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Sakura: A Secret Affair: Falling for Sakura Trilogy Book 3 by Alexia Praks (28)

Sakura, My Love

Sakura grabbed Sebastian’s hands, which were about to cup her breasts, stopping him. She looked from one man to the other, her mind reeling at what was going on. She licked her lips nervously and then finally managed to ask, “What are you two doing? Aren’t you going to order room service?”

Sebastian’s eyes glinted with that mischievousness that Sakura found both vexing and endearing at the same time.

He said, with a hint of a laughter in his deep timbre, “Oh, but you are our room service.”

Sakura wasn’t getting it. She knew they both were toying around with her. She demanded. “The dessert?”

Darcy said, his voice sensual and deep, “You are our dessert. That’s why it’s the best kind, one we’ll remember for the longest time.”

It was only then that she fully understood what they meant. She. Was. Their. Dessert. As in they were going to make love to her?

That pushed her into a panic attack, and she struggled in Sebastian’s arms, desperately wanting to break free. The damned handsome man, however, only held her tighter as he laughed at her endeavors to escape.

“Uh-oh, our dessert is making a protest.”

Darcy cupped her face again and soothed her. “Shh...”

His gentle voice and warm fingers caressing her face did, indeed, calm her down. He had that much power over her.

Sakura stopped her struggling as she said meekly, “But I’m not mentally prepared yet.”

“There’s no need to prepare,” Sebastian said tenderly. “It’s us.”

Darcy said, “We know it’s your first time. We’ll be gentle.”

Sakura’s whole body was shaking now, a mixture of fright and anticipation. It wasn’t as though she’d never thought about sex, especially with these two, but... To have her first time with both at the same time? Them kissing her all over and so much more?

“Are you all right now?” Sebastian asked, his warm breath fanning the side of her neck.

Sakura took a deep breath then and slowly nodded. “Yes,” she said finally. “But you both promise to be gentle, right? I mean, it’s my first time, and I have no experience. I do know how it’s done, these things, but... Oh, God, you’re going to be unhappy and unsatisfied, aren’t you? Because I have no experience.”

Darcy shook his head. “No. Not at all.”

“Rather,” Sebastian said, “we’re extremely happy that we’re your first.”

Sakura was still nervous, even with their comforting words. She stared at Sebastian’s hands, which were resting about her belly, hugging her to him. She was avoiding their eyes, of course, and they knew she did it on purpose. Well, she couldn’t very well face them, could she? This was going to be her first time having sex and her first time with the two of them.

“Sakura,” Darcy said. “Just relax. We’ll only give you pleasure. We’ll make you feel good.”

Sakura raised her eyes to him then, her cheeks blushing, her eyes bright, and her lips ruby red. Her heart was racing so hard in her chest she was sure both men could hear the noise.

She licked her lips again. “I know, but I’m just a little bit scared that I might disappoint you both, and

Sebastian said, “Just trust us. You won’t disappoint us.”

Trust. They were asking her to trust them, and of course, she did, completely and wholeheartedly. What girl didn’t trust two men who’d risked their own lives and taken bullets for her?

Yes, they were Sebastian and Darcy, after all, the two men she loved with all her heart. They’d make her happy. They’d give her pleasure and so much more. There was nothing to be afraid of, right? She wouldn’t disappoint them, right? After all, they loved her and would do all sorts of wonderful things to her. They’d teach her, and she wouldn’t have to be embarrassed when they made love to her.

The very thought made her tummy go all fluttery and her heart race even more. She finally nodded. “Okay. I think I’m mentally prepared now.”

Sebastian chuckled with amusement. “Good girl,” he said, and then didn’t waste any time burying his face at the nape of her neck. There, he proceeded to ardently kiss her, his lips firm and his tongue wet and hot on her skin. His hands, too, were moving, roaming, touching, and caressing her body.

Sakura responded by groaning deeply and softly as her body was enveloped in this loving heat. She suddenly felt weak, her being tingling with pleasure. She rested her head against Sebastian’s shoulder as the man continued to lovingly kiss her flesh.

Meanwhile, Darcy was gently stroking her face, marveling at her bone structure and her exotic Eurasian features. He simply loved the way her elegant eyes slanted upward, the way her fair skin brightened at the hint of their touch, and the way her lips parted sensually as she softly groaned in pleasure.

With half-opened eyes, Sakura gazed at him, whispering his name lovingly as her hands stroked his broodingly handsome face; a face that always appeared in her mind’s eye, the face she’d loved since they had been children.

“Darcy. My Darcy,” she whispered softly to him.

