if it wasn’t with Sebastian, you’d be uncomfortable?”

Sakura blushed. “Yes, of course. Darcy, too.”

Jane giggled. “I’m sure the two will be pleased to hear that.”

After the initial shock of seeing herself in such a provocative cocktail dress finally wore off, Sakura found she had gotten used to her looks and, more importantly, to the tightness and baring of her flesh. This was because she had time to relax in the makeup room while Tristan and Logan had their photo shoot with Tara and Alaina.

“It’ll take some time,” Kay said, smiling at Sakura. “They just finished the last one and then they have to set up equipment in the other room.”

“I see,” Sakura said, nodding.

It was half an hour later when Jane finally came to call her, and by then, Sakura felt rather sleepy. Her eyes were droopy and her cheeks flushed pink as she got up from her seat.

Jane giggled. “You look like you’re about to doze off.”

Sakura nodded. “I was. I didn’t know setting up the equipment would take so long.”

As they headed out the door, Jane said, “There was a bit of an issue with the lighting. But everything’s fine now.”

Sakura nodded, and a few moments later, they came into the presidential suite, one of the most expensive rooms in the hotel.

“Wow!” Sakura said as she eyed her surroundings. “This place is beautiful.”

Everything was tastefully furnished in a gold-and-white theme—the antique sofas and armchairs, the mahogany desk, the coffee table, the elegant vase full of exotic blooms near the window, and of course, the double glass doors leading outside to the balcony, which, no doubt, had a great view of the sea.

Jane nodded. “It is, isn’t it? I heard it’s one of the most expensive rooms in the entire hotel. I wish I could stay here.”

Sakura nodded in agreement. “Me, too.”

“Really?” Sebastian asked softly behind her.

Sakura gasped in surprise at the sound of his sensual voice. She licked her lips, finding them suddenly dry. She turned around to face him.

“Hello,” she greeted. “Wow.” Her eyes widened in appreciation once she had a good look at him. “You look different.”

“Different good or bad?”

She smiled. “Both, I guess. I must say you look rather superior. Like, I mean... way out of most girls’ league is my meaning.”

She wasn’t lying. In that expensive suit, with his blond hair combed back and that sapphire stud in his left ear, Sebastian looked handsomely powerful and arrogant, a man on top of the world, indeed, ruling the world. Not to mention the fact that he was so striking that she found she couldn’t stop staring at him.

“I could say the same about you,” he said teasingly. “Wow. You look like a spoiled little princess who’s allowed to be seen but not touched.” His eyes seductively appraised her from head to toe.

Sakura didn’t miss the fact that his gaze lingered about her neck and breasts a bit too long, which affected her in a sensual way.

She blushed and turned hastily away. “Are we ready to go?” she asked Jane, avoiding Sebastian’s eyes.

She knew he found her reaction amusing, what with that smirk playing across his face. But she couldn’t help it. The way he looked at her unsettled her. And damn, her heart hadn’t stopped racing, either.

It was then the other Princeton brothers came through the door, and Logan whistled. “You look hot in that dress, Sakura.”

“Sexy as hell!” Tristan said, followed by a whistle.

Sakura wasn’t paying attention to the brothers simply because she was too aware of the vibe Darcy was giving her. Again?

She glanced in his direction and saw his impassive face. Suddenly, the right side of her neck tingled, and she touched the spot gently and carefully, as if it were hot.

Sebastian noticed and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Sakura shook her head. “It’s nothing.”

Of course, Sebastian knew it wasn’t ‘nothing’ when he saw Darcy gawking at her. And damn, but what man currently in the room wasn’t staring at the girl? She was hot, wearing a strapless cocktail dress with a flounced tulle skirt that showed plenty of rosy pale skin, slender legs, feet in a pair of glittery gold heels, and gorgeous boobs that were perfectly framed by the sweetheart beaded satin top.

