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Sakura: A Secret Affair: Falling for Sakura Trilogy Book 3 by Alexia Praks (21)

St. Thomas Island

It was three hours later when the group arrived at their destination, St. Thomas Island, a forty-acre tropical retreat privately owned by the Princeton family.

As they docked, Sakura marveled at the crystal-clear water, palms, and native flora spread out across the island and the shore where a white sandy beach stretched beautifully and invitingly. Sitting on a gentle sloping hill was the great house, designed in the Balinese style with open windows, which allowed three-sixty-degree views of the specular ocean beyond. Then there were the tennis courts as well as the beach house, pool, and not to mention the outdoor bar area.

“Wow!” Sakura exclaimed as they were leaving the yacht; her eyes wide as she gazed around her with amazement. “The island is beautiful.”

Behind her, Conrad said, “It’s your first time here, isn’t it? The view is the best, and of course, we have tons of places we can explore on the island, as well as numerous water sports we can do.”

Sakura chuckled. “Water sports, eh? I’m thinking more of the relaxation thing, like chilling and swimming.”

Beside her, Michael said, “That doesn’t sound fun, Sakura. Water sports are the best, like skiing and stuff.” He laughed. “I can’t wait. I want to water ski.”

Conrad tousled his hair. “You’ll get to do it soon enough. Now, let’s just chill and enjoy the evening.”

Sakura agreed with that, and she followed Conrad and Michael up toward the awaiting staff who were standing by what looked like golf carts.

Michael asked, “Are we riding on those to get to the great house?”

Conrad nodded. “We can walk if you want. It’s not far. But riding is fun, too.”

Michael chuckled. “I’ll ride.”

Some ten minutes later, they arrived at the great house. Upon entering the main door, Sakura and her family and friends came into the foyer.

Tristan bowed low like a refined butler. “Welcome, everyone, to the Princetons’ private retreat, St. Thomas Island. Here you’ll find a beautiful house built in the Balinese style, taking advantage of the view and the cool breeze in this very tropical weather. Enjoy a few sets on the tennis court. Relax and swim all day at the beach house and pool. Explore the tropical forest full of wildlife and booby traps—perhaps even get completely lost and seriously injured.”

Beside him, Logan shook his head as he said, “Shut up, Tristan.” He nudged the man to the side. “Yes, there is wildlife in the forest, and yes, it is a bit dense and you could get completely lost if you don’t know your way about, but no, there’re no booby traps. Tristan just made that up.

“Anyway, snacks and drinks are waiting in the living area to the left. Beth, Tristan, and I have worked very hard on it, so please enjoy, and don’t forget to praise us.” He winked at Sakura, expecting her to shower him with compliments.

Standing in front of him, Sakura said, “I’m sure the snacks will be delicious, Logan.”

Mary said, “Yay! Food. I’m starving. Good on you, guys, for thinking about the pregnant lady.”

Logan beamed in delight. “You’re always starving, Mary.”

She nodded. “I swear I wasn’t like this before I got the bump. Now I’m a balloon and seem to always be starving.”

Beside her, Peter chuckled. “I like that you eat a lot.”

Mary didn’t like the sound of that and slapped her husband on the shoulder. “Are you trying to make me fat?”

He shook his head in denial. “Nope.”

As Sakura filed into the living area along with everyone else, she glanced around, looking for Sebastian and Darcy. Of course, they were nowhere to be found.

Beside her, Logan asked, “Looking for somebody?”

Sakura shook her head. “No. Not really.”

Logan chuckled. “Darcy and Hayden are busy. There’s a bit of a bad weather coming in tonight, and they need to make sure the staff and the place are prepared for it, in case there’s a disaster. Not that we’re expecting one, of course. And Sebastian, Nicolas, and Dad, I assume, are still at the yacht.”

Sakura nodded. Of course, she expected they had to prepare for the horrible weather tonight. Though, she wasn’t sure if a tropical storm was that bad around here. Conrad did say it was going to be a mild one.

Once inside the living area, Sakura marveled at the spacious room designed in the Southeast Asian-style decor. To one side was an enormous dining table lined with snacks, and of course, beside that was the bar area where, unsurprisingly, Tristan was currently serving.

Sakura gladly asked for a glass of cold apple juice.

“Here you go, darling sis. Enjoy.”