Her invitation was clear, and Darcy eagerly obliged by moving in and claiming her lips with a hot kiss. He was passionate and wild, his lips firm and his tongue fervently urging her mouth to open for him. When Sakura did, he plunged his tongue in, exploring, stroking, and caressing her until Sakura’s mind was stripped down to nothing but an array of beautiful sensations, a pool of delightful pleasure.

She groaned softly into his mouth, loving the exotic sentiments erupting within her being that these two men were giving her.

When Darcy terminated their kiss and drew back, she was breathless and dazed, her breathing heavy.

Suddenly, Sakura felt her body shifted around, which she seemed to have no control over. In a mere moment, she found herself facing Sebastian. Without hesitation, the man claimed her lips with a scorching kiss, his tongue plunging straight into her mouth as he came close, invading her with his ardent passion.

Behind her, Darcy gathered her long hair to one side and, with an expert hand, unzipped her dress. He then smoothly pulled the cotton material down her arms and body, letting the fabric come to rest at her waist.

Sakura was too consumed with Sebastian’s kiss to notice that she was already half naked. It wasn’t until he pulled back and Darcy undid her bra that she realized that all too soon, she’d be totally bare for both men to see.

She gasped as Darcy pulled her bra away from her. “Oh no!” She quickly covered her breasts with her hands, her face red with embarrassment.

Sebastian gently touched her wrists as he said, “Shh... It’s fine.”

Sakura shook her head furiously. “It’s not fine. It’s embarrassing.”

Behind her, Darcy wrapped his hands over hers. “You’re beautiful, Sakura. There’s nothing to be shy about.”

Sebastian nodded. “We’ve been waiting to see you bare, those breasts in particular.”

Their words didn’t work well to settle her panic attack. She closed her eyes, trying desperately to calm her nerves. Of course, she knew it would come to this sooner or later. But honest to God, she had never allowed anyone to see her totally naked before... this would certainly be her very first time. The situation made her feel oddly vulnerable, which she didn’t much like.

“It’s fine, Sakura,” Darcy whispered. “It’s just us.”

Slowly, Sakura relaxed her body, knowing if she wanted to go deeper into a relationship with them, she’d have to let go of her self-consciousness. She’d ultimately have to share herself with both men, and to do that, she’d have to be naked in front of them, not only this first time, but many more times to come.

The two men noticed her succumbing to their reassuring words, and they gently guided her hands away from her chest. Sakura, of course, refused to look at Sebastian, who was right in front of her, his face inches from hers.

The moment her hands were removed, the two men stared, marveling at the sight. Sure, they had seen many women’s breasts before, and in fact, to them, they were just part of the female anatomy. Nothing more. But with Sakura, her pair of exquisite beauties, the perfect-sized mounds of pale, smooth flesh topped with cute pink nipples perking at just the right angle—they were something marvelous.

Sebastian tittered in excitement, which drew Sakura’s attention to him. She gazed at him... he had such a passionate look in his eyes as he stared at her breasts. When he flicked his gaze to hers and their eyes met, Sakura swallowed hard at the raw passion she noted radiating from him.

“Wow,” Darcy said, his voice deep and hoarse, which sent a delicious shiver down her spine. “Just wow.”

Sebastian nodded. He couldn’t find words to describe how happy he was.

Suddenly, Darcy cupped her breasts, one in each hand. Sakura gasped at the intimate contact as her body squirmed in his embrace.

“Fits perfectly.”

Sakura, whose whole body was flushing hot, opened her mouth and was about to say something when Sebastian removed one of Darcy’s hands and touched her. Sakura found she had to remember how to breathe, because their touch was driving her crazy.

Sebastian nodded. “It does, doesn’t it?” Then, before she knew what was happening, Sebastian moved down and kissed her left breast.

She gasped again, and when he popped her nipple into his hot mouth, she groaned and her body squirmed in ecstasy. If Darcy hadn’t happened to be behind her, supporting her, Sakura knew she would have fallen to the floor, so weak.

“Does it feel good?” Darcy whispered into her ear, delightedly watching her writhing in his arms.

Mindlessly, Sakura nodded as she heaved.

Satisfied with her confirmation, Darcy went about kissing her neck and sucking her flesh, which made Sakura groan in pleasure even more. Suddenly, she felt herself being lifted, and found herself in Sebastian’s arms. Still dazed, with her mind in a bubble of colorful pleasure, she asked, “Where are we going?”

“To the bedroom,” Sebastian said.

Darcy was following them as they went into the next room. While Sebastian placed Sakura on the luxurious king-size bed, Darcy shut the door.

Sakura, her body all weak and hot, eagerly waited for her two men to join her on the bed. Sebastian did first, now with his shirt off, which showed off his muscular, toned body. Once he was close, she impatiently touched him, marveling at his beautiful physique. All too soon, however, he made her lie back on the bed as he came down with her, kissing her repeatedly as he pulled her dress and panties down her legs.

