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Stronger Than This by Abby McCarthy (17)

Chapter Seventeen


To call, or not to call. I flipped the card from Aubrey over in my hands several times, debating on whether or not to make the call. Talon was at school, and I had the day off. Today was the third day I’d woken up with Mickey beside me, and it was also the third day I’d woken up with the same nightmare. It was always the same.

Mickey had kissed me tenderly and was leaving my cottage. The sky grew dark from an incoming storm. Thick clouds rushed in over the lake. The first big pelts of rain began to fall, and Mickey shrugged. “Feels like home. Rains all the time in Ireland.” He turned to walk away from me. My smile was huge as I waved to him. If he didn't care about the pending storm, then neither did I. A hand clamped around my mouth, preventing me from screaming. I heard his voice. “Did you think I wouldn't find you? Did you think that when I did, I wouldn't make you pay?”

I was locked tight to his body, helpless to move when he raised his arm. The rain began to fall even more. I could see Mickey’s fleeting back then heard a loud bang and watched as Mickey crumpled to the ground.

“I’ll kill any man who touches you,” Drake said, and that was it. I woke up.

Mickey was as sweet as ever. He held me and reassured me that everything would be alright, but I couldn’t keep doing this. I didn’t know what I was afraid of. Maybe if I told someone, it would make it more real? But, who was I kidding? I had the scars to prove that everything I had been through had been very real.

I’d been through much worse than a silly phone call, right? I could do this. I dialed the number, and it rang twice.

“Hello,” The sweet voice called out on the other end of the line. I waited a second. My hand trembled. “Hello,” she called out again.

“Hi, Aubrey?” I asked.

“Yes, this is her. Who is this?” she asked and her voice was so gentle and trusting. “Aubrey, it’s Marie -Mickey’s friend. Do you remember me?”

“Of, course I do. Where are you?”

“I’m at home. I live by Mickey in the cottages.”

“I know where that is. Let me finish up here, and I’ll bring coffee.”

“Oh, if you're at work, there’s no rush.”

“Nonsense, these guys are fine without me. Do you like pastries? Angie, Jenny’s mom, makes the best pastries and I have a ton.”

“Um, sure,” I answered.

“Great. Give me twenty minutes, and I’ll be over.”

We disconnected, and I sat nervously on the porch. I didn't know what to expect. Aubrey pulled up in a newer large white truck, with a huge extended cab that sounded a little like a jet plane, its engine was so loud. She cut the engine and jumped down. She wore cowgirl boots and a cute, flowy, brown dress that had a small flower pattern on it. I couldn't believe she worked in the shop dressed like that.

No woman would ever be safe around the boys in the club I was used to; not dressed like that.

“Want to give me a hand?” she called out. I quickly walked over to her and she handed me a couple of Styrofoam coffee cups then reached up and grabbed a box that I guess was filled with pastries.

“Want to come in?” I asked.

“Sure, let me just shoot Daws a text and let him know where I’m at.” I nodded and wondered what kind of control he had on her that she felt like she had to let him know her every move. How was she supposed to help me, when she was obviously still answering to her husband?

“Oh, don't look at me like that. There’s some club business that has Daws a little freaked, so he asked me to message him. I don't mind. Not if it gives him some peace of mind. I figure if it helps him through the day, then why not. I don't want him to be any more stressed than he needs to be.”

I nodded, understanding where she was coming from. I waited for her to send the text, then held the door open to the cottage and invited her inside. It wasn't much, but it was starting to come along.

“I’m glad you called,” Aubrey said sitting down on the ratty couch, without any concern for its cleanliness.

“So, how does this work?” I asked, feeling unsure about everything.

“Okay, no pressure. First, I want to be your friend. If you feel weird talking to me, I can find someone else for you to talk with. Mickey is family, ya know.”

I nodded, then took a sip of the coffee she brought, “Oh my goodness, this is delicious.” She smiled. “Did Mickey tell you I have a past?” she asked.

“He did, but he didn't tell me anything about it.”

“A few years ago there was a big news story about Senator Richard McCleary. Do you remember hearing anything about that?” I scoured my memories but didn't come up with anything, so I shook my head. She blew out a breath, “Half the time I meet new people, they think I look familiar, but mostly they don't know from where. Sometimes, they recognize me, or know what happened to me before they know me, so I get that me having any inclination that you’ve been through something could have felt intrusive.”

I listened to her with rapt attention as she gave me a quick recount of things she’d been through. She’d been through hell. “And he’s in jail?” I asked as she finished.

“No, not anymore. He was killed. I can't tell you that I didn’t feel relief knowing that his kind of poison wasn't on this earth anymore.”

I shook my head. “I’m sorry for everything you went through to be victimized that way by someone who was supposed to take care of you.” My heart hurt for her, but she didn't look shattered the way I would’ve expected her to look.