Sakura thanked him and then drank the delicious nectar to her heart’s content, as did everyone else at the moment, enjoying the food and drinks as well as the cool breeze and picturesque view of the ocean before them. Beth made sure everyone was comfortable, hydrated, and fed, which was typical of her.

It was some half hour later when Daddy James, Nicolas, and Sebastian turned up, along with a few of the male staff members who maintained the property of the island. They were bringing in luggage and leaving it in the hallway.

While the men gathered around and started drinking and chatting, Sakura and the girls decided to take their luggage to their rooms and explore the place.

After Beth had shown the Suzuki family, Mary, and Katherine to their bedrooms along the southern wing of the house, the jolly woman then led Sakura to the west wing.

“It has the best view in the evening when the sun is setting,” the woman said.

Sakura nodded as she looked around her in wonder. The place was huge, and especially along this corridor it was particularly cool, which was pleasant in the hot, humid weather.

“It’s very spread out, isn’t it? The great house? Tristan said it’s built in the Balinese style to take advantage of the view and ventilation.”

Beth nodded. “That’s right.”

It wasn’t long before Beth opened a door, indicating this was her room. As she walked in, Sakura looked around with interest, obviously liking what she saw.

In the middle of the room was a bed, neatly made with white linens. To one side sat a small sofa, two chairs, and a coffee table. In front of her were large, opened windows that overlooked the wonderful view of the beach and ocean below.

“Wow!” She turned to Beth, her eyes shining. “It’s nice here.”

Beth chuckled. “It is, isn’t it?”

She was just putting her luggage near the bed when she wondered why Akira and everyone else had their rooms in the south wing instead of the west.

“Beth, I saw other doors along this corridor. Those are bedrooms, right?”

Beth nodded. “That’s right.” She came over and hugged Sakura tightly, which took the girl by surprise.

When the jolly woman moved back, Sakura asked, “What’s this all of a sudden?”

Beth said, “I feel like I haven’t seen you or talked to you for ages, what with all the hoo-ha happening in the last few weeks, and then there was your modeling work... Gosh, just look at how skinny you are. But never mind about that. Now that you’re on vacation, I’ll make sure to fatten you up, my girl. Like I said, who’s going to want to date you when you’re so skinny?”

Sakura chuckled. “Thanks, Beth, for always loving me and taking care of me and worrying about me.”

Beth cocked her head to one side. “That’s my job as the housekeeper, and I’ve known you since you were a little girl, just skin and bones. Not that you’ve changed much there. Your eating habits are disgraceful.”

That made Sakura giggle. “It can’t be helped. I was very busy with work, you know.”

Beth shook her head. “Still, there’s no excuse for that. Your health is one of the most important priorities in life.” She frowned severely. “And why are you being all mushy suddenly? Stop that.” She turned on her heel and headed to the door abruptly. “Now, I have a lot to do before dinner. Come and help if you have time, won’t you?”

Sakura nodded. “I will. I’ll just do a bit of unpacking first.”

“All right,” Beth said before she disappeared.

Once the door was closed, Sakura collapsed on the bed, a smile playing about her face. At last, she thought, she could relax and enjoy herself. For two weeks, she didn’t have to think about anything. Not work. Not modeling. And not anybody. Although, she must admit she missed Toby terribly. She wondered what her beloved dog was up to now with his mischievous behavior. She hoped the playful pup didn’t give the housekeeper too much trouble back in New York.

She turned over onto her side, loving the feel of the cool, fresh linen against her skin. It smelled nice, too, and she sighed in wonder.

A few minutes later, she got up and began exploring her room. Apart from the obvious, she noted another door, which she assumed must lead to the bathroom. When she opened it, she found she was spot on. The bathroom was exotic, designed in the Asian style just like the rest of the house. There was a large window that had a great view of the beach, too.

When she came back out, she started unpacking and hanging her clothes in the closet. Once she finished, some twenty minutes later, she thought about exploring the place a bit more.

Outside in the hallway, she noted the other doors and couldn’t help but wonder who resided in those bedrooms. Of course, she had the feeling it must be the Princetons and wasn’t surprised she was put up in a room in close proximity to them, for safety reason she was sure. Although, she must admit there was no point in such precaution, since they were on St. Thomas Island, a privately owned estate. The retreat was completely isolated, and security, she was sure, was tight.