Half naked, Darcy came onto the bed as well, just in time for Sebastian to move back.

Gazing up, dazed, at both men and feeling extremely vulnerable and totally bare, Sakura said softly, “Please be gentle with me.”

The two men nodded. As Darcy came toward her and started kissing her ardently on her lips, Sebastian lifted her waist and slowly entered her.

Sakura groaned out into Darcy’s mouth the moment she felt Sebastian inside her. And as he began to move, she writhed and cried out in pleasure.

Excited by her show of erotic groaning and squirming, Darcy deepened their kisses, stroking and caressing her while Sebastian drove deeper into her.

“Fuck!” Sebastian swore under his breath. “Oh, God!” He held on to her small waist as he took her, and when he thought he might just die because she was so tight and wonderful, he buried his face between her breasts as he continued to ride her.

Sakura was crying out loudly now, her body writhing restlessly. Darcy noticed and moved back. He cupped her face and asked, “Sakura, sweetheart, are you all right?”

Sakura bit her lower lip as she nodded, tears in her eyes. Oh, God, but she felt so full deep inside, and Sebastian was driving her insane. Her mind was in a muddled mess. All her body was aware of was the hot, burning, urgent sensation deep inside her, wanting more and more and more.

With shaky hands, she eagerly wrapped her arms around Darcy’s neck and begged him for more kisses.

Darcy obliged and kissed her deeply as Sebastian continued to drive into her.

“Fuck!” Sebastian swore under his breath. He knew he was about to come. And by instinct, he went harder and faster, which made Sakura cry out even more as she tightened her arms around Darcy.

“Ngh...” she groaned and writhed. “Oh, God! Help me!” she cried, her whole body hot and tense as she clung to Darcy.

Then Sebastian came, long and slow and hard. And Sakura came, too, her whole body tensed and then she squirmed and shuddered in ecstasy, her voice crying out into Darcy’s mouth. When it was over, her body relaxed, and she was breathless.

Sebastian came up to kiss her cheek, her skin now moist with perspiration. “Sakura, love, are you all right?”

Still dazed from her first orgasm, she turned to him and mutely nodded. “I’m fine,” she finally managed to whisper. There was even a hint of a smile, which pleased Sebastian.

Sakura, of course, hadn’t caught her breath yet when she felt Darcy kissing her breast and then sucking and nibbling on her nipple. She groaned as he continued to lovingly torture her.

“Darcy,” she said between breaths. “Darcy.”

He lifted his head then, and a dark smile appeared across his handsome face. “Will you be all right, do you think?” he asked.

With that question, along with that raw, passionate look in his mauve-grey eyes, Sakura knew he wanted to take her next. She licked her lips and slowly nodded in the affirmative. “I... I think so.”

Her answer made him smile, and without a moment’s hesitation, he wrapped his hands around her small waist and guided her up toward him.

Sakura found herself straddling him, and as she came down, she felt his rock-hard manhood entering her. She moaned, and her body shuddered as she clung to him.

For a moment, they stayed in that position, savoring the sensation. Then, when Darcy couldn’t control himself any longer, he moved her over and made her lie back and rest against Sebastian, who was ready to cradle her in his arms. Then Darcy started riding her, and Sakura cried out once more as pleasure came; delicious, intoxicating sensations that drove her mindless.

Sakura wrapped her arms around Sebastian’s neck behind her as she basked in the delight of being ridden by Darcy. Sebastian, too, enjoyed watching her beautiful face and body being made love to, and he ardently kissed her lips, plunging his tongue into her mouth.

“Shit!” Darcy said under his breath, his hands firmly about her hips as he drove deeper. She was tight and hot and demanding, and God, he loved it.

“Sakura,” he said softly. “Sakura.” He knew he was about to come, and when he did, he greedily drew her to him and kissed her hard on the lips, his fingers digging deeply into her hair.

Sakura came, too, as he kissed her, and her world spun in a swirl of bright lights as she orgasmed for the second time. When it was done and Darcy moved back, her body shook uncontrollably, and she exhaustedly collapsed against Sebastian.

“Are you all right?” Sebastian asked, his hot breath fanning the side of her neck.

Sakura nodded as she lolled there against him, completely spent.

Darcy came over so he was beside her. “Snow, I love you.”

Sakura smiled at him. “Hello. I love you, too, Prince of Darkness.”

Sebastian, not to be outdone, kissed her neck. “And I love you, too, Princess Sakura.”

Sakura giggled, her heart bursting with happiness. “I love you, too, Prince of Hearts.”




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