Yes, Sakura was eye-candy, and certainly very hard not to notice. She was strikingly beautiful, and Sebastian knew it was hard for Darcy, as well as him, not to feel just that little bit fearful that some other guy might come and snatch her away, that little bit insecure that they would lose her while she was in the midst of gaining so much attention.

Sebastian glanced at Darcy again, noting the impassive expression. Suddenly, Darcy flicked his eyes to him, and Sebastian gave his brother a smile.

Darcy waved in return and moved, along with the others, to the back of the room, where it was safe to watch the photo shoot without interfering with their work.

Some fifteen minutes later, after Mr. Tachibana had finished with his instructions as to how he wanted them to pose, Sakura found herself half kneeling on the antique sofa while Sebastian was wrapping one arm around her small waist.

“Wow,” Akira said, chuckling. “That is one very intimate pose.”

Jane nodded in agreement, while the Princeton brothers frowned darkly, especially Darcy.

“All right,” Jason said. “Ready?”

At Sakura’s and Sebastian’s nod, the camera began clicking and the lights flashing.

As they posed, Sakura didn’t miss the fact that Sebastian’s hand around her waist was indeed firm and the heat exuding from his body was intoxicating. She tried not to look at his face, but of course, that was impossible since they were nearly nose to nose.

“Sakura, move closer and wrap your arms around Sebastian’s neck,” Mr. Tachibana directed. “And hold your cute ass a little higher.”

Sakura blushed. What?

Sebastian must have guessed she didn’t like the sound of Mr. Tachibana’s instruction, and chuckled in amusement. “It’s only a photo shoot, Sakura. Do as Mr. Tachibana said.”

She sighed and reluctantly moved about on the sofa. Of course, her tight, short dress wasn’t helping either, showing way too much of her legs. God, she hoped her panties weren’t showing.

In the end, she found herself half reclining on top of Sebastian with one arm around his muscular neck while the other rested about her hip, posing. Sebastian seemed very comfortable indeed, resting back on the sofa, one hand tight about her waist while the other gripped her bare thigh. And then click, click, click.

Throughout this pose, Sakura was very aware that Sebastian had his eyes fixed on her, which made her nervous. When she couldn’t stand it anymore, she whispered, “Sebastian, stop staring at me.”

He chuckled in amusement. “It’s hard not to stare when you’re so close,” he whispered seductively. “If you move in closer, we’ll be kissing.”

She blushed. Through the disguise of a beautiful smile she whispered, “I thought I told you to stop seducing me, Sebastian Princeton.”

“Indeed you did, princess,” he retorted. And just to show her who was boss, he tightened his grip about her waist and pulled her to him.

Sakura gasped in surprise and lost her footing. She found herself collapsed against him, straddling him in a very unladylike position.

“Sebastian!” Tristan shouted from the distance. “What the hell are you doing? Act professional, you damned flirt.”

Chuckles of amusement from the spectators followed this, while Mr. Tachibana said, “I like the new pose. Keep going.”

The camera continued to click while Mr. Tachibana and Miss Ruka encouraged them to act even more intimate.

Sebastian took everything in stride and, in fact, dared to be even cheekier by slipping his hand under her skirt. Of course, he didn’t go any higher than mid-thigh, but the implication was clear enough. He wanted people to see how far he could go and how close he was to Sakura.

Indeed, people did see, especially Darcy, whose frown was menacing. The brother had had enough watching and decided to leave the room to get some fresh air.

While all this was happening, Sakura whispered to Sebastian, “You’re enjoying yourself, aren’t you?”

Sebastian gave her a grand smile that made most females in the room drool and wish he were smiling at them instead. But of course, Sebastian only had his eyes on one girl, and she was right there, currently intimately embraced by him in front of the camera and about twenty other people in the room.

“Yes, I am. And you?”

“Not really,” Sakura replied. “Do you have any idea how tight this dress is?”

“I can see that.” He admitted. “Though, the view from here isn’t bad.”