To get here required a three-hour boat ride from the main island of Hawaii, and to request a landing also required permission from the security team and, indeed, the authorization from the Princetons. So, really, there was no need for Daddy James and the brothers to be so cautious where she and her safety were concerned.

Sakura turned her attention to the end of the hallway then, and noted a door leading outside. When, a few moments later, she came through it, she chuckled in delight. “Wow!” She found herself on the balcony, complete with picnic tables and sun umbrellas. The place was exceptionally large and spacious with a wonderful view of the forest and beach. This, she thought, would be a great place for a little party, especially during the evening when the sun was setting.

She surveyed her surroundings with intrigue, her eyes squinting against the bright sunlight as she gazed off into the distance. God, but the ocean was breathtakingly beautiful, what with such pristine blue water, which seductively enticed her to take a dip. Yes, she’d do that tomorrow. In fact, she imagined she’d be swimming and lazing around at the beach during the majority of the vacation. Conrad had also mentioned there was a coral reef nearby, and she wondered if she could go snorkeling and exploring the beautiful underwater world.

She shaded her eyes with her hand as she expressed again, “Wow!” That was when she noticed the stairs mysteriously leading downward. Because she was a curious person, she enthusiastically started descending.

It was unexpectedly long and winding, and Sakura noted it was probably about three flights high. When she came to the landing some five minutes later, she chuckled with delight. This place was actually a beautiful exotic garden full of tropical flowers and fruit trees as well as a perfectly manicured lawn and bushes shaped in adorable animals, like a rabbit, cat, caterpillar, and birds.

“Wow!” she couldn’t help expressing again, in enchantment. “Just, wow!” She chuckled as she appreciatively took in the exotic scenery and strolled about, enjoying the sweet scent that was so uniquely tropical. This, she thought, was the smell of St. Thomas Island. This was indeed paradise. Heaven.

She bent over and inhaled the aroma of a bunch of roses, delighted. “Beautiful.”

“It is, isn’t it?”

Sakura jumped at the sound of that manly voice and hastily turned around. The moment she saw Darcy, her heart skipped a beat. She licked her lips and then greeted the man. “Hey.”

Darcy, who had just returned from a security check, came up to her and stood close. He was so close, in fact, that Sakura could feel his warm breath fanning her skin. Of course, she didn’t miss the passionate gaze of his eyes on her person either.

“Hey,” he greeted softly in return. Then, before Sakura could say anything, he leaned in and planted his lips against hers, kissing her ardently.

Sakura was at first surprised at the unexpected contact, but he smelled so good—probably because he’d been immersing himself in the beautiful tropical surroundings—and tasted so sweet—probably because he’d eaten some tropical fruit—that she found she couldn’t help herself and surrendered to his intoxicating kiss. She groaned in delight as she felt his tongue pressed hard against her lips, urging her mouth to open for him.

When she finally obliged and parted like a flower blooming, he eagerly plunged his tongue in and kissed her, wildly and intensely.

Sakura felt her knees turn to jelly and her body quiver in delight as she clung to him for support. She groaned some more as he kissed her deeper, his tongue stroking, playing, and dancing exotically with hers.

When he finally moved back, she was breathless and dazed, collapsing against him.

Darcy embraced her tightly as he said softly into her ear, “Sorry, but I can’t seem to help myself when I see you.”

Sakura chuckled in amusement. “I know,” she said. “That’s your way of greeting me, then? Kissing me?”

He chuckled. “Yes. And how was the trip?”

Sakura moved back a little to look at the handsome face she had so dearly missed seeing since she woke this morning.

She nodded as she said, “It was good. And the island is so beautiful, by the way.”

“It is, but then again, I’ve been here so many times, it kind of became normal for me.”

She beamed at him. “You lucky thing. I wish I had gotten to come here sooner.” The moment she said that, she regretted it immediately. Really, how could she have been able to come here during her childhood when her relationship with the brothers had been rocky at best? Not to mention both Tara and Alaina as well.

“Sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to imply anything nasty.”

Darcy shook his head. “I wish things between us had been better back then. And yes, I wish you had been able to come here sooner and spend more time with us, but... But now isn’t too late.” He gave her a dashing smile that put her heart at ease.

She was about to kiss him to show him her appreciation of his thoughtful words when Michael’s voice came to them, interrupting.