“There’s a lot there in what you just said.” She sipped her coffee watching me like she was trying to figure me out. It made me feel vulnerable. “I guess the first thing you should know about me is that I don't see myself as a victim. Once I was able to face Rich, I no longer looked at myself as a victim, I feel like a survivor now. Plus being married to a man like Daws has helped. He’s shown me what love is. It's really something. Do I still have bad days? Sure. But working helps. Helping other women helps. But honey something I want you to get out of what you just said to me, not sure if you heard yourself but you said, by someone who was supposed to take care of you. I’m figuring it was your man who hurt you. You get that if a man’s any kind of man, he would take care of you, right?”

I drank my coffee, staring at Aubrey. She was so young and so wise. I needed to think about what she was saying to me.

“You’re a smart girl, Aubrey.” I smiled, then changed the subject. “What kind of pastries did you bring?”


I KNEW I HADN’T OPENED up to Aubrey about what I’d been through, but she gave me perspective. I liked the idea of going to the women's shelter with her, so I made plans to do it the next day I had off. After she left, I was strangely exhausted. Even though I hadn’t been the one to delve into my feelings, I still felt like I had been through an emotional overhaul.

I was sleeping on the couch, when there was a knock at the door. I was not expecting anyone and was surprised when I opened the door and saw Jules’s wife with a small beautiful little girl on her hip.

“Hi, can I help you?” I asked as I answered.

“Hi, Marie. I’m Jenny. Listen, I’m sorry to just to drop by, but I was on the phone with Aubrey. She told me she was here with you, and then I was mad that I didn't get a chance to come by sooner, so she suggested why don’t I just stop by, and introduce myself. So I thought, what the hell, and here I am. Plus, Jules wanted me to meet your daughter, and I thought I should probably meet you first. I mean, what if you're some raging bitch? Then, I wouldn’t want your kid around my kid. Aubrey says you’re not, but I needed to see for myself. Hope that didn't come off rude. I’m Jenny. Did I say that already? And I’m not sleeping, and I think I have diarrhea of the mouth, so please excuse me.”

I laughed. I stood there half asleep, and this beautiful woman with black hair and dark purple lowlights was rambling at my doorstep.

Once I gained my composure, I introduced myself, “Hi, Jenny. I’m Marie.”

“Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

That made me nervous. What had she heard? What did Mickey say to her?

“Relax. Mostly, Jules was just trying to sell me on the idea of your daughter coming to help me. Apparently, I never like to settle, even though I’m exhausted; at least that’s what he tells me. Oh, and Maura told me about you thinking she was Mickey’s old lady and how you thought he liked to dress her up! No wonder you were pissed! Now, that was priceless.”

I laughed at myself, embarrassed. “Priceless...yeah.”

“Oh, you don’t need to get all pink in the cheeks for me, honey. Nothing but a little giggle, and all is forgotten,” She winked.The little girl on her hip fought to get down. Jenny set her down, and she took off into the cottage.

“Wait, you get back here!” Jenny took off after her daughter. I could quickly see that she needed a hand.

“Hey, you.” I crouched down to the little girl.

The little girl froze and grabbed a strand of my red hair, “Merda, Momma. Merda.” I smiled at the little girl who was transfixed with my red hair, then looked quizzically to her mom.

“She thinks you look like the princess from Brave. Have you seen it? How old is Talon?”

“She’s thirteen. I think I've seen it, Merida, right?”

“Merda, Merda,” the little girl repeated.

“I’m Marie. I’m much too old to be Princess Merida.” I laughed at the little girl, “What’s your name?”

“Senny,” she said laughing.

“This is Serenity.”

Serenity lifted her arms to me and demanded, “Up.”

Jenny laughed, “Looks like she likes you.”

We spent the next hour getting to know each other, and although Jenny was younger than me, I felt a kinship with her. This was all too surreal. Years ago, I had Janice, but she had long since stopped hanging around our club. Now, to have both of these genuinely friendly women reaching out to me, unnerved me. I didn’t know it could be this easy with another woman.

“So, what’s your club like?” I wanted to hear it from a woman. “Do you ever see stuff you wish you wouldn’t?”

Jenny looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “I’m not sure how much you know about MC’s, but these guys, for the most part, are teddy bears. I’ve seen some sexual stuff that never really bugged me. I’m not really shy, if you can tell.” She laughed, because of course, she wasn’t shy; she just showed up uninvited. “I might as well tell you this, you’ll hear it at some point. I was married before Jules. My husband’s name was Antonio Valentino. Does that mean anything to you?”

I shook my head no, but I kind of thought I had heard the name before, but wasn’t entirely sure.

“He was a boss in the New York crime family.”

I laughed, “You were mobbed up?” She didn't seem like a mob princess.

“Not by choice. He used murdering people I love to get me to marry him.”

Suddenly, I wasn't laughing anymore. I understood what it was like to be married to someone that you didn't want to be married to. After all, I was still married, wasn’t I?

I gave her a sympathetic look as she continued. “I let Jules go. I let him think I loved Antonio, because I thought I was doing what was right. I was married for years, and the things that man put me through...” she shuddered, “It was bad, Marie.”

I had so much more in common with Jenny than I ever realized. “Let me just tell you that when Dray died, he was the old president and Daws' dad, that club came together for me. Every single member would’ve laid down their lives to make sure I was protected. I never should’ve doubted them. So, if you’re asking me about the club, I have to tell you that there’s nobody better than them.