Sakura blushed at his suggestive words. Indeed, he was currently eyeing her breasts, which were barely contained by the sweetheart cocktail dress.

“Stop being such a flirt,” she demanded as she raised her head and turned slightly to the left, away from him. Then she posed elegantly as she smiled at the camera.

“Good,” Jason said.

Mr. Tachibana nodded. “Sebastian, move up a bit more. Sit straighter. I want you to look more possessive this time. Be in command. Sakura is your girl. Show us who’s boss.”

Sebastian was only too happy to oblige. In a split second, he made Sakura sit on his thigh, and he was in control of her. And then the camera continued to click.

Throughout this new pose, Sakura tried to be as relaxed as she could possibly be, but being so close to Sebastian wasn’t easy, especially with him touching her so intimately, with his warm breath fanning her skin. Her body became weak and too warm for her liking, not to mention the fact that she simply wanted to snuggle up in his arms and just let him kiss her senseless.

But of course, she couldn’t possibly let her guard down and succumb to her own desire, since this was a professional job, after all. She dismissed the sensual thoughts from her mind and continued to pose and gaze at the camera as the photo shoot continued and Mr. Tachibana and Jason instructed her on her next pose.

Finally, when Jason said, “Done,” Sakura sighed in relief and moved to get out of Sebastian’s arms.

The man, however, wouldn’t let her go and asked, “What’s the hurry?”

What’s the hurry, indeed? Sakura thought. Had he any idea that if she were to stay in his arms a moment longer, she’d lose all sense and let him do the unthinkable? Let him kiss her right there in front of so many people?

She sighed. “I have to get changed for my next photo shoot, Sebastian. Please, let go of me.”

“All right,” he said reluctantly, though his arms were even tighter about her waist. “In a moment. I’m currently enjoying this position.”

Sakura eyed him, noting the passionate azure eyes that never ceased to fascinate her, eyes that made her fall even deeper in love with him. It was then that she came to realize Sebastian Princeton was a very possessive man. What was he trying to show the world? That they were dating? That she was his?

Dating, indeed. His, indeed.

Suddenly, Sebastian’s possessiveness reminded her of Darcy. She realized then that Darcy, too, was very possessive where she was concerned, clearly shown by the way he had passionately kissed her at lunchtime, and openly wished she would be his. However, she felt his form was more of the submissive, fragile type, whereas Sebastian was dominating, in control. Needless to say, they were complete opposites of one another.

The very thought of Darcy made her eyes dart around the room in search of the man. When she noted that he was nowhere in sight, she breathed in relief at the fact that he had not witnessed her intimate scene with Sebastian. She didn’t know why, but the thought of him seeing that didn’t sit well with her. Was it because she knew he’d be upset? Or jealous? And she didn’t want to hurt him.

Oh, God. Her heart ached at the thought.

Sebastian noticed her eyes scanning the room and then her pained expression. He gently removed his arms from her waist. “Are you looking for Darcy?” he asked.

Sakura licked her lips as her eyes flicked back to his face. “Erm...”

“I saw him leave a while ago,” he said. “Are you worried?”

Sakura didn’t know Sebastian was so perceptive, especially where her feelings were concerned. She nodded in the positive. “I don’t want him to be upset seeing us like this.”

Sebastian said, “I’m sure he can handle it. He’s a man, after all, and a Princeton at that.”

Sakura was about to say something when Jane appeared behind them, cutting her off.

“Come on, Sakura. Time to change,” the woman said.

Sakura nodded and then moved off of the sofa. As the two girls left, Nicolas, Hayden, and Conrad approached Sebastian.

Nicolas said, “Sakura looks a little troubled.”

“And Darcy left a while back,” Hayden said. “He probably didn’t feel comfortable watching you acting so intimate with Sakura.”

Sebastian nodded as he said, “I know. I’ll find him and talk to him.”




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