“Hey!” the boy shouted from the middle of the stairs. “Sakura! Darcy!” Then he raced down. Behind him was Akira, chuckling merrily as she descended.

Sakura stood rooted to her spot as she and Darcy watched the two heading their way. A moment later, Michael said, “Wow! This place is nice.”

Akira nodded as she looked around. “Awesome garden.”

Michael asked, “Darcy, tell us about the garden. Please?”

Darcy chuckled. “All right,” he said. “Since the staff works so hard to keep the place in such perfect condition, they and the garden deserve some much-needed appreciation.” He looked around them at the charming place. “The garden is inspired by the Alice in Wonderland tale, so we call it Alice’s garden. Notice all the animal-shaped bushes? The rabbit, the cat, the caterpillar, and the flamingos?”

“Oh,” Akira said. “The white rabbit, the Cheshire cat, the caterpillar, and the flamingos from Alice in Wonderland.”

Michael nodded. “Oh, that one. It’s more for girls, isn’t it? That story?”

Sakura chuckled. “I guess so.”

Darcy said, “There’re a few paths at the edge of the garden.” He pointed to ones to the left, right, and rear. “That one leads to the forest, that one to the beach, and that one to the front of the great house and the beach house down the hill.”

“Wow!” Michael said. “We can play hide-and-seek here. And I want to walk up to the forest.”

Darcy nodded. “We can do that anytime,” he said. “But not tonight.”

Akira said, “I heard there’s bad weather coming. But it’s hard to believe, since it’s so nice right now.”

Sakura had to agree with that.

It was then Conrad and Hayden appeared on the balcony. From the distance, Sakura could see them waving their hands.

“Hey,” Conrad called down.

Hayden shouted, “Come on up, guys. Let’s help prepare dinner.”

“Oh, I almost forgot about that,” Sakura said, chuckling. “I did promise Beth to help prepare dinner.”

“Even though there’s staff for that?” Darcy asked.

Sakura shrugged. “She asked me to, but I assumed she just wants to spend a little time with me.”

Darcy nodded in understanding, not forgetting that Beth loved Sakura as much as any of them, since the woman had practically helped his parents raise her, back on St. Joseph Island.

A few minutes later, Sakura, Darcy, Akira, and Michael, along with Hayden and Conrad, joined the others in the living room, where the men went straight to the bar area looking for some cool drinks. Meanwhile, Sakura, Akira, and Michael headed over to the kitchen to help Beth and the maids prepare dinner.

The evening meal was delicious and the atmosphere light and fun. As usual, it was loud and cheerful, with Tristan and Logan entertaining everyone. There was an endless supply of scrumptious food, as well as various sorts of drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Apart from Beth attending as the housekeeper, there were the maids working to ensure the Princeton family and their guests were comfortable and enjoying themselves.

Sakura thoroughly relished the hearty feast and found that by the end of the banquet, she was stuffed and felt as though she couldn’t move an inch. Of course, the wine Tristan constantly poured into her glass didn’t help either. After three glasses of champagne, her head was spinning, and she kept wanting to lie down and go to sleep. Then by the time she’d finished devouring the delicious dessert of chocolate cake, baked by Beth, she felt as though she’d had enough and simply wanted to switch off.

Beside her, Akira asked over the loud noise of laughter and chatter, “Are you okay?”

Sakura leaned over and said, “I think I’m about to fall asleep on the dinner table.”

Akira laughed. She couldn’t help herself. “But you slept all morning.”

Sakura nodded, her eyes droopy. “I know... but the wine...”

Akira agreed. “I noticed. You’re not very good with it, are you?”

“Not really.” Sakura admitted. “I get really sleepy after a few glasses. That’s my side effect.” She chuckled.

“I see.” Akira looked around the table and noticed the men, Sosuke included, were currently talking about a topic that didn’t much interest any of the girls. Her Aunt Haruka, Mr. and Mrs. Princeton, and Beth had already left and were currently sitting in another room, tucked away in the far corner of the large house, perhaps chatting away and enjoying coffee as adults do after dinner.

Akira said, “How about we go to the sitting room and enjoy some peace and quiet?”

Sakura nodded eagerly. “That sounds great. We can leave the men to enjoy their drinks and whatever they’re talking about.”

