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Just Another Season by Longley, Avery J. (36)







Chapter 36 - Home Sweet Home?


Walking them back towards the house for the second time in as many days, the agent inquired, “Sooo second visit for this place. I take it that it’s on your list?”


Giving the woman a sheepish grin but nodding, Emma agreed. “It was actually on our list before we even saw it in person and it’s lived up to at least my expectations.”


Trent gave a more neutral nod though his eyes were no doubt dancing. “I think the space can work. And I think the backyard can work, above and beyond just where the pool was, and yes,” He paused to avoid the elbows thrown at him from both sides, gliding like he was on the ice. “I can handle building a pool fence.”


As Keegan fell into step with the realtor, Trent slid back towards Emma, two quiet conversations ensuing. With the realtor inquiring in a soft voice how long the ‘young couple’ had been together, Keegan just grinned and told her, “They’re good together, aren’t they? They remind me of my grandparents.”


Overhearing bits and pieces of that conversation caused Trent to bark out a cough, reaching a hand up to rub furiously at the bright red color he knew for sure his face was. But not slipping at all to Emma, he asked her, “So when are you going to get in touch with him? I can only send him away so many times while we’re still there before his temper snaps and he wants to fight me. And I’d fight for you, you’re worth it, but I’d rather it didn’t come to that.”


Emma just growled a bit, sliding a bit closer to Trent’s side, absorbing his comforting embrace without words for several minutes before answering, “I’ll talk to him when the thought of him doesn’t make me want to scream, or cry, or punch his teeth out.”


Kissing the top of her head, Trent’s voice was soft, if a slight bit teasing. “If you’re determined to fight him, at least let me teach you how to properly punch first, alright? Don’t need you breaking knuckles on his nose.”


She laughed and curled in a bit closer, almost wrapping arms around him in a side hug as they all continued inside the now familiar house, loving the openness of the entry way, the access to the formal living room and it’s gorgeous fireplace. That room led into the kitchen and it was there Trent began bouncing on his feet, eyes lit up and ideas seemingly moving through his head as much as he bounced through the room.


“There are appliances in here that could use replacing at some point, but that’s not a priority. The thing I’d like to do, and don’t laugh at me, is put a fish tank or two in the empty corner spaces.”


“Fish tanks??” Both Keegan and Emma peered at Trent like he was crazy, but he silenced them both with the lifting of one big hand.


“It’s a form of hydroponics, aquaponics, herb gardens that are nurtured by fish waste. So, the tank also self-cleans. All we’d need to do is feed the fish and we’d have fresh herbs readily available here in the kitchen for cooking. Wouldn’t that be amazing??” As he talked, Trent’s hands illustrated what he spoke about, from the size of the tanks, to the possible height of herbs, to the locations he had in mind for them.


Enthused because he was, Emma just smiled at Trent and told him, “If that’s what would make you happy if we pick this place, then I’m all for it. But where were you thinking about putting your big supplies? The rest of your hydroponic stuff?”


Giving her a happy smile at her ready acceptance of his thoughts and plans, Trent responded, “There’s a spot in the basement. It would mean putting up a wall and a door, and me having to get some better lamps, but like I said, a little work doesn’t put me off. You don’t grow up on the farm, having to do chores for a few hours before you hafta go off to school each day, without developing a good work ethic.”


Returning his smile with one of her own, Emma then grinned at Keegan, teasing him, “C’mon, let’s go upstairs and check out those bedrooms again. I want to make sure that’s still the right shade of pink for my brother!” And with that, she was off up the stairs, giggling the entire while, while the boys exchanged amused glances in her absence.


With a low voice, Trent told Keegan, “I think we should come back here one more time, but I’m thinking this is going to be the one. Are you okay with that?”


“So long as she doesn’t try and stick me in the pink bedroom!”




“Keegan, this is Gabi Malone, she’s my best friend, and she’s also a lawyer.”


Giving the younger Connelly a rueful smile, she added, “Gabi Perrault Malone, as it were. Yes, Ryan’s older sister. And he hasn’t shown his face around here since he came back, because he knows if my husband doesn’t rip him a new asshole, then I will.”


Emma noted Keegan’s eyes flare a moment before the rest of Gabi’s words served to calm him down and he extended his hand to her, telling her after a moment, “I’m sorry it’s come to this, I wish we’d met under better circumstances.”


“You and me both.” Gabi drew her eyes to Trent, who’d remained silent throughout all the exchanges thus far, before turning back to Keegan. “This wasn’t how I expected things to be.”


“Please stop giving me looks like that. I’m not going to leave her alone, even if she is in your company, even if her brother is here. I’m not the one who caused the situation, I’m just the one picking up the pieces and letting her put herself back together.” Finally, Trent spoke, and all them turned to stare at him as he folded his arms across his chest.


Gabi’s mouth goldfished several times before she finally just told him in a soft voice, “Sorry, I just. Yeah. Sorry. I’ll shut up now.”


Emma shook her head just a bit, but the look she gave Trent was probably more affectionate than Gabi was expecting, telling him, “Claws back in, Lionman. We’re in a good place here. She’s not trying to stir the pot, and you know as well as I do that we’re drawing glances in general being all close in light of what happened.”


Trent made a bit of a face but nodded at her. Settling into a big chair he indicated they should continue their conversation without him.


After another few minutes of awkward silence, Keegan finally spoke up, voice soft. “So. The plan is I buy them the house, they rent it from me. I know in a standard tenancy agreement there would be language about when the payment is due, in what amount, etc. Do we need all that?”


“The lawyer in me says yes, you want to make sure your ass is covered. But understanding the relationships, the fact that you also want language in there that there’ll be an option of rent-to-own, says that we can draw up something more custom. We’ll make sure it works for all you.”


“And if we do soon enough own it, if that comes to pass, we may need further legal documents from you, like tenants in common.” Gabi’s eyebrow rose in Emma’s direction, who just shrugged back at her before explaining, “As I told you a few months ago, I’m in no rush. That still holds true. My inheritance will be available to me in a few years. Trent I can’t imagine will spend every off-summer babysitting me.”


“It’s not babysitting.” Trent spoke up, adding, “And besides, I’ve got time to supplement my income. Internships and whatnot. Or maybe this is my year to play up on a next-level team. But she’s right. It makes sense if we own the house, no matter if we’re friends or more at that point that the ownership of the house reflects whatever each of us have put in.”


“Exactly the point I was making. I’m not with him. He’s my friend. And maybe that changes in time. But maybe it doesn’t. When, if the time comes that we’re able to get the house from Keegan, I’ll want to make sure we’ve got our asses covered.” Shaking her head a moment, Emma continued, “But right now, that’s far ahead. Right now we need to work on that tenant agreement. Can I leave you two to drawing that up, then letting us look it over before we sign anything?”


Trent raised a single brow but otherwise didn’t offer any objections to Emma’s words, and after another few moments of silence, Gabi moved to lead Keegan off to her in-house office. Once they were gone, Emma moved to settle sideways across Trent’s lap, leaning her head on his shoulder. “Getting a bit much, isn’t it?”


She nodded and sighed, mumbling against his shirt, “I think we can trust them to come up with something good and fair. Just worn out by this day. Ready to go back to your place and crash.”


With a gentleness that surprised her, Emma found her face being lifted and cradled, and Trent staring into her eyes for a moment before he leaned in and kissed her. And though she startled initially, she didn’t pull back and soon enough relaxed even more against him, forehead leaning against his, and eyes drifting shut.


Neither were aware of Devin’s arrival home nor that he’d seen their first ‘real’ kiss.