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Sakura: A Secret Affair: Falling for Sakura Trilogy Book 3 by Alexia Praks (26)

Snow, My Love

Sakura woke with a start, gasping and whimpering, with her skin soaking with sweat. Her heart was beating loudly in her chest as she stared up at the ceiling; her mind racing and tears welling in her eyes.

Dream. It was only a dream. It wasn’t real. She hadn’t lost Darcy. She hadn’t lost Sebastian. Both men were still here with her.

“Sebastian. Darcy,” she whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Just moments ago, she had dreamed of them—she and the Princeton brothers—once again on that yacht in the middle of the ocean, the storm raging above them. Mrs. Clark, Tara, and Ray Woods had been there, too, torturing her.

Sakura shut her eyes as she remembered the nightmare vividly.

Mrs. Clark had shot at her, only to hit Darcy instead. As Darcy lay there in her arms, dying from the gunshot wounds, Tara slayed Sebastian with her knife and then pushed him off the boat into the rampant sea.

The thought of losing her beloved men made her feel sick to her stomach, and she whimpered softly. She shook her head as she whispered, “It’s only a dream. It’s fine. It’s only a dream,” to convince herself all was well.

When she managed to calm herself, some time later, she noted it was already dawn. Fearing that if she were to fall asleep the nightmare would once again emerge without her consent and assault her with its unpleasantness, she decided instead to get up and take a bath.

She took her time soaking in the tub with cherry blossom-scented oil, thinking of only the good things about her two beloved men. She especially reminded herself that they were alive and well and, more importantly, with her. It was then her mind drifted to Darcy. She wondered how he was doing now in the hospital.

Needless to say, she was excited, yet apprehensive at the same time. Excited because, finally, she’d be able to see him and apprehensive because she didn’t want to see how badly he’d gotten hurt. The last time she was with him had been the night before, when he was severely injured and bleeding from gunshot wounds.

Once again, the thought made her feel sick. She shook her head and told herself all was well. Darcy was fine. The surgery was a success, and she’d get to see him today.

Some half an hour later, she’d had enough soaking and went to rinse herself in the shower. Once finished, she put on a pretty summer dress and a little makeup so she didn’t look too sickly, which she was sure would worry everyone—if they saw how pale she was. Leaving Akira to sleep soundly, she then headed out the door.

She met Sebastian in the dining room, where he greeted her with a dashing smile. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her on the lips seductively. Sakura was, of course, instantly affected, and groaned softly under his touch.

When he moved back, he said, “You look beautiful today.”

“Thanks,” she said. “I did my best not to look too sickly.”

He gently tucked her hair behind her ear as he said, “Hmm, we have to work on your health.”

She nodded. “I’m sure from now on, I’ll be less stressed about life.” She eyed him with amusement. “After all, it has always been you and your brothers that stressed me out, especially in these last few months after Mr. Tachibana’s fashion event at the hotel. Honestly, you brothers were literally chasing after me and stalking me. That can really strain a girl’s health, you know.”

He chuckled. “Can’t be helped. We’re smitten with you, after all, and can’t afford to lose you again.”

Sakura said, “You won’t lose me again. I promise.”

Sebastian smiled. “That’s what I want to hear.” He leaned forward and kissed her forehead this time.

It was then a loud throat-clearing noise came from behind Sebastian. Sakura poked her head to the side and saw Nicolas and Tristan standing there, watching them.

Tristan said, “You’re snaffling Sakura for yourself again, I see.”

Sakura giggled. “Good morning, Nicolas, Tristan.”

Nicolas replied, “Morning, Sakura.”

Tristan stepped forward and stole Sakura from Sebastian’s arms. “Morning, darling princess sister.” He even kissed her on the cheek, which surprised not only Sakura, but both Sebastian and Nicolas as well.

Sakura touched her cheek as she watched Tristan, who was obviously beaming with delight.

Sebastian said, “You’re getting too daring, aren’t you, Tristan?”

Tristan said, “Sakura is my sister, and kissing her on the cheek is completely normal.” He turned his attention to Sakura and was obviously egging her on for a confirmation. “Isn’t that right, darling sis?”

Sakura blushed, noting the fire in Sebastian’s eyes. Honestly, it was only a kiss on the cheek, wasn’t it? Why was Sebastian looking so pissed? Was he jealous? She didn’t know and felt rather at a loss.

She said, “I guess so.”

Suddenly, Nicolas burst out laughing, which drew Sakura’s attention. What did he find so funny?

When he managed to calm down, Nicolas said, “Sakura, come here.”

Curious as to what he was up to, Sakura obediently obliged and moved over to stand in front of him.