When the two excused themselves, Mary and Katherine offered to join them as well. Hence, the four girls left the dining hall and headed across the foyer to the other side of the house, toward the sitting room. Once they entered the quiet sanctuary, Sakura eagerly rushed over to the sofa and reclined on it as she released a long, satisfying sigh.

Mary chuckled. “You sound exhausted.”

“Rather. I’m sleepy. That cunning Tristan, he kept pouring me wine, and now my head is spinning.”

Eagerly sitting in the comfortable armchair, Mary said, “Typical of him.”

Katherine sat on the other armchair while Akira lay on the sofa opposite Sakura.

“That was the best meal ever,” Akira said. “The seafood is top notch. Loved it. Just loved it.”

Katherine agreed. “Yep, one of the best meals I’ve ever had, as well. I agree with the seafood. It’s so fresh.”

Mary said, “We are surrounded by the sea, after all.” She chuckled. “So, the seafood has to be that good.”

Akira nodded.

It was then Mary leaned forward and started a completely new and girly topic. “So, Akira, about you and Nicolas...”

That made Akira blush instantly and Katherine chuckle in amusement. Sakura secretly smiled as she watched the Japanese woman looking uncomfortable.

“Typical of you to bring that up,” Katherine said.

Akira asked, “What about me and Nicolas?”

Mary chuckled. “Oh, don’t try to sound innocent, Akira. That kiss during the game back at the holiday house told everyone what you two are up to.”

Akira adamantly said, “We’re up to nothing, if you really want to know. Honestly, it’s hard understanding that man and what he wants. Or whatever he’s trying to imply. He’s so confusing...”

As Akira went on about Nicolas’s perplexing character, Sakura closed her eyes, feeling blessed and content. She didn’t know how long she lay there enjoying the cool, evening breeze and the soft chattering of the girls’ voices as she started drifting off into a slumber.

When she was jerked awake again, it was to the sound of thunder. She gasped in surprise, her eyes flashing open as her heart raced at the raucous noise. Her body shook in reaction as she slowly sat up.

“Oh my, that was a loud one,” Mary said. “Ugh! I hate storms.”

Akira said, “Conrad did say it’s a mild one, didn’t he?”

Katherine said, “Who knows? It can change just like that, right? Especially in the middle of the Pacific like this.”

Now fully awake, Sakura watched in awe the darkening sky outside through the windows. Thick clouds were gathering and heavy rain began lashing down, dripping and pelting the windowsills. Suddenly, a flash of lightning webbed across the heavens. Then a few seconds later, loud rumbling of thunder roared across the atmosphere, which caused Sakura to shiver in trepidation.

The sound and the dark, chilled mood reminded her of her childhood when she used to have nightmares. Back then, she had always rushed over to hide in the closet. Then Daddy James would find her and take her into his arms.

Now, she still had that anxiety every time she heard thunder rumbling across the sky, even more so when they were on this island because the noise was so intense, so close.

“Sakura, are you okay?” Akira asked. “You look a little pale.”

Mary turned her attention to her friend. “You don’t like thunder much, do you?”

Sakura shook her head. “No, I don’t.” She moved to sit up straight on the sofa, her heart still pounding loudly in her chest. It was then Michael appeared at the door and rushed over.

“Hey, did you see outside? And did you hear the thunder?” he asked the girls excitedly.

Katherine chuckled at her stepson. “You like thunder?”

Michael nodded. “It’s cool.” He turned to Sakura then and said, “Come on. It’s a good time to play some games. Akira, too. I’m getting bored.”

Akira cocked her head to one side. “What game do you think we should play?”

Michael said, “Sakura told me we could play hide-and-seek, or we could tell scary stories.”

Akira thought about it for a moment and then said, “You know what? How about we freshen up and change into our pajamas and then meet up in my room. Then we can tell each other scary stories. I know a lot of very scary Japanese ones.”

Michael looked excited. “Really? Awesome.”

Akira turned to Sakura and asked, “How about it?”

Sakura nodded. “Sure, that sounds fun.” She turned to ask Mary and Katherine. “How about you two?”

They both nodded in agreement.

A few moments later, Sakura was heading back to her room when she noticed Michael coming along with her. She stopped in the middle of the corridor and asked, “Why are you following me, Michael? Your room is in the southern wing with Katherine and your dad, isn’t it?”

Michael said, “I promised Sebastian to take good care of you when he’s not around.”