“Do they do everything above board? I don't know. I don't ask, but other than the thing with my ex, violence hasn't touched me because of them. Those men – they’re my family. Maura and Aubrey are my sisters. I wouldn’t trade my life with them for anything.”

I felt strangely connected to her. “Everything you just said, I understand more than you know.” I shared, twirling my hair nervously around my finger. I didn't get the chance to elaborate any more on that as the front door opened and Talon walked in.

Talon instantly took to Serenity. I watched as Jenny’s shoulders relaxed. Maybe she needed a break more than she was willing to admit. Serenity was enamored, and I could see that it would be a fast friendship.

I was sitting on the couch talking with Jenny and drinking a cup of coffee, and Talon was sitting on the floor laughing and playing with Serenity, when there was a knock at the door. Talon was laughing, and I couldn't help but smile at her. I couldn’t remember seeing her this carefree. As soon as she heard the knock, her smile faded.

“What’s wrong? Who is it?” I asked Talon.

She didn't answer, so I stood and answered the door. It was Zeke. He looked worried and a little disheveled. “Is Talon here?” he asked.

“No, I’m not. Tell him I’m not.”

“I can hear you, Tal. Come on, talk to me.” I felt bad for Zeke. He looked overwrought.

“Have a seat on the porch. I’ll talk to her.” His shoulder sagged with relief as he slumped on the stairs.

“I’m not talking to him, Mom. He can sit outside for all of eternity, for all I care.”

Jenny, not wanting to intrude on Talon’s drama stood and swooped Serenity into her arms. “I think I’m going to go. I’ll let you guys work that out. Talon, this weekend you’ll come over, right?”

Talon nodded her head, but was too angry to really respond.

“Thanks for coming by. It was nice to meet you,” I said to Jenny.

“I’ll see you soon,” she bent forward and kissed me on the cheek, shocking me. It was so natural for her. Once Jenny was out the door, I turned to Talon who began to move to her room and close the door.

“Talk to me. What’s going on?”

“I don't want to talk about it. Just tell him to go away.”

“Did he hurt you?” She crossed her arms over her chest. It was clear that she wasn’t going to talk to me.

I left her to stew in her room and went outside and sat on the front step next to Zeke. “What’s going on, Zeke?”

He looked like he was freaked out. He ran his hand through his short hair and said, “I didn’t think she was into me. I thought she just wanted to be friends. Shit.” He paused and again ran his hand through his hair. “Talon saw me kissing Melissa. I’m not even that into her, ya know? It’s just she cornered me and wanted to make out, so of course, I said yes.”

“Only Talon saw you,” I finished understanding how this story played out.

“Yeah.” He looked dejected. “She won’t talk to me.”

I put my hand on his shoulder, “Can you blame her?”

“I know, I screwed up.”

“Give her time. Don’t give up on her, keep trying. Remember, she wouldn’t be upset if she didn't care.”

“Thanks,” he mumbled under his breath.

I got up and went back inside leaving him to his thoughts. After checking on Talon, who still refused to talk, I went to check on Zeke, but he was gone.


I BEGAN TO MAKE DINNER. I had a pork tenderloin in the oven and was chopping brussel sprouts for this fantastic side dish I made. I used olive oil and bacon, and it was always delicious, and one of the only vegetables I could get Talon to eat. Mickey was coming over for dinner. I wanted Talon to get used to him. I wanted her to see what a healthy relationship looked like and I wanted her to know how a man should treat a woman.

I thought about her relationship with Zeke. It made me think about the example I’d given her. I hated that I’d been such a bad example. Thinking about it, and how I’d sit at the dining room table, and stay quiet, with my eyes down, and doing as I was told. I hated that was the example I’d set. It had only been a short time since we’d been in Pennsylvania and I’d been away from Drake, but even before I left, I began to realize just how much she had witnessed.

At precisely six, there was a knock on the door. Mickey was there with two roses; one pink and one red.

“Hi,” I answered, nervously tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

“Beautiful,” he whispered, as if his breath was stolen. My heart beat fast as he handed me the red rose, and leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips. There was a throat clearing behind me, and we pulled apart. Mickey came inside and handed Talon the pink rose. “For ye.”

Talon’s eyes lit up. “Thank you.”

“It smells delicious in here.”

I walked the fifteen steps to the kitchen and motioned to the couch,

“Have a seat. It will be done in a few.” I briefly wondered what he thought of the ratty thing, and then, it didn't matter, because I knew Mickey didn't care about stuff like that. I looked at him before I bent low to take the pork from the oven.

Mickey was slouched on the couch with one boot up on the coffee table. He looked like he belonged there and that he didn’t have a care in the world. He seemed laid back. He wore a gray T-shirt under his vest, jeans that had a small hole in the knee but weren’t so worn that they looked bad. His beard was trimmed close to his face, and his dark hair with salt and pepper flecks was also cut shorter. No, this man didn't care about a ratty couch, not one bit.




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