Nicolas nodded in approval and then leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Then he moved to whisper in her ear, “Be careful, darling. Making a Princeton jealous and insecure can land you in hot water.”

Suddenly, Sakura understood what the man meant. She glanced over at Sebastian, wondering if he was that protective of her where things like that were concerned. But honestly, they hadn’t even started dating yet, so she wasn’t officially his girlfriend. He and Darcy had yet to give her their answers, after all.

Sebastian frowned darkly as he watched Nicolas whispering to Sakura. When the girl turned her eyes to him, he knew Nicolas was telling her nonsense about him. He interrupted them by pulling Sakura to his side. Nicolas was obviously amused.

Sebastian said, “How about breakfast?”

Sakura nodded, and Tristan said, “I’m starving.”

Once they’d finished their meal, Sebastian took Sakura to the hospital to see Darcy first. The rest of the family would be visiting later that day, along with Beth and her famous chicken soup made specifically for Darcy.

In the car, Sebastian noticed how nervous Sakura was. He grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. “It’s going to be fine.”

Sakura nodded. “Hmm.”

It wasn’t long before they were at the hospital and Sakura found herself walking beside Sebastian along the corridor toward Darcy’s room in the post-surgery ward. Of course, her heart was thumping loudly in her chest, and her eyes were on the floor the whole time. Moments later, they rounded the corner and came to stand in front of Darcy’s door. Noting that Sebastian wasn’t going in, she raised her eyes to him.

Sebastian smiled and then said, “I’ll wait outside for now.”

Why? she wanted to ask but then understood. He wanted to give her time alone with Darcy. Instantly, she felt her heart bursting with gratitude. He was indeed considerate. She nodded in appreciation, and a moment later, Sebastian headed away, leaving her alone.

After taking a few deep breaths, she turned on her heel, opened the door, and went in. The moment she saw Darcy lying there on the bed, her knees buckled and heart quivered. With tears welling in her eyes, she made her way toward the man who was currently deep in slumber.

As she rounded the end of the bed, she eyed him, noting how pale he was, which wasn’t surprising considering the type of wound he’d endured. Not to mentioned he’d gone through an emergency surgery as well. She glimpsed, too, the dressing about his arm, which was revealed beneath the short sleeves of his hospital gown. She had no doubt he had another one on his back near the shoulder, where he’d been shot.

She came to stand at the side of the bed and took her time gazing at her beloved Darcy, taking in everything about him; his dark hair, which was currently a disheveled mess, and his broodingly handsome face. Those sensual lips that had kissed her numerous times, too, tempted her to lean forward and feel the soft flesh against hers.

“Darcy,” she whispered softly.

Suddenly, he caught her wrist, which surprised Sakura so much that she jolted in her spot.

Darcy flickered his eyes open and said, a grin on his face, “Well, madam, am I good enough to look at?”

Sakura blushed as her heart burst in delight. So, he knew I was here all along?

“Darcy,” she said softly. “You’re awake?”

He nodded, his hand holding hers tightly as he guided her forward to sit on the side of the bed.

Sakura obediently obliged and made herself comfortable. “I was so worried about you, and...” She trailed off as Darcy cupped her face in his hand, his mysterious mauve-gray eyes gazing at her intently. It was as if he hadn’t seen her for a long while and was now making up for lost time by drinking in her exotic beauty, which had never ceased to fascinate him. The face that he had loved since they were children.

Suddenly, he planted his lips against hers, which pleasantly surprised Sakura, and she relaxed on top of him.

His kiss was slow, gentle, and passionate, which gave Sakura so much pleasure that she groaned softly as she clung to him. When he urged her lips to part for him, she gladly indulged him, and Darcy eagerly plunged his tongue into her mouth, kissing her deeply and wildly. When he finally released her, Sakura was dazed and breathless.

Darcy said, “Good morning, Snow, my love.”

The moment he referred to her as Snow, she couldn’t control herself and started crying. She buried her face against his chest as she said, “I’m so glad, Darcy. I’m so glad you’re okay. When I saw you getting shot the night before and all the blood and...” She trailed off as her slender body shook emotionally at the reminder of the horrendous incident.

“I don’t ever want to lose you, Darcy. Not now. Not ever. I want you with me, beside me.” She lifted her head then, her eyes begging.

Darcy saw the desperate love in her eyes, which tugged at his heartstrings. “You won’t lose me, Sakura. I’m here with you, always.”

Sakura nodded and then rested her head against his chest. She stayed there in his arms for a while, basking in his warmth and simply relishing this sacred moment of being with him, embraced by him. When Sebastian knocked at the door some time later, she lifted her head and wiped her tears.

