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The Promise by River Laurent (27)


I brace myself. Did the whiny crybaby send his mommy to come talk to me? I wouldn’t put it past him.

“I understand you and Cole reconnected after your stepmother’s funeral,” she says, choosing her words carefully. I can imagine how awkward it must be for a parent to talk about things like this, so I tell myself to give her a break.

“That’s right.” My voice shakes,

“I’m sorry about your stepmother’s passing, by the way. We used to run into each other on occasion. She was always so proud of you.”

I have to smile at that. Someone is telling a lie. “That’s nice to hear. Thank you.”

She nods. “Anyway, as I was saying Cole told me that you two got back together … in a manner of speaking.”

“In a manner of speaking,” I repeat. “But not really.” I feel like we’re dancing together. Stepping carefully, back and forth, trying to avoid each other’s toes.

“Yes. I understand that, too.” She frowns. “I’m sorry things turned out the way they did.”

“Yes. Me, too. But that’s how things happen sometimes.”

“It doesn’t have to be that way, you know.”

“With all due respect, Catherine, you’re not aware of the full situation and it’s between Cole and me. I would prefer it stay that way.”

“I’m very much aware of the full situation,” she argues in the same low, sweet tone of voice. “I think it’s you who isn’t aware of the true situation and that’s why I’m here. There’s a lot you don’t know, that Cole never told you. He doesn’t want to even now. He doesn’t know I’m here.” She grimaces. “He would be furious with me if he knew.”

I can’t help it. I’m intrigued. “What is it you want to tell me?”

She takes a deep breath. “Cole told me how upset you still are that he missed your audition eight years ago.”

“No, I wouldn’t say that. I was upset, but I’m not anymore. Now, I just can’t trust him.”

“Oh, sweetheart. He never told you, and he made me swear that I wouldn’t tell you, either.”

I realize I’m holding my breath, waiting to hear what she has to say. “What do you mean? What didn’t he tell me?”

“I’m ashamed, even though it wasn’t me who did this. It was my husband, but the worst atrocities are not done by just the evil perpetrators, but the good people who stand by and do nothing. I stood by and did nothing. I know now, I shouldn’t have. I destroyed my son’s life. I hope you can forgive me.” She looks at the floor. It’s the only time in all the years I’ve known her that I’ve seen her too ashamed to look somebody in the eye. “My husband told Cole that if he skipped the audition and went to work for him, he would make sure you became a star.”

I scowl. That doesn’t make sense. “Your husband would never go out of his way like that for me.”

She closes her eyes and shakes her head at my naivety. “He didn’t do that for you, Taylor. It was to keep Cole away from you.” She winces. “I’m so sorry. It sounds terrible.”

It all dawns on me. I’m surprised a lightbulb doesn’t go off over my head. My heart is beating so fast I hear my blood rushing in my ears. “So he forced Cole to skip the audition?”

“That’s right. He didn’t say it in so many words, he didn’t need to. My husband lives in Black Rock, but don’t make the mistake of underestimating him. He is an extremely powerful figure with vast influence in the financial, political, and entertainment worlds. His tentacles spread from Washington to Hollywood. He only had to insinuate that he could have kept you from achieving your dreams, and Cole would have understood exactly what that meant.”

“Oh. I see,” I enunciate slowly, even though I don’t see anything! I can’t understand how his father can hate me so much. I have never done anything bad to him.

“That was why Cole was in such a shameful state when you saw him that morning. He must’ve been utterly devastated. He had to get roaring drunk just so he could bring himself to let you down.”

“I don’t understand why he made an agreement like that. He didn’t have to. We could’ve made it together. I’m sure we could have. Unless … unless his father would’ve sabotaged him, as well.”

There is no hesitation in her. “He would have. Not out of spite, but because he wants something else for Cole. He didn’t care what Cole wanted only what he did. Cole is his only son so he needs Cole to take over his empire. My husband thinks he can control everything and everyone. Well, maybe he can.”

I can’t get it all together. Cole, drunk the afternoon of the audition. Telling me he didn’t want to be part of my life anymore. So nasty. His words still sting, all these years later. It was all because … “Because he wanted me to have my dream,” I whisper, trembling.

“Yes. Don’t you see? He wanted you to be happy. It meant more to him than even his own happiness. He had to let go of his greatest dream. You. Because he wanted you to have yours. He was willing to do anything for you.”

“He wanted to be famous, too?”

“Maybe, but not as much as he wanted you, Taylor. He was so in love with you, but his father wouldn’t allow it. This was his way of splitting you two up. For good.”

I nod slowly, thinking it all over, the shock subsiding, and unbelievable euphoria bubbling into my heart. “And he just about succeeded.”