At his answer, Sakura smiled. “Well, he is still around, isn’t he? I mean, he’s not here right now, but he’s still in the house.”

Michael nodded in agreement. “That’s true. But I’m still walking you to your room.”

Sakura sighed. “All right, then. Do as you please.”

The boy smiled with glee, and the two headed toward her bedroom. Once they were there, Sakura said, “I’m here now, safe and sound.” She chuckled. “See you later, then?”

Michael said, “I’ll come and get you in thirty minutes. Be ready by then.”

God, he sounded like the Princeton brothers, and she had no doubt the boy would grow up to be like them, considering how much time they had spent together, especially with Michael following Nicolas around like a lost little duckling, and idolizing the man.

Once Michael was gone, Sakura shut the door and headed over to the bathroom to draw herself a nice cool bath. She even put in a good amount of aromatherapy oil. Gosh, it smelled nice, and she smiled in delight, finding she couldn’t wait to get in.

While the bath was being filled, she headed back into the bedroom to find her sleepwear. Because it was hot, she decided on a pair of shorts and a tank top. Heading back to the bathroom, she brushed her teeth, and by the time she was done, the bath was ready. Stripping herself naked, she eagerly hopped into the cool, aromatic water.

“Ahh...” She sighed in pleasure. “It feels good.”

She lay there enjoying the moment as her body relaxed. Of course, she consciously tuned out the sound of the storm echoing outside by occupying her mind with the thoughts of Sebastian and Darcy.

Tomorrow evening at the beach house, she’d be meeting with the two men. Her stomach flipped at the prospect as her heart skipped a few beats.

What will their answers be?

She shook her head immediately. No, she didn’t want to think about that now because it would put her in distress mode, dreading and worrying.

She sighed and closed her eyes as she inhaled the sweet scent that lingered in the bathwater and on her skin. She felt as though she were in heaven.

It was some fifteen minutes later when she thought she had better get out and get ready because Michael would be here soon to escort her to Akira’s bedroom where their night full of storytelling would begin.

She rose from the bathtub and then headed into the shower to wash herself off. She was just about to finish when she heard the door banging shut, and she wondered if it was Michael who had come into her room.

She called out, “Michael?”

No answer.

Sakura was curious. She hastily turned off the shower and rushed out. After quickly drying herself with a towel, she pulled on her clothes. Once done, she headed out, calling, “Michael? Was that you shutting the door?”

Once she came into her bedroom, it was to a sudden standstill of shocked surprise. With her heart now pounding vigorously in her chest, Sakura simply stood there, staring wide-eyed at the girl who had taunted and bullied her since she had been a child.

“Tara?” she said in astonishment as she shook her head, obviously not believing her own eyes.

Tara? How can she be here? Why is she here?

Tara, in skinny jeans, hoodie, and a pair of sneakers, was standing in the middle of the bedroom and glaring at Sakura, her eyes deep and intense, full of malice.

The moment Sakura met Tara’s sharp gaze, she instantly registered what the presence of the woman meant. She took a step back as her eyes strayed to the door—the exit.

“It’s too late,” Tara said darkly, marching toward Sakura. “It’s too fucking late.”

Sakura rushed toward the door. She, however, wasn’t fast enough. In a flick of a second, she felt a pair of hands wrapping around her arms tightly, and then she was roughly pulled back. Her body smashed against a manly body, and Sakura felt her head spinning. When she managed to regain her senses, she looked up to see Ray Woods, the man Daddy James had told her to stay clear of, the man who worked for Mrs. Clark, imprisoning her in his arms against her will.

“You!” she said in alarm, her eyes wide.

Ray flashed her a handsome grin as he said, “Hello, Sakura. We meet again. It must be fate.”

Tara noted the smile and snapped in outrage, “What the fuck are you doing? Flirting with her?” She turned her attention to Sakura and said, “You! Stop fucking around with my man.”

Sakura blinked. Man? Ray Woods was Tara’s man?

Struggling to escape from Ray’s hands, Sakura asked, “What are you two doing here?”

Tara chuckled with amusement. “That’s a funny question, Sakura. I didn’t know you were that funny.” She cocked her head to one side. She’d emphasized the word were to get her point across.

Sakura understood immediately and knew she was in danger. She knew in her gut there was no time to waste and she must escape their clutches as soon as possible if she wanted to stay unharmed.