At the door, Sebastian eyed first Darcy and then Sakura. He didn’t miss the tears in her eyes nor her quivering shoulders. He knew she had been crying and was glad he had given her and Darcy time alone.

As he took a seat on the vacated chair beside the bed, he asked Darcy, “How are you feeling?”

The brother replied, “Like I’ve just been shot.”

That got Sakura worried. “Are you in so much pain? Should I ask the doctor to see if they could give you some painkiller or something?”

Darcy shook his head. “I’m fine, Sakura.”

“Are you sure?” She was insistent.

Sebastian laughed because he thought her overprotective behavior adorable. “He’s fine, Sakura.”

Sakura and Sebastian stayed with Darcy throughout the morning, with Sakura entertaining Darcy by telling him about her family reunion and that Ned was actually her biological father and Beth her aunt. Of course, Darcy wasn’t surprised with this outcome, as he had known how much Ned loved Sakura. The same went for Beth.

It was some time later when Darcy asked the question he had wanted answered since he’d seen the news on the television early that morning. It was about Mrs. Clark, Tara, and Ray Woods, who had been taken into custody.

Sebastian said, “Tara might get a lighter sentencing than Mrs. Clark and Ray Woods. She’s only an accomplice.”

“And Mrs. Clark?” Sakura asked, her body tense.

“Probably life in prison for first-degree murder or something along those line,” Sebastian said.

“For murdering Mrs. Taylor?” Sakura asked.

At this, both Sebastian and Darcy turned to look at her, surprised. Sebastian asked, “How did you know she was one of the victims?”

Sakura cast her eyes downward, her hands trembling. She licked her lips and then said, “Mrs. Clark told me.” She sighed sadly. “I mean, she boasted to me what she’d done, because she was going to kill me anyway. She told me Mrs. Taylor was the one who took me in when she found me on the doorstep of the orphanage.”

“I see,” Sebastian said.

Darcy asked, “Are you okay?”

Sakura raised her head and nodded. “I’m fine,” she said, wiping tears from her eyes. “I mean, I was too young to remember much of the woman anyway.” But then again, she could still recollect the elderly woman’s scent, which was of spring and cherry blossoms, and her warmth.

Noticing that both men were still watching her carefully, she said, “You said victims? There’re more?”

Sebastian nodded. “She did a lot of bad things, Sakura, things that’d give you nightmares.”

At the sound of that, Sakura shivered in trepidation. “Then I don’t want to know,” she said, frowning darkly. After all, what she had experienced at Mrs. Clark’s hands was bad enough. She had no doubt the woman had the capability to cause a lot of harm to others, especially murder.

Noting Sakura’s troubled mood over the topic of Mrs. Clark and her victims, Darcy changed the subject and asked when everyone else was going to visit him. Sebastian told him they would be here in the afternoon.

Indeed, when that time came, the room was packed full with family and friends, along with Beth’s famous chicken soup, which Darcy said he’d keep for dinner that night.

While the Princeton brothers stood aside and watched, Brenda fussed over Darcy like a mother hen. Of course, she had been worried sick about him, even though James had told her numerous times that their son would be fine. When the woman finally let Darcy go from her tight hug, everyone was chuckling with amusement. Then it was Michael’s turn to ask Darcy what it felt like to get shot, which unsurprisingly, also caused everyone to laugh.

When everyone started leaving again some two hours later, because the nurse had suggested they do so as Darcy needed his rest to speed up recovery, Darcy grabbed Sakura’s hand. “Stay with me,” he said.

Sakura looked up at Sebastian, who understood and said, “Stay. I’ll come and pick you up in the evening.”

Sakura nodded, a bright smile on her face.

Once the door was closed behind Sebastian and the room was once again quiet, Darcy pulled Sakura to him. “Climb on.”

Sakura blinked. “You want me on the bed?”

He chuckled. “You don’t want to?”

She said, “That’s not it. You’re injured, and the bed is small. I mean, it won’t fit us both.”

He wrapped his arms around her waist and made her sit on the side of the bed regardless. “I’m tired,” he said weakly. “And I want you beside me.”

Sakura felt her heart warm at his words. She stroked his dark hair lovingly and then said, “All right. Move over, then.”

Darcy did, eagerly, and once she lay beside him, he kissed her forehead. He whispered, “I love you, Snow.”

Sakura smiled and said, “I love you, too.”

Then he tucked her head under his chin and closed his eyes. In mere moments, he was fast asleep.

As Sakura lay there embraced in his arms, she felt his warmth radiating against her, which was comforting. She could also hear his beating heart, which told her he was very much alive and here with her, beside her, and that made her smile.