She lowered her head as she opened her mouth wide. Then she bit onto Ray’s arm as hard as she could.

“Fuck!” the man swore as he let her go.

As she staggered back, Sakura took the opportunity and turned on her heel. Then she headed toward the door. She was just grabbing the handle when Ray caught her by the hair and yanked her back. Sakura screamed in reaction, her heart pounding in dread.

Once she was back in Ray’s arms, Tara came and bound her mouth shut with a cloth as Sakura struggled to free herself. Once done, Tara, pissed at the loud, annoying noise Sakura had made, sent the back of her hand across her face, smacking the girl’s cheek, her skin burning red.

Pain scorched hot on Sakura’s flesh as she heaved in a deep breath. Tears brewed in her eyes at the sudden shocking attack.

“Serves you right for stealing everything from me,” Tara spit out venomously. “You’ve fucked up my plans, my life. Ever since I was young, I wanted to be a Princeton. I wanted to be with them, the brothers, and, oh, God, I was doing marvelously well, too. Until last year when you came crawling back and stole them away from me. Fuck you, Sakura, you fucking bitch.” She sent another slap across Sakura’s cheek, twisting the girl’s neck to the left.

Sakura struggled with all her might as tears streamed down her cheeks and her body quivered in trepidation. God, she wanted to scream out for help so badly, but it was impossible because her mouth was bound shut. The binding, too, was extremely tight about her face, tearing into her skin and mouth.

Coming close to Sakura, Tara said, a sneer playing about her beautiful face, “Let me tell you one thing, Sakura. Tonight is your last night. This is it for you.”

Sakura’s eyes widened in dread as Tara brought out a handkerchief from within the pocket of her hoodie. Then she stuffed it against Sakura’s face.

Sakura shook her head as she struggled violently, fighting for release. For freedom. For safety. But the handkerchief smothering her smelled odd, and it wasn’t long before she realized what it was. By then, however, it was too late, as she blacked out.

Sakura went from fighting back and struggling violently to falling limp and dead silent. Fully unconscious, Ray lifted her in his arms and said, “Let’s get out of here and get this shit over and done with.”

Still glaring with hatred at Sakura, Tara nodded in agreement. Then she turned on her heel and moved to the door. There, she clicked it open and thoroughly scanned the corridor. Noting that the coast was clear, she nodded at Ray to tell him it was good to go. A few seconds later, the two headed out, Ray carrying Sakura’s limp body in his arms.

Just as they were moving silently across the short distance toward the door that would lead them out onto the balcony and then Alice’s garden below, Michael emerged from the main hallway into the west wing of the house. When the boy turned in that instant, he saw the two walking out into the storm.

He frowned, wondering why he thought he had seen the woman somewhere before. He was positive they weren’t part of the Princetons’ staff working on the island. He cocked his head to one side as he watched them acting rather suspiciously. That was when he saw Sakura in the man’s arms, and he gasped in shocked surprise.

“Sakura!” he said under his breath, as he raced after them.

Once he rushed out the door and onto the balcony outside, rain poured down on him and the thunderous storm echoed in the distance. The boy ignored this as his eyes searched wildly in the dark for Sakura.

“Sakura!” he shouted. “Sakura!” He raced to the stairs and then ran down.

Lightning flashed, and in that instant, for a flick of a second, the light shone on the two rushing across Alice’s garden. Michael spotted them between some rose shrubs and the Cheshire cat bush. He raced down the stairs after them, his heart pounding in dread.

Why are those two taking Sakura away? Who are they? But he was sure he had seen the woman before.

He shouted into the night, “Sakura!”

Of course, the monstrous thunder vociferously roared above him, silencing his calling into nothingness. Michael, however, was adamant as he took his job as bodyguard to Sakura very seriously. Sebastian had asked him, after all, and he couldn’t afford to disappoint the man.

He shouted again, “Sakura!”

He was about halfway down the stairs, in such a hurry that he slipped and came crashing onto his backside. “Ouch!” He groaned in pain as he heaved in a deep breath.

His clothes now soaking wet and his whole body aching dully, he managed to get back up.

“Sakura!” he shouted again as he held tight to the rail, careful not to slip again. Then, because he knew he couldn’t go on after them in such a weather, beside the fact that he didn’t know his way around the island, he decided to turn back and seek help.