When Sakura opened her eyes again, she saw the nurse on the other side of the bed, checking on the drips that were attached to Darcy’s arm. She frowned, suddenly realizing she had fallen asleep.

She gently moved out of the man’s embrace, her cheeks blushing red with embarrassment.

The nurse smiled at her and said, “You must be worried, eh? Your boyfriend getting shot like that.”

Sakura nodded as she tidied herself up. “I was worried sick. I thought he wasn’t going to make it.”

“Luckily, they weren’t deep, those bullets,” the nurse said. “That woman must be a maniac to do something like that. I saw in the news she’s in custody and is probably serving life in prison for all the bad deeds she did. And that man who works for her, too. It’s karma.”

Karma, eh? Sakura had to agree with that. It comes and bites you in the butt in the end.

Sakura was just putting her feet on the floor when the nurse said, “By the way, there’s a young woman waiting outside. She looks a lot like Darcy, so I assume she must be his sister.”

That piqued Sakura’s interest. She knew without a doubt the woman was Alaina.

“How long has she been waiting?”

“About half an hour,” the nurse said. “I did tell her to leave, but she wouldn’t. I assume she must really want to see him.”

Sakura nodded in understanding. Obviously, Alaina couldn’t be by Darcy’s side because Sakura herself was with him.

Once the nurse left, Sakura went outside to look for Alaina. She found the woman in the waiting room, staring into space. After mustering up some courage, Sakura came to sit opposite her and said, “Hi.”

Alaina jumped in her spot. When she managed to calm down, she said, her eyes avoiding Sakura’s, “How’s Darcy?”

Good Lord, Sakura thought in astonishment, but this was going to be the first time ever that she had a decent conversation with Alaina.

“He’s fine. The surgery was a success. Didn’t Nicolas tell you?”

“He did. He phoned me yesterday. I just want to see him for myself.”

Sakura nodded in understanding. “I’m sorry about what happened to Tara.”

Alaina raised her eyes to Sakura then. “Well, she did dig her own grave. She’s obsessed with you and Sebastian and Darcy.” She sighed. “Our friendship had always been a bit rocky, if you know what I mean, especially with Tara’s insane behavior. But it turned sour after you came back during Mary and Peter’s wedding a year ago. I mean, I did my best sticking by her side and helping her, thinking it was the best way and everything. Of course, I have my own reasons as well.”

With Sakura sitting there listening silently, Alaina continued, wanting to get things off her chest.

“Let’s face it, Sakura, I just never liked you simply because, well, you kind of took Darcy from me. I mean, he’s my twin and we’d always been together, and then you just show up and he’s smitten. That pissed me off, you know. I mean, I was young back then, and I get pissed easily.

“When Tara became my friend and told me all these bad things about you, that you misbehaved, stole all her friends, made fun of her, and bullied her at the orphanage, well, I disliked you even more and looked for ways to hurt you, I guess.”

So, that was how it was. Tara had lied to Alaina about Sakura’s character, which didn’t surprise her one bit.

Alaina continued. “Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that I’ve grown up. I don’t dislike you as much as I used to. I mean, I know for certain that we won’t be friends, but Darcy and Sebastian, they love you, as all my other brothers love you. Technically, you’re family.” She sighed. “It’s too much work for me to continue to dislike you, Sakura, since we’re going to be seeing a lot more of each other and everything.”

Again, Sakura nodded in understanding.

“So, that’s why...” She paused, her cheeks growing red suddenly. “That’s why I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you. I was young and stupid and...” She sighed again, finding it difficult to express her feelings.

“I regret what I’ve done. I wish I hadn’t. I wish I hadn’t listen to Tara. I wish I had been stronger and could make up my own mind and...” She paused again. “That’s all, I guess. So... I’m sorry, Sakura, for hurting you.”

Then she looked directly into Sakura’s eyes and said, “Darcy and Sebastian love you. Please take care of them.” She even bowed her head, which surprised Sakura into speechlessness.

Then suddenly, she stood and said, “I’ll visit Darcy tomorrow. Tell him I dropped by.”

Sakura nodded, and a moment later, Alaina was gone.

Alone, Sakura was stunned. Finally, she thought, Alaina was accepting her as a part of the family. That, of course, made Sakura smile.

She was still grinning from ear to ear a few minutes later when she returned to Darcy’s room.

Darcy, who had just woken up, noted her happy vibe and asked, “You’re in a good mood, aren’t you?”

Sakura came to sit on the side of the bed and moved her face toward his. She whispered, “I love you.” Then she kissed him gently on the lips.

When she was about to move back, Darcy would have none of it and stilled her by wrapping his hand behind her head. Then he proceeded to kiss her passionately.




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